

单词 关照

关照 verb ()

tell v



please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting)


thank you for looking after me
be indebted to sb for care

External sources (not reviewed)

关照 片处 理和保持扫描仪清洁的重要性的详细信息,请参阅第 6 章实现优质 图像。
Refer to Chapter 6, Achieving Good Quality Images for
[...] detailed information regarding photo handling and [...]
the importance of scanner cleanliness.
关照片打印套装 (另售)的详 情,请参阅附录A。
See Appendix A for
[...] details on the Photo Print Kit (sold [...]
秘书长称,秘书处目前没有能力或资源协调一致地应对各种需求, 包括基于风险的应急准备、及时应对突发事件或全 关照 幸 存 者及因遭 家人死伤之难的家庭成员(同上,第 2 段)。
The Secretary-General asserts that currently no capacity or resources exist in the Secretariat to consistently address the spectrum of needs, including risk-based emergency preparedness, immediate response
in the event of an
[...] incident and the provision of comprehensive and caring support to survivors [...]
and families affected by
the death or injury of a loved one (ibid., para. 2).
来自南方各族州妇女、儿童及青少年事务署的伊尔加(Yirga)女士及其他团队成员在联合国儿童基金会的支持下,接受了 关照 看 儿童并帮助他们与家人团聚的培训。
Ms. Yirga and the rest of the team from the SNNPR Bureau of Women, Children and Youth Affairs were trained with the support of UNICEF to provide care for the children and reunite them with their families.
在成果 2.4 下,作为加强治理机构工作的一部分,开发署支持各国政府和
[...] 地方当局的公共行政部门,侧重点是效率、成效和公共问责, 关照 穷 人 、妇女 和其他弱势群体或受排斥群体的关切和利益。
Under outcome 2.4, as part of its work on strengthening governing institutions, UNDP supports public administrations in national governments and local authorities, focusing on efficiency,
effectiveness and public accountability to
[...] address the concerns and interests of poor people, [...]
women and other vulnerable or excluded groups.
关于《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》的问题, 照关 于继 续在多边论坛上发挥重要作用,支持增进和保护这些权利的建议,葡萄牙在推动 批准该议定书方面发起了外交努力,以确保迅速生效。
With regard to the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and in line with the recommendation to continue to play an important role in multilateral forums in support of the promotion and protection of these rights, Portugal has initiated diplomatic efforts to promote its ratification with the aim of ensuring a prompt entry into force.
特别委员会在 2 月 23 日第 1 次会议上通过了主席提出的关于其工作安排的 各项建议(见 A/AC.109/2012/L.2),并照关于大会程序和组织合理化的大会第 34/401 号决定第 31 段的规定以及遵照特别委员会 2005 年倡导的做法,决定继续 按照大会的格式拟订决定并向大会第六十七届会议提出这些决定。
At its 1st meeting, on 23 February, the Special Committee adopted suggestions relating to the organization of its work put forward by the Chair (see A/AC.109/2012/L.2) and, in accordance with paragraph 31 of General Assembly decision 34/401 on the rationalization of the procedures and organization of the Assembly and based on practice initiated by the Committee in 2005, the Committee decided to continue to formulate its decisions in General Assembly form and to submit them to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session.
(c) (第 140 和 145 段)敦促各国各自地和通过区域渔业管理组织将协助 最不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家的努力纳入其他相关的国际发 展战略的主流,以加强国际协作,使这些国家能够发展开发渔业资 源的国家能力(按照关于养 护的责任),并请秘书长充分调动和协调 联合国系统各机构、基金和方案所作的努力,包括在区域经济委员 会一级,并提请小岛屿发展中国家问题机构间协商小组注意该项决 议。
(c) (Paras. 140 and 145) States were urged, individually and through regional fisheries management organizations, to mainstream efforts for small island developing States and least developed countries with other relevant development strategies, to enhance international coordination to enable them to develop national capacity to exploit fishery resources (consistent with conservation), and the SecretaryGeneral was requested to fully mobilize and coordinate United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, including at the level of the regional economic commissions, and to bring the resolution to the attention of the Inter-agency Consultative Group on small island developing States.
根据相关的国际人权文书,在国家一级并酌情在次区域和区域一级 照关于 移 民、教育、就业、男女平等、授予妇女权力的相关政策和方案,为防止一切形 式的贩运人口行为采取和执行全面的政策和方案
Adopt and implement comprehensive policies and programmes at the national level and, as appropriate, at the subregional and regional levels to prevent all forms of trafficking in persons that are in line with relevant policies and programmes on migration, education, employment, gender equality, empowerment of women and crime prevention, in accordance with relevant international human rights instruments
会议注意到,许多缺陷应由各有关区域渔业 管理组织单独解决,但在解决时也要 照关 于 在 神户进程的框架内统一和协调金 枪鱼区域渔管组织措施的建议,这方面的工作可大大改进这些区域渔业管理组织 [...]
It was noted that many of the shortcomings should be addressed
[...] individually by the concerned organizations, but also by recommendations [...]
on harmonization and coordination
