

单词 共赴

See also:

visit (e.g. another country)
attend (a banquet etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

与你的另一共赴一生 中最浪漫的旅程。
Treat your other half to the trip of a lifetime
[...] 由西往东和朴奈达酒庄诚邀共赴CAS AN OVA餐厅参加西西里岛风情葡萄酒晚宴。
Dear Friends and Wine Lovers, EMW and Planeta cordially invite you to a premium
[...] Sicilian wine dinner at CASANOVA Shanghai.
但有怀疑论者或许会问,这一切是否可能,非洲是否拥有足够资源,能与其 他特权宾客一共赴“全球盛宴”。
Sceptics may wonder whether all this is indeed possible and whether Africa has the resources to join other privileged guests at the “universal banquet”.
三十七萬元薪酬減掉兩萬元,他便已經覺得要拿出來說與大 共赴 時艱
Cutting only $20,000 from his salary of $370,000, how dare he say he is doing this to tide over
[...] the hard times with the public.
2009年11月12日,挪威王国驻上海总领事馆和挪威商会共同邀请了来自大上海地区的各家挪威企业、当地政府各部门以及多家媒体的各界朋 共赴 此 次 盛宴。
On the 12th of November the Royal Norwegian Consulate General and the Norwegian Business Association invited Norwegian companies, local government and local media for a Seafood dinner.
過去數年,每隔數個月,我們便可從傳媒看到或聽到一些類似的家庭慘 案,內容可能不同,例如有些家庭會因經濟問題而全家燒炭自殺;又或有些 婦女因不滿丈夫有外遇而與子女擁 共赴 黃 泉
The contents may be different, for instance, some families committing suicide by burning charcoal due to financial problems, and women going to the nether world with their children in their arms because their husbands were having an affair.
日前,来自瑞典的豪华品牌沃尔沃汽车宣布在全国范围内广招忠实拥 共赴 北 欧:从即日起到 7 月 31 日,凡是购买 XC90 北欧版的用户将有机会参加 9 月初的“沃尔沃 XC90 北欧征服之旅”,随沃尔沃“出征北欧”,一路尽享北欧奢华礼遇,饕餮异国奇幻美景。
A unique joint project together with Swedish energy supplier Vattenfall is prompting the production of battery-powered Volvos featuring plug-in hybrid technology as early as 2012 må, 01 jun 2009 05:00:00 http://www.volvocars.com/intl/top/corporate/pages /default.aspx?itemid=15

A Volvo that can be fuelled with electricity from a standard wall socket will be a reality in 2012.

