

单词 公正地

See also:

公正 n

fairness n
justice n
impartiality n


public land
land in common use

正正 adv

exactly adv

External sources (not reviewed)

为确定科学方面的共同战略性目标,许多会员国在答复中都认为应该把重点放在如下 的一些专题和问题上:对科技伦理标准形成一个共识、鼓励在国家立法中逐步体现教科文组 织制定的准则性文件的内容、建立负责科技伦理问题的国家机构、提高参与新兴知识社会所
[...] 需的科学、技术和人的能力、通过促进科学研究与开发,鼓励科研成果的转让与分享以确保 所有社会都公正地受益 ,从而促进发展中国家的能力建设、为创造可持续的人居条件做出 [...]
In determining common strategic objectives for the sciences, many respondents were of the view that emphasis should be placed on the following themes and issues: arriving at a common understanding of ethical norms of science and technology; encouraging the progressive translation into national legislation of normative instruments elaborated by UNESCO; the creation of national entities dealing with the ethics of science and technology; enhancing scientific, technical and human capacities to participate in the emerging knowledge societies; the promotion
of capacity-building
[...] in developing countries by promoting [...]
scientific research and development and encouraging their transfer and sharing to ensure equitable benefits for all societies; contributing to the
creation of sustainable living conditions; and pursuing a foresight perspective in the service of sustainable development.
各位部长还注意到生物多样性公约缔约方大会第十届会议通过《关于遗传 资源的获取及公公正地分享其利用所产生的惠益的名古屋议定书》,及其在 促进养护和可持续利用生物多样性、消除贫穷、环境可持续性和实现千年发展 目标方面的潜在作用。
The Ministers took note further the adoption by the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Share of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, as well as its potential role to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, poverty eradication, environmental sustainability and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
根据这些条 款,除非依法规定的情形和条件,任何人不得被拘留、逮捕或剥夺自由,或其个
人自由受到任何形式的限制;如果面临监禁措施、住院决定或者旨在限制个人自 由的任何其他措施的人认为措施是非法的,那么他/她有权在整个刑事诉讼期间
[...] 依法诉诸相关法庭;任何人在刑事诉讼期间被非法或 公正地 剥 夺 自由,或者他 /她的自由遭到限制,都有权依法获得有效补救。
According to those articles no person can be retained, arrested or deprived of liberty or submitted to any form of restraint of his/her individual freedom except according to the cases and conditions stipulated by the law; if a person subject to confinement measures, to a decision of hospitalization or any other measure aimed at restraining the individual freedom considers that the measure is illegal, he/she has the right, during the entire proceedings of the criminal trial, to address the competent instance, according to the law; any
person, who during a criminal trial, has
[...] been illegally or unjustly deprived of his/her [...]
freedom or whose freedom has been restrained,
has the right to effective remedy, as stipulated by the law.
行政首长应采取必要措施,在招聘,包括高级官员的招聘过程中,全面公 正地提出 语言要求,以便联合国系统各组织在中期可以依靠一支能够流利使用一 种工作语文、通晓至少另一种工作语文的多语言员工队伍,当然应适当注意工作 地点的具体需要。
The executive heads should take the necessary measures to ensure that the recruitment process, including that relating to senior officials, fully and fairly addresses language requirements, so that in the medium-term, the organizations of the system could rely on a multilingual workforce that is fluent in one working language and has good knowledge of at least one other working language, with due attention to the specific needs of the duty stations.
最后,她敦促国际社会加紧努力,促进和平解 决巴勒斯坦问题,其中包括结束以色列的占领,建
[...] 立以东耶路撒冷为首府的独立的巴勒斯坦国,并依 据联合国第 194 (III)号决公正地解决巴勒斯坦难 民的困境。
In conclusion, she urged the international community to intensify efforts to promote a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, including an end to the Israeli occupation, the establishment of an independent
State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as
[...] its capital, and a just solution to the [...]
plight of the Palestine refugees on the basis
of General Assembly resolution 194 (III).
