

单词 共同点

共同点 noun ()

commonality n

See also:

共同 adj

common adj
shared adj
mutual adj
joint adj



共点 n

concurrent n

External sources (not reviewed)

同样地,也在这些国家相 似的社会和文化传统以及生活方式中发现了许 共同点。
Similarly, many commonalities are found in similar [...]
social and cultural traditions and ways of life.
即使您可能认为自己与对方之间拥有很 共同点 , 您也必须保持谨慎,直至双方真正了解与相互信任。
Even though you may feel like you have a lot in common, remain cautious until you feel you know them reasonably well and can trust them.
另一种看法认为,说公共秩序和国家安全有可能构成所 有驱逐的理由共同点,这 是值得怀疑的。
According to another view, it was
[...] doubtful that public order and national security could constitute the common denominator of all grounds [...]
for expulsion.
其他人参加了建设和平倡议,以帮助在社区中平民百姓间建立信任, 并促进冲突群体间共同点和对 人权的尊重。
Others engaged in peacebuilding initiatives to help build
trust among ordinary people within
[...] communities and to foster common ground and respect [...]
for human rights between conflicting groups.
[...] 害人身上,努力保护过去的、现在的和将来的受害人,并强烈鼓励各位代表为找 到援助受害人共同点发挥 大家的多样性。
Mr. Matjila appealed to delegates to focus on the victims of racism and racial discrimination and work to protect past, present and
future victims, strongly encouraging the delegates to use their
[...] diversity to find common ground upon which [...]
to assist victims.
难以想象的 是,在同一个地方出生的人们,按照我们的理解,有如 此之共同点的人们,竟然不能同意和平比邻共处。
It is inconceivable that people who were
[...] born in the same place, as we could be led to understand, and who also have so much in common cannot agree to live peacefully [...]
side by side.
希族塞人领导人不应集中精力挑起对土族塞人的进一步敌对行动,而必须重 视秘书长在其最近报告(S/2010/603)中的呼吁,“改善举行谈判的公众氛围,包 括注重向公众传播关共同点和今 后道路的信息,发表更有建设性与和谐的言 论”。
Instead of focusing its energy on generating further hostility against our people, the Greek Cypriot leadership must heed the call of the Secretary-General in his report (S/2010/603), and “improve the public atmosphere in which the negotiations are proceeding”, including by “focus[ing] messages on convergences and the way ahead”, and “deliver[ing] more constructive and harmonized messages”.
这些项目共同点是设 计师邀请当地市民共同参与到项目的设计和实施过程中。
The similarity between these three projects [...]
was that the designers invited local residents from each city to participate
in the projects’ design and implementation processes.
[...] 话;另一方面,开展示范性活动,促进相互的进一步了解,特别强调不同文化和文明间共 同点,促进地区间对话。
Action will be continued on two levels, on the one hand, to promote dialogue among cultures and civilizations nationally and regionally and, on the other, to promote interregional dialogue through pilot activities designed to foster
better mutual knowledge, with particular
[...] emphasis being placed on points of convergence among [...]
cultures and civilizations.
欧洲联盟为立法选举制定了 500 万欧元(约合 650
万美元)的支持方案,包括 向全国独立选举委员会提供支持、协助开发署保障选举安全(包括审计选举登记 册)并协同其他伙伴(包括法国、西班牙、美利坚合众国以及
[...] IFES、NDI、几内亚 民间社会组织全国委员会和“寻 共同点 ” 等 非政府组织)对民间社会提供支持。
The European Union has a 5 million euro (approx. 6.5 million dollars) programme of additional electoral assistance, which will support the legislative elections, including the Electoral Commission, make a contribution to UNDP to ensure that the elections, including the audit of the electoral roll, are secure and support civil society (in coordination with other partners, including France, Spain and the United States of America and the non-governmental
organizations IFES, NDI, Guinea’s National Council of Civil Society Organizations
[...] (CNOSC-G) and Search for Common Ground).
发言者提到在人权与经济 政策之间有三个潜在共同点:重 新审查经济政策中的权衡情况;规范市场以保 [...]
The speaker
[...] mentioned three potential points of convergence between [...]
human rights and economic policy: revisiting trade-offs
in economic policy to ensure that they respected human rights; regulating markets to protect human rights; and addressing redistribution to ensure equity and prevent impoverishment.
