

单词 关怀



social care


the utmost care (idiom); look after sb in every possible way


excessive concern

See also:

怀 n

heart n
mind n


think of
conceive (a child)
surname Huai
harbor in one's mind

External sources (not reviewed)

通过努力调停冲突和从事儿童工作,他 以身作则,而指导他这一切的是他的正义感和强烈的 同情心以及对人类关怀。
Through his efforts at conflict mediation and his work with
children, he led by example, guided by his sense of
[...] justice and his deep compassion and caring for his fellow human beings.
许多口腔疾病可以 通过良好的口关怀、保 持口腔润湿和快速治 疗感染来加以预防。
Many problems with the mouth may be prevented by good mouth care, keeping the mouth moist and treating infections quickly.
[...] 的地雷行动方案就以下事项开展工作:补偿;就业和行政赔偿;信息系统;预 防;保护和保证不再发生;以及援助 关怀 和 康 复。
To achieve the implementation of this law, Colombia’s mine action programme (PAICMA) has worked on the following matters: reparation; employment and administrative compensation;
information systems; prevention; protection and guarantees of non-repetition;
[...] and, assistance, attention and rehabilitation.
该法律还 制订了《受害者社会心关怀和综 合保健方案》。
Through this law, the Programme of Psychosocial Attention and Integral Health to Victims was also created.
消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第十二条要求缔约国保证为妇 女提供关怀孕、 分娩和产后期间的适当服务,必要时予以免费,并保证在怀孕 [...]
Article 12 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women requires
States parties to ensure to women
[...] appropriate services concerning with pregnancy, confinement [...]
and the post-natal period, granting
free services where necessary, as well as adequate nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
计划考虑了 131 项措施,这些措施可以分为下列 10 个主题:待 遇平等;社会融合,打击种族主义和仇外心理;消除性别暴力;西班牙人在国外 的权利;宗教自由;有效司法保护(扩展二级刑事审判及其他);对恐怖主义活动 等的受害者关怀和照 顾;个人自由与国家安全力量和部队(防止酷刑的国家机 制,保障被拘押者的权利,对国家安全力量和部队进行人权方面的培训和教育 等);庇护权利和对不驱回原则的尊重;社会权利(教育、住房、健康、就业范 畴、残疾人、个人自主权、儿童);为个人发展而享有良好环境的权利。
Domestic policy measures: A total of 131 measures are planned, under 10 main themes: equality of treatment, integration and combating racism and xenophobia; combating gender-based violence; the rights of Spaniards abroad; religious freedom; effective judicial protection (including the generalization of the right to a second hearing); care for victims (of terrorism, for example); personal freedom and the State security forces (national mechanism for the prevention of torture, guarantees for persons held incommunicado, and human rights training for those forces, inter alia); the right of asylum and respect for the principle of non-refoulement; social rights (education, housing, health care, employment, persons with disabilities, personal autonomy, childhood); and the right to an environment conducive to personal development.
宪法》保障公民自由劳动权、支配自身劳动能力的权利、选择职业和工 作类型的权利、劳动保护和保证工作环境符合安全卫生要求的权利,以及享有不 低于法律规定最低标准的劳动报酬和社会保障的权利,享有国家对提高公民职业 技能关怀的权利,并禁止使用童工。
They are entitled to labour protection and to working conditions consistent with the requirements of safety and hygiene, and they have the right to remuneration not less than the legally established minimum wage, to the legal minimum of social protection and to State assistance to improve occupational qualifications; the use of child labour is prohibited.
请联系您的客关怀和服 务代表或访问我们的网站以便查询离您最 近的厂家代表或经销商。
Please contact
[...] your customer care and service representative [...]
or visit our website to locate the representative or reseller closest to you.
(b) 在国际三·八妇女节期间,开展了广泛活动,其中很多活动都围绕妇女与艾滋病问题,
突出了这一主题:与赞助社团合办了“与时代并进:教科文组织想世界妇女视觉图像艺术家 致敬 ”视觉图像展;举行了为科技领域妇女设立的 LOREAL-UNESCO
[...] 奖颁奖典礼;组织了 “非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病人关怀:妇 女及其抗争”一系列活动,并在各种合作伙伴的支持 [...]
了反映阿富汗妇女生活境况的纪录片“阴影中的阿富汗妇女”;放映了讨论非洲妇女教育问 题的纪录片“我的妻子埃希”;最后,举办了关于“伊朗游牧妇女”报告会,并安排了 Mortez Poursamady 摄影展。