关于财务报表是否按照教科文组织的会计原则编制、这些原则在使用上是否与上个财 务期保持一致、财务报表公正地反 映 教科文组织的全面财务状况和运转结果方面是否可以 信赖、我们所审计的财务事项是否符合教科文组织的财务条例,在规定上是否许可,在以上 这些方面我对教科文组织 2002--2003 年财务报表的审计是无保留意见。
My audit opinion on the 2002-2003 financial statements of UNESCO was unqualified as to whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with UNESCO’s accounting policies; whether these accounting policies were applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding financial period; whether the financial statements may be relied on to present fairly UNESCO’s overall financial position and results of operations and whether the transactions that we audited comply with the financial regulations and legislative authority of UNESCO.
若我們在公 正地去處理這件事後,卻仍受到這樣的攻擊,而攻擊的是委員會的威 信 ⎯⎯ 剛才議員甚至提及沒有公信力,主席 ⎯⎯ 那麼我們可能 要:第一,辭職;及第二,解散委員會。
If we have handled this incident in a fair manner, but still we are attacked in this way and when the prestige of the CMI is the subject of such an attack ― President, just now the Member even said that the CMI does not have any credibility ― then we may have to, first, resign; and second dissolve the CMI.
这一局面 要求我们继续采取大胆、全面的措施,切实 公正地 应 对 最不发达国家的债务挑 战。
This situation demands the continued implementation of bold and comprehensive measures with a view to addressing the debt challenges of least developed countries effectively and equitably.
(b) 實施證監會的內部操守準則,該 準則對 證監會董 事 (包括主席及非執行董事) 及職員的忠誠及 操 守
[...] 作出最高 標準的要求 ,以令他們能恰地、公 正 地及在沒 有任何不當的影響下履行其職責。
(b) application of SFC’s internal Code of Conduct which requires the highest standards of integrity and conduct from its directors (C/SFC and NEDs
included) and staff in carrying out
[...] their work properly, impartially and free from any [...]
suggestion of improper influence.
此外,应建立具有法律约束力的国际制度,规 定遗传资源的获取以及公公正地分 享利用遗传资 源产生的惠益,这对于打击生物技术剽窃、保护传 统知识和促进哥伦比亚等国家的生物多样性遗产至 关重要。
It was also necessary to adopt a legally binding international regime on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from their use, which was crucial for combating bio-piracy, protecting traditional knowledge and promoting the biodiversity heritage of countries like Colombia.
讨论的重点有:(a)该机制的范围和 对各周期的组织安排;(b)审议缔约国的推迟审议以及缔约国应当进行的审议次
数;(c)提供国别审议报告的方式;(d)在编写对综合自评软件(统括调查软件) 的答复以及进行国别访问时与相关利益方打交道的问题;(e)巴勒莫实施情况审
[...] 议组的性质和特点;(f)该机制的供资问题及确保其高效、持续 公正地 运 作 的 各种办法;(g)签署国“自愿作为受审议国”参与机制的问题。
The discussions focused on: (a) the scope of the mechanism and the organization of cycles; (b) deferrals for reviewing States parties and the number of reviews a State party would need to perform; (c) the modalities of making the country review reports available; (d) issues of engagement with relevant stakeholders in the process of preparation of the responses to the comprehensive self-assessment software (“omnibus survey software”) and in the course of country visits; (e) the nature and character of the Palermo Implementation Review Group; (f) the funding of the mechanism and the
different options for ensuring its
[...] efficient, continued and impartial functioning; and [...]
(g) the participation of signatories in
the mechanism “as a State under review on a voluntary basis”.
其次,本区域所取得 的巨大繁荣并公正地为广大民众所分享,而且随着时间的推移在发 展方面的差距也不断加大,同时本区域各不同国家在设法提高其生产 企业能力和竞争力方面继续遇到各种障碍,而此种竞争力正是使它们 得以有效融入全球和区域经济的先决条件。
Second, the region’s immense prosperity has not been shared equitably, and development gaps have steadily widened over time, while various countries of the region continue to face obstacles to strengthen productive business capacities and competitive advantages which are required in order for them to effectively integrate into the global and regional economy.
[...] 任,作出一切必要努力,推进实现全面和平解决 公正地 解 决巴勒斯坦问题的所 有方面,包括确保巴勒斯坦人民在以 [...]
1967 年的边界为基础、以东耶路撒冷作为 其首都的独立的巴勒斯坦国享有自决权和自由,并确保巴勒斯坦难民的悲惨处境 得到公正持久的解决。
Today, the Palestinian people and their leadership once again call upon the international community to assume its responsibilities vis-à-vis the
