

单词 共控

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,來共控公司 之業績亦見增長,廈門太古飛機 工程有限公司及香港航空發動機維修服務有限公司均有強勁的表現。
In addition, there was an increased
[...] contribution from the jointly controlled companies, with strong [...]
performances from both Taikoo
(Xiamen) Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (TAECO) and Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited (HAESL).
兩 家主共控公司之財務摘要於附註 9 列述。
Financial summaries of
[...] the two material jointly controlled companies are provided [...]
under note 9.
本 公 司 已 取 得Quinselle Holdings Limited及 李 誠
[...] 仁 先 生 發 出 的 批 文,彼 等共 控 制 最 後 實 際 可 行 日 期 已 發 行 [...]
股 份 約65.22%的 面 值。
The Company has obtained the Written Approval from
Quinselle Holdings Limited and Mr. Lee
[...] Seng Jin who together controlled approximately 65.22% [...]
in nominal value of the issued Shares
as at the Latest Practicable Date.
非流動資產添置包括添置物業、機器及設備、租賃土地、土地使用權及其他資產之預付 經營租賃款、無形資產及共控實體 及聯營公司的投資。
Additions to non-current assets comprise additions to property, plant and equipment, prepaid operating lease payments for leasehold
land, land use rights and other assets, intangible assets
[...] and investments in jointly controlled entities and associates.
研究规范此类服务市场的可能模式(例如基于创建基本“公信系 统”和某种程度的共控制) ,目的是确立适用所拟订标准的明确 规范
The study of possible models for regulation of the market for such services (for example, those
based on the creation
[...] of a basic “public trust system” and on a certain degree of public control) with the aim of establishing [...]
clear criteria
for the application of the standards developed; and
共同控制實 體的會計政策已在需要時作出改變,以確保與本集團所採納之政策 一致。
[...] policies of the jointly controlled entity have been [...]
changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group.
負債比率減少主要由於出售投資物業、其他物業、廠房及設備 共 同 控 制 實 體所得款項淨額所致。
The decrease in gearing ratio is mainly due to net
proceeds of the disposals of investment properties, other properties, plant and
[...] equipment and jointly controlled entities.
本集團應共控實體 及聯營公司所得稅支出為 15,194,000 美元 (2008 年:14,685,000 美元) 及 10,423,000 美元 (2008 年:8,366,000 美元),已分別計入本集團應共控實 體 及聯營公司 之溢利減虧損中。
The Group’s shares of income
[...] tax expenses of jointly controlled entities and associates of US$15,194,000 (2008: US$14,685,000) and US$10,423,000 (2008: US$8,366,000) are included in the Group’s shares of profits less losses of jointly controlled entities and associates [...]
當本 集團應共同控制實 體之虧損等於或大於其 共 同 控 制 實 體的權益(包括任何其他 無抵押之應收款項)時,本集團不再確認進一步的虧損,除非本集團已產生負債或共同控制實體支付款項。
When the Group’s share of
[...] losses in a jointly controlled entity equals or exceeds its interest in the jointly controlled entity, including any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognise further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the jointly controlled entity.
重大影響力乃有權 參與被投資公司之財務及經營政策決定而 控 制 或 共 同 控 制 該 等政策。
Significant influence is the power to participate
in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee
[...] but is not control or joint control over those [...]
未 實 現 的 集 團共 同 控 制 企 業 間 交 易 產 生 的 盈 利 或 虧 損 將 按 照 集 團共 同 控 制 企 業 中 的 權 益 份 額 做 抵 消,除 非 未 實 現 的 虧 損 有 轉 移 的 資 產 減 值 的 證 據。
Unrealised gains and losses resulting from
transaction between the
[...] Group and its jointly-controlled entities are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s investment in the jointly-controlled entities, except [...]
where unrealised losses
provide evidence of impairment of the asset transferred.
