

单词 公署



administrative office


Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong (ICAC)

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

任何人意圖行賄,亦 屬違法,房委會會將個案轉介廉 公署 查 究 ,不論是否因此被起訴或定罪,房委會均可取消其申請。
HA will refer the case to ICAC for investigation [...]
and cancel the application irrespective of whether such person has been
prosecuted or convicted of the relevant offence.
公署人员 均有接受训练,会按照《基本法》和《香港人权法案条例》的 规定对待所有嫌疑人和证人,确保符合《公约》的规定。
Officers are trained to treat all suspects and witnesses in accordance with the Basic Law and the HKBORO to ensure compliance with the Covenant.
法案委員會主席黃定光議員匯報,該條 例草案的目的,是在《釋義及通則條例》第3條, 就 " 中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的機 構 " ,訂立單一的定義,並修訂《立法會行政管 理委員會條例》、《植物品種保護條例》、《專
利條例》及《註冊外觀設計條例》的適用條文, 使該4 項條例,除適用於特區政府外,亦適用於 中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的3 個機 構,即中央人民政府駐香港特區聯絡辦公室、中
[...] 華人民共和國外交部駐香港特區特派 公署及 中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊。
Mr WONG Ting-kwong, Chairman of the Bills Committee, reported that the objectives of the Bill were to introduce a single definition of "Offices set up by the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" in section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance; and to amend the application provisions of The Legislative Council Commission Ordinance, the Plant Varieties Protection Ordinance, the Patents Ordinance and the Registered Designs Ordinance to make the provisions of these Ordinances, apart from being applicable to the Hong Kong Government, also applicable to the three Offices set up by the Central People's Government (CPG) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), namely the Liaison Office of CPG in HKSAR, the Office of the Commissioner of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's
[...] Republic of China in HKSAR, and the [...]
Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
日後會繼續舉行非正式會議以討論廉 公署 建 議的 未來路向。
Further informal
[...] meetings would be convened to deliberate on the way forward for the ICAC proposal.
来自八个国家的十六名与会代表和一名观察员以及来自毒品和犯罪 问题办公室及香港廉公署的两名客座教授就“预防犯罪:有效的行政和刑事 司法措施”这一主题发言并讨论了反腐败措施、战略和最佳做法在预防腐败过 程中的重要性。
Sixteen participants and one observer, representing eight countries, and two visiting experts, one from UNODC and one from the Hong Kong Independent Commission against Corruption, gave presentations on “Preventing corruption: effective administrative and criminal justice measures” and discussed the importance of anti-corruption measures, strategies and best practice in the prevention of corruption.
倘 獲 准 保 釋 者 或 其 律 師 申 請 延 長 保 釋,使 獲 准 保 釋 者 可 在 一 較 原 定 報 到 日 期 為 後 的 日 期 才 前 往 報 到,有 關 方 面 應 通 知 獲 准 保 釋 者 必 頇 在 原 定 報 到 日 期 前 前 往 廉公 署,重 新 具 結 或 再 繳 付 現 金,以 取 得 批 准 在 一 較 後 日 期 才 報 到 。
When a request is received from a bailee or his legal adviser to extend the bail to enable the bailee to report on a later date than the original reporting date, he should be informed that he must surrender to his bail before the existing reporting date and enter into a fresh recognizance or deposit cash to appear at the later date.
(i) 議程第 6.2.1 項: 有關廉公署於非 正式會議討論制定顧問名 [...]
單及設立成本資料庫的事宜,會於議程第 1.5 項討論。
Deliberations made at the
[...] informal meeting for ICAC’s proposal on [...]
the formulation of a consultants’ list and cost database
would be discussed under agenda item 1.5.
按 此 原 則 , 與 本 校 日 常 運 作 及 內 部 事 務 有 關 的 投 訴 會 由 本 校 負 責 處 理 ; 與 教 育 條 例 、 教 育 政 策 或 教 育 局 直 接 提 供 的 服 務 有 關 的 投 訴 會 由 教
育 局 負 責 處 理 ; 涉 及 其 他 香 港 法
[...] 例 的 投 訴 , 會 向 相 關 執 法 部 門 /機 構( 例 如 廉公 署 、 警 務 處 、 平 等 機 會 委 員 會 等 ) 提 出 , 並 由 有 [...]
關 部 門 /機 構 負 責 處 理 。
As such, complaints relating to daily operations and internal affairs of our school will be handled by school; while those complaints about Education Ordinance, education policies or EDB services will be handled by EDB; and those
involving other laws
[...] of Hong Kong will be lodged to relevant law enforcement agencies (e.g. ICAC, Hong Kong [...]
Police Force or Equal Opportunities
Commission, etc.) for handling.
瑞士还指出,瑞士打击种族主义行 公署 目 前 正在落实一个监测种族主义、 仇外心理和歧视行为的系统,自 2008 年以来,打击种族主义行公署一直 与联 邦反种族主义委员会、人权信息平台 Humanrights.ch 和提供种族主义问题咨询 服务的其他部门通力合作,建立了种族主义案件监测项目,并开发了跟踪这些案 件的在线数据库。
