

单词 公民法

See also:


civil law

External sources (not reviewed)

儿童权利的保护范围由《宪法》、《儿童法典》、《家 法 典 》、 《 公民 法典》及其他法规进行调节。
The Constitution, the Children’s Code, the
[...] Family Code, the Civil Code and other normative legal provisions regulate the protection of children’s rights.
公民法》允 许与马尔代夫国民结婚的外国人在满足一定标准后获得 马尔代夫公民资格。
The Citizenship Law enables foreigners [...]
married to Maldivian nationals to acquire Maldivian citizenship after meeting certain criteria.
衡量工作成效的标准不应是量化指标,而是工作质量,体现 公民 、 法 人机 构和外国投资者的信任感增强。
The criteria of effectiveness should be not quantitative indices
but quality of work, which will be indicated through the
[...] growth of trust of citizens, legal bodies and foreign [...]
外国人按照《斯洛文尼亚共和 公民法 》 申 请并累积符合各项 条件可取得斯洛文尼亚共和国公民身份;对“被擦除者”没有 [...]
Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia [...]
may be obtained by any alien who applies and fulfils cumulatively all the conditions
in accordance with the Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia Act; there are no more favourable conditions for the "erased".
格鲁吉亚还指出,《宪法》确认的全 公民法 律 面 前一律平等的原则也体现 在《民法典》、《刑法典》以及《刑事诉讼法》和《民事诉讼法》中。
Georgia also noted that the principle of
[...] equality of all citizens before the law, recognized in its Constitution, [...]
is also embodied in the
civil and criminal codes and the codes of criminal and civil procedure.
以色列国不 仅拒绝延长西岸定居活动暂停期限——这不包括东 耶路撒冷——和在过去 10
[...] 年间持续不断地推行此种 活动,而且还修订了公民法,规 定希望成为以色列 国民的条件是,必须宣誓效忠作为一个犹太国家的以 [...]
The State of Israel has not only refused to extend the moratorium on settlement activity in the West Bank — which did not include East Jerusalem — and pursued such activity
uninterrupted over the past 10 years, but it
[...] has amended its citizenship law, making it a condition [...]
for anyone seeking Israeli nationality
to take an oath of allegiance to the State of Israel as a Jewish State.
Ma Khin Khin Nu
[...] 生于缅甸,是罗辛亚族人,于 2005 年根据《1982 年公民法》 被判处 17 年有期徒刑,罪名是谎报民族和骗取公民身份,在此之前,她的父亲 [...]
U Kyaw Min 和其他当选的议员一起呼吁允许议会开始运作。
Ma Khin Khin Nu, who was born in Myanmar and is Rohingya, was
sentenced to 17 years of imprisonment
[...] under the 1982 Citizenship Act on charges of [...]
lying about her ethnicity and falsely
obtaining citizenship in 2005 after her father U Kyaw Min joined other elected members of Parliament in calling for the legislature to be allowed to sit.
[...] 旦宪法》保障思想自由、信仰和言论自由,并尊重全 公民法 律 面 前人人平等、不 受任何基于种族、语言或宗教歧视的权利。
It was also stated that the Constitution of Jordan guarantees freedom of opinion, belief
and expression, and enshrines the right to equality
[...] before the law for all citizens without discrimination [...]
on the grounds
of race, language or religion.
难民人数减少,主要原因是他们加入了塞尔维亚共和国国籍,这又是《塞 尔维亚共和公民法》实施的结果。
The reduction in the number of refugees is predominantly a result of their integration in the Republic
of Serbia, which is a further consequence of the
[...] implementation of the Law on the Citizenship of the Republic [...]
of Serbia.
(g) 在2010
[...] 年通过了一个法令,对管制居住在斯洛文尼亚的前南斯拉夫社 会主义联邦共和公民法律地 位的法令作出了修正
(g) Adoption of the Act amending the Act regulating the
[...] Legal Status of Citizens of Former Socialist [...]