本公司同意按照本公司附屬公司總銷售淨額的0.1%及按照 共 同 控 制 實 體的 總銷售淨額的2.1%支付商標使用費。
The Company agreed to pay a license fee for the use of the trademarks at 0.1% of the
aggregate net sales of the Company and its subsidiaries and at 2.1% of the aggregate
[...] net sales of a jointly controlled entity.
據Glencore的過往經驗,其除稅前收入(未計入重大項目)(不包括分佔聯營公司共同控制實 體收入及股息收入)的實際稅率一直約為10%,特別是營銷溢利的比例較行業溢利為高的年度。
It has been Glencore’s historical experience that its effective tax rate pre significant items on pre-tax income,
excluding share of income from
[...] associates and jointly controlled entities and dividend [...]
income, has been approximately 10%,
particularly in years where the marketing to industrial profit contribution mix is higher.
就所有其他部份出售(即出售本集團於聯營公司 共 同控 制實體之部份擁有權但不引致本集團失去重大影響力 共 同 控 制 權 )而言,則按此比例將累計匯兌差額重新 分類至損益賬。
For all other partial disposals (i.e.
partial disposals of
[...] associates or jointly controlled entities that do not result in the Group losing significant influence or joint control), the proportionate [...]
share of the accumulated
exchange differences is reclassified to profit or loss.
重 大 影 響,是 指 對 一 個 企 業 的 財 務 和 經 營 政 策 有 參 與 決 策 的 權 力,但
[...] 並 不 能 夠 控 制 或 者 與 其 他 方 一共 同 控 制 這 些 政 策 的 制 定。
Significantcontrolmeanshavingtheauthoritytotakepartinthedecision over the financial and
operational policies but not the
[...] authority to control or jointly control with other [...]
parties the formulation of such policies.
就分類間規管分類表現及分配資源而言,所有資產乃分配至經營分類,惟銀行存款及未分配企業資產、聯營 公司及一共同控制實 體權益、可出售投資及持作買賣投資除外。
For the purposes of monitoring segment performances and allocating resources between segments, all assets are allocated to operating segments other than bank deposits and unallocated
corporate assets, interests in
[...] associates and a jointly controlled entity, available-for-sale [...]
investments, and investments held-for-trading.
遞延所得稅就附屬公司、聯營公司 共 同 控 制 實體投資產生之暫時差異而撥備,但假若本集團可以控制遞延所得 [...]
Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising
on investments in subsidiaries,
[...] associates and jointly controlled entities, except [...]
for deferred income tax liability where
the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by the Group and it is probable that the temporary difference will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.
各分部的財務表現主要參照經調整EBIT/EBITDA進行評估,經調整EBIT/EBITDA為在綜合損益表中披露的收益減已售貨品成本及銷售 及行政開支加上來自聯營公司共同 控 制 實 體收入份額,以及股息收入後的淨額。
The financial performance of the segments is principally evaluated with reference to Adjusted EBIT/EBITDA which is the net result of revenue less cost of goods sold and selling and administrative
expenses plus share of income from
[...] associates and jointly controlled entities and dividend [...]
income as disclosed on the face
of the consolidated statement of income.
公约》第 8 条规定通过普通机制――国家和共 监 控 ( 劳 动监察局和工 会) ――执行,确保诉诸司法的途径和确立对违反根据国际条例通过的国内规则的 [...]
Fulfilment of the provisions of article 8 of the Covenant takes place
through the means of the ordinary
[...] mechanisms – state and public control (Labour inspection [...]
and trade unions), ensuring access
to justice and establishment of sanctions for breach of internal rules adopted on the basis of international regulations.
就此而言,外部審計師包括受審計事務 共 同 控 制 、擁有或管理的任何 實體,或具有全部有關資訊的合理及知情的第三方會合理認定在國內或 [...]
For this purpose, external auditor includes any entity
[...] that is under common control, ownership or management [...]
with the audit firm or any entity
that a reasonable and informed third party knowing all relevant information would reasonably conclude to be part of the audit firm nationally or internationally.
