

单词 共犯

共犯 noun ()

compliancy n

See also:

make a mistake
recurrence (of mistake or sth. bad)

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 和 2011 年,在《刑法典》中增加了新的条款,对资助恐怖 活动共犯规定了更严厉的处罚。
In 2010 and 2011, additions were made to
[...] the Criminal Code, stiffening the penalty for complicity in the financing [...]
of terrorist activity.
刑法》 第 22 条和第 23
[...] 条也规定了促成或协助、协助或教唆、怂使或引诱实施共同目标共犯和不 作为等罪行,但没有包括犯罪企图。
Sections 22 and 23 of the Penal Code also provide for the offences of enabling or aiding, aiding
or abetting, counselling or
[...] procuring joint offenders in the prosecution [...]
of a common purpose and acts of omission, but not attempt to commit an offence.
阿迈尔·卡扎菲和赛义夫·伊斯拉姆·卡扎菲二人是 《规约》第 25 条第 3 款(a)项所述罪行的主犯,是危 害人类罪行的间共犯,需共同承 担责任。
The Chamber concluded that there were reasonable grounds to believe that Muammar Al-Qadhafi and Saif Al-Islam Al-Qadhafi were jointly responsible as
principals in the crimes pursuant to article 25(3)(a) of the Statute,
[...] as indirect co-perpetrators of the crimes against humanity.
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯境内的任何人或圣文森特和格林纳丁斯境外的任何 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯公民,企图实施上述违法行为;或作为实施或企图实施这 一违法行为者共犯进行 参与;或组织或指示他人实施或企图实施这一违法行为 者;也同样犯有违法行为。
Any person in St. Vincent and the Grenadines or any citizen of St. Vincent and the Grenadines outside St. Vincent and the Grenadines who attempts to commit the above-stated offence; or participates as an accomplice of anyone who commits or attempts to commit that offence; or organises or directs others to commit or attempt to commit that offence; shall likewise be guilty of an offence.
各締約國還應採取必要的措施,將作 共犯 參 與 根據本條所 確立的犯罪規定為刑事犯罪。
Each State Party shall also adopt such measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offence participation as an accomplice in an offence established in accordance with this article.
此外,还分别有 106 和 115 个国家已采取立法措施, 禁止作共犯参与同生物武器相关的此类非法活动(有 110 个国家制定了针对作共犯参与 违禁活动的处罚条例,110 个国家制定了针对协助违禁活动的处罚条 例),2008 年分别有 64 和 75 个国家采取了立法措施(并分别有 78 和 79 个国家针 对作共犯参与 或协助违禁活动采取措施)。
Furthermore, 106 and 115 States respectively
[...] have legislative measures in place prohibiting acting as an accomplice or assisting prohibited activities relating to biological weapons, compared to 64 and 75 States with legislative measures in 2008 (with 110 States having penalties in place both for acting as an accomplice and for assisting in prohibited activities), compared to 78 and [...]
79 States respectively.
如果它们不这样做,它们应被视为这些罪 行共犯和反 对被占领土巴勒斯坦人民的同谋。
If they fail to do so, they should be
[...] considered accomplices to these crimes and co-conspirators [...]
against the occupied Palestinian people.
委员会注意到,分别有 99 和 103 个国家已采取措施,禁止作共犯参 与和 协助与核武器有关的违禁活动,2008 年分别有 58 和 67 个国家(有 102 个国家已 针对作共犯参与 此类行为采取执法措施,102 个国家已针对协助此类行为采取 执法措施,2008 年分别有 72 和 74 个国家)。
The Committee notes that measures to prohibit
[...] participation as an accomplice to and in providing assistance to prohibited activities relating to nuclear weapons have been adopted by 99 and 103 States respectively, compared to 58 and 67 in 2008 (with 102 States having enforcement measures in place for being an accomplice and for assisting [...]
such behaviour, compared
to 72 and 74 respectively in 2008).
在瑞典法律中作出了一系列规定,尤其是禁止“针对任何民族或族 裔群体的煽动”和“非法军事行动”,以及关于犯罪阴谋、谋划、企图 共犯的 规 定,在法律上禁止任何组织从事种族主义活动。
A number of provisions in Swedish law, notably the provisions prohibiting “incitement against a national or ethnic group” and “unlawful military activity” and provisions on conspiracy, preparation, attempt and complicity in crimes, meant that organizations engaged in racist activities could not pursue such activities without breaking the law.
同样,分别有 116 和 140
[...] 个国家已 采取立法措施,禁止作共犯参与 同化学武器相关的非法活动,2008 [...]
