

单词 公文包


attaché case

See also:





External sources (not reviewed)

所有人员及其手提袋公文包在中心入口处 接受检查。
All persons
[...] and theirbags and briefcases willbe screened [...]
at the entrance to the Centre.
Folder with alldevice documentation
Users gain the ability to create
[...] PDFs,annotate documents, redactcontent, create and edit forms, add digital signatures and combine documents intoa PDF Portfolio.
My Portfolio is a list of your [...]
contributions to the community.
通过在"我的 3DCC" 中增加您的模公文包球用户和供应商社区展现您的 [...]
CAD 才华。
Showcase your CAD talent to the global user and supplier communities by adding
[...] to your model portfolioin "My 3DCC".
Its compact size makes it easy
[...] to store in abriefcase but isas comfortable [...]
as your regular mouse.
在'我的 3D ContentCentral' 中单公文包后浏览到您想更改其信息的模型。
InMy 3DContentCentral, click Portfolio and browse to the model whose information you want to change.
(b) 国际和平研究所有权按照教科文组织理事机构规定的条件,在其带抬头的信纸公文子文件和网页)上使用教科文组织的标识或标识的变体。
(b) IIP is authorized to use the UNESCO logo or a
version thereof on its letterheaded
[...] paper and documents including electronic documents [...]
and web pages in accordance with the
conditions established by the governing bodies of UNESCO.
For example, a gold watch next to gold nuggets or
[...] an alligator briefcase in the clutches [...]
of an alligator.
22 时 00
[...] 分,一名准将在父亲位于 Duma 的家中被武装人员抢走个人汽车公 文包枪。
At 2200 hours, armed persons stole the
[...] personalcar, briefcaseandpistol of [...]
a brigadier general while he was at his father’s house in Duma.
我婚礼168.00 元30 好评w********9吉多喜BOX40公文包水相机包摄影包可装笔记本送防雨罩型号: BOX 40BOX系列采公文包计,稳重而不呆板, 让低调的您自由游走在城市之间进行摄影创作;大容量设计,可以同时容纳两部连镜头相机放置,顶部大开口设计方便您迅速选择合适套机进行捉拍,不错失任何精彩瞬间。
My wedding 168.00 yuan 30 good w ******** Guido hi BOX40 briefcase waterproof camera bag camera bag can hold a notebook send raincover model: briefcase-styledesign the BOX 40BOX series, stable but not rigid, so low-key you the freedom to walk inthe city [...]
between creative photography;
design of large capacity, can accommodate two even lens camera placed large opening at the top of the design easy to quickly select the appropriate set of machines to catch the shot, do not miss any exciting moments.
Browse to any user's Portfolioyou might be interested in and subscribe to the recently added content by that user for any content type.
一种流行的, 低预算公文包中包括内部分页, 可分开的重要会议文件。
A popular briefcasefor lower budget events which includes internal divider [...]
to separate important conference papers.
View your updates, favorites, requests, portfolio, contacts, comments, profile, and downloads/views.
My Portfolio displays your contributions by contenttype, including
此产品因其是废物再利用,所以在国外尤其是欧美发达国家很受青睐,广泛用在登山包、挎包、箱包里料、书包、箱包、服装公文包尚包,储物箱里料、束口袋、礼品袋,手提袋、购物袋等等。(2)Recycle PET面料利用可乐瓶回收的再生环保纤维原料,将回收的可乐瓶辗成碎片后,经过抽丝加工而成,可循环使用并有效减少二氧化碳的排放量,比常规制程生产聚酯纤维节省近80%的能源。
This product because it is waste reuse, so in a foreign country, especially the European and American developed country is very popular, widely used in mountaineering bags, handbags, luggage in material, bags, luggage, clothing, briefcases, fashion bags, store content box materials, beam bag, gift bags, handbags, shopping bags, etc. (2) the Recycle PET fabrics using coke bottle recovery of recycled fiber raw material, the recovery of coke bottle roll into pieces, after spinning processing and become, recyclable use and effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions, than conventional process the production of polyester fiber save nearly 80% of energy.
个或多个tractates塔木德抄本是现存数量在罗马,牛津,巴黎​​,汉堡,纽约,而从Reuchlin文公图书馆,在AT Carlsruhe大公国库。
A number of
[...] Talmudic codices containingone or more tractates are extant in Rome, Oxford, Paris, Hamburg, and New York, whilethe treatiseSanhedrin, from Reuchlin's library, [...]
in the grand-ducal library at Carlsruhe.
(d) 信息技术:在新的电子会议管理系统框架内,开发、维护、更新和改进数据库和文件制作
[...] 监测工具,以满足多组织客户的需要;在文件处理和该处其他工作领域提供协助;维护该 处的因特网和内联网网站新来公文的信息;提供管理该处和汇报工作所需 的统计和其它数据;便利纽约、日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕各个会议事务单位分享数据;协 [...]
(d) Information technology: in the framework of the emerging electronic conference management system, developing, maintaining, upgrading and improving databases and production monitoring tools to meet the needs of a multi-organizational clientele; providing assistance related to documentation processing and other areas of the Service; maintaining the
Service’s Internet
[...] and Intranet sites, including the updating of information required for official correspondence; [...]
providing statistics
and other data required for the management of the Service and for reporting purposes; facilitating the sharing of data among conference services in New York, Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi; coordinating the information technology strategy with the priorities and ongoing reform initiatives of the Department.
