

单词 公畜



male breeding stock (of animal species)

See also:

domestic animal
domesticated animal
raise (animals)

External sources (not reviewed)

大荷兰公司是整个畜牧设备行业中 公 认 的 领导者。
Big Dutchman is the recognised market leader in the entire industry.
高平原系公司提供的畜接驳 能力项目喂养使用iPod或iPhone的牛盈亏平衡成本。
[...] Systems, Inc. gives the livestock feeder the ability [...]
to project breakeven costs on feeding cattle using an iPod or the iPhone.
4月抽彩的非凡大抽彩——Zafra –Badajoz开奖是在4月6日举行的,与国 公 认 的 牲 畜 交 易 会同时举行。
April Extraordinary Draw—The Zafra –Badajoz draw was held on April 6th and coincided with an
[...] internationally recognized livestock fair in the area.
例如,土地公寓和牲畜曾一 度被免费私有化。
For instance, land, apartments, and livestock were privatized free [...]
of charge once.
假 如在推行自 願 退 還 計劃後六 個 月 內 未能達到降低上限
[...] 的目標,漁護署署長便會根 據《 公 眾 衞 生 (動物及禽鳥) (禽畜飼養 的發牌 )規 例》(第 139L 章 )第 4 條 賦 予 的 權 力 ,在牌照內加 入 任 何 他 認 為 適 合的畜飼養 和公眾  生 條件,以降 低 餘 下 繼續經營農 場的牌照許 可 飼 養 上 限 。
We aim to reach this target via the voluntary surrender scheme for live poultry farmers. If we are unable to reach the target reduction within the six month period of implementation, the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation will exercise the power conferred by section 4 of the Public
Health (Animal and
[...] Birds) (Licensing of Livestock Keeping) Regulation (Cap. 139L) to impose such licence condition relating to the keeping of livestock and public health [...]
to reduce the maximum
licensing capacity of the remaining individual farms as he thinks fit.
(三 ) 為 執 行 《 貓狗條例》和 《
危 險 狗 隻 規例》的條文,包括大 型 狗 隻 在 公 眾地方 須以狗 帶牽引
[...] 或 束縳的規定,漁 護署人員經常 巡公 眾地方,包畜養狗隻 人士最常帶 狗 隻散步 的 地 點 ,每月巡 [...]
查 次 數由 200 至 300 次 不等。
(c) To enforce the provisions under the Dogs and Cats Ordinance and the Dangerous Dogs Regulation including the requirement that large dogs have to be held or tied on leashes in
public places, AFCD staff regularly inspect
[...] public places, including popular locations where dog keepers [...]
exercise their dogs.
(有 關畜公共  生 化驗所為 找 出食品中是 否存在 任 何 食物安全風險而可能進 行 的 各項化驗, 請參閱附錄III。
(Please see Appendix III for a list of possible tests carried out by VPHL to find out any food safety hazards present in food products.
[...] 最近几年一直在变化,房屋、村庄、城镇 公 路 、 交通、 畜 和 农 业活动增加, 人口也从 1974 年设立特派团时的 [...]
5 000 人增长到了现在的 10 多万人,使得与当 地人接触和沟通的需求增加。
As indicated to the Committee, the area in which UNDOF operates has been changing over recent years with an increase in
the number of houses, villages,
[...] towns, roads, traffic, livestock and agriculture, as well [...]
as an increase in population,
from 5,000 at the time the mission was established in 1974, to over 100,000 nowadays, translated into a greater need for contact and communication with locals.
該局 有 權 執行有關動物買 賣及飼養、畜 公 共 生 、動物健康及動物福利的法例,其宗旨是 防止動物疾病傳入 新 加坡。
The objective of AVA is to keep Singapore free from animal diseases.
代表性客戶: .臺灣第一生化科技股份有限公司
.臺塑生醫科技股份有限公司 .臺灣可果美股份有限公司
[...] .臺灣糖業股份有限公司 .臺灣日產化工股份有限公司 .臺灣三帆製藥科技有公司 .臺灣畜產工業股份有公司 .耐斯企業股份有限公司 .南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司 .大成長城企業股份有限公司 [...]
.濟生化學製藥廠股份有限公司 .律勝科技股份有限公司 .桐核麥生物科技股份有限公司 .光洋應用材料科技股份有限公司 .港香蘭應用生技股份有限公司 .建通精密工業股份有限公司 .帛漢股份有限公司 .臺灣東洋彩光股份有限公司 .合誠化學製藥股份有限公司 .小磨坊國際貿易股份有限公司 .鮮大王企業股份有限公司
Taiwan Sugar Corporation .
第三个事件是,6 月 19 日,南达
[...] 尔富尔的萨拉马特部落和哈巴尼亚部落的武装团伙在 Nadhif(尼亚拉以南 125 公 里)附近,就畜失窃和边界划分发生冲突,据报造成 13 [...]
人死亡、10 人受伤。
In the third incident, in Southern Darfur on 19 June, clashes between armed
groups of Salamat and Habbaniyah
[...] near Nadhif (125 km south of Nyala) over cattle theft [...]
and border demarcation reportedly
resulted in 13 fatalities and the injury of 10 persons.
因此,我們建議增 設 1 個常任秘書長職位,職級為首長級甲 一級政務官( 首長級薪級第 8 點 ) ,專責處 理食物安全和環境衞生事務, 以及支援衞生福利及食物局局長處 理風險傳達事宜,包括公眾教育策 略 和發布資訊, 領導和 統籌政府處 理重大 的食物事故和畜公共衞 生事 故,以 及 與 內地和海外食物主管當局建立網絡和保持聯繫,以 掌 握 食物 安全的最 新發展。