拘留地点应被理解为贝共和国管辖 控 制 下 凭借 共 机 构 的命令或在其指 使下或经其同意或默许个人被剥夺或可能被剥夺自由的任何地点。
Places of detention shall be understood to mean any place
[...] under the jurisdiction or control of the Republic of Benin where persons [...]
are or may be deprived of
their liberty either by virtue of an order given by a public authority or at its instigation or with its consent or acquiescence.
在礼泉抽水蓄能发电站,Ovation 系统将控共计 3 ,720 个 I/O 点,负责数据采集,以及监控电网控制系统和电厂其他辅助系统。
At Yecheon PSPP, the Ovation system, which
[...] will monitor and control a total of 3,720 I/O points, [...]
will be responsible for data acquisition,
as well as for monitoring and controlling the electrical control system and balance of plant processes.
公共和国际研发机构应避免与私 营企业建立能给予后者获取、拥有和/ 或 控 制 共 同 物品/资源的权利的伙伴关系,因 为它们会对公众的福利构成威胁。
Partnerships with private corporations
that give them access,
[...] ownership and/or control over common goods/resources should be avoided by public and international [...]
R&D institutions
as they pose a threat to public welfare.
小组委员会认为,有控制公共机构 剥夺个人自由的任何地点 是而且必须是国家的责任。
The SPT considers
[...] that the effective control of any place where persons are deprived of their liberty by public authorities is and [...]
must remain the domain of the State.
宪法》赋予法官的独立性和不可罢免性确保各司法机构享有广泛的自主 权;然而,该权利要在以检察院为代表的 共 部 门 监 控 下 行 使,检察院负责落实 旨在向刑事司法机关起诉罪犯并使其受到惩罚的公共行动。
The independence of judges and their security of tenure as established by the Constitution ensure a considerable measure of autonomy for the various judicial
bodies. However, this autonomy is
[...] exercised under the control of the public prosecutor’s office, [...]
which is represented by the
prosecution and is responsible for initiating proceedings intended to bring the perpetrator of an offence before the criminal courts and punish that individual.
[...] 验:最高级别的政治承诺和领导作用;进行立法审查,以确保所有部 门的法律协调一致;在包括共安全 、毒 控 制 、社会保护和司法在 内的政府各部委把艾滋病毒防治措施纳入其主要工作,将其作为国家 [...]
口及其组织在内的所有主要利益攸关方建立有意义的伙伴关系;以及 使儿童和青年人积极参与艾滋病毒预防工作。
Delegations exchanged experiences on the following: political commitment and leadership at the highest level; legislative reviews to ensure the consistency of laws across all sectors; mainstreaming of HIV
interventions in all government
[...] ministries, including public security, drug control, social protection [...]
and justice, as part of national
HIV strategic plans; meaningful partnerships with all key stakeholders, including people living with HIV and key affected populations, and their organizations; and the active engagement of children and youth in HIV prevention interventions.
(a) 确保关于维持共秩序和人控制的国内法、行为守则和标准作 业程序充分符合《执法人员使用武力和火器的基本原则》,特别是只有在为 [...]
(a) Ensure that domestic laws, rules of engagement
and standard operating
[...] procedures relating to public order and crowd control are fully in line [...]
with the Basic Principles
on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, in particular the provision that lethal use of firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable in order to protect life (Principles, para. 9)
(c) 至於鄭議員關於違例者的問題第㆔部分,在㆒九九○年十㆒月至本年十月底的 12 個月內,當局就非法傾倒廢物而根據英國傾物入海法令提出的 控 , 共有 7 3 宗;至於就輕微拋垃圾的違例事件而根據簡易程序治罪條例提出的檢控,則有 80 宗。
Referring to the third part -- about offenders -- of Mr CHENG's question, during the last 12 months from November 1990 to the end of October this year, there were 73 prosecutions under the Dumping at Sea Act for illegal dumping activities, and 80 prosecutions under the Summary Offences Ordinance for minor littering offences.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防 控 制 腐败;(c)在 共 和 私 营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 [...]
合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice
institutions, to
[...] effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private [...]
sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant
Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.




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