Since 2008, strong collaboration among the Service for the Fight against Racism, the Federal Commission against Racism, Humanrights.ch, an information platform for human rights, and other services providing consultation services in cases of racism, has led to monitoring projects on cases concerning racism and the development of an online database that follows up on the cases.
澳洲政府在其他國家都設有不同形式的政府代表機構,其中最主要的外交機構是大使館和高級專 公署。
Australian Government representation in other countries can take a variety of forms.
澳门特区政府女性出任公职 的情况俯拾皆是,行政法务司司长一职( 澳门特区的第二重要职位) 及廉公署副 专员,均由女性出任。
The offices of the Secretary for Administration and Justice (the second most important member of the MSAR Government), and of one of the deputies to the Commissioner against Corruption, are occupied by women.
9.3 若有充份證據顯示舉報事件可能涉及刑事罪行或貪污情況,有關事宜將由企業內審 向當地的有關執法機構 (如香港廉公署、中 國的公安機關等)舉報。
9.3 If there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a case of possible criminal offence or corruption exists, the matter will be reported by the CASD to relevant local authorities (for instance, the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong, the Public Security Bureau in China, etc).
實 際 上,尌 廉公 署 批 准 保 釋 的 目 的 而 言,在 大 多 數 情 形 下 具 結 已 是 可 予 接 [...]
受 的 了,但 倘 有 關 人 士 已 被 控 犯 罪,並 獲 准 保 釋,以 待 出 庭 應 訊,則 應 進 一
步 考 慮 是 否 要 他 們 接 受 現 金 保 釋,而 保 釋 金 額 應 與 他 們 的 背 景、控 罪 的 嚴 重 性 及 需 要 令 他 們 如 期 出 庭 的 目 的 相 符 。
In practice
[...] recognizances will usually be satisfactory for most ICAC bail purposes, [...]
but whenever persons are charged with
offences and bailed to court, then further consideration should be given to placing them on cash bail at an amount commensurate with their background, the gravity of the offences with which charged, and the need to have them properly respond to the bail.
公署、 最 高审计委员会、中央银行、中央统计和信息组织、国民议会经济委员会的官员 [...]
Officials from the Commission on Public
[...] Integrity, the Board of Supreme Audit, [...]
the Central Bank, the Central Organization
of Statistics and Information and the Economic Committee of the Council of Representatives were trained to conduct a large-scale survey on corruption which would form the basis for the next phase of assessments.
房協和市建局經諮詢廉公署( 廉署) 後已制訂及向業主立案法團( 法團) 、顧問和 [...]
承建商發出「樓宇更新大行動維修工程指引」,為更新行動訂定有關招聘、甄選 和管理顧問和承建商的規定及程序、反貪污及反合謀的要求及程序,以及參與更 新行動的維修工程各方的角色及責任的詳情。
The HKHS and URA have, in consultation with the Independent
[...] Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), formulated and [...]
issued the “Operation Building Bright
Maintenance Guidelines” to owners’ corporations (OCs), consultants and contractors, stipulating the requirements and procedures for appointment, selection and management of consultants and contractors, anti-bribery and anti-collusion practices, as well as the detailed roles and duties of the parties involved in the repair works under the Operation.
黃博士為香港董事學會主席、香港中樂團有限公司理事會顧問及前任主席、經濟合作組織(OECD)企業管治圓桌會議核心成員、香港聯合交易所有限公司主板及創業板上市委員會成員、證監會(香港交易所上市)委員會委員、稅務上訴委員會小組成員、商界環保協會董事局成員、上訴委員會(城市規劃)成員、香港管理專業協會理事會委員,並獲香港特別行政區政府委任為公司法改革常務委員會委員及廉 公署 防 止 貪污諮詢委員會委員。
Dr. WONG is the Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors, the council advisor and past chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Limited, a member of the OECD/World Bank Asian Corporate Governance Roundtable, a member of Main Board and GEM Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, a member of the SFC (HKEC Listing) Committee, a member of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance), a board director of Business Environment Council, a member of the Appeal Board Panel (Town Planning), a council member of the Hong Kong Management Association and was appointed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
as a member of the Standing
[...] Committee on Company Law Reform and the Corruption Prevention Advisory [...]
Committee of Independent
Commission Against Corruption.
鄭先生為市區重建局主席、香港 特區政府創新及科技督導委員會成員、廉 公署 貪 污問題諮 詢委員會委員、香港城市大學校董會成員、以及證券及期貨 事務監察委員會之收購及合併委員會委員及收購上訴委員會 委員。
Mr. Cheng is the Chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority, a member of the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Steering Committee on Innovation and Technology, the Advisory Committee on Corruption of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Council of City University of Hong Kong, and the Securities and Futures Commission’s Takeovers and Mergers Panel and the Takeovers Appeal Committee.