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia living in Slovenia, in 2010
实际上,修订以 色公民法和呼 吁巴勒斯坦人承认以色列为犹太国 只是一个问题的两个方面,不仅旨在侵蚀巴勒斯坦难 [...]
民和流离失所者返回家园的权利,而且是通过剥夺巴 勒斯坦人在自己前辈的土地上的合法历史性存在来 威胁他们在以色列的生存。
Indeed, the amendments to
[...] the Israeli law of citizenship and the call on Palestinians [...]
to recognize Israel as a Jewish State
are but two faces of the same coin and are not only aimed at eroding the right of return of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons, but also threaten the very presence of Palestinians in Israel itself by denying their legitimate historical presence in the land of their forefathers.
尼泊尔在2006年 通过公民法》, 首次让子女能够通过母亲提出公民地位申请。
In 2006, the Nepal Citizenship Act was passed, enabling children to claim citizenship [...]
through their mothers for the first time.
根据《信访条例》规定,各级政府设有信访工作机构,受 公民 、 法 人 或 其 他组织向政府部门提出的意见、建议或投诉请求,接受公民的监督,保障公民的 参与权、表达权和监督权。
Under the provisions of the Regulations Concerning
[...] Letters of Petition, governments at all levels have established organs for dealing with letters of petition; these organs [...]
accept the views,
advice or requests submitted to government organs by citizens, companies or other organizations, thereby receiving the oversight of the citizenry and safeguarding their rights to participate in, express opinions on, and oversee the activities of the Government.
根据 1978 年公民法》,同意外国人成为马尔代夫公民。根据 1978 年公民法》, 成功地申请马尔代夫公民的资格是相当严格的。
Grant of
[...] Maldivian citizenship to foreigners in governed by the Citizenship Act of 1978, under which, qualifications for a successful application for Maldivian citizenship are quite [...]
于1991年6月25 日开始生效的《斯洛文尼亚共和 公民法》 没有出台一种规定,取消1990年12月23 日持有前南斯拉夫 [...]
社会主义联邦共和国另一共和国公民身份之外还持有前南斯拉 夫公民身份者的公民身份,而是允许这些人在优惠条件下取得 斯洛文尼亚公民身份。
The Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia Act, which took [...]
effect on 25 June 1991, failed to introduce a basis for withdrawing citizenship of persons who, on
23 December 1990, had Yugoslav citizenship in addition to the citizenship of another republic of the former SFRY, but allowed these persons to obtain Slovenian citizenship under favourable terms.
同样,在塞拉利昂出生的黎巴嫩族裔和其他高加索族裔的成员对拒绝赋予他 们塞拉利昂公民身分一事不断提出严正的关注,因为《塞拉利 公民法》 ( 1973) 第2(b) 节规定,只有其父亲是“非洲裔黑人”的人,才有资格通过出生或归化获 得塞拉利昂公民身分。
Similarly, members of the Lebanese and other Caucasian communities born in Sierra Leone continue to raise serious concerns
about the denial of
[...] Sierra Leonean citizenship to them as Section 2(b) of the Sierra Leone Citizenship Act (1973) states [...]
that only persons whose
father is “of Negro African descent” can qualify for Sierra Leone citizenship by birth or naturalization.
1982年公民法》之 下,绝大部分罗辛亚人仍未获得缅甸公民身份,这种情况限制了他 们充分行使公民、文化、经济、政治和社会权利,并引发了各种歧视性的做法。
In addition,
[...] under the 1982 Citizenship Act, the vast majority [...]
of the Rohingyas are still denied Myanmar citizenship, which
has curtailed the full exercise of their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights and led to various discriminatory practices.
通过批准相关联合国文书、修正《 法 》 和 《 公民法 》 以 及颁布《外国人 工作许可法》,土耳其为打击人口贩运建立起了必要的法律框架,并在行政和司 [...]