年分别有 69 和 97 个国家(目前分别有 119 和 125 个国家采取了相关的执法措施,2008 年 分别有 84 和 88 个国家)。
Similarly, 116 and 140 States respectively have
adopted legislative measures prohibiting
[...] acting as an accomplice or assisting [...]
prohibited activities relating to chemical
weapons, compared to 69 and 97 in 2008 (with 119 and 125 States with associated enforcement measures in place now, compared to 84 and 88 States in 2008).
其他观点 使用了共犯”(第 二责任)或“代理人”的概念(代理人或第三方责任),这些方 [...]
Other arguments invoke “complicity” (secondary liability) [...]
or the concept of “agency” (vicarious or third party liability),
which are found in both common and civil law jurisdictions.
这就意味着,如果根据第 17 条规定进行起诉和审判,行为人 共犯 在 接 受诉讼 过程中必须在卡塔尔境内,否则就不能对其提起诉讼。
This implies that prosecution and trial
pursuant to the article require the
[...] presence of the perpetrator or accomplice in Qatar [...]
at the time a case is brought against
them, and that a case cannot be brought if the perpetrator is not within Qatar.
委员会促请缔约国废除1970 年《共犯罪和控制法》中用来逮捕和起诉儿 童受害者的条款,确保《任择议定书》所规定的任何罪行的儿童受害者不以罪论 处。
The Committee urges the State party to repeal the
[...] provisions of the 1970 Public Offences and Control [...]
Act which are used to arrest and prosecute
child victims and ensure that no child victim of any of the crimes under the Optional Protocol be criminalized.
[...] 是,有充足的证据证明有充分的理由相信,可以作为控方所指控的犯罪的直接或 间共犯追究 Bahar Idriss Abu Garda 的刑事责任。
The Chamber was not satisfied that there was sufficient evidence to establish substantial grounds to believe that Bahar Idriss Abu Garda could be held criminally responsible
either as a direct or as an
[...] indirect co-perpetrator for the commission of the crimes with which [...]
he was charged by the prosecution.
2004 年《刑法典》第 17 条规定,其条款“适用于在国外实施下任何贩毒罪 或海盗行为或国际恐怖主义罪行后现居卡塔尔境内的行为人 共犯 ” (见表 1)。
Article 17 of the 2004 Penal Code provides that its provisions ... are applicable to whoever is in the State after
committing abroad, as a
[...] perpetrator or an accomplice, any crime of trafficking of drugs or persons, piracy or international terrorism [...]
(see table 1).
叙利亚主管当局对 Ibrahim Qaqush(父亲名:Walid;母亲名:Wahbiyyah; 出生地:哈马北部;出生日期:1982 年)被杀一案的调查表明,杀害 Ibrahim Qaqush 的共犯是 Bashar Saraqibi(父亲名:Hassan;母亲名:Nadirah;出生地:哈马 Bab al-Jisr;出生日期:1973 年)和 Hisham Abdulqadir(父亲名:Abdulqadir; 母亲名:Su‘ad;出生地:哈马 Bab al-Jisr;出生日期:1972 年)。
Investigations conducted by the competent Syrian authorities into the killing of Ibrahim Qaqush (father’s name: Walid; mother’s name: Wahbiyyah; place of birth: north Hama; date of birth: 1982) revealed that Bashar Saraqibi (father’s name: Hassan; mother’s name: Nadirah; place of birth: Bab al-Jisr, Hama; date of birth: 1973) and Hisham Abdulqadir (father’s name: Abdulqadir; mother’s name: Su‘ad; place of birth: Bab al-Jisr, Hama; date of birth: 1972) are complicit in the killing of Qaqush.
否则政府完全不承认自己是寄宿学校虐待行为 共犯。
Otherwise, there has been virtually no acknowledgment by the
[...] Government of its complicity in abuses in boarding [...]
第 11 号法律(2004 年)第 17 条涉及适用性问题,规定该法适用于任何在国内 以犯罪人共犯身份 参与贩毒、贩运人口、海盗或国外实施的国际恐怖主义罪行 行为者。
Law No. 11 (2004), article 17, concerning applicability, provides that the Law applies to anyone located in the State who has participated as a perpetrator or accomplice in crimes of drug trafficking, human trafficking, piracy or international terrorism committed abroad.
[...] 定某些嚴重罪行,這些罪行由㆒群以犯該等罪行為目的的㆟所籌劃或/ 共犯 , 而這 些罪行必須是嚴重㆞影響社會安寧的。
I think the legal reform should be concentrated on more effective The UDHK asks the Government to amend the Bill and clearly define "organized crime" by, for example,
stipulating in the form of a schedule certain
[...] crimes as serious crimes, which are masterminded [...]
or committed in conspiracy by a
group of people on purpose resulting in serious disruption of the law and order of our society.
