

单词 兰艾同焚

External sources (not reviewed)

兰还表示,美国最近同意为 巴甫洛格勒化工厂采购另一 焚烧 炉,可用于销毁杀伤人员地雷。
Ukraine also indicated that the USA had recently agreed to purchase another incinerator for the Pavlograd [...]
Chemical Plant that
could be used for the destruction of antipersonnel mines.
发言还提到 缺乏关于保护同性恋者、同性恋 者、双性恋者和变性者的法律,这对事关重 大艾滋病 毒的预防工作产生了不利影响。
Reference was also made to the lack of legislation to protect lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people, with a negative impact on important HIV-prevention work.
He said he agreed about the importance of addressing HIV/AIDS in Ukraine.
同时, 我大力强调,必须采用非暴力的抗议 手段,即使是抗议类似最近发生焚 烧 《 古 兰 经 》这 种严重但并非故意的错误行为。
At the same time, I passionately emphasize the need for non-violent means of protest, even in response to such grave, albeit unintentional mistakes as the recent burning of the Holy Quran.
能够提供一位具备如此才干的协调员领导 这一重要进程,我们深感荣幸同时 我 们也期待在新 任协调员——新西兰的艾丽斯 ·雷维尔女士——的领 导下继续参与草案文本的编拟工作,我们完全信任 她。
It has been an honour to provide a coordinator of such calibre to lead that important process, and we look forward to our continued participation in the development of this text under the leadership of the new coordinator, Ms. Alice Revell of New Zealand, who has our highest confidence.
在莱索托和斯威兰,秘 书长艾滋病毒/艾滋病教育问题全球倡议干事代表教科文组织作为联合国规划小组的 一分子行使职能。
In Lesotho and Swaziland, the Secretaries-General and the EDUCAIDS Officers function on behalf of UNESCO as part of the United Nations programme teams.
我代表伊朗伊斯兰共和国人民和政府谴责这 焚 烧 《 古 兰 经 》 的可憎行为, 并强调这种行为无异于煽动仇恨,违反了需尊重宗教和文化的公认准则以及宗教 和文化同的人民和平共处的原则。
shall condemn this odious act of burning the
[...] Holy Quran and stress that such acts amount to incitement to hatred and violate the universally recognized norms requiring respect for religions and cultures as well as the principle of peaceful coexistence of peoples of different religions and cultures.
我们对阿富汗近期发生焚烧古兰经 、枪杀平民 等事件表示关切,希望有关问题得到妥善解决。
We express our concern at the recent incidents, such as
[...] the burning of the Koran and the shooting [...]
of civilians, and hope that the issues
concerned can be resolved properly.
艾滋病病毒/艾滋病预防教育:同艾 滋 病病毒/艾滋病这一流行病作斗争方面所取得的 进展对实现全民教育各项目标都至关重要,尤其是对受影响最甚的国家。
HIV/AIDS prevention education: Advances in the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic will be critical for achieving any of the EFA goals, especially in the most affected countries.
谨随函附上伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利希博士就佛罗 里达一名美国牧师 2012 年 4 月 29 日焚烧《古兰经》 经书的卑劣行径给你写的信 (见附件)。
I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of the letter of Dr. Ali Akbar Salehi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addressed to you (see annex) concerning a despicable act of an American pastor in Florida, who burned copies of the Holy Quran on 29 April 2012.
最近 的事件——例如在坎大哈省潘杰瓦伊区残忍杀害大
[...] 多为儿童与妇女的 16 名无辜平民,在喀布尔北焚 烧《古兰经》 和类似暴行——造成阿富汗人民的深切 悲痛、愤怒和沮丧,可能破坏我们的信任与合作。
The recent incidents — such as the brutal killing of 16 innocent civilians, mostly children and women,
in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar
[...] province, the burning of the Holy Koran north of Kabul [...]
and similar atrocities — could
undermine our trust and cooperation by inciting deep sorrow, anger and frustration among Afghan people.
另见 Erik Beekink,“2010-2012
[...] 年人口活动和艾滋病预防 活动资金流动”,人口基金/艾滋病 / 荷 兰 多 学 科人口研究所资源流动项目(海牙,2011 年)。
See also Erik Beekink, “Financial resource flows for
population and AIDS activities,
[...] 2010-2012”, UNFPA/UNAIDS/Netherlands Interdisciplinary [...]
Demographic Institute Resource Flows Project, The Hague, 2011.
教科文组织支持 39 个国家努力消同艾滋病 毒有关的偏见和歧视,特别是 针对移民、少数族裔和高危青年等边缘化和受排斥的群体。
UNESCO has supported 39 countries
[...] to address HIV-related stigma and discrimination, particularly for marginalized and excluded populations, including migrants, [...]
ethnic minorities
and most-at-risk young people.