(b) Regarding International Women’s Day on 8 March, a broad range of activities were pursued, many of which highlighted issues surrounding women and AIDS: a video exhibition “In Movement: UNESCO salutes Women Video Artists in the World” in partnership with corporate sponsors; the award ceremony for the L’Oreal-UNESCO Prize for
Women in Science; a series of events on
[...] “Africa’s cultural response to HIV/AIDS: Women [...]
and their struggles” including the production
of a video, “Le sud aide le sud face au SIDA” in conjunction with Routes du Sud and the Minister of Culture of Mali with the support of various corporate partners; the screening of a documentary “Shadow-Ombres Afghanes” on living conditions of women in Afghanistan; the screening of “My Wife is Yéré”, a documentary discussing the education of African Women and finally a colloquium on “Nomad Women of Iran” complemented by an exhibition of photos by Mortez Poursamady.
妇女的土地连接非洲倡议是 2004 年启动的土地和住房运动,自 2005 年以来,它还同更多的组织开展了合作:基
[...] 村妇女共同倡议小组、南非获取 土地权利小组、马赛族妇女发展组织、Kamyokya 基督关怀社区 、妇女促进孤 儿教育和福利协会、行动协会、贫民窟妇女发展倡议、妇女行动和农村环境觉醒 [...]
组织、孤儿寡母正义项目、非洲妇女可持续发展网络以及津巴布韦妇女和土地组 织。
The Women’s Land Link Africa initiative, a programme of the Land and Housing Campaign that was started in 2004, has also worked with an increased number of organizations since 2005: Grassroots Sisterhood Foundation, Ghana Federation for the Urban Poor, Ntankah Village Women Common Initiative Group, Land Access Group of South Africa, Maasai Women
Development Organization,
[...] Kamyokya Christian Caring Community, Association des Femmes pour l’Education et le Bien-être [...]
des Enfants Orphelins,
ITERAMBERE, Slum Women Initiative for Development, Action for Women and Awakening in Rural Environment, Justice for Widows and Orphans Project, Women’s Network for Sustainable Development in Africa, and Women and Land in Zimbabwe.
他们还讨论了达到以下目标的战略:发展儿童与家长和照顾者之间安全、 稳定和有利于成长的关系;促进儿童和青少年的生活技能;减少酒精、枪支和刀
[...] 具的提供和有害作用;促进两性平等和克服助长暴力的文化和社会规范;支持确 认关怀和支助受害人的方案。
They also addressed strategies aimed at developing safe, stable and nurturing relationships between children and their parents and caregivers; promoting life skills for children and adolescents; reducing the availability and harmful use of alcohol, guns and knives; promoting gender equality and
overcoming cultural and social norms that support violence; and supporting victim
[...] identification, care and support programmes.
文思海辉独特的CRM产品解决方案,客 关怀 框 架 (CCF框架),能够帮助金融机构将信息整合、客户资源管理、价值评定、服务管理、销售支持、营销管理、金融服务方案、机构管理、绩效考核、运营管理、业务分析和产品知识库等功能要素全面集成在一起,从而为金融机构把握目标客户资源,实现面向客户的服务营销转型提供一整套的IT解决方案。
Pactera’s unique CRM product
[...] solution, Customer Care Framework (CCF), [...]
helps financial institutions fully integrate functional
elements including information integration, customer resource management, valuation, service management, sales support, marketing management, financial service solution, organization management, performance assessment, operations management, business analysis, and product knowledge bases.
为此,计划所采取 的各项行动将两个基本因素的修正联系起来:一方面通过信息、宣传和提高认识
[...] 来消除文化偏见,另一方面提供外部援助,包 关怀 、 咨 询和有助于加强妇女权 利的各种援助。
For this purpose, the basic aim of the initiatives is to remedy two fundamental problems: one is cultural bias, to be remedied
through information and
[...] awareness-raising; and the other concerns external support, [...]
to be remedied by means of support, advice
and assistance that reinforce women’s rights.
高级别会议的召开,是在具有重大历史意义的2001年联合国艾滋病问题特别会议10年,以及2006年联合国各成员国签署《政治宣言》并承诺艾滋病预防、治疗 关怀 和 支 持的普遍可及之后。
The High-Level Meeting on AIDS is taking place 10 years after the historic 2001 United Nations Special Session on HIV/AIDS, and the 2006 signing of the Political Declaration where UN Member States committed to moving towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
