

单词 兵力

See also:

a force


military n
soldiers n
an army n
weapons n
arms n

External sources (not reviewed)

在 2010 年扩兵力之后 ,联海稳定团的军事和 警察能力到今年年中将逐步缩编到震前水平,我认 为,这也是海地人民所希望的。
From a surge of strength in 2010, the military and police capabilities of MINUSTAH [...]
are set to be drawn down to the pre-earthquake
phase by the middle of this year, and that is what I believe is also wanted by the people of Haiti.
根据 索马里局势的动态、非索特派团部队核 兵力 增 加 和正在进行的关于一个可能的 维持和平行动的讨论,提议续设 3 个一般临时人员职位,用于高级支助干事(P-5)、 规划干事(P-4)和小组助理(一般事务(其他职等))。
In the light of the dynamic situation in Somalia, the increased troop strength authorized for AMISOM and the ongoing discussions on a possible peacekeeping mission, it is proposed that 3 general temporary assistance positions, of Senior Support Officer (P-5), Planning Officer (P-4) and Team Assistant (General Service (Other level)), be continued.
他转而谈到秘书长关于 2009 年 7 月 1 日至 2010 年 6 月 30 日期间联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)
经费筹措安排的说明(A/64/728),说鉴于 2010 年 1 月 12 日海地发生破坏性地震,安理会在其第
[...] 1908(2010)号决议中赞同增加联海稳定团 兵力总 数,以支持近期恢复、重建和稳定工作,并决定联海 [...]
8 940 人;警察部分,警员人数不超过 3 711 人。
Turning to the Secretary-General’s note on the financing arrangements for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/64/728), he said that, in the light of the devastating earthquake on 12 January 2010 in Haiti, the Security Council, in its
resolution 1908 (2010), had endorsed the
[...] increase in the overall force levels of MINUSTAH [...]
to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction
and stability efforts, and had decided that MINUSTAH would consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and a police component of up to 3,711 police.
(m) 审查联海稳定团在执行安全理事会第 2012(2011)号决议授权的减兵 力方面 所取得的进展,评估为鼓励海地对安全和重建活动拥有更大的所有权进行 [...]
规划的情况,并审查根据当地安全局势总体改善情况调整联海稳定团部队配置的 潜力,同时要考虑到社会和政治现实对海地的稳定和安全的影响,海地国家能力
的日益发展,包括海地国家警察不断加强,国家当局越来越多地行使维护稳定和 安全职责等情况。
(m) Review the progress of implementation
[...] by MINUSTAH of the force reduction authorized [...]
by the Security Council in its resolution
2012 (2011), assess planning to encourage greater Haitian ownership of security and reconstruction activities and examine the potential for adjustments to MINUSTAH force configuration based on the overall improved security situation on the ground, taking into account the impact of social and political realities on stability and security, the increasing development of Haitian State capabilities, including the ongoing strengthening of the Haitian National Police, and the increasing exercise by the national authorities of their responsibility for the maintenance of stability and security.
这需要将部兵 力增至 17 731 名军警人员,还需要一系列增强能力和战斗力的手段,在行动需 要和切合实际的资源数量之间取得良好平衡,途径是:(a) 确定行动区的优先次 序;(b) 分阶段安排行动而不使预期目标产生重大变动;(c) 保持原兵力,以 增强能力和战斗力的手段弥兵力的 不足;(d) 请埃塞俄比亚继续支持过渡联邦 政府/非索特派团在海湾州、巴科勒州和希兰州的行动;(e) 为过渡联邦政府安 全部队提供直接行动的后勤支援。
It entails raising the troop level to 17,731 uniformed personnel and a set of enablers and force multipliers aimed at achieving a fine balance between the operational requirements and a realistic level of resources through (a) the prioritization of areas of operation; (b) the phasing of the operation without significantly altering the desired objectives; (c) trading force multipliers [...]
and enablers for troop
levels by maintaining capability; (d) requesting Ethiopia to continue to provide support to Transitional Federal Government/AMISOM operations in the Bay, Bakool and Hiraan regions; and (e) the provision of immediate operational logistics support to the Transitional Federal Government security forces.
安理会第 1885(2009)号决议核准了特别报告中提出的建议,即在 2009 年 10 月至 2010 年 5
月期间实施联利特派团缩编的第三阶段,2 029 名部队官兵任满 回国,3 架攻击直升机和 72
[...] 辆装甲运兵车运回本国,缩编后联利特派团 兵力 为 8 202 人,其中 7 952 人驻扎在利比里亚,250 [...]
人驻守塞拉利昂问题特别法庭, 警察部分保持现有的核定警力。