各代表团就以下问题交流了经 验:最高级别的政治承诺和领导作用;进行立法审查,以确保所有部 门的法律协调一致;在包括公共安全、毒品控制、社会保护和司法在 内的政府各部委把艾滋病毒防治措施纳入其主要工作,将其作为国家 艾滋病毒战略计划的一部分同包括 艾 滋 病 毒携带者和主要受影响人 口及其组织在内的所有主要利益攸关方建立有意义的伙伴关系;以及 使儿童和青年人积极参与艾滋病毒预防工作。
Delegations exchanged experiences on the following: political commitment and leadership at the highest level; legislative reviews to ensure the consistency of laws across all sectors; mainstreaming of HIV interventions in all government ministries, including public security, drug control, social protection and justice, as part of national HIV strategic plans; meaningful partnerships with all key stakeholders, including people living with HIV and key affected populations, and their organizations; and the active engagement of children and youth in HIV prevention interventions.
澳大利亚代表概述了分组报告,并提出口头修正,作出澄清说,一些成员指出,淘 汰氟氯同清洁发展机制 HFC-23 焚烧项目的收入不相关,而其他一些成员认为清洁发展 [...]
机制实际上补贴了 HCFC-22 的生产。
The representative of Australia presented the Sub-group’s report, making an oral amendment to clarify that some Members noted that there was no relation between the HCFC phase-out on the one hand and
incomes from Clean Development
[...] Mechanism (CDM) HFC-23 incineration projects on the other, [...]
whereas others considered that,
in practice, the CDM subsidized HCFC-22 production.
同于混合焚烧, 后者系指在作为燃料使用废物的同时生产材料,或者为处 置目的对废物进行热处理。
This differs from co-incineration, the production of [...]
materials while using wastes as fuel or the plant in which waste is
thermally treated for the purpose of disposal.
該 醫 療 廢 物 排 放 規 限 將 用於計同時焚化化學廢物 和 醫 療 廢 物 時 的 污染物 排 放 率。
The emission limits from the BPM will be used as a basis for calculating the emission rates of pollutants when the plant is combusting clinical wastes in combination with chemical waste.
厄瓜多尔武装部队与区域中心同利 用 焚 烧 炉 ,销毁了 1.5 吨过时的小武器 弹药。
Using the burning tank, the Ecuadorian Armed [...]
Forces, together with the Centre, destroyed 1.5 tons of obsolete small arms ammunition.
为了缓解紧张局势和促进教 徒相互容忍,6 名拉比后来访问了该清真寺并捐送新 的《兰经》,以代替焚毁的圣书。
To defuse tension and promote inter-faith tolerance, six rabbis subsequently visited
[...] the mosque and donated new Korans to replace those damaged [...]
in the blaze.
水泥窑粉尘的构成各不相同,即便是一条窑生产线产生的粉尘随着 时间的推移也各不同,但是包焚 烧 各 阶段的生料颗粒、熟料微粒,甚至是 窑筒体和相关设备的耐火砖和/或整体炉衬被侵蚀而产生的微粒(Van [...]
Oss, 2005 年)。
CKD composition varies, even over time from a single kiln
[...] line, but includes particulates representing the raw [...]
mix at various stages of burning,
particles of clinker, and even particles eroded from the refractory brick and/or monolithic linings of the kiln tube and associated apparatus (Van Oss, 2005).
讲一点个人的有关经历,在我访问过的这个国家的每个角落,我们各自从事的工作中几乎都能看到这些共同利益的迹象:去年访问新疆一所美国出资为HIV呈阴性的注射吸毒者设立的治疗设施时,我看到了我们 同 努 力 预防 H I V / 艾 滋 病 的成果。
To personalize this a bit, I hardly visit a corner of this country without seeing evidence of these common interests in the work that each is doing: I saw the fruits of our shared efforts on HIV/AIDS prevention when I visited a joint U.S.-China treatment facility for HIV negative injecting drug addicts in Xinjiang last year.
我们为您提供关于垃圾焚烧设备的重要搜索结果,此外,您在搜索垃 焚 烧 设备 的 同 时 , 还可以这里搜索其它的产品和服务。
We not only offer you relevant search results for
Refuse incineration plants. You can also search
[...] here with Refuse incineration plants for further [...]
products and services.