We propose to create an additional Permanent Secretary post at the rank of AOSGA1 (D8) to focus on food safety and environmental hygiene matters, and to support SHWF in risk communication matters including public education strategies and dissemination of information, leading and coordinating government response to major food incidents and veterinary public health incidents, and networking and liaison work with the Mainland and overseas food authorities on food safety development.
在農業食品與獸醫 局轄下畜公共衞 生 化驗科設立的畜公共 生 化驗所(Veterinary Public Health Laboratory), 是 檢 驗 食物的官 方 化驗所,負責監察 食物品 質 。
The Veterinary Public Health Laboratory (VPHL), established under AVA's veterinary public health laboratory division, is the official laboratory for food testing to monitor food quality.
有機食品的價格不僅包括生產成本,還包括常規食品價格不包括 的其他一系列因素,例如:改善和保護環境、 畜 飼 養 標準較高、 消除對農民健康的威脅、增加農村就業和保障生產者獲 公 平和 足夠的收入。
Prices of organic foods include not only the production cost but also a range of other factors that are not captured in the price of conventional food, such as environmental enhancement
and protection, higher standards for animal welfare, avoidance of health risks to farmers, additional farm employment and assurance of a fair and sufficient income to producers.
(d) 提供就肉類衞生及其他畜公共衞生事宜的獸醫學意 見。
(d) providing veterinary advice on meat hygiene and other veterinary public health matters.
畜公共 生化驗所可能進行的化驗一覽表
List of possible tests carried out by the Veterinary Public Health Laboratory
[...] 粮食可获性、粮食获取途径和营养利用,联系起来的综合性全面方案,重点关注 农业、水管理、渔业畜牧业 、价值链 公 共 粮食分配体系、安全网、营养和粮 食安全。
The plan is a comprehensive and integrated set of programmes linking the three dimensions of food security — food availability, access to food and utilization of nutrients — and focuses
on agriculture, water
[...] management, fisheries and livestock, the value chain, the public food-distribution [...]
system, safety nets, nutrition and food safety.
策劃和督導食物安全監控、畜公共 衞 生和對公眾健康有重大影 響的防治蟲鼠政策的實施工作
2. to plan and direct the implementation of policies on food safety control, veterinary public health and control of pests of public health significance
在富裕國家(如英國及美國)的科學研究文獻,已呈現 出工業畜牧對公共健 康的影響,其中包括傳染病、抗生素抗藥性及導致嚴重疾病爆發及 [...]
Research in more affluent countries such as the United Kingdom and United States has already raised concerns
in the scientific literature over the public health
[...] affects of industrial animal farming, including [...]
infectious disease, antibiotic
resistance, and the pollution of drinking water, air and land, resulting in serious disease outbreaks and other health concerns.
6. 確保會制定積極和全面的規管機制,以提高食物安全,並領 導和 統籌政 府 處理重大食物事故和畜公共衞 生事故的應變措施
6. to ensure the development of a proactive and comprehensive regulatory system to strengthen food safety; and to lead and coordinate Government response to major food incidents and veterinary public health incidents
4.25 除支援農業食品與獸醫局推 行 食物安全的工作外,畜公共  生 化驗所亦向本地食物業、政府部門 和法定機構提供分析 服務。
4.25 In addition to supporting AVA's food safety programme, VPHL provides analytical services to the local food industry as well as government departments and statutory boards.
我們會按 照專家委員會的建議, 在 生防護㆗心運 作㆒段 日 子 後,考慮應 否 把 其工作擴 展 至 其他的 生防護範疇,例 如 檢 討是否 需要設立動物傳染 病控制/畜公共 生處。
In line with the recommendation of the Expert Committee, the CHP would review the need to expand into other health protection areas, e.g., possible establishment of a zoonotic disease control/veterinary public health branch, as it develops.
策劃和督導食物安全監控、畜公共 衞 生和防治蟲鼠政策的實施 工作,並參照研究結果和實際情況訂立標準
1. to plan and direct the implementation of policies on food safety control, veterinary public health and pest control; and to set standards having regard to research results and practical experience
