

单词 公斗

See also:

coming together
cup or dipper shaped object
put together

External sources (not reviewed)

Many of them emphasized the need to fight social exclusion and inequality and called on UNESCO to continue its work towards social inclusion through the social and human sciences.
此奖项的获奖者均为世界各地 投身于与不宽容、暴力和公正作斗 争 的 著名的个人与组织。
Among the laureates of the Prize are individuals and organizations from various
regions of the world known for their commitment to
[...] the cause of the struggle against intolerance, [...]
violence and injustice.
对于 全球和平与安全概念以及在追求社会和经 公 正的 斗争中促进公平做 法而言,法治同样很关键。
It is also central to the concept of global peace and security and the promotion of fair practices in the struggle for social and economic justice.
这个活动本身起源于他们在与一些破坏农业的跨公 司的斗争中
The movement itself is the physical articulation of their fight against the transnational corporations that are destroying agriculture.
应当请纽约非洲电影节合作播映系列影片,情节侧重于非洲裔争取人权公 民权利的斗争。
The New York African Film Festival should be invited to collaborate on presenting a film series focused on the human and civil rights struggles of people of African descent.
我们为工人提供一个 平台,让他们组织起来同种族主义 公 正 行为 作斗 争。
We give workers a platform to organize themselves to fight against racial injustices.
如同其他中等收入国家一样,我们也面临着加快 消除贫困的步伐并同各种非正义和 公 平 现象 作斗 争的巨大挑战。
Like other middle-income countries, we too are facing great challenges in speeding up the pace of poverty eradication and waging war against all forms of injustice and inequality.
事实上,联合国的整个 维和行动也面临着更加整体性的问题:除其他以外, 还包括将进一步限制我们的资源以及我们对危机和 改变的实地局势做出反应的灵活性的不断深化的世 界经济危机、在结束有罪不罚和确 公 正 的 斗 争 中 会 对维和行动产生影响的规范和法律的发展以及不断 增加的对实施保护平民任务的要求。
Indeed, United Nations peacekeeping as a whole also faces questions of a more systemic nature: a deepening world economic crisis that will further limit our resources and our flexibility to respond to crises and changed circumstances on the ground, normative and legal developments in the fight to end impunity and ensure justice that have repercussions for peacekeeping operations, and increased demand for the implementation of protection of civilian mandates, among other questions.
例如,以授 权这类 公司保
[...] 护战争法规定为合 法军事目标的资产 ,各国实际上 保 证 私营军事和保公司参斗。
For example, by tasking such companies with protecting assets that are lawful military
targets under the law of war, States virtually ensure that private military and
[...] security companies will engage in combat.
第一次冲突涉 及 4 月 16 日比尔吉德部落和雷扎伊加特部落的武装团伙在 Kulaykili(尼亚拉东 南 130 公里)的斗殴,这次斗殴是 在雷扎伊加部落的一伙武装人员因几名比尔吉 德人涉嫌参与盗抢而要求赔偿后发生的。
The first of these involved fighting on 16 April between armed groups of Birgit and Rezeigat in Kulaykili (130 km southeast of Nyala), which broke out after a group of armed Rezeigat sought to exact retribution from several Birgit suspected of involvement in banditry.
同样,如果在法庭的责罚天平上,丛林中的战斗人员在弗里敦受审,被指控 从总统公室参与战斗的人在另一大洲受审,例如,泰勒在海牙受审,那么就外 联而言,我们在多大程度上把这一问题当真?
Likewise, as far as outreach, how serious are we about that when on the Court’s scale of culpability those fighting in the bush get trials in Freetown, and those alleged to be fighting from their presidential office are tried on another continent: for example, Taylor in The Hague.
孟加拉国与国际社会一道,重申其全力支持 巴勒斯坦人民为了自决和摆脱继续占领 公 正 和合 法斗争,它重申其长期以来的立场,即继续占领巴 [...]
Bangladesh unites with the international community in reaffirming its
full support for the Palestinian people in their
[...] just and legitimate struggle for self-determination [...]
and freedom from continued