Through the ratification of the relevant UN
instruments, the amendment of the
[...] Penal Code and the Citizenship Law and the enactment [...]
of the Law on Working Permits for Foreigners,
Turkey has established the necessary legal framework for the fight against trafficking in human beings, and started its implementation both in the administrative and justice system.
年《减少无国籍状态公约》,但委员会感到关切的是,无国籍人的处境尤 为脆弱,特别是没有有效证件和缔约国永久居留证的人;缺少关于无国籍状态的 定义,缺少无国籍人中央数据库,缺少确定其地位的法律框架和程序或机制;在 新公民法》之 下,对不同种类的无国籍人有可能出现歧视
While noting that the State party has ratified the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, The Committee is concerned about the particularly vulnerable situation of stateless persons, in particular persons without valid documents and permanent residence in the State party; about the absence of a definition of statelessness, of a central
database of stateless
[...] persons and of a legal framework, and of a procedure or mechanisms to determine their status; and about the possible discrimination between different categories of stateless persons [...]
under the new Citizenship Act (arts. 3 and 16).
[...] 段在下列法律条款中体现,如《民法》、《民事诉讼法》、《法院法》、《检察官办公法》、《公民诉求法》、《对侵犯 民 权 利和自由的行为和决定提出申诉法》、《乌 兹别克斯坦共和国议会人权事务专员法》、《律师法》、《非商业性非政府组织 [...]
These remedies are established in legislative instruments such as the Civil Code, the Code of Civil
Procedure, the Courts
[...] Act, the Procurator’s Office Act, the Citizens’ Applications Act, the Human Rights [...]
and Freedoms (Reporting
of Violations to the Courts) Act, the Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) Act, the Legal Profession Act, the Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations Act, the Order on the Ministry of Justice and the Order on the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
根据《刑事诉法》,公民对遭 受执法机构工作人员残忍对待的投诉和指 控按照规定程序在犯罪、声明和公告登记簿中登记,对所有事实情况进行核查并 [...]
Pursuant to the Code of Criminal Procedure, complaints
[...] and statements by citizens alleging inhuman [...]
treatment by the law enforcement authorities
must be entered in a register for the recording of crimes, statements and communications.
法律面前民一律 平等和禁止歧视原则在部门法中得到进一步加强,包括 个人、政治、经济、社会和文化方面的法律:《劳动法》、《民法》、《家庭法典、 《刑法》、《教育法》、《乌兹别克斯坦共和国国家青年政策基 法 》 、 《 公民 诉求 法》等。
The equality of citizens before the law and the prohibition of discrimination are also embodied in sector-specific legislation regulating personal, political, economic, social and cultural rights: the Labour Code, the Civil Code, the Family Code, the Criminal Code, the Education Act, the Youth Policy (Foundations) Act, the Citizens’ Applications Act and others.
乌兹别克斯坦共和国采取了一系列法律措施,以加强和支持非政府组织的活 动:《乌兹别克斯坦共和国宪法》(第十二章)、《民法》、《社会团体法》、 《非商业性非政府组织法》、《自愿基金会法》、《住宅所有者协 法 》 、 《公 民自治机构法》、《公民自治 机构主席选举法》、《非商业性非政府组织(保障) 法》、《慈善事业法》。
Uzbekistan has adopted a number of legislative acts that consolidate and support the activities of NGOs: the Constitution (chapter XII), the Civil Code, the Civil Societies Act, the Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations Act, the Voluntary Foundations Act, the Private Property Owners’ Associations Act, the Local Authorities Act, the Local Authorities (Election of Presiding Officers) Act, the Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations (Safeguards) Act and the Charities Act.
进行旨在加强实现这些权利的法律保障的修正和补 充,即:通过新版的《残疾人社会保 法 》 、 《 公民 养 老 金保障法》、《教育 法》、《劳动保护法》等。
The following legislative amendments and supplements designed to strengthen the legislative safeguards of these rights were adopted:
new versions of the Disabled People’s
[...] Social Welfare Act, Citizens’ Pensions Act, Education [...]