The Security Council, by its resolution 1885 (2009), endorsed the recommendation contained in the special report with respect to the implementation of the third stage of the drawdown of UNMIL, from October 2009 to May 2010 that 2,029 military personnel, three attack helicopters and 72 armoured personnel
carriers be repatriated, leaving the
[...] Mission’s military strength at 8,202 personnel, including [...]
7,952 troops in Liberia and 250
at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and keeping the police component at its current strength.
此外,由于特派团的 军事部兵力过去 已经削减,提议部队指挥官和部队副指挥官员额改叙,分别从 助理秘书长和 D-2 职等改为 D-2 和 D-1。
Moreover, in the context of the historical drawdown of the military force strength of the Mission, it is proposed that the posts of Force Commander and Deputy Force Commander be reclassified from the Assistant Secretary-General and D-2 levels to the D-2 and D-1 levels, respectively.
虽然 应急部队据信拥有足够兵力来满足当前的要求,但由于预算紧张,限制了为长 期可持续性所必需的持续维护水平,而且由于道路状况很差,应急部队须依靠联 利特派团的航空资产来迅速部署,在雨季尤其如此。
While the Unit is considered to have sufficient strength to meet current demands, budgetary constraints limit the level of sustained maintenance essential for long-term sustainability, and poor road conditions mean that the Unit is dependent on UNMIL air assets to deploy quickly, particularly during the rainy season.
在该方案的第二阶 段,秘书处发起了另外 11 个新项目,分别涉及以 下领域:病假核准流程(人力资源管理厅)、部兵力报告 (部队组建处)、自愿信托基金援助程序 (地雷行动处)、服务申请(首席信息技术官)、指 南核准和出版程序(信息管理股)、外勤财务系统 更新(外勤预算和财务司)、国家竞争性考试程序 (人力资源管理厅)、特遣队所属装备偿还程序(外 勤预算和财务司)、航空营运/供应商登记程序和 资产处置程序(后勤支助司),以及人员指定程序 (人力资源管理厅和外勤人事司)。
For the second phase of the programme, the Secretariat has initiated 11 new projects in the following areas: medical sick leave certification process (Office of Human Resources Management), troop strength reporting (Force Generation Service), voluntary trust fund assistance process (Mine Action Service), request for services (Chief Information Technology Officer), guidance approval and publication process (Information Management Unit), field financial systems upgrade (Field Budget and Finance Division), national competitive exam process (Office of Human Resources Management), contingent-owned equipment reimbursement process (Field Budget and Finance Division), air operator vendor registration process and assets disposal process (Logistics Support Division) and designation process (Office of Human Resources Management and Field Personnel Division).
如果安理会决定对联科行动的任务 兵力作 出 重大改动,可以向大会提出对联科行动 2010/11 年度所需资源的任何影响,供 其在第六十五届会议主要会期期间审议。
Should the Council decide to make significant modifications in the mandate of UNOCI and the level of its troops, implications for the Operation’s resource requirements for 2010/11, if any, may be presented to the General Assembly for its consideration during the main part of its sixty-fifth session.
监狱也依然是一个严重的问题,2011 年末,玛伊 玛伊民兵领导人 Gedeon
[...] 在一次大规模越狱行动中逃 离监狱,就凸显了这个问题,因为有迹象表明,此人 正在加丹加省建立新的兵力量。
Prisons also remain a significant problem, and the late 2011 escape of Mayi Mayi leader Gedeon
in a mass prison break underscores it, as he shows signs of
[...] establishing a renewed militia presence in Katanga [...]
除了上述复杂的重大法定任务之外 兵力 增 加 加上安全局势不断恶化还需要 部队副指挥官不仅在管理部署和日常运作方面发挥更独立的作用,而且要在主持 处理苏丹武装部队和苏丹解放军间各种争端的停火机制的部队指挥官缺席时承 [...]
The increase in strength, together with a deteriorating security situation, in addition to the fact that [...]
the aforementioned critical
mandated tasks are complex requires the Deputy Force Commander not only to undertake a more independent role in managing the deployment and day-to-day operations but also to shoulder greater responsibility in the absence of the Force Commander who chairs the ceasefire mechanisms to address all disputes involving SAF and SPLA, and security operations aimed at protecting civilians.
小组和联合国驻非洲联盟办事处在部队组建方面向非洲联盟提供了大 量支持,使非索特派兵力到 2010 年底达到了最初核准的 [...]
8 000 人。
