

单词 关子



last disciple of a master

亲子关系 n

parent-child relationship n


keep listeners in suspense (in storytelling)
keep people on tenterhooks
do sth reluctantly

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 家庭法院关子女抚 养问题的裁决执行不力,主要原因是父亲方面拒 绝接受法院裁决,其结果是,母亲往往不得不将监护权交给父亲。
(c) The weak enforcement of decisions by the
[...] Family Courts relating to child maintenance [...]
due primarily to the refusal on the part
of the father to accept court decisions, with the result that the mother often hands over custody of the child to the father.
更多关子女及家庭税务福利及索取加拿大子女税务福利申请表,请访问加拿大 税务局的网站:www.cra-arc.gc.ca/bnfts/menu-eng.html。
For more information on child and family tax benefits and to obtain [...]
the application forms for the Canada Child Tax Benefit,
visit the Canada Revenue Agency’s website at: www.cra-arc.gc.ca/bnfts/menu-eng.html.
既然智器的新机能够支持PDF阅读,一定还会有更多更炫的新功能存在,也允许小编在此卖 关子 , 更 多更好玩的功能,敬请关注后续报道。
Since Moses's new aircraft will support the PDF Reader, we will have more new features
more exist, also allows the sale of my
[...] clearance in this child, the more fun features, please follow-up reports of concern.
这些词汇将用在各关子类的 年龄分组论述中。
These terms are
[...] used where appropriate within the age group discussions for each subcategory.
关子 Work er 生成方法的示例,请参阅规范中的相关示例。
For an sample of how to spawn a subworker, see the example in the specification.
2003 年 12 月 23 日,意
[...] 大利议会颁布一项法律,准许对 Parmalat 及其关子公司实行“特别管理”, 2003 年 12 月 [...]
24 日,Parmalat 母公司在意大利被准许进入特别管理程序,并且 指定了管理人。
On December 23, 2003, the Italian Parliament enacted a law providing for the
“extraordinary administration” of
[...] Parmalat and its related subsidiaries, and on December [...]
24, 2003, the parent company of Parmalat
was admitted to extraordinary administration proceedings in Italy and an administrator was appointed.
[...] 有其他歧视女孩与妇女,对所有儿童具有不利影响的条款,例如 关子 女 监 护、 继承、离婚、一夫多妻制和休妻的条款。
The Committee further urges the State party to promptly repeal from the Family Code all other provisions that discriminate against girls and women and
negatively impact on all children, such as
[...] legal provisions concerning child custody, inheritance, [...]
divorce, polygamy and repudiation.
人们之所以愿意在Denny’s的连锁店门口排长队等候,正是因为公司故意给活动的截止日期“ 关子 ” , “短暂、突然、惊喜”,这大概就是企业成功运用免费派送战略的秘诀。
The only reason people are lining up at Denny’s is that promotion may end immediately as the company deliberately kept the campaign end date a secret.
[...] 才派遣业务关联公司子公司化的影响,以及由于 IT 相关子公司贸易走强,出现了增收 的效果,但,因上一年度股票售出收益的反弹减收及其他原因影响,本期收益减少。
While the conversion of an affiliated temporary staffing company
into a subsidiary and healthy
[...] transactions at IT-related subsidiaries had a beneficial [...]
impact on earnings, the overall bottom-line
result reflected the absence of gains on share sales recorded in the same period of fiscal 2007 and other factors.
夫妻,而母亲是中非共和国公民的儿童的国籍问题; h) 1964 年 11 月 5 日颁布关于亲子关系司法宣言的第 64.23 号法律。
(g) Act No. 63.406 of 6 May 1963, establishing the nationality of children born to a Central African mother where the parents have not contracted a lawful civil marriage
第四部分讨论家庭 法,其中包含诸如结婚、离婚、家 关 系 、 亲 子关 系 、 父母责任、收养、监护和 赡养费等问题的主要条款。
The fourth part deals with family law, containing the main
provisions on such issues as
[...] marriage, divorce, family relations, parenthood, parental [...]
responsibilities, adoption, tutorship and alimony.
这样,确保妇女关切的事项和经验,同 子关 切 的 事项和经验一样, 都成为拟订、执行、追踪和评价政治、经济和社会领域政策和方案的组成部分, [...]
Thus, the concerns and experiences of both women and men are taken [...]
into account in developing, implementing, following up
on and assessing political, economic and social policies and programmes, so as to ensure that they equally benefit.
如与未成年子女已确 立子关系之父母在该子女出生后仍未结婚,则由照顾子女的一方行使亲权,并 推定由母亲照顾子女,此推定仅可透过司法途径予以推翻。
In case parents living in a de facto union or common law marriage, the exercise of parental responsibility belongs to both when they so declare at the civil registry.
她说,因为没有与子关押在 一起,所以这期间她只见到儿子寥寥数次。
She said
[...] she saw her son a few times, but he was held separately and remains in captivity.