本届海洋节自7月20日至8月4日,以“邀世界共享蓝色盛宴”为主题,包括海洋文化、海洋旅游、海洋体育、海洋科技、蓝色经济、海军展示六大板块的36项活动,将持续16天,诚邀海内外宾 共赴 蓝 色 盛宴。
The festival features 36 activities across six categories: ocean culture, ocean tourism, maritime sports, ocean sciences, blue economy and navy shows.
继2008ARMA年度国际展会后,福昕软件全球市场总监George Z. Gao 和 欧洲市场部经理Olivier de Saint Leger再共赴德国,参加今年在德国柏林举办的Web 2.0巡回展会欧洲站。
While exhibiting at the ARMA International Annual Conference and Expo, Foxit was also well represented at this year’s Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin by VP of Sales and Marketing George Z. Gao and Olivier de Saint Leger, Chief Representative in Europe.
亲爱的朋友和葡萄酒爱好者们, 由西往东和潘丽赛罗酒庄诚邀共赴 广 州 君悦酒店G餐厅,亲临意大利皮尔蒙特高雅葡萄酒晚宴酒庄庄主兼酿酒师Giorgio Pelissero先生将主持晚宴,向您展示来自他家族酒庄的一系列优质葡萄酒,搭配由G餐厅主厨为您精心准备的佳肴。
Dear Friends and Wine Lovers, EMW and Pelissero sincerely invite you to a premium Piedmont wine dinner at G Restaurant Grandhyatt Guangzhou The winery owner and wine maker-Mr.Giorgio Pelissero will present a series of fine wines from his winery paired delicious food prepared by chef of G Restaurant Ticket price at 580rmb net per person, a special price at 498rmb per person for two bookings above.
由美國國際旅游公司與中國五大旅行社簽訂的這一歷史性協議旨 共 同 努力 為 赴 美 旅游的中國游客提供安全、優質和有價值的服務。
This historic agreement, spearheaded by ATI with China's 5 largest tour operators, is a cooperative effort to ensure safety, quality, service and value for tourists coming to America from China.
委员会还注意到缔约国关于申诉人不 是一个政治组织的成员及其父母几 赴 刚 果民 主 共 和 国 而未受到困扰的意见。
The Committee also notes the State party’s observations concerning the fact that the complainant is not a member of a political
party and that his parents have travelled
[...] to the Democratic Republic of the Congo several [...]
times without being troubled.
马哈穆德领导的联合国访问赴中非 共 和 国 访问,讨论在西北部 设特派团的前景。
On 5 April, BINUCA facilitated the United
Nations mission to the
[...] Central African Republic led by my Special Representative for MINURCAT, Youssef Mahmoud, [...]
to discuss the
future of the mission in the north-west.
雙方同意加強旅遊合作,措施包括聯合提升內地與香港 旅遊服務質量共同推動內赴港旅遊市場健康有序發展;推進內 地與香港旅遊海外聯合推廣工作,聯合開發內地與香港“一程多 站"旅遊精品線路,進一步密切兩地海外旅遊辦事處的合作;鼓勵 和引導內地與香港旅遊企業和社會資本互相進入對方市場,重點支 [...]
加大力度支持以香港為母 港的郵輪旅遊發展等。
The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in
tourism, which include
[...] measures to jointly improve the quality of tourism services in the Mainland and Hong Kong, and together strive for the healthy [...]
and orderly development
of Mainland’s Hong Kong-bound tourism market; to take forward the Mainland and Hong Kong’s cooperation in overseas joint tourism promotion, joint development of “multi-destination” itineraries featuring the Mainland and Hong Kong, and closer cooperation between the overseas tourism offices of the two places; to encourage mutual entry of tourism enterprises and investments in the two places to enter each other’s markets, to support strategically Hong Kong service providers to set up travel agents in the Mainland; and to enhance support for developing Hong Kong as a homeport for cruise tourism.
( 二十五)聯合提升內地與香港旅遊服務質量,建立健全內地與香港旅 遊市場監管協調機制,規範旅遊企業誠信經營,維護遊客合 法權益共同推動內赴港旅遊市場健康有序發展。
(25) Jointly promoting the quality of tourism services in the Mainland and Hong Kong; setting up a sound tourism market regulatory mechanism in both places; regulating the tourism enterprises to ensure honest and trustworthy business operation;
protecting the legal rights of
[...] tourists; jointly promoting healthy and orderly development of the inbound tourism market from the Mainland to Hong Kong.
我现在请热拉尔·阿罗德先生阁下以安全理事赴刚果民主共和国 访问团团长的身份发言。
I now give the floor to His Excellency
Mr. Gérard Araud in his capacity as the leader of the Security Council
[...] mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
因此,我谨认为,今天的辩论,以及安全理 事会两天后的辩论,向我们提供了机会,以便考虑我 们各个国家如何能够赋予委员会更强的能力,使之成 为可发挥以下五个广泛职能的独特的政治平台:第 一,支持本国利益攸关方阐述其和平与发展的构想; 第二,确保所有行为体全力赴,支 持在国家建设和 平优先事项方面的国家自主性和能力发展;第三,调 动资源,资助关键的能力和优先事项;第四,把所有 行为体团结在本国确定的建设和共 同 目 标的周围; 以及第五,促进国家利益攸关方同其区域和国际伙伴 之间的相互问责。
I would therefore like to think of today’s debate, and of that to be held by the Security Council in two days’ time, as presenting opportunities to consider how our individual countries can empower the Commission to exercise its role as a unique political platform for the following five broad functions: first, supporting national stakeholders in projecting their vision for peace and development; secondly, ensuring
focused commitments by all actors in support of national ownership and capacity development for national peacebuilding
[...] priorities; thirdly, mobilizing resources to fund critical capacities and priorities; fourthly, aligning all actors around common and nationally identified peacebuilding objectives; and, fifthly, promoting mutual accountability between national stakeholders [...]