question of Palestine and to exert all necessary efforts to advance the achievement of a comprehensive peace
[...] settlement that justly resolves all aspects [...]
of the question
of Palestine, including ensuring the realization by the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination and freedom in their independent State of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and ensuring a just and lasting solution to the plight of the Palestine refugees.
(b) 防止并及时、彻底公正地调查、起诉和惩罚人口贩运行为及其相关 做法
(b) Prevent and
[...] promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigate, prosecute [...]
and punish trafficking in persons and related practices
安全理事会应继公正地支持 这一进程,确保西 撒特派团能够完成其任务,落实特派团的三项重要创 立宗旨,首先是在政治僵局持续存在的情况下作为稳 [...]
定局势的工具;其次是在政治谈判取得成功的情况 下,作为落实关于自决的全民投票的机制;第三是向 秘书处、安全理事会和国际社会提供有关当地情况的 独立信息。
The Security Council
[...] should continue to support this process in an unbiased manner and ensure [...]
that MINURSO is able to complete
its mandate for three critical purposes for which it was intended: first, as an instrument of stability in the event that the political stalemate should continue; secondly, as a mechanism to implement a referendum on self-determination in the event that political negotiations should be successful; and thirdly, to provide independent information on conditions in the Territory to the Secretariat, the Security Council and the international community.
为此,他宣誓以公开、透明和包 容各方的方公正地采取行动,帮助各代表团在《条 约》的所有三大支柱方面取得进展。
To that end, he vowed to act impartially in an open, transparent [...]
and all-inclusive manner to help delegations make progress
on all three pillars of the Treaty.
它 建议 (a) 进一步 采取措施消 除 这 类 肇 事 者
[...] 逍遥法外现象,并且 及 时 、 彻 底、独立公正地调查 关于这些罪行的所有指称;(b) 增加司 [...]
法系统可动用的财力 和人力;(c) 加入《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人 格的待遇或处罚公约任
择议定书》,并按照《议定书》规定设立切实有效的国家预防 机制;(d) 加强努力 确保所有新生儿得到正式登记; (e) 向特 别程序发出长期有效邀请并落实邀请。
It recommended (a) the adoption of further measures to fight impunity of persons
responsible for such acts and prompt,
[...] thorough, independent and impartial investigations into [...]
all allegations of these crimes; (b)
an increase of financial and human resources available to the judicial system; (c) accession to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and the establishment of an effective national preventive mechanism in compliance with the Protocol; (d) the strengthening of efforts to ensure that all newborn children are officially registered; and (e) the issuance and implementation of a standing invitation to special procedures.
在第三个世纪头几十年,罗公正地 击 退 反对异端邪说,只有那些确定一个模式的区别(Monarchians,Sabellians,“Patripassians”),和那些谁,相反,使基督的圣三一三人是个人,或似乎归于神的一个独特的从父,作为话语。
In the first decades of the third century, Rome impartially repelled opposing [...]
heresies, those which identified the three
Persons of the Holy Trinity with only a modal distinction (Monarchians, Sabellians, "Patripassians"), and those who, on the contrary, made Christ a mere man, or seemed to ascribe to the Word of God a distinct being from that of the Father.
各实体必须适用《会计法》中包括的所有会 计原则,真实公正地记录 他们的财务状况 和财务结果。
Entities are required to apply all accounting principles included in the Accounting Law, to truly and fairly present their financial position and financial results.
(K) 倘若在任何董事會會議上就董事(大會主席除外)權益之重大性或就
任何董事(主席除外)之投票權及應否計入法定人數而產生任何問題,而該等問 題並無因其自願同意放棄表決或不計入法定人數內而獲得解決,則該等問題應提
[...] 交大會主席處理,而主席就該其他董事之裁決應屬最終及不可推翻,除非該董事 知悉其權益性質或程度未公正地向 董 事會披露則作別論。
(K) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the Chairman of the meeting) or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such Chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the Chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature
or extent of the interest of the Director concerned