在《2006-2009 年国家儿童和青少年战略计划》的框架内,制定了下列目 标:“设立高水准、可操作的标准,来对处于风险中、不受保护、残疾和/或遭受 社会排斥的儿童和青少年加关怀, 并 采取必要的社会干预措施;同时还应采取 必要的效果评估手段。
One of the objectives of the National Strategic Plan for Children and Adolescents 2006-2009 is defined as follows: "To strengthen care and social intervention for children and adolescents at risk, lacking in protection or disabled and/or in situations of social exclusion, establishing common quality criteria and better practices that lend themselves to evaluation".
新成立的企业可持续发展部(Corporate Sustainability)负责监控责 关怀 ® 和 “ 全球契约”的执行,以推进整个集团的可持续发展。
WACKER’s new Corporate Sustainability department manages the voluntary commitments arising from our membership of Responsible Care® and Global Compact and drives sustainability activities throughout the Group.
支持他们度过这 个过程是姑关怀的一部分。
Supporting them through this process is part of palliative care.
在过去的三十 年里,各国国家研究机构在国际农业研究咨询团体 关怀 下 , 在国际研究机构网络的支持 下,主要在公共部门开展了以上研究。
This process of research was largely conducted in the public sector by national research institutes, supported by a network of international research institutes, for the last thirty years under the umbrella of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
(e) 指示关注预审、审判和审后各个阶段,确 关怀 的 连 续性。
(e) Directing attention across the pre-trial, trial and post-trial phases ensured continuity of care.
以下具有 经济及社会理事会咨商地位的 13 个非政府组织派代表出席会议:研究联合国系 统学术委员会;大赦国际;亚洲预防犯罪基金会;防止酷刑协会;人权联系 会;公谊会世界协商委员会;国际天主教监狱福 关怀 委 员 会;促进职业惩戒 国际惩戒所及监狱协会;酷刑受害者国际康复理事会;精神残疾宣传中心基金 会;开放社会学会;刑法改革国际以及精神疗法使用者和幸存者世界网络。
The following 13 non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council were represented at the meeting: Academic Council on the United Nations System, Amnesty International, Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, Association for the Prevention of Torture, Conectas Direitos Humanos, Friends World Committee for Consultation, International Commission of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care, International Corrections and Prisons Association for the Advancement of Professional Corrections, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, Mental Disability Advocacy Center Foundation, Open Society Institute, Penal Reform International and World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.
因此克莱门特,在致力于教会照顾他父亲 关怀 , 努力医治在科林斯纠纷和团结的原则,坚持和服从权威,尽量有利于和平,伊格内修,在他的感谢热情的各教会安慰他途中殉难,发回的确认信,反对当时的异端与告诫和嘱托,充满高度的精神保持在提交信仰团结的主教;波利卡普,依纳爵在腓立转发信件,发送,如遇到要求,普通信函的建议和鼓励。
Thus Clement,
[...] in paternal solicitude for the Churches committed to his care, endeavours [...]
to heal a dissension at Corinth
and insists on the principles of unity and submission to authority, as best conducive to peace; Ignatius, fervent in his gratitude to the Churches which solaced him on his way to martyrdom, sends back letters of recognition, filled with admonitions against the prevailing heresy and highly spiritual exhortations to keep unity of faith in submission to the bishops; Polycarp, in forwarding Ignatian letters to Philippi, sends, as requested, a simple letter of advice and encouragement.
每年都有数不清的儿童在成长旅途中受到阻碍——被以某种方式剥夺了他们生存、成长和发展所需要的爱 关怀 、 养 育、健康、营养和保护。
And every year, countless numbers of them are stopped in their tracks – deprived, in one way or another, of the love, care, nurturing, health, nutrition and protection that they need to survive, grow and develop.
兰斯·阿姆斯特朗基金会总裁兼首席执行官Doug Ulman说:“这些承诺涉及应对全球癌症负担的各种需求和兴趣,相关话题包括烟草控制、护理质量和提供、乳房健康、临床试验以及临 关怀。
These commitments speak to the diverse need and interest in addressing the global cancer burden on topics including tobacco control, quality and access to care, breast health, clinical trials and palliative care," said Doug Ulman, LAF President and CEO.