我赞扬促使《公约》成为现实的奥斯陆核心小组 和各民间社会组织,以及已经署《 公 约 》的 95 个 国家。
I applaud the Oslo core group and the civil
society organizations that contributed to making the Convention a reality, as well
[...] as the 95 States that have signed it.
美国虽然没有署公约,但赞同这一原则并认为监测和情报搜索等活 动是在该区域内所允许的活动。
While it has not ratified the convention, the U.S. agrees to this principle and believes that activities such as surveillance and intelligence gathering are permitted within the zone.
这些国际援助主要由国家储署、公 共 采 购和人道 主义援助助机构共同建立的领取-分配-监督机制管理。
These have been managed through the mechanism of receipt-distributionmonitoring, developed by the State Reserves Agency, Public Procurement and Humanitarian Aid.
[...] 生效之日起,应开放供应邀出席海牙会议且没 有署《公约》 的所有国家以及执行局请其加 入的任何其他国家加入。
The Convention contains a clause stipulating that from the date of its entry into force it shall be open for accession by
all States invited to the Hague
[...] Conference which have not signed it, as well as by [...]
any other State invited to accede by the Executive Board.
为设定外勤部可以向公共部门会计准则项目提供的所需支持基准,对粮食 计署——《公共部 门会计准则》的早期采用者和开展外地业务的组织——的实 [...]
In order to benchmark the requirements for support to the IPSAS project that could be provided by
DFS, the lessons learned from the
[...] practical experience of the WFP, an early adopter of [...]
IPSAS and a field organization in its operations, were analysed.
(3) 透過互聯網、郵遞、傳真或投遞箱遞交的登記表格無須 署 / 公 司 印 鑑。
(3) No signature / company chop is required on the registration form for submission through the Internet or by post, fax or the drop-in box.
提出这一请求的背景是,在 2011 年召开的委员会最后一次会议上,委员会 获悉,最近才了解到的情形是,公务员制度委员会未将管理局视为共同制度的参 与者,因为管理局没有署公务员 制度委员会规约,尽管它已采取参加共同制度 的所有其他必要步骤,并有资格 署公 务 员制度委员会规约。
The context in which this request was made is that, at the last meeting of the Committee, in 2011, the Committee was informed that it had recently come to light that the Authority was not considered by ICSC to be a participant in the common system since it did not subscribe to the statute of ICSC, even though the Authority had taken all the other steps necessary to participate in the common system and was eligible to subscribe to the statute of ICSC.
在政府间发展管理局署公务员 举措获得成功的基础上,自独立以来便 开始启动的非洲联盟“非洲团结倡议”将向南苏丹部的公共服务部门派出多 [...]
至 1 000 名非洲联盟成员国技术专家,第一年的目标是部署 75 人。
Building on the successes of the
[...] IGAD civil servant deployments, the African Solidarity [...]
Initiative of the African Union,
which has commenced since independence, will deploy up to 1,000 technical experts from African Union member States in the South Sudanese public service, with a target of 75 deployments during the first year.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参公共行 政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专署内设 立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage
participation of persons of
[...] African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit [...]
dedicated to issues
related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
亞太環通的其中一項策略性計劃,是為迎合近年亞洲區內激增的頻寬需求作出 署 , 公 司 現 已開始進行新一代網絡的提昇工程,藉此提高網絡的效率及可靠性,從而令EAC-C2C網絡比其他網絡系統更勝一籌。
As part of the company・s strategic plans to meet the recent surge of bandwidth demand in Asia, Pacnet has
already embarked on its Next Generation
[...] Network upgrades which will increase network [...]
efficiency and reliability, and put the
EAC-C2C cable network one step ahead of other cable systems available today.
难民署同意审计委员会建议,即难 署 《 公 共 部 门会计准则》实施小组 在调整其实施战略时,应明确确定《公共部门会计准则》项目的目标和预期惠 益,并拟订一项方法来跟踪和管理各种惠益的落实”。
UNHCR agreed with the Board’s recommendation that, in refining the implementation strategy, its IPSAS implementation team clearly identify the objectives and envisaged benefits of the IPSAS project and develop a methodology to track and manage benefits realization.
俄联邦署《公约》 ,即是响应秘书长对所有会 员国进一步保障人权的号召,并把实施《2006-2010 年关于对残疾人的社会保护的联邦方案》中规定的 措施当作重中之重,主要目标是实现医院现代化, 以及使残疾人能获得住房或工作,以便他们将来能 过上名符其实的生活。
It had given priority to the implementation of measures under the Federal Social Protection Plan 2006-2010 for persons with disabilities, which included modernizing hospitals and ensuring access for persons with disabilities to accommodation or employment, among other benefits, so that in the future they would be able to lead a life worthy of the name.




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