[...] as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed [...]
to the Board.
此外,为确保联阿安全部 队执行其任务并有公正地运作 ,随着特派团的部署,所有其他部队必须立即撤 [...]
Furthermore, to ensure that UNISFA can implement its mandate and
[...] operate effectively and impartially, it is essential [...]
that all other forces withdraw immediately
from the Area as the mission deploys.
最后,我再次重申,俄罗斯准备在国际论坛和双 边框架内继续努力,为全面公正地 解 决 中东问题作 出贡献,解决的一个关键因素将是在两国基础上解决 巴勒斯坦问题,建立一个独立和有生存能力的巴勒斯 坦国,与以色列和平、安全毗邻共处。
In conclusion, I again reaffirm Russia’s readiness, within international forums and bilateral frameworks, to continue its efforts to contribute to a comprehensive and just settlement in the Middle East, a crucial element of which would be to resolve the Palestine question on a two-State basis that provides for the existence of an independent and viable Palestinian State living side by side with Israel in peace and security.
[...] 害土著妇女和女孩行为的重叠管辖权问题开展对话、协作和合作,并探讨复杂的 司法体系如何可能公正地歧视 土著妇女的问题,并逐步证明应该如何按照联合 [...]
国《土著人民权利宣言》第 27 条解决问题。
States, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, should facilitate the creation of a forum for dialogue, collaboration and cooperation in which there are overlapping jurisdictions for addressing violence against indigenous women and girls on and off indigenous
territories, explore how complicated
[...] jurisdictional schemes may unjustly discriminate against [...]
indigenous women and progressively
document how issues should be resolved in accordance with article 27 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
2010 年,缔约方大会第十次会议采纳 了“名古屋协议——关于遗传资源获取与 公公正地分享 利用生物多样性产生的惠 益”,该协议是 ABS 国际条约中重大的突 破。
The adoption of the “Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization” during the COP 10 in 2010 was a remarkable breakthrough towards the international regulation of ABS.
(b) 避免在军事法庭上对儿童进行刑事审判,确保仅作为最后措施并尽可
[...] 能时间短地拘留儿童,并保障关于儿童的审判有音像记录,以及根据公平审判标 准而及时公正地审判
(b) Refrain from holding criminal proceedings against children in military courts, ensure that children are only detained as a measure of last resort and for the shortest possible time, and guarantee that proceedings involving children are
audio-visually recorded and that trials are
[...] conducted in a prompt and impartial manner, in accordance [...]
with fair trial standards
(e) 对秘书长报告中使用的“冲突各方”一词表达了保留意见,该词 公正 地将阿 富汗国家安全部队与恐怖团体置于同等地位,并对报告依赖孤立事件表示 [...]
关切,因为这些孤立事件无法构成将阿富汗政府认定为侵害并虐待儿童的实体的 坚实基础
(e) Expressed reservation concerning the terminology “all parties to the
conflict” used in the Secretary-General’s
[...] report, which had unjustly placed the Afghan [...]
National Security Forces on the same footing
as terrorist groups, and expressed concern that the report relied on isolated cases which could not constitute a solid basis for identifying the Government of Afghanistan as an entity that had committed violations and abuses against children
随着南苏丹共 和国结束对这些地区的行政控制,那里的公民需要国际社会确保苏丹负责任地承 担起治理责任,平公正地对待 所有公民,以免再次造成人道主义危机。
With the end of Republic of South Sudan administrative control, the civilians there will need the international community to ensure that the Sudan responsibly takes over its governance roles, treating all citizens equally and fairly and in a manner that does not create another humanitarian crisis.
(b) 探索,发展和改善有利的政策环境,以加强森林执法和治理,吸引对可 持续森林管理的长期投资及筹资,澄清和加强土地保有权的安全性,并促进与直 接依赖森林维持生计的土著人民和当地社区公平 公正地 分 享 利益和责任
(b) To explore, develop and improve an enabling policy environment to strengthen forest law enforcement and governance, attract long-term investment and finance in sustainable forest management, clarify and strengthen the security of tenure rights and enhance the fair and equitable sharing of benefits and responsibilities with indigenous peoples and local communities whose livelihoods depend directly on forests




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