根据三自教会的网站蔡奎(Cai Kui,音译)所说,北京三自教会委员会(Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM
[...] [...] Committee)的主席代表首都的许多牧师和平民领袖发言,说:“在过去九十年里,中国共产党一方面密切联合国内各种国籍和生活阶层的人民,一方面从未停 关怀 和 照 顾中国的基督教......事实证明,中国共产党是真诚地对待及支持中国基督教的发展......中国基督教已经和中国共产党政府及中央人民政府建立稳定不变的共生互助关系,永远会和党及政府同心,走在同样的道路上。
According to the TSPM website, Cai Kui, chairman of the Beijing Municipal Christian TSPM Committee, spoke on behalf of the many pastors and lay leaders in the capital, saying: "In the past 90 years, the Chinese Communist Party, while closely uniting people of various nationalities and
various walks of life in China, has never
[...] stopped caring about and helping Chinese [...]
Christianity... Facts have proven that
the Chinese Communist Party is sincere in its treatment of and support for the development of Chinese Christianity... And Chinese Christianity has already formed a constant and changeless relationship of co-dependency and mutual aid with the Chinese Communist Party and the Central People's Government and will always be of one heart and on the same path with the Party and the government.
为了帮助您选择产品,您的客关怀 和 服 务代表或当地代表或经销商会全程和您一起了解需求,帮助您决定选择最适合您应用的传感器、电缆、 [...]
To assist you with product selection,
[...] your customer care and service representative [...]
or local representative or reseller
will thoroughly review your needs with you to help you decide what combination of sensors, cables, junction boxes, accessories, or other products will best suit your application.
美国化学理事会创建了“责关怀管 理 体系”(RCMS),该体系要求由第三方对我们的“健康、安全、环境和保护”(HSES)管理体系进行认证,范围涵盖所有业务活动。
The ACC created
[...] the Responsible Care Management System [...]
(RCMS), which requires third-party certification of our Health, Safety,
Environmental and Security (HSES) management systems across all business activities.
R. Rajagopal描述他承诺的目标是“在印度癌症机构促进临 关怀 服 务发展(目前该地区还不提供临 关怀 服 务 ),处理临 关怀 政 策 、培训和给药方面的问题,最终通过受训肿瘤专家的涓滴效应,让今后的癌症专业人士在他们的日常工作中把支持护理和临 关怀 融 为 一体” 。
M. R. Rajagopal, Founder of Pallium India, wrote the goal of his commitment is to "promote development of palliative care services in
cancer institutions in
[...] regions in India which have no palliative care now, addressing palliative care policy, education and drug availability, aiming for a trickle-down effect through oncologists-in-training, so that cancer professionals of tomorrow incorporate supportive and palliative care in their routine practice.
Gozolo”的三项基础运作流程:首先,请亲友代为照顾被遗弃儿童或孤儿,让其感受到家庭的爱 关怀 ; 其 次,为他们提供校服及每月粮食;第三,通过教育和缝纫与运动等娱乐休闲活动,让他们学到一技之长。
Gozolo operates on three basic principles: firstly, to return love to the lives of abandoned or orphaned
children by placing them in extended families,
[...] secondly, to provide them with monthly [...]
food parcels and school uniforms, and
thirdly, to empower them through education and recreational activities like sewing and sport.
2008 年 3
[...] 月,管理问题高级别委员会(HLCM)在第十五届会议上一致同意,由于财 务影响巨大,为审议对职工的长 关怀 ( 包括离职后健康保险)问题而建立的人力资源网工 作组应与财务与预算网讨论其调查结果。
At its fifteenth session in March 2008 the High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) agreed that the HR Network working group
set up to examine the question of
[...] long-term care (including ASHI) for employees would discuss [...]
its findings with the FB Network
owing to the significant financial implications.
下列组织的观察员也作了发言: 联合国系统学术委员会、天主教教诲 关怀 囚 犯 国际委员会和公谊会世界协商 委员会。
Statements were also made by the observers for the Academic Council on the United Nations System, the International Commission for Catholic Prison Pastoral Care and the Friends World Committee for Consultation.




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