该论坛为议员们组织举办涉及相关议题 的各种活动,包括柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、菲律宾和斯 兰 卡 政 府关 艾 滋 病艾滋病 的新立法的颁布;印度尼西亚政府对家庭暴力法批准以及对影响到卫生和 人口的立法所作的修订;菲律宾和泰国政府消除暴力侵害妇女行为法案的颁布。
The Forum organizes events for parliamentarians on related issues, including the adoption of new legislation on HIV and AIDS by the Governments of Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka; approval by the Government of Indonesia of the domestic violence law and amendments to legislation affecting health and population; and adoption of bills on eliminating violence against women by the Governments of the Philippines and Thailand.
兰谷隧道和艾平路 直接可达亚美亚大厦,10-15 分钟可到悉尼 CBD、巴拉玛特以及北岸商务区。
Direct access to Avaya House via Lane Cove Tunnel and Epping road, 10-15 minutes to Sydney CBD, Parramatta and the North Shore business districts.
那慕尔的 这一教席是与非政府学术组织大学间研究和联系为发
展服务计划(PRELUDE)联合设立的,是为包括全 世界四十二所大学在内的姊妹大学一大学间研究和联
[...] 系为发展服务计划网服务的;通过在摩洛哥卡萨兰 卡--艾因绍克大学创建第一个教科文组织移民与人权 [...]
教席,加强了在这一非常复杂领域的研究能力;埃及 开罗美国大学扩大了姊妹大学被迫移民网。
The Namur Chair is a joint venture with academic NGO PRELUDE (Programme d’Etudes et de Liaison Universitaire pour le Développement) and is serving the UNITWINPRELUDE Network including 42 universities worldwide; Capacity-strengthening in highly complex study areas through the launching of the first UNESCO
Chair in Migration and Human Rights at
[...] the University of Casablanca-Aïnchock, Morocco; [...]
Enlargement of the UNITWIN Forced Migration
Network by the American University of Cairo, Egypt.
(c) 卡尔扎伊总统于 3 月 24 日发表新闻讲话,谴责 2011 年 3 月 20 日在美 利坚合众国发生焚烧古兰经事件,3 月 31 日伊朗媒体对该事件的报道进一步火 上浇油。
(c) Subsequent to President Karzai’s press release dated 24 March in which he condemned the Koran burning incident that took place in the United States of America on 20 March 2011, which was further inflamed by the Iranian media’s coverage of the event on 31 March, violent demonstrations took place in Mazar-e-Sharif on 1 April and Kandahar on 2 April.
在倾弃方面,《21 世纪议程》第 17.30.B 段建议 各国支持更普遍地批准、执行和参与有关海上倾弃问题的公约,并鼓励 1972 年
[...] 《防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约》(《伦敦公约》)缔约方采取适当措 施,制止海上倾倒焚烧有 毒有害物质。
In regard to dumping, Agenda 21, by its paragraph 17.30.B, recommended that States support wider ratification, implementation and participation in relevant Conventions on dumping at sea and encouraged the Parties to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other
Matter 1972 (London Convention) to take appropriate steps to stop
[...] ocean dumping and incineration of hazardous substances.
会议汇聚了大约 40 名巴哈教、佛教、基督教、印度教、犹 太教、伊兰教和锡克教的领袖以 艾 滋 病 署和人口基金的执行主任、 兰 和瑞艾滋病大使艾滋病毒携带者网络和其他组织的领导人与代表。
It brought together some 40 Baha’í, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish,
Muslim and Sikh
[...] leaders, the Executive Directors of UNAIDS and UNFPA, the AIDS Ambassadors of the Netherlands and Sweden, and leaders and representatives of networks of [...]
people living with HIV and other organizations.
还有的房间,有着深厚的,飞扬的海啸;另一个房间为特色的Dalil炎热的沙漠;第三个房间,提供了一个神秘而放松卡利普 艾兰 维 尤 ;或房间,描绘神圣的,奥林巴斯和强大的山其神和女神。
There’s the room which has the deep, swirling Tsunami; another room which features the scorching desert of Dalil; a third room which offers a view of the mysterious and relaxing Calypso island; or the room that depicts the holy, powerful mountain of Olympus and its gods and goddesses.
三菱化学高新聚合物项目管理层要求,数字自动化供应商能够与其在日本的工程师以及在中国的工程公司 同 协 作, ” 艾 默 生过程管理亚太区总裁 Sabee Mitra 说:“而我们在中国具有强大的、实施大型自动化项目的能力,尤其在工作效率、团队合作以及竞争优势等方面拥有良好的口碑。
MAP officials needed a digital automation supplier to work as a team with engineers in Japan and the construction
contractor in China," according to Sabee
[...] Mitra, president of Emerson Process Management [...]
Asia Pacific.  "We emphasized our ability
to implement large automation projects in China, and especially our track record of efficiency, teamwork, and competitiveness.




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