将在农业畜禽养殖、建筑公共工 程工艺、小企业、信息技术和可再 生能源资源方面开办经过认证的技术培训课程,受益者将获得一份证书,记载他 [...]
Certified technical training programmes would be offered in such
[...] areas as agriculture, livestock farming, construction [...]
and public works
craftsmanship, small business, information technology and renewable energy resources, and that the beneficiaries would be provided with a certificate documenting their participation in the reinsertion programme.
目前,有關工業化畜牧對貧窮國家人口所造成的影響,相關研究分析仍然有限。在富 裕國家(如英國及美國)的科學研究文獻,已呈現出工業 畜 牧 對 公 共 健 康的影響,其中 包括傳染病、抗生素抗藥性、土地及水的污染而導致嚴重疾病爆發及其他健康問題。
Research in more affluent countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States has raised concerns in scientific literature about infectious disease, antibiotic resistance, pollution to land and drinking water, resulting in serious disease outbreaks and other health concerns as a result of inputs and outputs of industrial animal farming.
籌款和慈善活動中,名人經常成為新聞頭條 – 例如英國皇室在「Celebrity
It’s a
[...] Knockout」的經典場面、皇儲查理斯在花園派對與Spice Girls見面、在Comic Relief節目中「Am I bovvered」一節模仿貝理雅的片段,以及Heather McCartney反畜的公眾活動等等。
Famous people have always made the headlines when it comes to fund raising or supporting good causes, which range from the memorable scenes of the royals in ¡§Celebrity It¡¦s a Knockout¡¨, to Prince Charles meeting the Spice Girls at his Party in the Park, Tony
Blair¡¦s ¡§Am I bovvered¡¨
[...] impersonation on Comic Relief, and Heather McCartney¡¦s public campaigns against animal cruelty.
我們在初期只會撤銷涵蓋狗隻的豁免權,其他動物的 主人仍可將其寵物或牠們的後代出售而無須領取牌照,因為狗 隻目前佔寵物市場的最大部分,而根據過去的調查記錄及經定 罪個案的資料,狗隻(尤其是那畜 養 作繁殖用途)的福利受 到損害的比率和程度,往往較其他種類的寵物為高。
Dogs are targeted at the first stage because they comprise by far the largest share of the pet market and, based on past investigation records and conviction cases, the welfare of dogs (kept for breeding purposes) was compromised more frequently and to a greater extent than other types of pet.
注意到粮食安全和营养领域没有被直接纳入某个区域技术委员会的范畴,代 表们建议亚太区域畜生产 和卫生委员会和亚太区域植物保护委员会考虑如何使 [...]
Noting that the areas of food security and nutrition are not
directly covered by an RTC, delegates
[...] suggested that the Animal Production and [...]
Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(APHCA) and the Asia-Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) consider how their work could better contribute to work in these areas.
4.4 經營商品、商品期貨及遠期合約交易商之業務,以及為此訂立現貨、
[...] 般性原則下)現時或將來可用於商業買賣之任何原材料、加工材料、 農產品、畜產品 、金條及銀條、硬幣、寶石或次寶石、商品、物 [...]
件、服務、貨幣、權利及權益,而不論有關交易是否對有組織商品交 易或其他交易有所影響及不論是否根據在任何有關商品交換時可予訂
4.4 To carry on the business of a commodity, commodity futures and forward contracts trader and for that purpose to enter into spot, future or forward contracts for the purchase and sale of any commodity including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any raw materials,
processed materials, agricultural
[...] products, produce or livestock, gold and silver bullion, [...]
specie and precious or semi-precious
stones, goods, articles, services, currencies, rights and interests which may now or in the future be bought and sold in commerce and whether such trading is effected on an organised commodity exchange or otherwise and either to take delivery of, or to sell or exchange any such commodities pursuant to any contract capable of being entered into on any such commodities exchange.
(i) 本公司可 按董事會認為合適之有關條款向 公 司 、其 任何附公司、本公司任何控公司 或 任何有關控公 司 之 任 何 附公 司 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購 公司 或本公司任何控公司股 份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於公司或有關其公 司 , 則以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予公 司 或 有關其公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms [...]
as the Board thinks fit.




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