of measures of the tuna regional fisheries management organizations within the framework of the Kobe process, and that such work could greatly enhance the functioning of those organizations.
这种质量也有赖大会照关于多 语文的第 61/266 号决议为各语文处提供平等的良好工作条件 [...]
That quality in turn depended on the [...]
provision of equally favourable working conditions and resources for all language services,
as provided for, inter alia, by General Assembly resolution 61/266 on multilingualism.
照关于审查医疗保险基金治理情况的大会第 36 C/99 号决议的要求, 总干事特此汇报关于为加强该基金的独立性和专业性而建立新的治理机制的 研究和建议,以及为确保医疗保险基金将来的财务稳定性和可维持性为离职 后医疗保险提供资金的问题。
In accordance with General Conference 36 C/Resolution 99 on the review of the governance of the Medical Benefits Fund (MBF), the Director General reports on the study and recommendations on new governance mechanisms to enhance its independence and expertise as well as ASHI funding to ensure MBF’s future financial stability and viability.
照关于《21 世纪议程》、《进一步执行〈21 世 纪议程〉方案》和可持续发展问题世界首脑会议成果 [...]
的执行情况的决议草案 A/C.2/64/L.59 (A/C.5/64/13),大会将决定在 2012 年举办联合国可 持续发展会议,由巴西政府担任东道国,并决定筹备
委员会第一次会议应于 2010 年举行,为期 3 天,第 二次会议应于 2011 年举行,为期 2 天,第三次即最 后一次会议应于 2012 年举行,为期 3 天。
In accordance with draft resolution A/C.2/64/L.59 [...]
on the implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation
of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (A/C.5/64/13), the General Assembly would decide to organize, in 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, to be hosted by the Government of Brazil, and would decide that the first meeting of the Preparatory Committee should be held in 2010 for three days, the second meeting in 2011 for two days, and the third and final meeting in 2012 for three days.
新西兰报告说,它力图照关于援助效果的巴黎宣言、阿克 拉行动议程和太平洋援助实效原则工作,以确保渔业发展援助与国家和太平洋区 [...]
New Zealand reported that it sought
[...] to work in accordance with the Paris [...]
Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, the Accra Agenda
for Action and the Pacific Aid Effectiveness Principles, to ensure that fisheries development assistance was aligned with national and Pacific regional priorities.
根据《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》的规定, 照关 于 缔 约国定期报告 形式和内容的建议,并考虑到摩尔多瓦共和国关于批准《2004-2008 年国家人权 行动计划》的 2004 年 10 月 24 日第 415-XV 号议会决定以及关于国家委员会负 责批准初次报告和定期报告的 2006 [...]
年 3 月 1 日第 225 号政府决定,谨此提交
2001-2007 年摩尔多瓦共和国关于联合国《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》执 行情况的第二次定期报告。
In accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and following the recommendations on the form [...]
and contents of the
periodic reports of the States Parties, and taking into account the provisions of the Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on the approval of the National Human Rights Action Plan for years 2004–2008, No. 415-XV from 24 October 2004, and the Governmental Decision on the National Committee responsible for the approval of the initial and periodic Reports No. 225 from 01 March 2006, herewith is the second periodic Report on the implementation of the International UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Republic of Moldova for years 2001–2007.
执行委员会在第四十七次会议上,请求基金秘书处 照关 于 实施延误和项目余额情况 的文件,继续对多年期年度付款进行监测(见第 47/50(b)(三)号决定)。
At its 47th meeting, the Executive Committee requested the Fund Secretariat to continue to monitor multi-year annual tranches in the context of documents on implementation delays and project balances (decision 47/50(b)(ii)).
照关于潜 在财务资源和根据第十九次缔约方会议第 XIX/6 号决定第 11(b)段之规 定增加资源以最大限度发挥氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的环境惠益的机会的第 54/39(h)号决定, 开发计划署指出,印度政府和行业部门的工作重点一直是确保选择和推广环境友好、安全 且成本高效且不牺牲性能的氟氯烃替代品。
In response to decision 54/39(h) on potential financial incentives and opportunities for additional resources to maximize the environmental benefits from HPMPs pursuant to paragraph 11(b) of decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties, UNDP indicated that the focus of the Government of India and the industrial sector has been to ensure that environment-friendly, safe and cost-effective alternatives to HCFCs that do not compromise performance are selected and promoted.
还将为本次级方案 指明方向的有:第六届亚洲及太平洋人口会议、 照 《 关 于 艾 滋病毒/ 艾滋病问题的政治宣言》和千年发展目标评估所取得进展的亚洲及太 平洋高级别政府间会议、关于对“2003-2012 年亚洲及太平洋残疾人十 年”执行情况进行最终审评的政府间高级别会议、对《马德里老龄问 题国际行动计划》进行第二次区域审评和评估的亚洲及太平洋政府间 会议和千年发展目标。
The outcomes of the Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference and the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Assessment of Progress against Commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Final Review of the Implementation of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012, the Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Second Regional Review and Appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and the Millennium Development Goals will also provide the subprogramme with direction.
