单词 | 六块腹肌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 六块腹肌 —six-pack (abs)See also:腹肌 n—abs pl 腹肌—abdominal muscle
另外,全球海洋观测系统沿 岸模块的六个目标有许多共同要求。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the same time, the six goals of the coastal module of GOOS have [...] many common requirements. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果您感到或看到您的腹股沟上有肿 块 或 是 该部位有牵扯感,请立刻去看医生。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | If you can either feel or see a bulge in your groin or experience a tugging sensation in the area, make an appointment to see a doctor immediately. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
左图显示的是一个自定义界面包含没有滤波的EMG信号数据 ( 腹 部 肌 肉 ) 与动态关节角度数据(髋关节外展/内收)和EMG功率表。 biometricsltd.com | The Display to the left shows a Workspace containing [...] unfiltered EMG data (abdominal muscles) with Goniometer [...]data (hip flexion/extension) and EMG Power Spectrum. biometricsltd.com |
首先吸气,然后声门关闭,腹肌和肋 骨间肌肉开始收缩,此时肺内压力急速升高,远大于大气压,然后声门开放,在高压力差推动下,气流从肺快速冲出,将呼吸道内之异物、痰液等咳出。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | First, we inhale to fill the lungs with air, the voice [...] box closes and then the diaphragm and respiratory muscles contract [...]to quickly increase the pressure [...]inside the lungs to be greater than the ambient air pressure. Next, the build-up of pressure forces the voice box open, and air escapes rapidly from the lungs with the goal of dislodging the irritant from the respiratory tract. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
由有序的六角形模块列距 环绕在一个唯一的图像周围组成; 支持4种不同模式操作; UPS模式是模式2(美国传输者)和模式3(国际传输者)。 tec-it.com | Made up of [...] offset rows of hexagonal modules arranged around [...]a unique finder pattern; Supports 4 different modes of operation; [...]UPS Modes are Mode 2 (US Carrier) and Mode 3 (Intern. Carrier) tec-it.com |
2004 年 6 月初首先在两个试点办事处(拉巴特办事处和蒙得维的亚办事处)安装了财 [...] 务管理模块,然后于 2004 年 7 月初对接受使用财务管理模块的第一 批 六 个 办 事处进行了培 训。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The deployment of the FI module started with two pilot offices (Rabat and Montevideo) in early [...] June 2004 and continued with the [...] training of a first group of six offices which received [...]access to FI in early July 2004. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同样,德国即将启动一个由 六个模块组成 的远程学习方案,该方案旨在向小组带头人和担任敏感职位的官 [...] 员等目标群体以及一般工作人员展开教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, in Germany, a six-module e-learning programme [...] is about to be launched, which aims to educate target groups, such [...]as team leaders and officials holding vulnerable positions, as well as staff at large. daccess-ods.un.org |
后挥杆:这里要强调的是将重量转移至后腿,以及力量从足部往上堆积(或加载,或盘旋),通过腿部、髋部、骨盆 、 腹 部 斜 肌 和 最阔的核心胸椎到达肩部和手臂。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Backswing: The emphasis here is a shift of weight to the back leg, and a stacking/loading/coiling of power [...] from the feet up through leg, hip, pelvis, [...] obliques and core, latissimus, thoracic spine [...]and into the shoulder and arms. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
用另一个扳手 (相同尺寸)夹住另一块板的六角形 部分进行拆 卸。 graco.com | Use another wrench [...] (same size) on the hex of the other plate [...]to remove. graco.com |
2.1.4 經口部、皮下、肌內、靜脈或腹膜內給予注射及藥物 legco.gov.hk | 2.1.4 The administration of injections and medicines per os, [...] subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously or intraperitoneally. legco.gov.hk |
直肌腹部直肌腹部的腱鞘。 institutododelta.com.br | The rectus muscle of the abdomen has as tendon sheath of the rectus muscle of the abdomen. institutododelta.com.br |
1785 年,美国国会通过《土地测量法令》(Land Survey Ordinance),推出正方形镇区制度,规定镇区边长 为 六 英 里 ,划分为 36 块土地,每块土地面积为一平方英里。 wdl.org | In 1785, the United States Congress passed the Land Survey [...] Ordinance, which provided [...] for a system of square townships six miles on a side, divided into 36 [...]one-square-mile sections. wdl.org |
肾脏位置较隐蔽,癌肿在长到一定的体积以前 肿 块 很 难 发现,一 般 腹 部 摸到 肿 块 已 是 晚期症状。 asiancancer.com | Due to the [...] hidden position of kidneys, the lumps are very difficult to find before [...]growing to a certain volume. asiancancer.com |
下面的浅筋膜,腺体组织,形成一个三角形的胸骨,这是在气管中线 ; 二 腹肌 ( 轻 松地确定其闪亮的白色的肌腱部分)左和三个肌肉;最后,胸锁乳突肌肌肉。 jove.com | Beneath the superficial fascia, there is glandular tissue to the [...] left and three muscles which form a triangle: [...]the sternohyoid, which lies midline [...]over the trachea; the digastric (easily identified with its shiny white tendinous portion); and lastly, the sternomastoid muscle. jove.com |
