

单词 公社



people's commune


collectivization of agriculture (disastrous policy of communist Russia around 1930 and China in the 1950s)


Paris Commune 1871, an unsuccessful proletarian uprising against the French Third Republic


public interest

External sources (not reviewed)

希望在坡州发电厂投入运营后,我们的虚拟 Scenario 仿真解决方案仍然是韩国地域暖 公社 的 宝 贵资源。
We expect that once the Paju plant is up and running, our virtual Scenario simulation solution will continue to be a valuable resource to Korea District Heating Corp.
關 於 土 地 的 擁 有 權 ﹐那 些 土 地 不 是 農 民 的 私 產
[...] ﹐而 是 成 為 一 個 叫公 社 」 (mir)的 合 作 社 的 [...]
股 份 。
In terms of land ownership, the peasants held the land not as private property, but as shares in
[...] the collective property of the mir.
韩国地域暖公社的经 理 B.S. Yoon 说,“我们期望能够通过艾默生的仿真技术在调试之前验证电厂的控制逻辑,从而简化启动过程。
We are looking forward to streamlining the start up process by utilizing Emerson's simulation technology to verify the plant's control logic prior to commissioning.
这是集体制时期的遗留,那时农村的基础设施是 公社 集 体管理的劳动力建设 的,这样农民感到有所有权。
This is a carry-over from the collective period when most rural
infrastructure was constructed using teams of collectively-managed
[...] labour under the communes which gave farmers [...]
a sense of ownership.
The participants recognized that progress towards the achievement of the Goals had been slowed by
inequalities and disparities such as those
[...] based on geography, social injustices, social exclusion [...]
and marginalization, poverty, underdevelopment
and all forms of discrimination.
公社”是 一场探讨如何重新构筑人与自然,以及人与人之间关系的建筑实验。
The Netdragon Commune project is an [...]
architectural experiment investigating how to restructure relationships between people
and nature, and relationships amongst people themselves.
继 2006 年第一阶段开展多项提高认识活动后,又实施了四项新的地方节目项目,内容涉及: (i)在玻利维亚、肯尼亚、秘鲁和西伯利亚(俄罗斯联邦)确定了新的群体和培训机构;(ii)
[...] [...] “最后的说书人”项目,与来自俄罗斯联邦西伯利亚的多尔干土著人民合作,记录他们的生活和文 化传统;(iii)“电视农村氏公社 ” 项 目,与玻利维亚的农村氏 公社和 Markas 社区合作,记 录在玻利维亚土著运动大背景下的故事;(iv)关于肯尼亚马塞人社区如何促进文化敏感的地方发 [...] [...]
展以及保护他们的文化和生物资源的纪录片;(v)秘鲁 Matsiguengas 人的纪实和调查新闻项目。
Following awareness-raising activities carried out during the first semester of 2006, four new local content production projects were launched, involving five new communities: (i) new groups and training institutions were identified in Bolivia, Kenya, Peru and Siberia (Russian Federation); (ii) the “Last Story Teller” project, with the Dolgan indigenous people from Siberia, Russian Federation, documenting their life and cultural traditions;
(iii) the project “TV
[...] Ayllu” with the Ayllus and Markas communities from Bolivia documenting their story [...]
within the larger context
of the indigenous movement in Bolivia; (iv) a documentary on how a Massai community in Kenya promotes culturally sensitive local development and the protection of their cultural and biological resources; (v) a documentary and investigative journalism project by and with the Matsiguengas from Peru.
韓國電氣安公社是一 家主導韓國電氣安全的公營企業,其主要從事電氣相關的安全檢查、維護及技術研究,以防範因電氣問題造成任何災害。
KESCO is a
[...] Korean pubic company that provides [...]
safety advice about how to avoid disasters caused by electricity.
总督、省长、法官、市政议员们来这里不是为了治理殖民地,也不是为了谋 求有人民代表的政治生活,反而是由市政会 公社 政 府 或市政府来供奉他们。
It was not the viceroys, governors, judges, aldermen or high courts that prepared the colonies for self-government and still less for a political life with “popular representation”.
该物业位于2千米Monflanquin可爱的中世纪小镇在法国西南部阿基坦大区的地段等加龙省,完全恢复,包括主房,原来的农舍,谷仓,在一个安静的山谷结束时的小国道 公社 维 护 )是隐蔽的,但不是孤立的。
Situated 2kms from the lovely medieval town of Monflanquin in the Lot et Garonne area of Aquitaine in South West France, the property is fully restored and comprises a main house, the original farmhouse and a barn,
set in a peaceful valley at the end of a small country lane
