

单词 六个月

See also:

六月 n

July n


sixth month (of the lunar year)

个月 pl

months pl

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 解委员会以及国家政治监禁和酷刑问题委员会,为 六个月。
The corresponding bill also provided for the reinstatement of the national truth and
reconciliation commission and the national commission on political imprisonment and torture,
[...] for a period of six months.
二. 必要时,委员会可以在第十一条第六款所 六个月 期 间 结束后,邀请有 关缔约国向委员会通报该国就调查所采取的措施。
The Committee may, if necessary, after the end of
[...] the period of six months referred to in article [...]
11, paragraph 6, invite the State
Party concerned to inform it of the measures taken in response to such an inquiry.
526 500 美元的资源将能为一名行动牵头 六个月 的服 务、一名数据管理专家 12 个月的服务和一名项目主管 12 个月的服务提供经费。
Resources in the amount of $526,500
[...] would provide for six months of services by someone leading the operations, 12 months of services [...]
by a data management
expert and 12 months of services by a project manager.
有望承接这项工作的新的承包商将有义务在 获得合同六个月内销 毁剩余的杀伤人员地雷。
The prospective new contractor
will have the obligation to destroy the remaining
[...] anti-personnel mines within six months of the awarding of [...]
the contract.
[...] 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造成受伤害的人死亡,健康严重受损或健康紊 乱持续起六个月的行为。
A crime of violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable under the criminal procedure and as a result of which the injured
person dies, sustains serious damage to his or her health, or sustains a health
[...] disorder lasting for at least six months.
1961 年《对外
[...] 援助法》620q 部分提到一个国家的对美债务如果逾六 个月未还,就失去了再获得美国经济和军事援助的资 格。
Section 620q of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 provides that a
[...] country falling six months behind on debt repayments [...]
becomes ineligible for further
U.S. economic and military assistance.
如该行为发生在体育或文化设施内,犯罪人还应处以当前法定最低月薪五(5) 至十(10)倍的罚款,并禁止进入该体育或文化设施,禁入期限 六 ( 6 ) 个月 至三 (3)年。
If the act is committed in a sports or cultural facility, the offender shall also be liable to a fine of between five (5) to ten (10) times the current minimum statutory monthly wage
and prohibited from entering the sporting or cultural facility for a
[...] period of between six (6) months and three (3) years.
二. 收文缔约国应当六个月内向 委员会提交书面解释或陈述,澄清有关事 项及该缔约国可能已提供的任何补救办法。
Within six months, the receiving State [...]
Party shall submit to the Committee written explanations or statements clarifying
the matter and the remedy, if any, that may have been provided by that State Party.
根据联合检查组章程(大会第 31/192 号决议,附件)第 11 条第 4 款(d)和(e) 项的规定,如果一份报告只涉及一个组织,该报告及行政首长对报告的评论,应
在收到报告三个月以内递送该组织的主管部门,供该主管部门下一次会议审议; 如果一份报告涉及一个以上组织,该报告连同各行政首长的联合评论及其有关各
[...] 自组织的问题所发表的任何评论,应在收到联检组报告 六个月 之 内 准备好,以 提交有关主管部门下一次会议审议。
In accordance with subparagraphs 4 (d) and (e) of article 11 of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit (General Assembly resolution 31/192, annex): when a report concerns only one organization, the report and the comments of the executive head thereon shall be transmitted to the competent organ of that organization not later than three months after receipt of the report for consideration at the next meeting of the competent organ; and, when a report concerns more than one organization, the report, together with the joint comments and any comments of the respective heads on the matters that concern their particular organization, shall be ready for submission to
the competent organs of the
[...] organizations not later than six months after receipt of the [...]
Unit’s report for consideration at
the next meeting of the competent organs concerned.
在本双年度的最六个月,这些目标已经实现,其做法是,开展 各种行动和活动,如面向会员国的宣传运动、出版和修订重要文件、宣传资料、提供各式各 [...]
样的传播和信息服务、组织培训班、以及装备全国委员会与更新办事处的设备和接通因特网 等等。
During the last six months of the biennium, [...]
these objectives continued to be met through the development of different actions
and activities, including an advocacy campaign directed at the Member States, the publication and updating of key documents and information materials, the provision of manifold communication and information services, the organization of training seminars and the equipment of National Commissions with updated office equipment and Internet connection, etc.