Act, Labour Protection Act, Employment Act, etc.
中国一贯坚持法律面前人人平等,通过实行公开审判制度、合议制度、人民 陪审员制度、回避制度、两审终审制度、司法救助制度等,努力维护 法 公 正和 社会正义,保公民的合法权益
China consistently maintains that all persons are equal before the law, and is working to uphold judicial and social justice and guarantee citizens’ legitimate rights through the exercise of systems of open
public trials, collegial
[...] judgment panels, people’s assessors, recusal of judges, limitation of second-instance trials, and court costs assistance.
外国公民和无国籍人员拥有与摩尔多瓦共和国公民同等的权利、自由和责 任(居住、工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同时现行法律规定 了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根 法 律 规 定必须是摩尔多瓦共和公 民才能参与的活动,在法、行 政及其他职能机构中无选举与被选举权,无权参 加普选,不得加入党派及其他社会政治组织,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic of Moldova (right to residence, work and protection of work, education, rest, health protection, etc.); with the exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated or involved in
activities for which,
[...] according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right to be elected in legislative, executive and [...]
other eligible bodies,
to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical organisations, may not exercise the military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).
摩尔多瓦共和国通过了一系列涉及移徙程序和国家境内外 公民 及 无 国籍 人员地位的规范性法案:《摩尔多瓦共和国民事诉讼法》(第 454-456 条)和《摩 尔多瓦共和民法》(第五部分)、《 民法 》 、 《摩尔多瓦共和国关于外 公民 和无国籍人员地位法律》 、《难民地位法》、《摩尔多瓦共和国出入境法》、 《关于摩尔多瓦共和国境内外公民 和 无国籍人员居留的规则》、《关于移徙工 人临时就业的政府决定》、《关于外国公民和无国籍人员在摩尔多瓦共和国教育 机构接受教育的规定》。
Republic of Moldova adopted a list of normative acts that regulate the
migration processes, the
[...] status of foreign citizens and stateless persons present on the territory of the country: Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Moldova (art. 454–456) and the Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova (Fifth part), Law on migration, Law on the status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Moldova, Law on the status of refugees, Law on departure and entry in the Republic of Moldova, Rules on stay of foreign citizens and stateless [...]
persons in the Republic
of Moldova, Government Decision on temporary employment of migrant workers, Regulations on education of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova.
因此他们在公 约》――国际民法的基 石――中优先提到了不驱逐保护以及难民为继续生活下去 需要能够行使的许多非常实际的权利,如:子女的教育;身份和旅行证件;就业 或者自营职业的权利;以及诉诸法院和司法的权利。
They therefore
[...] prioritized in the Convention – the cornerstone of international refugee law – both protection [...]
from refoulement and a range of the very practical rights which
refugees need to be able to exercise to get on with their lives, including: education for their children; identity and travel documents; the right to engage in employment or practise a profession; and access to courts and justice.
根据新 的《法 》,公民有权享 有 思 想 自由和言论自由,并有权得到信息, 只 要 这 种 信息不 是 [...]
国 家 机 密 或 其他机密 情报(《 宪法》第 28 条 )。
In accordance
[...] with the new Constitution citizens have to right to freedom [...]
of thought and freedom of expression, as well
as to receive information, if this information is not a State secret or otherwise secret information (art 28 of Constitution).
這些法例一 定 不可以侵犯宗教自 由 , 因為 這 是《 基法》、《公民權利和 政 治 權利國際 公 約 》及《 香港人權法案 條例》 所保障 的 一項基 本 人權。
The legislation should not infringe upon religious freedom, as it is a basic human right prescribed by the Basic Law, the International Covenant on Civil and Political [...]
Rights and the Hong
Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance.




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