

单词 关门大吉

See also:


close a door
(of a shop etc) close (for the night, or permanently)
lock a door


very auspicious
extremely lucky

大门 pl

doors pl
gates pl

大门 n

entrance n


(reach a) critical point

External sources (not reviewed)

他们在中国的商业信贷和经济人 脉资源方面的优势是缅甸本地商人所欠缺的,这导 致了很多本地商铺关门大吉。
Their access to credit and business networks in China has put them at an advantage over local businesses, many of which have been displaced as a result.
关系为格鲁吉亚农村地区的学龄前儿童开启新 大门
Partnership opens new doors for preschoolers in rural Georgia
下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、大利、 牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所 门 群 岛、 索马里、西班牙、吉克斯 坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus,
France, Germany, Grenada,
[...] Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
在全世界(联合国公约)、区域(欧洲委员会公约)、次区域(古阿姆集 关岛 (吉亚、 乌克兰、阿塞拜疆、摩尔多瓦)、黑海经济合作组织(黑海经合组织)) 和(与亚美尼亚、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、保加利亚、埃及、爱沙尼亚、 法国、大利、拉脱维亚、马耳他、摩尔多瓦、波兰、罗马尼亚、土耳其、乌克 兰、英国、美国和乌兹别克斯坦)双边国际文书框架内或在相互对等基础上,格 鲁吉亚内务部与各伙伴国的有关机构密切合作,打击国际恐怖主义。
Within the frameworks of universal (United Nations conventions), regional (Council of Europe conventions), subregional (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova (GUAM), Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)) and bilateral international instruments (with Armenia, [...]
Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria,
Egypt, Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Uzbekistan) or on the basis of reciprocity, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia closely cooperates with the respective agencies of partner countries to tackle international terrorism.
这一销售额下降是因若干因素,其中包括因全面减少各 门 (特 别是教育门)的 那些供销售的专题书籍所致;以前通报的 关大 量 裁减《教科文组织代表 作选集》专题和停止出版《世界报告》及《教科文组织统计年鉴》就是这种情况。
This drop in sales incomes is due to a number of factors including
the general
[...] reduction in a number of titles published for sales by the various sectors, particularly Education; the drastic reduction in titles from [...]
the collection of
UNESCO’s Representative Works and the stoppage of the World Reports and the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook as previously reported.
在划定新国家边界 过程中,厄立特里亚与三个邻国——埃塞俄比亚, 门 和 吉 布 提 ——发生冲 突,与苏丹则保持复杂,有点纠缠不清 关 系。
In the process of defining the new State’s borders, the country has clashed with
three of its
[...] neighbours — Ethiopia, Yemen and Djibouti — and maintained a complex, and somewhat ambiguous relationship with the Sudan.
吉布提正在发展自己的商品粮生产部门和食 品监控体系,希望通过参加食典委的工作,利用正在制定的基于科学的标准来加强本国 对食品立法,保护其消费者的健康,打开其产品进入国际市场 大门。
Djibouti was in the process of developing its own commercial food production sector and food control system and hoped through their participation in Codex, to make use of the science-based standards being developed to strengthen its own food legislation to protect their [...] [...]
consumers’ health and access of their products to international markets.
正如高级专员的报告所述(A/66/12),大 约有 75 000 人越过边界逃到乌兹别克斯坦,然而他们在几天 内就重返各自家园;2010 年底重返其常住地的 300 000 名国内流离失所者都将通过门为促 进 吉 尔 吉 斯 斯 坦 共和国南部恢复重建的机构得到吉尔吉斯斯坦共和 国政府的帮助。
As indicated in the High Commissioner’s report (A/66/12), some 75,000 persons who had fled across the border into Uzbekistan had returned home within the space of a few days and 300,000 internally displaced persons who had returned to their place of habitual residence at the end of 2010 were being assisted [...]
by the Government of
the Kyrgyz Republic through an agency set up specifically to promote recovery in the southern part of the country.
这些项目系统性地解决了冲突促成因素,为年轻人提供了发展和获得社会技 能的机会以促进维持和平与安全,减少了以前“热点”地区特别是偏僻 大吉德 州 和宁巴州内的暴力行为,增加了采用诚实生活方式的前战斗人员的人数,据报 告帮助减少了非法采矿的现象,增加了公众对法治和合法权利的知识和认识,帮 助法院解决了大量土地案件,减少了与土地 关 的 暴 力行为,以及帮助逮捕了涉 嫌罪犯。
The projects systematically addressed conflict drivers and provided opportunities for young people to develop and acquire social skills towards maintaining peace and security; diminished violence in former “hot
spots”, particularly in
[...] remote Grand Gedeh and Nimba counties; increased the number of ex-combatants taking up honest livings; contributed to a reported reduction in illicit mining; increased knowledge and awareness among the public about the rule of law and legal rights; supported the settlement of numerous land cases in courts, reducing the rate of land-related violence; [...]
and supported the arrests of suspected criminals.
其他关键建议包括:探讨“指导原则”对公共和私营金融机构的 适用性,以及工作组重关注各部 门大 规 模投资项目问题。
Other key suggestions included exploring the applicability of the Guiding Principles to financial