[...] (maintained by the commune) and is secluded [...]
but not isolated.
在财团法人日本交公社公布的 全国观光资源评价的自然资源和海岸的部分,北山崎被划分为最高等级特A级。
It is the country’s only coastal natural resource to receive the highest rating in the Japan Travel Bureau Foundation’s National Tourist Resource Evaluation.
有时还设立过如亚松森市政会这样的“开放式市政会”,这是真正的人民议 会,主要负责处理一些非常重要的事务,亚松森市政会为安特克拉和蒙波斯领导 自公社起义奠定了基础。
However, “open cabildos” — true popular assemblies — were formed on more than one occasion to deal with matters of particular significance, one example being the Open Cabildo of Asunción, which supported the Revolution of the Comuneros led by the tribunes Antequero and Mómpox.
Those living in poverty are among the most vulnerable to
[...] political injustices, social inequity and economic [...]
其實,來自整個社會民間抗爭的力量,包括我一定要承認五區 公投的50萬人的投票、“80後 ”年青人感人的激情、余若薇與特首的辯論
[...] 中反映港人心中情及追求民主不可抗拒的說理 公社 兩 黨 、多個其他民 主組織和社會團體的不斷起動,然後才產生了這股共同力量。
In fact, the power of the struggle waged by the entire civil society, including the votes cast by 500 000 people in the referendum in five geographical constituencies, which I must acknowledge, the touching passions of young people in the post-1980 generation, the debate between Ms Audrey EU and the Chief Executive, in which the heartfelt sentiments of Hong Kong people and the irrefutable arguments for the pursuit of democracy, were voiced,
the continual actions of the Civic
[...] Party, the League of Social Democrats and a [...]
number of other pro-democracy organizations
and social groups, have all served to create this joint force.
對 農 奴 而 言 ﹐ 那 些 償 付 解 放 的 費 用 是 一 大 負 擔 ﹔ 由 於 分 配 所 得 的 土 地 不 得 生 產 足 夠 的 食 品 以 償 還 費 用 ﹐一公 社 (尤 其 是 那 些 並 非 位 於 黑 土 地 區 )鼓 勵 農 奴 到 城 市 的 工 廠 工 作 ﹐ 這公 社 便 可 以 用 他 們 部 份 的 工 資 償 還 解 放 費 用。
Since the emancipation fee was a great burden to serf and since the allotment of land could not produce sufficient food to pay the fee, some mirs especially those in non-black soil region, encouraged the serfs to work in the factories in towns so that part of their salaries could be used by the mir to clear off the fee.
对象住宅 大阪市居公社管理的租赁住宅(可租给单身人员) ●空房信息可在以下网站查询。
Target Housing Only the housing for lease under the management of the Osaka Municipal Housing Corporation.
(e) 省议会成员和省长委员会成员公社 委 员会、省有关技术部门和有关省 份土著人民代表,在这些省份土著民族代表聚会一堂,在水节(2009 [...]
年 11 月)以 来开展宣传活动。
(e) Members of provincial councils and
[...] boards of governors, commune councils, relevant [...]
provincial technical departments and
representatives of indigenous peoples from provinces holding meetings of indigenous peoples and where widespread information campaigns have been undertaken since the time of the Water Festival (in November 2009).
環保承諾書向地區人民委員會登記,而地區 人民委員會在必要時可授公社人民 委員會發出登記證。
An EPU is registered with the district-level
people’s committee, which, when
[...] necessary, may authorise commune-level people’s [...]
committees to issue a certificate of registration.
最 近有不少人談論,某些學校的入學門路是非常不公道的。因為所涉的有
[...] 世襲、校董的影響和推薦等問題......對於這類問題,我們是要相當小 心處理,因為如果處理公,社會的 流動階梯便會變成窮人將來沒有發 展機會,而有錢人則可以繼續入讀名校,繼續有良好的發展。
Recently, there have been discussion about the unfair practice of admitting children, such as hereditary, the influence and recommendation of school directors and so on …… we must handle these issues very
carefully; if they are unfairly
[...] handled, the ladder of social mobility will deprive the [...]
poor of opportunities for future
development while the rich will continue to be admitted to elite schools and have a bright future.
目前的驯鹿饲养有三种组织结构:(a) 作为牧场土地正式使用者的
[...] 大型驯鹿放牧企业(前苏联国家农业组织);(b) 称公社(或 obshchiny)并向国 家报告牧场使用情况的个体牧民组织法人实体;(c) [...]
不属于任何法律实体的个体 牧民(所谓的家庭个体)。
Currently reindeer husbandry is organized in three structures: (a) large reindeer herding enterprises (the former Soviet State agricultural organization), which are the official pasture land users; (b)