occupation, and it reiterates its longstanding position that the continued occupation of Palestine is the root cause of violence, unrest and destabilization in the region.
这些支柱包括与饥饿、贫困和社会不平等现象 斗 争 , 公 民 权 、参与、人 权和多样性、卫生、教育、文化以及创造生产性就业和体面的工作。
The pillars
[...] include the fight against hunger, poverty and social inequalities, as well as citizenship, [...]
participation, human
rights and diversity, health, education, culture and the creation of productive jobs and decent work.
弹劾模糊:当模糊Lumpkins抛出了他的帽子到市长的环,并声称一个惊喜的胜利,这是市长从他 斗 办 公 室 ( 和市长的实际帽的)。
Impeach Fuzz: When Fuzzy Lumpkins throws his hat into the mayoral
ring and claims a surprise victory, it's up
[...] to the Mayor to wrestle the office (and [...]
the Mayor's actual hat) back from him.
公司生产的斗式提 升机由运行部分(料斗与牵引链条)、带有传动链轮的上部区段、带有拉紧链条轮的下部区段、中间机壳驱动装置及逆止制动装置等组成。
The bucket elevator
[...] made by our company is consist of operation part (hopper and traction [...]
chain), upper section with driving
chain wheel, lower section with tension chain wheel, intermediate casing driving device and check braking device and etc.
平均每日发生的斗和公众骚乱等安全 事件与前 12 个月(2008/09 [...]
年度)每周平 均 105 次的水平相比未增加。
No increase in the average daily number of security
[...] incidents, including fighting and public disturbance, [...]
from the average level of 105 per
week in the previous 12 months (2008/09).
另一个显着的例子是巴基斯坦关于《1997 年制止恐怖主义爆炸事件国际公 约》的宣言,排公约对斗争的 适用,包括为反对任何外来或外国占领或统治按照国际法规 [...]
Another significant example is provided by the declaration of Pakistan concerning the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, which
excluded from the application of the
[...] Convention “struggles, including armed struggle, for the realization [...]
of the right of
self-determination launched against any alien or foreign occupation or domination, in accordance with the rules of international law”, ibid.
[...] 下士是以色列占领军的现役军人,因此是属于《1949 年日内瓦第公约》范围的斗人员,这意味着拘留他的行动并未违反国际法。
The PIC, however, affirms that Corporal Shalit is an active
serviceman with the Israeli occupying
[...] forces and, thus, is a combatant within the meaning of [...]
the Third Geneva Convention of 1949,
which means that his detention is not in contravention of international law.
鄂木斯克轮胎”不上市股份公司跟斯洛伐克共和国斗牛士公司合 作的结果,建立了合资企业——“斗牛士—鄂木斯克轮胎合资企业”不上市股份公司, 1996 年 4 月 23 号签署了鄂木斯克与普霍夫市之间的关于伙伴合作关系的议定书。
As a result of mutual partnership between Slovak JS “Matador” and Russian OJSC “Omskshina” that established CJSC Joint Venture Company “Matador-Omskshina”, on 23 April, 1996 Mayors of Omsk City and Puchov (Slovak Republic) signed a Partnership and Collaboration Protocol.
(九) 在保护摩尔多瓦共和国领土完整和国家独立的 斗 中 因 公 殉 职 的人员 家属。
(ix) Members of families of the ones who fought and died in the course the exercise of their duty to protect the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova.
最有效的解决办法必须包括对国内现存的少数民族身份的承认,社会对族裔 群体贡献的承认和表彰,对各群体现状的调查和分析,让所有群体在平等基础上
[...] 参加国家建构过程,为公务员和执法人员提供关于各不同族裔群体特殊需要的培 训,与媒体和在公共场合出现的种族主义和种族歧视 斗 争 并增 强 公 民 参 与治 理。
The most effective solutions must include recognition of the identity of the constituent ethnic nationalities, social awareness and recognition of the contributions of the ethnic groups, investigation and analyses of the situation of the groups, inclusion of all groups on an equal basis in the process of nation-building, training for public servants and law enforcement personnel on the specific needs of the different ethnic groups,
combating racism and racial discrimination in the media and public places
