

单词 公秉



conducting business impartially (idiom); act justly

See also:

surname Bing

External sources (not reviewed)

以坦诚直率的态度来面对建筑设计,并在工作过程中坚持清晰的设计方向 公 司 秉 持 的 原则和追求的目标。
Vector Architects pursues the fundamental simplicity and logical clarity through the everyday thinking and working process.
因此,公務員應要求公開資料,無須承擔 個人法律責任,惟這必須是其在執 公 職 時 秉公 辦 理 及根據 《守則》的規定行事;在這些情況下,任何可能產生的民事 責任會由政府承擔。
A civil servant therefore need not fear personal liability for the consequences of release of information on request, provided that this is done in good faith in the course of his employment and in accordance with the provisions of the Code; in these circumstances any civil liability that may ensue will be borne by the Government.
公司秉承了 20年北美物联网实践经验,结合中国实际情况,专注开发针对中国市场的RFID芯片及系统产品;利用云计算关键技术和物联网关键技术研发系统服务软件,以帮助和解决市场上各种系统方案,降低方案部署难度及缩短实施周期,降低实施成本,能有效帮助简化垂直整合过程而使用户专注于改善和创新商务流程,拉近用户与物联网技术的距离。
Companies adhering to the " 20 years [...]
of North America networking experience, combined with China's actual conditions, to
concentrate the development of specifically for the Chinese market RFID chip and system products; using cloud computing technology and networking development of key technology service system software, to help and solve on the market all sorts of system scheme, reduce the program deployment difficulty and shorten the implementation cycle, reduce implementation cost, can effectively help simplify the process of vertical integration and enable the user to focus on improvement and innovation of business processes, closer to the user and the Internet of things technology distance.
集團之物業管理成員公司 ─ 恒益物業管理有限公司、偉邦物業管理有限 公司及冠威管理有公司,秉承不 斷提升服務質素及合符環保之理念,於 期內贏得多項殊榮,當中包括「香港 Q 嘜優質服務認證」、「ISO9001 質量管理體 系」以及「香港卓越服務名牌」等。
The Group’s property management companies, Hang Yick Properties Management Limited, Well Born Real Estate Management Limited and Goodwill Management Limited, followed the same quality and eco-conscious approach to services and earned numerous accolades during the period, including the “Q-mark Service Scheme certification”, “ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certification” as well as “Hong Kong Premier Service Brand”.
公司秉持創 造客戶最佳使用經驗的承諾,不 斷創新產品與服務,贏得各界認同:連續六年 榮獲《讀者文摘》「信譽品牌」金獎;五度 榮獲《壹周刊》之「服務第壹大 獎」;獲《數位時代》選入「台 灣科技100強」,是唯一進入前 十強之電信公司;在財團法人資 訊工業策進會「2009年企業上網 滿意度大調查」中,亦獲得整體 滿意度最高之肯定。
TWM received the “Gold Trusted Brand” from Reader’s Digest for the sixth year in a row and the “Top Service Awards” from Next Magazine for five times. The Company also ranked sixth in the “Info tech 100 Taiwan” by Business Next Magazine, placing it ahead of its telecom peers, and won the highest recognition in the “Enterprise Internet Service Satisfaction Survey 2009” conducted by the Institute for Information Industry.
教科文组织为政策制定提供建议并发挥能力建设者的 作用,支持在本组公约秉承的 国际商定原则基础上制定的政策和规则。
Providing advice for policy development and acting as a capacity-builder, UNESCO will support policies and regulatory frameworks derived from the internationally agreed principles contained in its conventions.
牙买加重视这两项公约》所秉持的 目标,并将持续地审查它们,而且就批 准问题作出决定。
Jamaica attaches importance to the objectives underpinning these Conventions and will keep them under review with the aim of taking a decision on ratification.
公司始终秉承全 球自由贸易的理念,致力于提供令全球客户满意的产品。
With free global trade on
[...] the horizon, we are preparing [...]
products that will be acceptable anywhere in the world.
作为负责任公司,娇韵诗秉持其 一贯方针:收集最有效的植物萃取,同时保护大自然。
As a responsible company, Clarins is thus respecting [...]
its permanent objective: to collect the most effective plant extracts
while preserving the environment.
澳大利亚一流品牌澳公司长久以 秉 承 着 安全、可靠、卓越经营与工程及一流客户服务的光荣传统。
Qantas is one of Australia’s leading brands, with a history of safety, reliability, operational and engineering excellence and outstanding customer service.
在 2008 年經濟衰退期間 產出缺口一路跌 至 -8% 比起過去 1980 年代初期大衰退時最低 的
[...] [...] -7.8% 還要低 此外 1980 年代後 其產出 缺口迅速縮小並有幾季變為正值 但此次 2008 年經濟衰退後的產出缺口卻仍在 -8% 附近徘 徊 這意味著 即便是今日 產出缺口仍是前 所未有地巨大並揮之不去 也難怪在目前疲軟 的經濟下 美國企業不願增聘員工 而失業率 高居不下 作者為美國南加州大學教授 台灣吉而好創立於 1983 年 是一間以創意 和設計為宗旨公司 秉持著 精緻 有趣 而富創意 的理念 吉而好讓人們藉由產品 體驗到生活中的小小樂趣 吉而好向消費者展 現絕佳實力 亦獲得多項優良設計獎項並擁有 超過百項專利 產品外銷世界各地 並為多家 國際精品品牌 如 Cerruti 1881 LAVIN 等知名 品牌設計並生產產品 品質深受肯定