我们的每只脚都由26块骨头,33个关节, 1 2 6 块肌 肉 , 及韧带和神经组成。 cn.iherb.com | Each of our feet is composed of 26 bones, 33 [...] joints, and 126 muscles, as well as ligaments, [...]and nerves. iherb.com |
高级时尚与奢侈品管理课程是一个包 括 六 个 模 块 的 综 合学习过程,它为拥有不同国籍和教 [...] 育背景的组织和个人提供学习和交流的机会。 ifm-paris.com | The program is [...] designed as an integrated six-step sequence of learning [...]experiences providing the opportunity for executives [...]to increase their knowledge, to develop their skills and contacts, to anticipate change in the industry and to successfully enhance the competitiveness of their company. ifm-paris.com |
目前,TCL已形成多媒体、通讯、华星光电和TCL家电四大产业集团,以及系统科技事业本部、泰科立集团、新兴业务群、投资业务群、翰林汇公司、房地 产 六 大 业务 板 块。 marvell.com.cn | Currently, TCL Corporation has set up four business units – TCL Multimedia Holdings, TCL Communication Holdings, China Star Optoelectronics Technology and TCL Home Appliances Group, as well as six business groups – System Technology Unit, Techne Group, Emerging Business Group, Investment Group, Logistic & Service Group and Real Estate Group. marvell.com |
透過皮膚組織工程學﹐可使肌膚於三 至 六 個 月 內再新。 lavedo.com | Produced by tissue engineering process, its aim is to rejuvenate the skin within 3 to 6 months. lavedo.com |
为了计算保护区不同地方的保护效益,研究确定了两件事:(i) 谁将收益;(ii) 每项生态系统服务的价 值——每个森林块,横跨六种森 林类型。 teebweb.org | To calculate conservation benefits in different parts of the reserve, the study determined [...] two things: (i) Who would benefit; (ii) The value of each ecosystem service – [...] per forest parcel, across six forest types. teebweb.org |
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修 复 肌 肤 的 作用。在娇韵诗专利化合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around [...] System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。 clarinsusa.com | Scientists have found the [...] Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing [...]and repairing properties thanks to its high content [...]of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action. clarinsusa.com |
在日常观看事物时,我们的上眼睑借着一 小 块肌 肉 的 协调,维持着张开的状况。 hsbc.com.hk | During normal vision, our upper eyelid is maintained in the opening [...] position by a tiny piece of muscle. hsbc.com.hk |
整个课程分为六个模块,全用英语进行主讲。每一个模块除了由中欧为 Emerson [...] 量身设计的最新管理课程外,更有 Emerson 公司高层管理人员分享公司百年运营的宝贵经验,管理理念,以及运营策略等。 emerson.com | Each module consists of not only latest [...] management courses that CEIBS tailors for Emerson, but also lectures by Emerson [...]senior executives on the company's valuable operating experience, management ideas, and operating strategies in the past 100 years. emerson.com |
本届海洋节自7月20日至8月4日,以“邀世界共享蓝色盛宴”为主题,包括海洋文化、海洋旅游、海洋体育、海洋科技、蓝色经济、海军展 示 六 大 板 块 的 36 项活动,将持续16天,诚邀海内外宾客共赴蓝色盛宴。 samdecaux.com | The festival features 36 [...] activities across six categories: ocean [...]culture, ocean tourism, maritime sports, ocean sciences, blue economy and navy shows. samdecaux.com |
因此,我們必須盡快進行 719CL 工程計劃下的可行性研究,以確定經修訂的初步發展大綱圖所 [...] 載建議的工程可行性,務求充分發揮該幅啟德空地的發展潛力,並使 啟德腹地得到最大效益。 legco.gov.hk | We therefore need to carry out as soon as possible the Feasibility Study under 719CL to confirm the engineering feasibility of the recommendations of the [...] revised PODP to realize the full development potential of the vacant [...] land in Kai Tak and its benefits [...]to the hinterland. legco.gov.hk |
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七 届会议上审议为 第 六 十 六 届 会议印发的秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing [...] States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports [...]of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198). daccess-ods.un.org |
另一名出示 [...] 了其病历手册,其中记载他请求进行爱克斯光检查,因 为 腹 部 持 续疼痛反射至背 部和臀部左侧;在手册中没有记录答复,只有囚犯的坚持要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another showed his healthcare booklet in [...] which he requests an X-ray because of [...] persistent pain in the abdomen radiating to [...]the back and left hip; no response was noted [...]in the carnet other than the prisoner’s insistence. daccess-ods.un.org |
負責統合鐵路發展研究的顧問測度說,而我引述: 「作為世界首要的貨櫃港,具備㆒切金融及航運支援,並有發展㆗的㆗國廣 闊 腹 ㆞作為後盾,若選擇把角色局限於主要透過道路運輸為鄰近的廣東,及以內陸船為㆗國其 餘的㆞方服務,這情況實屬罕有」。 legco.gov.hk | The consultant who put together the Railway Development Study surmised, and I quote, "it would be an extraordinary circumstances that the world's premier container port, which has all the logistics of finance and shipping, and has the vast hinterland of developing China, elects to constrain its role to serving nearby Guangdong largely through road transport and the rest of China by coastal vessels. legco.gov.hk |