Children who are confused about where “home” is tend [...]
to define it using superficial notions – such as proximity, similarity,
etc. We have learned from recent research that the absence of close parent-child bonds push children to bond with the most immediate source of attention, whether that is an internet chat group, distant Facebook acquaintances, or a gang.
父母的适应力及灵活性与孩子的内在适应力有着直接的关系,而孩子的适应力与他/她本身的自理能力及自我培养能力有关,二者都来自于强大的 子关 系。
The child’s resilience also correlates
with his/her capacity for self-nurturance and self-care, both of which develop out of a
[...] strong parent-child relationship.
几十年来,我们一直关注设备运行功耗,而现在我们的注意力同时又转向了备用模式和 子关 闭 模 式的效率。
After decades of focus on power consumption during operation, focus is turning to efficiency also
[...] in standby and electronic OFF modes.
家长教育涵盖的内容包括了解子女在不同 发展阶段的需要、有效的管教技巧、 子关 系 的培育、儿童的照顾及督导技巧、 家长压力管理等。
Areas covered in parent education programme include understanding the needs of children at different developmental stages,
effective parenting skills, enhancement
[...] of parent-child relationship, child care and [...]
supervision skills, stress management for parents, etc.
它们的作 用对于下述领域尤其关键:基础研究(更好地认识人类基因组演变过程及其与环境之间的互 动关系);应用生物医学研究(例如基因药物研究);流行病学研究;了解一个人或一个家 庭面对的健康风险(包括对某些病理现象致病机率或基因预定的预测性测试);法医学和法 律(尤其是在民事诉讼法方面的应用,例如血缘 子关 系 测定,或者是在刑事诉讼法方面的 应用,例如识别认定罪犯)。
In particular, it is essential for basic research (improved knowledge of the evolution of the human genome and its interaction with the environment); applied biomedical research (for example in pharmacogenetics; epidemiological research; knowledge of the health risks run by a person or family (including tests to determine susceptibility or genetic predisposition to certain diseases); forensic science and the judicial system (particularly in civil court proceedings, for example to identify a parent, and criminal proceedings, for example to identify a criminal).
小册子、概况介绍、挂图、资料袋:人权信息查询台管理以及人权文件和资料传播; 关于落实经济、社会和文化权利的工具和材料;制作经济、社会和文化权利提高认识 材料(宣传品、海报、工具等);常见问题小 子 ; 关 于 落 实妇女权利的工具和材料; 制作妇女权利提高认识材料(宣传品、海报、工具等);常见问题小 子 ; 关 于 落 实少 数民族和土著民族权利的工具和材料;制作这些问题的提高认识材料(宣传品、海报、 工具等);常见问题小子;关于打 击种族主义和种族歧视的工具和材料(30)
(iii) Booklets, fact sheets, wallcharts, information kits: management of the human rights information desk and dissemination of human rights documents and materials; tools and materials on the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights; preparation of awareness-raising materials on economic, social and cultural
rights (brochures,
[...] posters, kits, etc.); booklets on frequently asked questions; tools and materials on the implementation of women’s rights; preparation of awareness-raising materials on women’s rights (brochures, posters, kits, etc.); booklets on frequently asked questions; tools and materials on the implementation of rights relating to minorities and indigenous peoples; preparation of awareness-raising materials on the same issues (brochures, posters, kits, etc.); booklets on frequently asked questions; tools and material on issues related to the fight against [...]
racism and racial discrimination (30)
与提交人的子关押在 同一牢房的六个人写信解释或提供证词, 证实提交人的儿子没有向他们抱怨自己健康问题或受到酷刑的事实,并说他没有 身体受到伤害的迹象。
Six individuals who
[...] were detained in the same cell with the author’s son have either written [...]
explanatory letters or given
testimonies, attesting to the fact that the author’s son had not complained to them about his health or about being subjected to torture and that he had no signs of bodily injuries.
属人法初审法院法官有权审理所有与婚姻、 子关 系 、离婚、继承和遗赠 事务相关的诉讼(第 6 条)。
The judges of the personal status
court of first instance decide on
[...] all disputes concerning marriage, parentage, divorce, [...]
inheritance and property disposal (art. 6).
与这些目标平行的是,在这些中心的专业研究仍在继续,主要是关于婚姻 准备、配偶水火不容、单亲父母、 子关 系 引 发的问题、家庭角色的分配和责任 、照顾老年人和残疾人、消除离婚前后的问题以及帮助家庭自足。
Parallel to these objectives, professional studies continue at these centres regarding preparation for marriage, incompatibility between spouses,