By the end of 2010, AMISOM had
reached its originally mandated strength of
[...] 8,000 troops, with force generation support [...]
provided to the African Union by the Team and UNOAU.
[...] 动情况,授权支付政府经认证的特遣队所属装备偿付要求,确定每月平 兵力 、应 偿还数额及开始向政府支付部队及建制警察费用偿付款,并提供资金监测培训。
The Office continues to monitor cash-flow status of the special accounts for each peacekeeping operation, authorizing payment to Governments for settlement of their certified
contingent-owned equipment claims, to determine average
[...] monthly troop strengths, to establish [...]
amounts reimbursable and initiate payments
for troop and formed police unit cost reimbursements to Governments, and to provide training on fund monitoring.
产生差异的主要原因是特派团核 兵力 增 加 了 1 890 名军事特遣队人员和 1 500 名警员;一项经商 定的适用于在海地服务的所有联合国人员的财政援 助和补偿一揽子计划的所需经费增加,向需要在任务 区外进行强制性休息和休养的所有联海稳定团人员 发放津贴, 部署临时出差的非联海稳定团工作人员, [...]
提供临时住宿以及支付为牺牲同事举行追悼会的费 用; 更换和重置特派团资产和重建方案的初期费用;
在圣多明各设立一个支助办事处;和扩大现有的减少 社区暴力方案。
The main causes of
[...] variance were an increase in the authorized strength of the Mission by 1,890 troops and 1,500 police; additional requirements in support of [...]
MINUSTAH staff related
to an agreed financial assistance and compensation package applicable to all United Nations personnel serving in Haiti, the payment of allowances to personnel required to take a mandatory rest and recuperation break outside the Mission area, the deployment of non-MINUSTAH staff on temporary duty assignment, the provision of temporary living accommodation, and the cost of memorial services held in honour of fallen colleagues; the replacement and re-establishment of Mission assets and the initial requirements of the reconstruction programme; the establishment of a support office in Santo Domingo; and the expansion of the community violence reduction programme.
由于特派兵力的历 史削减,军事行动由一名部队指挥 官领导,其职等拟改叙为 D-2,一名部队副指挥官提供协助,其职等拟改叙为 D-1, 一名 D-2 职等警务专员领导特派团的民警部门。
Owing to historical reduction in the force strength of the Mission, military operations are headed by a Force Commander at the proposed reclassified level of D-2 and are supported by a Deputy Force Commander at the proposed reclassified D-1 level, while a Police Commissioner at the D-2 level heads the civilian police component of the Mission.
(c) 创设一支营级规模警卫部队,作为非索特派团的组成部分并受特派团指
[...] 挥,为文职工作人员提供安保并保护驻摩加迪沙的非洲联盟、联合国机构和过渡 联邦机构,达成的谅解是该部队应在联合国授权的 12 000 人兵力之外
(c) The creation, as part of AMISOM and under its command of a guard force of a battalion size, to provide security for civilian staff and protection for the African Union, the United Nations and the Transitional Federal Institutions
in Mogadishu, it being
[...] understood that this force should be above the 12,000 strength authorized [...]
by the United Nations.
关于直布罗陀军事设施兵力的其 它资 料,参见以前的工作文件(A/AC.109/2005/11,A/AC.109/2008/8 和 A/AC.109/ 2009/15)。
Further information concerning Gibraltar’s military installations and strength can be found in previous working papers (A/AC.109/2005/11, A/AC.109/2008/8 and A/AC.109/2009/15).
鉴于南苏丹许多地区的局势动荡不安,而且该国政府向偏远地区扩展国家权 力的能力很弱,我想重申我在 2011 年 5 月 17
[...] 日关于苏丹的报告(S/2011/314)中 提出的建议,即目前应将特派团的部 兵力 维 持在 7 000 人。
Given the high levels of insecurity in many areas in South Sudan and the nascent capacities of the Government to extend State authority to remote areas, I would reiterate the recommendation, set out in my 17
May 2011 report on the Sudan (S/2011/314), that the
[...] Mission’s troop strength be maintained [...]
at 7,000 for the time being.
美国已经把在阿富汗兵力减少 了33,000人,并正在为在2014年底前将安全责任完全移交阿富汗军队而努力。
The United States has already reduced its troop level in Afghanistan by 33,000, and is working to transition security responsibilities fully to Afghan troops by the end of 2014.
鉴于索马里局势的动态、非索特派团部队核 兵力 的 增加以及繁重的工作 量,拟议续设高级支助干事(P-5)、支助干事(P-4)和小组助理(一般事务(其他职 等))3 个一般临时人员职位。