法国常驻联合国(维也纳)代表团向联合国秘书长致意,并谨 照 《 关于 登 记射入外层空间物体的公约》(大会第 3235 (XXIX)号决议附件)第四条的规 定,转交法国 2007 年 1 月 1 日至 7 月 31 日期间发射的空间物体的资料(附件 一)、这一期间法国登记的已再入地球大气层的空间物体的资料(附件二)以 及法国以前发射的空间物体的补充资料(附件三)。
The Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations (Vienna) presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to submit information on space objects launched by France during the period from 1 January to 31 July 2007 (annex I), information on space objects registered by France that have re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere during that period (annex II) and supplementary information on France’s previously launched space objects (annex III).
美利坚合众国常驻联合国(维也纳)代表团向联合国秘书长致意,并谨照《关于登 记射入外层空间物体的公约》(大会第 3235 (XXIX)号决议,附件) 第四条的规定,转交美国在 2009 年 7 月至 10 月期间发射的空间物体的登记数 据(见附件一至四)。
The Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna) presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit registration data on space launches by the United States for the period from July to October 2009 (see annexes I-IV).
根据制裁委员会的年度报告(S/2012/32),54 个会员国照关于提 供执行 制裁的信息的要求提交了报告,说明了相关行动。
According to the annual report of the sanctions Committee (S/2012/32), 54 Member States complied with the requirement to provide information on the implementation of the sanctions, and sent reports explaining their actions.
照关于经社会会议结构改革的第 64/1 号决议,最不发达国家 [...]
和内陆发展中国家事务特别机关将在高级官员会议段期间举行会议, 其地位应与全体会议相等同。
In accordance with resolution [...]
64/1 on restructuring of the conference structure of the Commission, the Special Body on Least
Developed and Landlocked Developing Countries will meet during the senior officials segment and shall have a status commensurate with the committees of the whole.
缔约国应采取适当措施,充分照《 关 于 国 家机构地位问题的原则》( 《巴黎原 则》) 的规定,保证国家人权委员会在实践中的独立性并向其提供足够的财力和 人力资源,使其能够有效履行任务。
The State party should take appropriate measures to guarantee, in practice, the independence of the National Commission for Human Rights and provide it with adequate financial and human resources to enable it to effectively fulfil its mandate, in full conformity with the Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions (the Paris Principles).
[...] 未来为商业利益服务的登记制度和现行的登记射入外层空间物体的制度,空间 资产议定书草案还应照关于空 间物体所造成的损害的现行赔偿责任制度,对 [...]
In that connection, the delegation expressing that view was also of the view that the draft space assets protocol should balance the future registration system for commercial interests with the existing system of registering objects launched into outer space
and that the draft space assets protocol
[...] should contain provisions on the liability [...]
and responsibility of private operators
and their States of nationality, in compliance with the existing regime of liability for damage caused by space objects.
照《关于非 洲刑事司法系统中获得法律援助的利隆圭宣言》和关于执行 [...]
该《宣言》的《利隆圭行动计划》,这些原则和准则采纳了在法律援助方面的宽 泛概念。
In line with the Lilongwe [...]
Declaration on Accessing Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System in Africa and the Lilongwe Plan
of Action for the implementation of the Declaration, the Principles and Guidelines follow a broad concept of legal aid.
委员会重申其先前的结论性意见,鼓励缔约国考虑 照 《 关 于 促进和保护人权的 国家机构的地位的原则》( 《巴黎原则》)( 大会第48/134 号决议) ,建立一个独立 的人权国家机构。
Reiterating its previous concluding observations, the Committee encourages the State party to consider establishing an independent national human rights institution, in accordance with the Principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (“the Paris Principles”) (General Assembly resolution 48/134).
照关于国 际非政府组织参加食品法典委员会工作的原则第 6 条的规定,秘书 向食典委报告了 ALINORM 05/28/9E 和 CAC/28 [...]
INF/1 号文件介绍的与非政府组织 的合作情况。
In accordance with Article 6 of the Principles Concerning the Participation [...]
of International NonGovernmental Organizations
in the Work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Secretary reported to the Commission on cooperation with NGOs, as presented in ALINORM 05/28/9E and in CAC/28 INF/1.
委员会重申其立场,认为应在法律上充分落实《公约》各项权利,并 照关 于在 国内应用《公约》问题的第9 号一般性意见,敦促缔约国采取必要措施,确保在 法律上落实《公约》各项条款,并对侵犯经济、社会、文化权利的受害者给予有 效补救。
The Committee reiterates its position that all the Covenant rights are fully justiciable and urges the State party to take the necessary measures, in line with its general comment No. 9 on the domestic application of the Covenant, to ensure that the provisions of the Covenant are made justiciable and that effective remedies are available to victims of violations of economic, social and cultural rights.




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