single parenthood, problems stemming
[...] from parent – child relations, distribution of [...]
roles and responsibilities inside the
family, care of the elderly and the disabled, elimination of the problems before and after divorce, and helping family be self-sufficient.
为确保向有需要的残疾父母提供适当协助以便其履行 养育子女的责任以及确保子关系而 采取的措施
Measures taken to ensure that parents with disabilities, who so
require, are provided with the adequate support in their child-rearing responsibilities,
[...] ensuring the parentchild relationship
小册子、概况介绍、挂图和资料袋:关于衡量民间社会参与公共政策的有效指标的资 料袋;关于西亚经社会在社会发展领域工作的小册子;人口与发展委员会第四十六届
[...] 会议关于西亚经在社会人口与发展领域的使命和工作的小 子 ; 关 于 社 会发展委员会 第五十届会议特别主题的小册子;社会发展公报(4)
(iii) Booklets, fact sheets, wallcharts, information kits: information kit on effective indicators for measuring public-civic participation; pamphlet on the work of ESCWA in the area of social integration; pamphlets to the forty-sixth session of the Commission on Population and Development on the ESCWA mission
and its work in the area of population
[...] and development; pamphlets on the special [...]
themes of the fiftieth session of the Commission
on Social Development; social development bulletins (4)
该法第 43 条规定“如果子女是在离婚或死亡之后十个月内出生的,应与其 父具有子关系”
Article 43 of that Code states that `the child is affiliated to its father if it is born in the 10 months following the date of separation or death.
c. 在不同层面(如:教区、总铎区和堂区)举办有关婚姻及家庭生活的特别活动,如:庆祝结婚纪念、圣家节、情人节、父、母亲节等;并透过成功婚姻的经验分享、重宣婚姻盟誓的礼仪、良好 子关 系 的 见证等活动,提升教友对幸福婚姻及美满家庭的确认。
c. Special activities relating to marriage and family life can be organized at various levels (e.g. diocesan, deanery and parish levels), such as celebrating marriage anniversaries, the Feast of the Holy Family, Valentine's Day, Fathers'/Mothers' Day, etc.; enhancing the esteem of the faithful for a successful marriage and a happy family through experience - sharing on exemplary marriages, a liturgy for renewing the marriage commitment and the witnessing to sound parent-child relationships, etc.
Torterola 先生(阿根廷)建议,应增列使用《关
[...] 于解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约》中的语 言的子:“关于第 26 条第 2 (c)款的规定均不得解 释为背离行政豁免的法律”。
(Argentina) suggested that the following sentence, using language taken from the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and
Nationals of Other States, should be
[...] added: “Nothing regarding or relating to article [...]
26, paragraph 2 (c), should be construed
as derogating from the law on immunity from execution”.
在大型国际会议上以及向各国全委会、代表团、教育部长、政府间组织、非政府组织 等散发了 470 000 多份文件,其中包括《2002
[...] 年全民教育全球监测报告》、题为《教育与教 科文组织》的小子、关于全民教育的专题研究报告、通讯、《今日教育》,以及 15 000 多张多媒体光盘和招贴画,以此传播应用研究与信息,支持会员国提高作出有根据的决策能 力。
The capacity for evidence-based decision-making in Member States was supported through the dissemination of applied research and information in the form of more than 470,000 documents, including copies of the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2002, the brochure Education and
UNESCO, thematic studies on
[...] EFA, the newsletter Education Today, over 15,000 copies of multimedia [...]
CD-ROMs and posters at
major international conferences and to National Commissions, Delegations, Ministers of Education, IGOs, NGOs, etc. The dissemination of information on the education website considerably increased: 8, 208,459 page views during the past 18 months (January 2002-June 2003), as compared to 3,875,753 in the previous 18-month period.
吉姆向下发送到在厨房工作,尽管他的银的不信任,他们很快就形成了一个脆弱的 子关 系 ( 蒙太奇特色的歌曲“我还在这里”吉姆和在各种帆船琐事,靠机械装置维持生命的人结合穿插从吉姆的童年,在这期间,他的父亲似乎对他漠不关心,没有警告的情况下,最后离开时,吉姆是前青少年)的倒叙。
Jim is sent down to work in the galley; despite
his mistrust of Silver, they soon form
[...] a tenuous father-son relationship (a montage featuring [...]
the song “I’m Still Here”
shows Jim and the cyborg bonding over various sailing chores, interspersed with flashbacks from Jim’s childhood, during which his father appears indifferent to him and finally leaves without warning when Jim is a pre-teen).




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