institutions, both public and private, and for the Working Group to focus on
[...] large-scale investment projects in various sectors.
设在东京的联合大学可 持续 发展与和平研究所所提供的一个硕士学位,将有 门关 于 国际和平与安全的必 修课,和门关于当 代安全问题的选修课,这两门课都包含不扩散和裁军的内 容。
The UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace in Tokyo offers a master’s degree that will contain a compulsory course on international peace and security and an optional course on contemporary security issues, both of which will include non-proliferation and disarmament components.
论坛 在审议该项目时,面前有土著人民权利特别报告员提交的题为“关于国际刑法和
[...] 土著人民权利的司法保护的研究”的报告(E/C.19/2011/4)和 关于 1997 年吉 大港山 区协定》执行情况的研究”的报告(E/C.19/2011/6)。
For its consideration of the item, the Forum had before it reports submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples entitled “Study on international criminal law and the judicial defence of indigenous peoples’ rights”
(E/C.19/2011/4) and “Study on the status of
[...] implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord of [...]
1997” (E/C.19/2011/6).
若干国家 成立了专门的调查中心(葡萄牙),安排专门的警察,设立专门的起诉单位或在这 些单位内安排专门的工作人员(巴林、智利、塞浦路斯、多米尼加共和国、毛里 求斯、墨西哥、挪威、巴拉圭、葡萄牙 大 韩 民 国、西班牙、苏丹、瑞典、瑞士 和乌干达),设立专门的法院或在法院内设立专门单位(阿根廷、哥伦比亚、厄瓜 多尔、毛里求斯、巴拉圭和西班牙)以及在各部委内设立 门 单 位 ( 吉 布 提 、墨西 哥和萨摩亚)。
States have established specialized centres for investigations (Portugal); specialized police and prosecution units, or staff within those units (Bahrain, Chile,
Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Mauritius,
[...] Mexico, Norway, Paraguay, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland and Uganda); specialized courts or units within courts (Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Mauritius, Paraguay and Spain); and specialized units within ministries (Djibouti, Mexico and Samoa).
人权观察社表示,法治需要受到 大关 注 , 包括加强警方和司法门对人 权的尊重,建立内务部和司法部的机构能力,同时表示,这些领域的全面 改革将需要提高透明度,加强对任命过程的问责和监督。
Human Rights Watch stated that
the rule of law needed
[...] significant attention, including strengthening respect for human rights by the police and justice sectors, and building the [...]
institutional capacity
of the Ministries of the Interior and Justice, while expressing the view that a comprehensive reform of these areas would involve greater transparency, accountability and oversight of the appointments process.
通过漫步在兰德斯部门和存在上述这 吉 伦 特 部 门 的 可能是最有名的葡萄酒产区法国波尔多,你会发 大 松 树 林。
You will find large pine forests through
which to
[...] stroll in the Landes department and above this in the Gironde department exists possibly the most famous wine growing [...]
region in France- Bordeaux.
资料显示,一些国家已经建立了相应的机制来提高政策制定与磋商之间的协调性,主 要的参与机构均为政府中关键性部 门 , 大 多 包括卫生部门、司法部门、科研部门、环境 部门、农业、教育或文化部门(主要为著作权及其相关权益)。
The evidence suggests that some countries have established mechanisms to improve the co-ordination of policy making and advice, with the main participants being the key ministries most involved i.e. health, justice, science, environment, agriculture, education or culture (for copyright and related rights).
关于古吉拉特 的穆斯林 社区内的“恐怖气氛”的报告,这意味着 大 多 数 人害怕正式提出有关非法拘留 或者有关酷刑或虐待的申诉。
There were also reports of a “climate of fear” in the Muslim community in Gujarat, which meant that “most were too afraid to make official complaints about illegal detention or about torture and ill-treatment.
报告中建议的决议草案由下列提案国在委员会提出:阿富汗、 澳大利亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、加拿大、智利、朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国、多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、法国、德国、希腊、 海地、以色列、大利、 哈萨克斯坦、老挝人民民主共和国、马 达加斯加、毛里求斯、摩纳哥、蒙古、秘鲁、菲律宾、摩尔多瓦 共和国、俄罗斯联邦、塞舌尔、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、所 门群 岛吉克斯 坦、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、多哥、土 库曼斯坦、乌克兰和乌拉圭。
The draft resolution recommended in the report was sponsored in the Committee by: Afghanistan, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Canada, Chile, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti,
Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lao People’s
[...] Democratic Republic, Madagascar, Mauritius, Monaco, Mongolia, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uruguay.
[...] 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车 厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特低地台并铺有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 面及后面设大字体 路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有 门关 闭 蜂 鸣器及提示 灯及车厢内设有显示车牌号码及顾客服务专线的点字板。
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door
buzzer and warning
[...] lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities [...]