多数气候变化模型共同点是,自然就变化 以及会造成水分模式的转变,但是,对这种变化的幅度和方向仍然有相当没有把 握。
Most climate change models concur that, while climate [...]
change is expected to cause moisture patterns to shift, there is still
considerable uncertainty concerning the magnitude and direction of such changes.
吁请所有会员国履行其在南非德班反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理 和相关不容忍行为世界会议期间表示的承诺,使全球化的惠益最大化,为此除其
他外加强和增进国际合作,以便增强贸易、经济增长和可持续发展方面的机会平 等,利用新技术促进全球信息交流,保全和促进文化多样性以增加文化间交流,3
[...] 此外重申唯有通过广泛持久的努力,以人类千差万别中 共同点 为 基 础打造一个 共同未来,才能使全球化具有充分包容性和公平性
Calls upon all Member States to fulfil their commitment expressed in Durban, South Africa, during the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance to maximize the benefits of globalization through, inter alia, the strengthening and enhancement of international cooperation to increase equality of opportunities for trade, economic growth and sustainable development, global communications through the use of new technologies and increased intercultural exchange through the preservation and promotion of cultural diversity,3 and reiterates that only
through broad and sustained efforts to
[...] create a shared future based upon our common humanity [...]
and all its diversity can globalization
be made fully inclusive and equitable
这得到“寻共 同点”组 织以及联刚稳定团、人道主义事务协调厅、联合国难民事务高级专员办 [...]
This was
[...] supported by Search for Common Ground, as well [...]
as MONUSCO, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), provincial and local authorities and local non-governmental organizations.
无论是Talmudim从而获得更多共同点 比 他 们以前,尽管他们拥有共同的基础,特征,同时由于对材料Babli从圣地它是注定要取代的措施,即使在巴勒斯坦巴勒斯坦塔木德学校接到群众。
Both the Talmudim thus acquired more traits in common than they had formerly possessed despite their common foundation, [...]
while owing to the
mass of material which Babli received from the schools of the Holy Land it was destined in a measure to supplant the Palestinian Talmud even in Palestine.
[...] 伊拉克领导人再次承诺解决阿拉伯人-库尔德人之间的未决问题,并在联伊援助 团协助下,共同努力建立信任,找 共同点。
I therefore urge the Iraqi leaders to reaffirm their commitment to
resolve pending Arab-Kurdish issues and work together, with the support of UNAMI, to build
[...] trust and find common ground.
推动新的区域 主义和全球化的问题之间的大共同点 突出说明了区域层面有着越来越大的潜 [...]
力在全球和国家层面之间提供有效的联 系纽带,以推动一种包容的可持续的全球 化进程。
The large commonality between the issues [...]
driving the new regionalism and globalization underlines the growing potential
of the regional dimension in providing effective and efficient links between the global and national levels for driving an inclusive and sustainable globalization.
特 别报告员还应邀分享其关于如何找到采掘工程背景 下不同行为者之共同点方面的看法。
The Special Rapporteur was also invited to share his views
[...] on how to find common ground among various [...]
actors in the context of extractive projects.
特别报告员强调无论如何应该尊重合法诉讼 权,提请关注宣布非常状态和以国家安全或反恐 的名义建立平行的司法行政体系所导致的侵犯人 权和损害司法机关独立性的风险,同时指出了恐 怖主义和人权问题特别报告员的报告与他的报告共同点,比 如司法机关在维护人权中的重要作 用或者剥夺恐怖主义嫌疑人的平等诉讼权,以及 主张拟定一项具有普遍性的宣言,在其中重申有 关在非常状态下保护人权的原则并加强这方面的 国际准则。
Stressing that the right to a fair trial must be respected in all circumstances, he drew attention to the risks of human rights violations and impingements on the judicial independence posed by the declaration of states of emergency and the establishment of parallel justice systems in the name of national security or the struggle against terrorism.
首先,值得注意的是,尽管有分歧,但也就一 共同点 达 成 了协议:对核裁 军和不扩散的承诺,承认裁军领域多边主义的重要性,希望裁军谈判会议能够更 [...]
有力并履行作为唯一裁军谈判论坛的职责,以及对我们的论坛现状的普遍受挫 感。
Firstly, it is important to note
that despite differences, there is
[...] agreement on some common points: a commitment to [...]
nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation,
recognition of the importance of multilateralism in the field of disarmament, a desire for a Conference on Disarmament which is stronger and fulfils its role of sole disarmament negotiating forum, and a shared frustration across the board with the current state of our forum.