对于泵管 P7758-255773,六个月更换这些项目。
For pumpline P7758-255773,
[...] replace these items every six months.
对于泵管 P7758-255773,六个月要拆 卸并清洁泵基座一次。
For pumpline P7758-255773, disassemble and
[...] clean the pump base on every six months.
[...] 司能够达到这些标准且保卫任务无法通过其他方式完成时,可以不必遵守这些规 则,但是这种情况下与安保公司的合同最多只能签 六个月。
The Swiss draft law grants an exception to these standards if no company satisfying them is available
and the protection task cannot be completed otherwise, but stipulates a
[...] maximum duration of six months for such contracts.
在过六个月中, 检察官办公 室成员还与主要国家官员,包括国家检察机关保持直接对话。
Throughout the past six months, members of the Office [...]
of the Prosecutor have also maintained a direct dialogue with key
State officials, including national prosecution offices.
(l) 秘书长应为常驻代表举行半年一次的关于 六个月 甄 选 程序和任 命情况的吹风会,归纳面试小组按照前文第 [...]
87(g)段中的准则所撰报告中的 信息。
(l) Bi-annual briefings should be held by the Secretary-General for Permanent Representatives on the
selection process and appointments made
[...] in the preceding six months summarizing the information [...]
contained in the reports of
interview panels as per the guideline in paragraph 87 (g) above.
[...] 以及关于其执行情况的法定报告,如双年度 C/3 号文件和六个月一次的 EX/4 号文件,编 制的方式要确保符合注重成果的规划、计划编制、监测和报告原则。
Among the principal responsibilities of the Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP) are the preparation of the biennial Programme and Budget of the Organization (C/5) and the statutory reports on its
implementation such as the biennial C/3
[...] document and the six-monthly EX/4 documents in [...]
a manner that ensures compliance with
the principles of results-based planning, programming, monitoring and reporting.
对于被要求仅就可否受理问题提交书面答复的缔约国,不排除它在收到要求后六个月内一 并就来文的可否受理问题和是非曲直再提交书面答复的可能。
A State party that has been requested to submit a written reply that relates only to the question of
admissibility is not precluded thereby from
[...] submitting, within six months of the request, a [...]
written reply that shall relate both to
the communication’s admissibility and its merits.
即在没有获得工作 许可情况下,他们可以在波兰进行不超六 个月的工 作,并且在获得许可工人留在波兰 的相应法律文件之后,进行不超过12个月的 [...]
Namely, they are allowed to perform the work in Poland for a
[...] period not exceeding six months, within 12 months without the work [...]
permit, after receiving an
appropriate legal document which permits the worker to stay in Poland.
如果账单显示您(不是您的家庭)支付的 共付额超过六个月的最 高限额,我们会 把超额的部分返还给您。
If the bills show that you (not your
household) paid more than the maximum in
[...] co-pays in that six-month period, we will [...]
send you a refund for the amount over the maximum.
回顾高级代表上次报告(见 S/2011/682)以来六个月,我们的总体结论是,虽然仍有理由对波斯尼 [...]
亚和黑塞哥维那的重要政治和经济进程的进展速度 感到关切,但也出现了重要和令人鼓舞的事态发展。
Reflecting on the past six months since the last report [...]
of the High Representative (see S/2011/682), our general conclusion
is that while there are still reasons for concern with the pace of progress of important political and economic processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there have also been important and encouraging developments.
一位患儿的母亲韩平瑶,告诉前来咸镜南道省儿童医院的联合国儿童基金会访问团,染上像麻疹一样的症状后, 六个月 大 的女儿金伊涌正为自己的生命而战。
One mother, Han Pil Nyo, told a visiting UNICEF team at the
South Hamgyong Provincial Paediatric
[...] Hospital that her six-month-old daughter Kim [...]
Il Gyong was fighting for her life after
contracting measles-like symptoms.
大会年会在每个财政年度六个月内召 集,会议议事日程由法律规定。
An Annual General Assembly must be
[...] called within six months of the company’s [...]
financial year and the items on the agenda are stipulated by law.
安全理事会欢迎 2010 年 1 月 15
日《瓦加杜古联合声明》,该声明依 照临时总统塞古巴·科纳特将军在 1 月 6
[...] 日的提议,特别规定成立由反对派 指定的一名文职总理领导的民族团结政府, 六个月 内 举 行选举,并承诺过 渡时期国家元首、“民主与发展全国委员会”成员、总理、民族团结政府成 [...]
The Security Council welcomes the Joint Declaration of Ouagadougou dated 15 January 2010, which, consistent with the proposals made on 6 January by the interim President General Sekouba Konate, provides in particular for the establishment of a National Unity Government led by a civilian Prime Minister
designated by the opposition, the holding of
[...] elections within six months, the commitment that [...]