During the recession of 2008, the output gap went all the way down to -8%, lower than the -7.8% achieved in the last large recession of the early 1980s. While during the early 1980s, the output gap recovered rapidly and turned positive in a few quarters, the output gap after the recession of 2008 is still hovering around -8%.
為了迎合數位匯流及資訊整合的趨勢, 公 司將 秉持以「客戶導向」為策略規劃方針,以強化顧 客個別的服務、豐富便利生活的方案、開闊市場 創新的商機為基本的執行主軸,實踐「輕鬆簡單的 人性化行動生活」的承諾。
To stay competitive in the face of this technology and service convergence, TWM has drawn up three key strategies in line with its objective of creating the best mobile experience.
雷氏有公司在秉承並 維護最高誠信標準的同時,提供全面和專業並符合國際水準的風險防範和管理服務,為在大中華區運營的跨國公司和中小企業服務。
A. Louie Associates works to deliver and maintain the highest standards of integrity whilst delivering a holistic and professional risk prevention and management service to international expectations for multinational corporations and small, medium enterprises operating in the greater China region.
事实上,作为业界主流的网络能源设备厂商,艾默生网络能源一直高度重视行业节能减排策略的实施 公 司 始 终 秉 持 “关键业务全保障™”理念,通过不断创新,不断发展绿色网络能源技术,为用户打造高效可靠、节能环保的动力产品和解决方案。
As a leading network power equipment manufacturer, Emerson Network Power has always paid great attention to implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction strategies in the industry. Always holding to the
business philosophy of "business-critical
[...] continuity", the company offers users with [...]
efficient, reliable, energy-efficient
and environmentally-friendly power products and solutions by constantly bringing forth new ideas and developing green network energy technologies.
我們不是一家幸逢天時之利公司, 但是我 秉 持 努 力不懈的精神,力求精益求精…,為了我們的客戶,為了我們的股東,也為了包括本公司在內的各方當事人。
We are not a company that stands pat, but rather continues [...]
to push ourselves to do better...for our customers, our shareholders, and each other.
Medidata Solutions 首席执行官 Tarek Sherif 说,“作为日本最大的合同研究组织, E PS 公司将继续秉持已 经验证的能力,为促进医药产品开发作出贡献,同时该公司决定在其现有 EDC 解决方案中实施 Medidata Rave, 此举将有助于 Rave 在日本乃至全球的持续成长。
As one of Japan’s largest CROs, EPS maintains a proven ability to contribute to better pharmaceutical product development, and the company’s decision to implement Medidata Rave into their existing EDC solution will help facilitate the constant growth of Rave in Japan—and around the globe,” said Tarek Sherif, CEO at Medidata Solutions.
这给 GCMPL 的每一位员工提供了绝好的机会,我们可以借鉴 Groth 公司和美国大陆爆破公司 45 年来秉承的 以客户为中心、持续改善、质量优先的原则,创建并享受我们独有的企业文化。
This presents an exciting opportunity for everyone at GCMPL to build and relish a culture based on customer-centric values, continuous improvements, and a focus on quality, which Groth Corporation and Continental Disc Corporation have fostered for over 45 years," said Sumit Maloo, General Manager of Groth Corproration Manufacturing Private Limited.
司法機構會繼續透 過程序及行政上的安 排 , 為無律 師代表訴訟人提供 適當協助,而同 時就爭 議作出裁判時 維 護 既秉 公 判 決 、 不 偏 不 倚 ,又要確保秉 行公義 的立場 有目共睹 這 基本原 則。
The Judiciary will continue to provide suitable assistance to unrepresented litigants through procedural and administrative arrangements, whilst upholding the fundamental principle that it must be and must be seen to be fair and impartial in adjudicating disputes.
秉持大公主义精神,与信仰其 他宗教的妇女和世俗团体开展合作。
It works ecumenically, with women of other faiths and with secular groups.
(d) 一 位
[...] 議員察悉有關檢討金管局的規定的4 個 目 的 ( 上文第 5 段 ) 後 認 為,檢討的 目 的 應限於政府當局就規管前首 長公務員 離職後就業的政策進行檢討時秉持的 目 的, 即 確保前首 長公務員不 會從事與其以公職可 能有實 際、潛在或表面利益衝突,或引致公眾負 面 看 法 致令政 府 尷尬或公務員形象受 損 的業務或工作。
(d) Noting the four objectives of the review of the rules of HKMA (paragraph 5 above), a Member considers that the objectives of the review should be confined to that adopted by the Administration in conducting the review of the policy governing post-service
employment of former
[...] directorate civil servants, i.e. to ensure that former directorate civil servants will not enter into business or take up employment which may constitute conflict of [...]
interest (real, potential
or perceived) with their former government duties or cause negative public perception embarrassing the Government and affecting the image of the civil service.
(4) 港燈秉承一 貫致力增加透明度的做法,公 衆提 供必要的補充資料,解釋所採取有關電費 的行動。
(4) HEC, as part of its continuing effort to increase transparency, will make available to the public as necessary the supporting information to explain the tariff action taken.