in using bus services.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦 吉 布 提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所门群岛 、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational
State of Bolivia,
[...] Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General [...]
to strengthen UNESCO’s
specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
吉门尼斯·希门尼斯女士(委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共 和国)(以西班牙语发言):委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 坚决致力于根据国际法,包括《联合国宪章》和关 国际 公约和议定书,特别是人权法和国际人道主义法 准则赋予的义务,打击一切形式和一切表现的恐怖主 义,无论其来源和动机如何。
): The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is firmly committed to the fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, whatever its origin or motivation, pursuant to its obligations under international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, and the relevant international conventions and protocols, in particular the norms of human rights law and international humanitarian law.
门关闭时 、底部端口可通过在阀体侧面的 排放孔大气排放。
When the valve is closed, the bottom port vents to atmosphere through a vent hole in [...]
the side of the valve body.
这些项目正由联合国教科文组织的下列总部外办事处进行启动:吉 尔吉斯斯坦、蒙古、巴基斯坦、加纳、肯尼亚、马里、苏丹、 门 、 危 地马拉、 吉 克 斯坦 和阿富汗。
Projects are at present being initiated with the relevant
UNESCO field offices
[...] in Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Sudan, Yemen, Guatemala, Tajikistan [...]
and Afghanistan.
联合国安全理事会第 1929(2010)号决议 的通过,反映了国际社会对伊朗核计划 关 切,并再次确认伊朗必须服从安全理事会和国际原 子能机构理事会的要求,使“E3+3”与伊朗之 间持续接触大门能够继续敞开。
The adoption of United Nations Security Council resolution 1929 (2010), while reflecting the
[...] community’s concern about the Iranian nuclear programme and reconfirming the need for Iran to comply with the United Nations Security Council and IAEA Board of Governors requirements, keeps the door open for continued [...]
engagement between the E3+3 and Iran.
对人权 的保护问题是格鲁吉亚政府首关心 的 问题,为使 格鲁吉亚立法符合与人权关的国 际文书中规定的 标准,格吉亚已经通过了大的法 律修正案。
Human rights protection was one
[...] of the key concerns of the Government, and significant legislative amendments had been adopted to bring Georgian legislation into line with the standards set out in international [...]
human rights instruments.
但是在一门外汉 看来似乎奇怪的是,虽然很清 楚所有这些损失和破坏是由谁造成的,现在似乎却要 他人来支付账单,肇事者却溜大吉 , 不 需要承担任 何责任。
It seems strange, however, from the perspective of a layman, for someone else to be footing the bill, so to speak, when it is clear who the perpetrator was that caused all that damage and destruction and got off scot-free.
[...] 塞尔银行监督委员会——能够更好地处理政策问 题,贸易法委员会却是唯一的研究技术层面问题的 职能门,可在重大关切问 题上发挥重要作用。
While policy issues were better dealt with elsewhere, such as in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the Commission was
the only body competent to consider the technical aspects, and had an
[...] important role to play in an issue of vital concern.
应当强调指出,俄罗斯联邦决定在格鲁吉亚领水开展研究和勘探工程,以便 开采和开发石油及天然气储存,这显然是严重侵犯国际法规范和格 吉 亚 法 律, 尤其是关于格鲁吉亚被占领土法》和《格鲁吉亚石油和天然气法》。
It should be emphasized that the Russian Federation’s decision to conduct research and exploration works over the territorial waters of Georgia, with the aim of exploiting and developing oil and gas reserves, represents a clear and gross violation of the norms of international law as well as Georgian legislation, in particular the Law on Occupied Territories of Georgia and the Oil and Gas Law of Georgia.
委员会注意到,缅甸、门、大不列 颠及北爱尔兰联合王国就哈顿-罗科尔 地区提出的划界案以及爱尔兰就哈顿-罗科尔地区提出的划界案位居排列待审议 的各划界案之首,并回顾就这些划界案作出的决定(分别见 CLCS/64,第 40 段; CLCS/68 和 Corr.1,第51段;CLCS/68,第19段;CLCS/64,第 46 和 52 段及 CLCS/70, 第 42 段),指出迄今没有任何进展表明所有 关 国 家 都同意对划界案进行审议。
Noting that the submissions
[...] made by Myanmar, Yemen, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in respect of Hatton Rockall Area, and by Ireland in respect of Hatton Rockall Area were at the head of the queue, and recalling its decisions with regard to those submissions (see, respectively, CLCS/64, para. 40; CLCS/68 and Corr.1, para. 51; CLCS/68, para. 19; CLCS/64, paras. 46 and 52; and CLCS/70, para. 42), the Commission noted that there had been no developments indicating that consent existed on the part of all States concerned allowing consideration [...]
of their submissions.
在这方面,克罗地 亚、丹麦和格吉亚都专门谈到 了解决这个问题的具体办法,即着重采取 关 措 施,确保机 会平等,特别是在高等教育课程收费的情况下。
In this respect, Croatia, Denmark and Georgia in particular reported on this issue by highlighting measures taken to ensure [...]
equal access, particularly
in cases where fees are charged for higher education courses.




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