the Head of State of the transition,
members of the “Conseil National pour la démocratie et le développement”, the Prime Minister, members of the National Unity Government and the defense and security forces in active service will not stand in the forthcoming presidential elections.
注册人六个月期间内作出答复,申请对商品(甲 + 乙)的 临时驳回进行复审;经过复审,决定驳回商品(甲)上的保护,但允许保护 [...]
商品(乙);主管局发布公告,说明商标将在商品(乙+丙)上得到保护, 公告之日起四个月内可以对此提出异议;给注册人的决定通知书中还说明将
The holder
[...] responds within the six-month period, requesting [...]
a review of the provisional refusal in respect of goods (X +
Y); following such a review, a decision is issued, refusing protection for goods (X) but allowing protection for goods (Y); the Office publishes a notice to the effect that the mark is to be protected for goods (Y + Z), and that any opposition to this may be filed within four months of the date of publication of the notice; the communication informing the holder of the decision also indicates that this notice is being published, together with its date and the duration of the opposition period.
(c) 坦桑尼亚联合共和国国家方案,执行主任根据执行局第 2010/9 号决定, 核准将该方案延六个月,从 2011 年 1 月 1 日延长至 2011 年 6 月 [...]
30 日,执行 局在该决定中决定在 2011 年第一届常会和年会上例外审议坦桑尼亚联合共和国
的共同国家方案,该方案也列入了表 2。
(c) The country programme for the United Republic of
[...] Tanzania, whose sixmonth extension, from 1 January 2011 to 30 [...]
June 2011, was approved by the
Executive Director pursuant to Executive Board decision 2010/9, which decided to consider the common country programme of the United Republic of Tanzania at its first regular and annual sessions of 2011 on an exceptional basis — also listed in table 2.
除了以拘留相威胁以外,以 色列还采用禁止旅行等惩罚性措施,限制和平活动家和宣传家的活动,例如对巴 勒斯坦地图专家阿拉伯研究学会的地图和地理信息系统部负责人 Khalil Tafakji 武断地实六个月的旅行禁令。
In addition to the threat of detention, Israel is also using punitive measures, such as travel bans, to limit the movement of peace activists and advocates, such as the six-month travel ban arbitrarily imposed on the Palestinian map expert, Khalil Tafakji, who heads the Arab Studies Society’s Mapping and Geographic Information Systems Department.
尽管与上世纪九十年代相比,营养不良的儿童少了一些,但是在发展中国家仍有四分之一、或者说1.43亿 5岁以下儿童的体重过轻,并且只有38% 的六个月大的婴儿是由母乳喂养的。
Although fewer children are undernourished than in the 1990s, 1 in 4, or 143 million under-five children in
the developing world are still underweight and only 38 per cent of
[...] children under six months are exclusively breastfed .
5.2 提交人还说,监督上诉被 Nizhegorodsky 区域法院以形式理由驳回,如:以 前的法院判决书副本是由一个公证处验证,而不是由原法院本身验证的;由于根 据新法律的规定监督审查申请在一审法院审理其案件之后已经超 六个月 的限 期。
5.2 The author further states that the supervisory appeals were rejected by the Nizhegorodsky Regional Court on formalistic grounds, such as the fact that the copies of previous court decisions were authenticated by a notary, and not the court itself, and due to the expiration of the six-month deadline for supervisory review claims, as introduced by a new law, following the examination of her case by the first-instance court.
决定根据暂行议事规则第 28
条,设立一个安全理事会的委员会,由安理会 全体成员组成,任期不超过两年,该委员会酌情借助其他专门知识,向安理会报
[...] 告本决议的执行情况以供审查,并为此目的吁请各国从本决议通过之日起至六 个月向该 委员会提交第一份报告,说明为执行本决议所采取或准备采取的步骤。
Decides to establish, in accordance with rule 28 of its provisional rules of procedure, for a period of no longer than two years, a Committee of the Security Council, consisting of all members of the Council, which will, calling as appropriate on other expertise, report to the Security Council for its examination, on the implementation of this resolution, and to this end calls
upon all States to present a first
[...] report no later than six months from the adoption [...]
of this resolution to the Committee on
steps they have taken or intend to take to implement the resolution.
本报告是根据安全理事会主席 2007 年 12 月 21 日的信(S/2007/754)中的要 求提交,安理会在信中要求我 六个月 报 告 联合国西非办事处(西非办)完成任务 的情况。
The present report is submitted pursuant to the request contained in the letter dated 21 December 2007 from the President of the Security Council (S/2007/754), in which the Council called on me to report on the fulfilment of the mandate of the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) every six months.




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