(c) 法庭/ 法院如 信 納作出命令判並 非該等法律程序一方的 人支付訟費秉 行公正 ,而有關命令擬適用於只 涉 訟費 的法律程序的訟費及附 帶 訟費,可如此作出命令, 從 而 給 予 法庭最大的彈 性。
(c) the Court may make an order awarding costs against a person who is not a party to the proceedings, if it is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so and is intended to apply to the costs of and incidental to the costs-only proceedings, so as to give maximum flexibility to the courts.
根据客户满意度的测评结果秉承对 客户信任的回报,结合高端客户的意见和建议,在客户满意度测评完成 后公司进 行整体分析并提出各方面提升及改进要求,督促并要求各相关部门和单位进行提升及改进活动,落实 到各个一线的客户服务团队及界面中,在公司能力提升的同时赢得了客户充分的信任。
According to the results of the evaluation, and by combining the opinions and suggestions of high-end customers, the company conducted an overall [...]
analysis and put forward improvement
requirements in various aspects, and urged and required the related departments and units to carry out improvement activities throughout all customer service activities, which improved the capability of the company and won the full trust of customers.
这不只是它不符合启示宗教、民主和国公 约的 原则;它也有违于人类相亲相爱、守望相助秉 持正义的崇高理想。
Not only is it inconsistent with the principles of the revealed religions, of democracy and of international conventions; it also contradicts the lofty human ideals of brotherhood, solidarity and justice.
在下列领域担任职位或从事活动的人士尤其不适合担任麻管局成 员:担任政府职务并为本国政府提供有酬服务或按本国政府指示行事的人士;代 表一国政府参加关于毒品方面问题的国家或国际论坛的人士;从事可能妨 秉公 履行 麻管局职能的任何私人活动或公务活动、或所从事的活动同麻管局职能有冲 突的人士。
Positions and activities of individuals in the following areas are, in particular, incompatible with membership of the Board: persons who hold government posts, are in the paid service of their Governments or are acting under instructions from their Governments; persons who represent a Government at national or international forums on drug-related issues; and persons who are engaged in any activity, whether private or public, that might be liable to impair their impartiality in the exercise of their functions on the Board or whose activity is in conflict with the functions of the Board.
其實,這樣做的目的是確保行政長官在執行任務時,秉公行事,大公無私,凡事以香港的整體利益為依歸,不偏不倚地決定及執 行政策,照顧特區社會各階層的需要及保護他們的利益,保障六百多萬香港 市民的權利和自由,不會單單照顧其所屬政黨的少數利益。
This is actually meant to ensure that in the discharge of his duties, the Chief Executive can always uphold impartiality, look after the interests of Hong Kong as a whole, formulate and implement his policies in a fair and impartial manner, pay heed to the needs and protect the interests of the various social strata in the SAR, and safeguard the rights and freedoms of the 6 million or so residents of Hong Kong, instead of simply looking after the minority interests of his political party.
此外,HOPEFOR 倡议秉持公正、 中立、独立和按需提供援助的基本人道主义原则以及关于使用军事 [...]
和民防资源的《奥斯陆准则》,特别是将使用外国军事和民防资源作为最后诉诸 手段的原则。
In addition, the HOPEFOR
[...] initiative fully adheres to the fundamental [...]
humanitarian principles of impartiality, neutrality,
independence and assistance based on needs, and the Oslo and MCDA Guidelines, particularly the principle of last resort, with regard to the use of foreign MCDA.
咨委会期待着得到 最新的资料,了解在这项工作中取得的经验,以及为进一步完善框架所取得的进 步,尤其是在遵循规则和条例以 秉公 标 准 和对业绩及成果的责任追究方面为从 个人做起实施问责制而采取具体的步骤。
It looks forward to receiving future updates on the experiences acquired during this exercise, as well as on progress made in further developing the framework, in particular the specific steps taken to enforce accountability on a personal level, in terms of compliance with rules and regulations and standards of integrity, as well as accountability for performance and results.
然而,当今的人权问题受到少数大国有计 划的歪曲,他们根据政治标准给国际社会成员打高分 或打低分,此举违背审议该问题必 秉 持 的 积极精神 和普公正原则。
That machinery worked on the basis of close international cooperation, yet the issue of human rights was routinely dominated by an all-powerful minority that applied a double standard to members of the international community based on political criteria, which was contrary to the
positive spirit and the principles
[...] of universality and impartiality that should characterize the [...]
examination of the issue.
秉承公司创 始人罗伯特•博世先生的慈善理念,以企业发展的自主性和财务的独立性为坚实基础,博世始终高度注重全球业务的可持续性发展。
Carrying on with the philanthropic spirit of Robert Bosch, founder of the Bosch Group, Bosch has demonstrated a high regard for the sustainability of its global business upon the entrepreneurial freedom.




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