受上款所述人员的唆使或诱使行事,或以其名义行事,或作 共犯 行 事 的, 将根据本《刑法》第四章第二篇第一册规定的实施和参与犯罪的一般制度予 [...]
Any person who is instigated or induced to act by, or acts on behalf of, the
persons referred to in the above paragraph,
[...] or acts as an accomplice, shall be subject [...]
to the general regime of perpetration
and participation provided for in book I, title II, chapter IV, of this Code.
执行部分第 2 段 又决定各国应按照本国程序,通过和实施适当、有效的法律,禁止任何非国 家行为者,尤其是为恐怖主义目的而制造、获取、拥有、开发、运输、转移
[...] 或使用核生化武器及其运载工具,以及禁止企图从事上述任何活动、作共 犯参与 这些活动、协助或资助这些活动的图谋。
Decides also that all States, in accordance with their national procedures, shall adopt and enforce appropriate effective laws which prohibit any non-State actor to manufacture, acquire, possess, develop, transport, transfer or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery, in particular for terrorist purposes, as well
as attempts to engage in any of the foregoing activities, participate
[...] in them as an accomplice, assist or finance them.
请求国回顾指出,在 7 名个人和 1 个非政府组织(政治 迫害和罪行受害者协会)于 2000 年 1 月 25
[...] 日提出指控后,哈布雷先生于 2000 年 2 月 3 日在达喀尔被以“危害人类罪、酷刑和野蛮行为 共犯 的 罪 名起诉并被软 禁。
The applicant recalls that, following a complaint filed on 25 January 2000 by seven individuals and a non-governmental organization (the Association of Victims of Political Repression and Crime), Mr.
Habré was indicted in Dakar on 3
[...] February 2000 for complicity in “crimes against humanity, [...]
acts of torture and barbarity”
and placed under house arrest.
[...] 和国境外实施的、第 1.二条所述犯罪的实施者共犯如被第 4 条所述人员捕获, 即可由法国法庭加以起诉及审判。
II committed outside the
[...] territory of the Republic may be prosecuted [...]
and put on trial by French courts when they have been
apprehended by the personnel mentioned in article 4.
法院已经调查了申诉人的酷刑和虐待指控,判定未犯下任何罪行,此外,诉讼程 序调查阶段和向国家高等法院提交的证据也证实了申诉人认罪书的有效性,这些
[...] 证据特别包括以下人员的证词:在警察局参与审讯申诉人的警察官员、申诉人指 定的律师、为申诉人进行检查的法医、一 共犯 , 该 人确认他认识申诉人,以及 Lidón Corbi
According to the complainant, the Supreme Court supported the conclusion of the National High Court that his self-incriminating statements, given when he was held incommunicado at the police station, constituted sufficient evidence.5 In its decision, the Supreme Court underlines the validity of the selfincriminating statement, given that the courts had investigated the complainant’s claim of torture and ill-treatment and found that no crime had been committed and, moreover, that the complainant’s self-incriminating statements were corroborated by evidence presented during the investigative stage of proceedings and before the National High Court itself, which included, in particular, testimony by: the police officers who took part in his questioning at the police station; the complainant’s assigned counsel; the
forensic doctor who
[...] examined him; the ETA member and co-defendant who had confirmed that he knew the complainant; [...]
and Judge Lidón Corbi’s widow.
虽然 2005 年 4 月 7 日根据第 1595(2005)号决议设立了国际独立调查委员会,这个委员会的任务
[...] 是协助黎巴嫩当局的调查,帮助查明行为人、支持者、组织者 共犯 ; 为此,要 求该委员会除其他外“收集”与这起恐怖行为相关的“任何补充资料和证据”。
While the International Independent Investigation Commission was established on 7 April 2005, pursuant to Security Council resolution 1595 (2005), its mandate was to assist the
Lebanese authorities in their investigation and to help
[...] identify the perpetrators, sponsors, [...]
organizers and accomplices.
该法旨在促 进全国和解,相关条款规定特赦所有触犯危害国家安全和国防罪行的 犯 、 共犯 和从 犯,不论其所犯或可能犯有的过错或罪行的性质如何。
The Amnesty Act was intended to promote national reconciliation by granting full amnesty to the perpetrators, joint perpetrators and accomplices involved in violations of State security and national defence, regardless of the nature of those violations or the penalties they incurred or might incur.




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