and their regional and international partners.
为了评估建立该中心的可行性,教科文组织考察团于 2008 年 2 月赴多米尼加共和国考 察。
A UNESCO mission was
[...] undertaken to the Dominican Republic in February 2008, [...]
in order to assess the feasibility of establishing the proposed centre.
[...] 建立独立国家的权利;以色列将能享受大大增强的安 全环境;而双方都将能够全力赴, 合 作谋 共 同 繁 荣。
Through a two-State solution, the Palestinian people will exercise their right to establish an independent State; Israel will enjoy a greatly enhanced
security environment; and both parties will be able to launch full-fledged
[...] efforts at cooperation for their mutual prosperity.
根据与国际志愿服务协调委员会(CCIVS)的合同,一位青年志愿者在 2003 年 10 月 和 12 月之赴刚果民主共和国从事一个试办项目,与青年非政府组织和网络一起开展关于 [...]
Under contract with CCIVS, a young
volunteer was posted to a pilot project
[...] in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between [...]
October and December 2002 to work
with Youth NGOs and networks on a culture of peace and on nonviolent conflict-resolution techniques.
因此要求所有的研究所与中心全力 赴 地 在各自的职责范围内为各个层次的 计划实施活动做出贡献。
Each institute and centre will be called upon to fully contribute to the implementation of the Programme at different levels, according to its mandate.
因此,赴澳之 前,应首先在预算中为高额住宿费用的作好准备,并确保拥有充足的资金以应对房租上涨这一潜在问题。
It is extremely important that you factor the high cost of housing into your budget before you come to Australia, and have access to funds that will cover possible rent increases.
在德意志联邦共和国政府提出要求之后,由水文变化过程和气候科科长带队的一个教 科文组织考察团于 2008 年 10 月赴德意志联共和国 ,研究这一拟建国际中心的可行性。
Following a request from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, a UNESCO mission was undertaken to the Federal Republic of Germany in October 2008 by the Chief of the Hydrological Processes and Climate Section, to consider the feasibility of the proposed International Centre.
赴澳前 事先安排好一个临时住宿将不失为一个较好的办法。
It is a good idea to arrange some form of temporary accommodation before you come to Australia.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国准备每两年一次,为获奖者提供阿维森纳金质奖章一枚、一份证 书、10,000 美元的奖金和为期一周赴伊朗伊斯 共 和 国 的学术访问。
The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to contribute every two years offering to the winner of the Prize a gold medal
of Avicenna along with a certificate, a sum of US $10,000 and a
[...] one-week academic visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
行预咨委会被告知,差旅费总额 76 200
[...] 美 元将用作下列活动经费:(a) 主任每赴刚果民主共和国 、南苏丹、达尔富尔和 索马里进行4次区域访问(20 [...]
000 美元);(b) 每年3次赴联合国总部出席协商会 议(41 800 美元);(c)
本两年期期间两次访问其他专业工作人员(14 400 美元)。
The Committee was informed that the total requirements of $76,200 for travel would provide for the following: (a) four regional
trips annually by the Director-General
[...] to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South [...]
Sudan, Darfur and Somalia ($20,000);
(b) three trips annually to United Nations Headquarters for consultations ($41,800); and (c) two trips during the biennium for other Professional staff ($14,400).
教科文组织派出了包括国际水文计划/ 水文学与水资源方案
[...] (IHP/HWRP)德国国家委员会秘书处在内的考察组,于 2008 年 10 月赴德意 志联共和国 ,评估了建立该拟建中心的可行性。
A UNESCO mission, which was covered by the Secretariat of the German
National Committee for IHP/HWRP, was
[...] undertaken in the Federal Republic of Germany in October [...]
2008 in order to assess the feasibility
of establishing the proposed Centre.
他指出,系統須收集交易數據和將數據 分類,以更新所有成份股的股價紀錄,這個程序甚為 複雜,當中涉及數量龐大的數據,以及篩選有問題的 數據,但他向委員保證,恒指公司會繼續全力 赴, 確保該公司提供可靠的服務。
While pointing out that the process for collecting and sorting the transaction data for updating the price table for all constituent stocks was complex, involving huge amount of data and screening of dubious data, he assured members that HSIL would continue to do its best to ensure reliability of its services.
将培训活动纳 入正规和非正规教育和促进各种艺术,其行动尤其将面向青年人,主要是地位低下的青年 人,并将全力赴地提 高现代社会艺术家的地位。
Involving training initiatives both in formal and informal artistic education, and promotion of the arts, its action will be particularly oriented towards young people, especially from underprivileged backgrounds, and will also concentrate on the improvement of the status of the artist in contemporary societies.
专家组将努力确保其结论的准确性,坚持安全理事会关于制裁的一般性问题 非正式工作组 2006 年报告(S/2006/997)所建议的证据方面的标准,即依靠经过 核实的有效文件并尽可能依靠专家 赴 现 场 观察取得的第一手资料,包括照片。
The Group is committed to ensuring the accuracy of its assertions, and to adhering to the evidentiary standards recommended by the Informal Working Group of the Security Council on General Issues of Sanctions in its report of 2006 (S/2006/997) by relying on verified, authentic documents and, wherever possible, first-hand, on-site observations by the experts themselves, including photographs.




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