In the light of the dynamic situation in Somalia, the increased troop strength authorized for AMISOM and the heavy workload, it is proposed that three general temporary assistance positions, of Senior Support Officer (P-5), Support Officer (P-4) and Team Assistant (GS (OL)), be continued.
否定该地区军队或军事力量的平衡,各种军事力量对军事的相对开支, 或可能大幅度加强现有军事力量的效力或改 兵力 投 射; 六.
Disregard the balance of forces or military capabilities in the region, their relative expenditures on
defence or the potential to significantly enhance the
[...] effectiveness of existing capabilities or improve force projection
他们还认为,考虑到兵 力扩大 到海上巡逻任务所需人力,这样做可以使军团制的服役更有吸引力。
They also concluded that that could make serving in the Regiment more attractive, giving it the staffing resources required to expand into maritime duties.
本报告介绍了所取得的进展,目前正做出的努力,以及规划的活动,以便巩 固索马里中南部整个地区的安全和稳定,其中包括在四个区派驻部队,将非洲联
[...] 盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)兵力从 12 000 名军警人员增加到最多的 [...]
17 731 名,包括部队和建制警察部队,并根据非索特派团的战略构想加强索马里安全部 队的效力。
The report provides a narrative of the progress made, the efforts currently under way and planned activities with a view to consolidating security and stability throughout South-Central Somalia, including by
establishing a presence in the four sectors,
[...] increasing the force strength of the [...]
African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
from 12,000 to a maximum of 17,731 uniformed personnel, comprising troops and formed police units, as well as enhancing the effectiveness of the Somali security forces, as set out in the AMISOM Strategic Concept.
国际调解委员会主席国加蓬请求部署适当 兵力 控 制 局势。
Gabon, as chair of the International Mediation Committee, requested the deployment of
[...] an appropriate force to manage the situation.
又回顾安全理事会 2004 年 4 月 30 日第 1542(2004)号决议决定设立联合国海 地稳定特派团,最初为期 6 个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决 议,最近的是 2010 年 10 月 14
日第 1944(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特 派团的任务延长至 2011 年 10
[...] 月 15 日,并决定维持稳定团现有的兵力 , 包括 一个军事部门,各级官兵人数不超过 [...]
8 940 人;一个警察部门,警员人数不超过 4 391 人
Recalling also Security Council resolution 1542 (2004) of 30 April 2004, by which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti for an initial period of six months, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1944 (2010) of 14 October 2010, by which the Council decided to extend the mandate of the Mission
until 15 October 2011 and to maintain the
[...] current overall force level, which comprises [...]
a military component of up to 8,940
troops of all ranks and a police component of up to 4,391 police
还回顾安全理事会 2010 年 1 月 19 日第 1908(2010)号决议,其中安理会赞同 增加该特派团兵力以支 持当前恢复、重建和稳定工作,并决定该特派团将由一 个最多拥有 8 940 名各级官兵的军事部分和一个最多拥有 3 711 名警察的警察部 [...]
Recalling further Security Council resolution 1908 (2010) of 19 January 2010, by which the Council
endorsed the increase in
[...] the overall force levels of the Mission to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts and decided [...]
that the Mission would
consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and a police component of up to 3,711 police
德 國 為 了 避 免 陷 入 兩 條 戰 線 ﹐ 便 設 計 了 施 里 芬 計 劃 (Schlieffen Plan)﹐目 的 是 要 盡 早 打 敗 法 國 ﹐然 後 運兵 力 以 打 敗 在 東 面 的 俄 國 。
In order to avoid the danger of a two-front war, Germany devised the Schlieffen Plan which aimed at the rapid defeat of France and then transferring German troops to defeat Russia in the east.
到2014年2月底,美军在阿富汗将有大约32,000人,帮助支持、培训和装备阿富汗军人;在2014年年底前,美军将不断减 兵力 , 同 时阿富汗国民军将负起国家安全的全部责任。
By the end of February 2014, the United States will have approximately 32,000 troops remaining
in Afghanistan to help support, train
[...] and equip Afghan soldiers, and further troop [...]
reductions will continue through the
end of 2014 as the Afghan National Army assumes full responsibility for the nation’s security.




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