[...] and promotion of citizen participation in governance.
但是,我們只抱著知其不可而 為之的心,這不單為斗市民尋求㆒ 公 道 , 更重要的,是要為我們的民主政治和自 由經濟尋求㆒點公道。
More importantly, we want some justice to be done to our democratic politics and our free economy.
阿拉伯联合酋长国副总统兼总理、迪拜酋长谢 赫·穆罕默德·本·拉希德·阿勒·马克图姆发起的 《迪拜关爱计划》,向 14 个发展中国家的 400 万儿童 提供初级教育,以便同贫困斗争 ,增 强 公 民 权 能, 并且在有关普及初级教育的千年发展目标 2.A 框架内 取得进展。
The Dubai Care Initiative founded by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashed Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, works to provide primary education for 4 million children in 14 developing countries to fight poverty, empower citizens, and achieve development within the framework of MDG 2.
参与民主实践,方式颇多,包括参加宪政进程中的对话,倡导发挥民间社会的力量,加入争取男女平等、反对歧视 斗 争 ,从 事 公 民 教 育和推动选民登记。
There are many ways to participate in democratic practices, including taking part in dialogue on constitutional processes, advocating for civil
society empowerment,
[...] joining the struggle for gender equality and against discrimination, engaging in civic education [...]
and promoting voter registration.
(c) 开展宣传活动,与当前的歧视态度 斗 争 , 向 公 众 宣 传残疾儿童的权 利及特殊需要,鼓励残疾儿童融入社会,增进儿童及其父母表达意见的权利
(c) Carry out awareness-raising campaigns to combat existing discriminatory attitudes and sensitize the public about the rights and special needs of children with disabilities, encourage their inclusion in society and promote respect for the right of children and their parents to be heard
本年度,该地区的官员辩护称,打击分离主义 斗 争 对维 护 公 共 秩序是必要的,而且官方继续以受到暴力威胁为借口,对当地人民和外国来访者采取极端安全措施。
During the year officials in the region defended the campaign against separatism as necessary to maintain public order and continued to use the threat of violence as justification for extreme security measures directed at the local population and visiting foreigners.
独立专家强调,通过建立过渡时期司法机制来打击有罪不罚现象,如果这斗争得到公正地 展开,它还会推动流离失所者和难民的回归,并加强国内融 合。
The independent expert wishes to emphasize that efforts to combat impunity through the implementation of transitional justice mechanisms can, provided they are impartial, also contribute to the return of displaced persons and refugees and the strengthening of national cohesion.
他们所受的教育首先是传播知识,而现在人们要求他们找到解决其他一些问题的办 法,如与贫困斗争、公民权 利与义务的教育、预防暴力、促进社会融入、教会使用新技术 等。
Although they were often trained from the beginning to transmit knowledge, teachers are now
expected to find solutions to other
[...] problems: fight against poverty, educate towards citizenship, [...]
prevent violence, promote
social integration, train in the use of new technologies, and so on.
但是,地政總署會派人巡查經常有人非法佔用政府土地的黑 點,而前線警務人員於日常巡邏時亦會留意有沒有 斗 對 其 他 公 眾 人 士或車 輛造成嚴重阻礙或即時危險。
Front-line police officers on routine beat patrols pay attention to whether cargo compartments cause serious obstruction or immediate danger to members of the public or vehicles.
欧洲联盟绝对承认反对一 切形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和不容忍行
[...] 为的必要性,但是,为了有效地与上述行为 斗 争, 必须遵照公约》 第 4 条和第 5 条的规定,同时上述 斗争不能削弱国际法中定义的人权和基本自由。
The European Union fully agreed on the need to combat all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance. However, to be effective, such
efforts must be in line with
[...] articles 4 and 5 of the International Convention on the Elimination [...]
of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination and could not undermine human rights and fundamental freedoms as defined by international law.




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