这一用语实际上涉及两类声明, 共同点 是 明 确表明声明国不承认加入(或 希望加入 ) 该条约的另一实体,但其目的是产生极为不同的法律效果:在某些情 况下,按公认的惯例,声明国采取简单的“预防措施”,声明其加入不被其承认 [...]
(2) The term
[...] in fact applies to two types of statements which have the common feature of specifying [...]
that the State formulating
them does not recognize another entity that is (or wishes to become) a party to the treaty, but which seek to produce very different legal effects: in some cases, the author of the statement is simply taking a “precautionary step” by pointing out that, in accordance with a well-established practice, its participation in a treaty to which an entity that it does not recognize as a State is a party does not amount to recognition; in other cases, the State making the statement expressly excludes the application of the treaty between itself and the non-recognized entity.
这些人共同点是他 们都有不同的想法。
What these
[...] people have in common is that they think differently.
这五位备受国际瞩目的杰出亚洲华人企业家,他们的故事各有精彩之处, 共同点 是 能 够在纷繁的市场中准确地把握商业机会,以超人的智慧洞悉经商之道,以坚强的意志、果断的判断能力面对顺境、逆境,同时善用各方资源实现企业愿景和目标,最终获得了巨大的成功。
Although each of these five outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs have most intriguing
individual experiences to relate, they do
[...] share something in common:  being able to [...]
grasp the right business opportunities within
a complex marketplace, having the wisdom, resolve and analytical skills to face up to any situation and predicament, and to fully utilise the resources at their disposal to fulfil their vision and dreams, and secure eventual success.
秘书处曾指出,两项申请共同点是 ,项目寻求积累管理和融资模式的实用数据和 经验,并将探讨可能存在的通过杠杆效应共同筹资的机会。
The Secretariat had
[...] noted that a common element of the requests [...]
was that the projects would seek to generate practical data
and experience on management and financing modalities, and would examine opportunities to leverage co-financing.
正如可从上文所述的实践中看到尽管对双边条约的“保留”和对多边条约 的保留共同点,它 们在一个基本要点上却有区别:它们旨在产生的效果和它们 实际产生的效果。
(12) In the light of the practice described above it
would appear that,
[...] despite some obvious points in common with reservations to multilateral treaties, “reservations” to bilateral treaties are different in one key respect: [...]
their intended and their actual effects.
尽管我们原本希望并仍 旧希望安理会就该请求找共同点, 但 是,会员国对 今天辩论会表现出的强烈兴趣表明了一点,即:会员 [...]
While we would have preferred, and
[...] still prefer, that the Council find common ground on this [...]
request, the strong interest
of the membership in today’s debate makes one thing clear, namely, that the Members want to see this topic on the agenda of the Council.
在第一个领域所采取的行动与在治理和执法方面所采取的行动有多 共同 点,包 括推动认证办法,修订认证标准所采用的标准,旨在打击非法砍伐和相关 贸易的措施。
These include promotion of certification, revision of the criteria used in certification standards, and measures aimed at combating illegal logging and associated trade.
同种族同文化民族 指从过去或未来角度看具共同点的 人群或人口 这类民族的共同根基反映在传统 语言 宗 教 服饰或饮食习惯等方面 同种族同文化民族拥有共同的 历史 文化和发源地 通常具有很强的凝聚力
A group of people or a population which defines itself by having either a past or a future perspective in common. This common ground is reflected in tradition, language, religion, clothing or eating habits.
在所有宗教共同点识别 被认为是促进这个走向全球统一行动;克里希纳,佛陀,摩西,查拉图斯特拉,耶稣,穆罕默德都像神圣的表现,最终导致了在Bahaullah先知系列认可。
Recognition of the common ground of all religions [...]
is seen as fostering this move toward global unity; Krishna, Buddha, Moses,
Zarathustra, Jesus, and Muhammad are all recognized as divine manifestations, a series of prophets culminating in Bahaullah.
各国日益通过区域机构、实 体和制度来寻共同点,以 提高在全球经 济中的参与并获得好处,同时还寻求保护 避免全球化的负面影响。
Countries have
[...] increasingly sought common ground through regional bodies, entities and institutions to increase their participation in the global economy and to reap the benefits, but [...]
also to shield themselves from its adverse effects.




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