private herders, who are organized as
[...] legal entities called communities (or obshchiny ), which [...]
inform the State about the pastures
they are using; (c) private herders (so-called individual households), who are not a part of any legal entity.
申请方法 请向大阪外国企业招商中心(O-BIC)咨询后,携带规定的申请书前往大阪市居公社的受理窗口。
How to Apply - First contact O-BIC or the Osaka Municipal Housing Corporation, and prepare and complete the application form and present it to the Corporation office.
1958 年 9 月,中 共中央国务院发布的《关于教育工作的指示》提出:“争取在 15 年左右的时间内,基本上
[...] 做到使全国青年和成年,凡是有条件和自愿的,都可以受到高等教育,”从而,出现了各省、 市、自治区,厂矿、企业、人公社 大 办高等学校的热潮。
According to table1-1, the enrollment scale of 1958 expanded greatly, compared with that of 1957. in September of 1958, According to “the direction of education” which was issued in September of 2000 by the state council, “within 15 years, all the young people and adults can be profited with higher education, if they are voluntary”; so, mass movement for education revolution started, every province, city,
municipality, manufacturing plants,
[...] enterprises and people's commune had the right to [...]
run higher schools, and the upsurge of
colleges and universities’ establishment started.
无论雌、雄个体是否来自相同或不同的 公社 群 , 配对的个体都不是同一家庭的成员。
Whether pairs formed from males and females from the same
[...] or different communal groups, the [...]
individuals were not family members.
50 越南正执行 两 项 全国目标方 案 , 即 , 生活贫困少数民族家庭 住 房 用地和
[...] 生产用地、以及家庭用水问题“援助方案”(第 134 号方案),以及山区、偏远地区 和边界地区特别困公社“社会经济发展方案”(第 135 号方案)。
50. Viet Nam is carrying out two National Target Programmes, namely the Assistance Programme on land for housing and production, and domestic water for poor ethnic minority households living
in hardship (Programme
[...] 134) and the Socio-Economic Development Programme for communes in special [...]
hardship in mountainous,
remote and border areas (Programme 135).
她曾多次獲不同機構邀請參與藝術家留駐計劃,包括加拿大艾伯特省班芙藝術中心(1994)、香港市政局(1996)、夏威夷大學東西陶瓷留駐計劃(2002)、德國哈拉藝 公社 ( 2003)及澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學(2006)。
WONG has been invited to various residency programmes in the past years, including Banff Centre for the Arts (1994), Hong Kong Urban Council (1996), East West Centre of University of Hawaii in Manoa (2002), Artist House in Halle of Germany (2003) and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University (2006).
本公司企業文化的核心就是本公司的企業價值觀:「人員」、「客戶成功」、「卓越」、「創新」、「團隊合作」、「開誠 公 」 、 「 社 會 責 任」及「持續獲利能力」。
At the core of our culture are our corporate values:
People, Customer Success, Excellence, Innovation,
[...] Teamwork, Openness, Social Responsibility and [...]
Sustainable Profitability.
格雷戈里奥第十一上台后的的詹蒂莱第三大瓦瑞诺1月29日第 1 3 7 7 公社 和 人 民授权卡梅里诺向教皇诏书请求的决定,授予相应的检查后使徒权威的学士和博士学位。
Gregorio XI took the decision upon the request of Gentile III da Varano
with the papal edict of 29 January 1377
[...] directed to the commune and to the people [...]
authorizing Camerino to confer (after
appropriate examination) bachelor and doctoral degrees with apostolic authority.
Japan Travel Bureau is a well established
[...] and leading travel company in Japan. Its interest [...]
and participation in organizing charter
tours to Macau reveal not only the confidence of Japanese in Macau after her return to the Motherland, but also that Macau is an attractive tourist destination.
特别 困 难 地 区得到 大量基础设施投资: 96%的特别困公社有公路 直 通公社中心; 100%的区 和 95%的公社都有 电力供应。
Regions with special hardship have received significant investments
in infrastructure: 96
[...] per cent of communes with special hardship have motor roads reaching the commune centre; electricity is available in 100 per cent of the districts and 95 per cent of the communes.




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