可以拟定关于执行相关刑事有组织犯和《反腐相关条文的示范法,向各国 提供更多指导。
Additional guidance could be provided to States through the development of a model law for the
[...] [...] implementation of relevant criminalprovisions, including relevant provisions of the Organized [...]
Crime Convention and theConvention against Corruption.
(B) 於发行任何新股份前通过普通决议案制订任何有关发行及配 发有关股份的惟不得违反上述条文一般性的前提下)新股 份或任何新股份首次须按任何类别股份当时持有人各自持有股份数目 发售予该等持有人,惟如并无任何有关厘定,则有关股份可如彼等於股 份发行前构成有股本一部分般处置的条文。
(B) The Company may byordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such sharesincluding,butwithout prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, a provision that the new shares or any of them shall be offered in the first instance to all the holders for the time being of shares of any class in proportion to the number of the shares held by them respectively but in default of any such determination, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capitalof theCompany existing prior [...]
to the issue of the same.
(C) 董事会可采取其认为必需或合适之一切行动及事情,致使任何根据 本细则(A)段之条文进行之资本化生效,并获赋予董事会十足权力,就可以碎股 分派之股份制定其认为合适之全部或部分零碎权益汇集及出售,并 将所得款项净额分派予获授权者,或对该等零碎权益不予理会或将其整合为最接 近之整數,或将零碎权益之收益拨归非有关股东所有之条文)。
(C) the Board may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (A) of this Article with full
power to the Board to make such provisionsas it thinks fit in the case of shares becoming
[...] distributable in fractions (includingprovisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues tothe Company rather than [...]
to the members concerned).
该手册应“按照说明”的 要求提供 ,并至下内容:对公共机构及其职能的描述; 该机构信息官员及其副手的 邮政地址和联系信息; 公众提交申请的公共机构的地址对公众提交信息申请过程的描述;该 机构所持有信息的相关的主题;关于可以定期获取的信息的清单(如第 8 部分所规定的,见)构向公众提供的服务和具体方式;公众参与该机构决策的任何机会;公共机构向 公众提供的所有补偿的详细介绍;其他可能提供的信息等。
The manual shall be made available ‘as prescribed’ and shall at leastcontain:a description of the public body and its functions; the postal address and other contact details of the information officer and every deputy information officer; the address of the public body where the public may submit requests for information; a description of the process for making a request; [...]
a description of the subjects on which the body holds information; a notice (as provided for in section 8, seebelow) listing the information
which is routinely available; a description of the services the body provides to the public and how to access them; a description of any opportunities the public has to participate in decision-making; a description of all remedies available to the public; and such other information as may be prescribed.
141.3 董事可作出被视为必要或权宜的一切行为及事项,以令对根据本项章程细则第 141.1 段条 文进行的任何资本化生效,并有全权於需要分派零碎股份时,制订他们认为合适的零碎权益全部或部分合并出售然後将出售所得净额分派给有关股、或不分派零 碎权益、或向上或向下凑整、或零碎权益归非有关股东所有)。
141.3 The Directors may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 141.1 of this Article with full power to the Directors to make such provisions as they think fit in the case of shares
[...] distributable in fractions (includingprovisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled or are disregarded or rounded up or down, or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues tothe Companyratherthan [...]
to the members concerned).
(c) 侧重与会员国进行有针对性的对话,其过针对具体国家的努 力,如与相关的常驻联合国代表团进行讨论,应邀访问国家或在必要时发送正公文有助于更好地了解它们的特殊挑战、优先事项和安全理念,并确定其援 助需求,以促进其执行任务
(c) Focus on tailored dialogue with Member States pursued, interalia,through country-specific efforts, such as discussions with the relevant Permanent Missions to the United Nations and visits to States upon invitation or, as necessary, through formalcorrespondence,to foster abetter understanding of their particular challenges, priorities and security perceptions and ascertain their assistance needs in order to facilitate their implementation tasks
安全理事会的其他正书长报告安全理事会主席说明以及安全理事会和大会、会员国、安全理事会附属机构、其他联合国机关、区域组织和其他组织的来这些信件以“S /”开头的文号分发。
Otherofficial documentsofthe Security Councilinclude reports of theSecretary-General, communiqués, notes by the President of the Security Council, notes by the Secretary-General as well as official correspondence between the Security [...]
Council and the Secretary-General, Member States, subsidiary bodies of the Security Council, other United Nations organs, regional and other organizations that are circulated withthe document symbol starting with “S/”.
这 些 活 动 包 括 制 作 一 份 有 关 在《 雇 佣 条 例 》下 的 合 理 辩 解 条 款 的 单 张;以 9 种 不 同(英 文 ) 印 制 有 关 《 修 订 条 例 》 的 单 张 ; 推 出 新 刊 物 及 宣 传 品 , 以 鼓 励 更 广 泛 使 用 书 面 雇 佣 合 约 和 妥 善 备 存 工 资 及 雇 佣 记 录;制 作 新 一 辑 电 台 宣 传 声 带 和通 工 具 上 张 贴 广 告,介 绍 如 何 分 辨 雇 员 与 自 雇 人 士 ;举 办 工 作 坊 以 促 进 雇 主 与 雇 员 之 间 的 有 效 沟 通 和 协 作;透 过 本 [...]
地 报 章 及 制 作 专 题 宣 传 品 以 推 广 家 庭 友 善 雇 佣
措 施,使 更 多 人 接 受 在 工 作 场 所 实 施 该 等 措 施;以 及 在 不 同 地 点 举 行 巡 回 展 览,教 育 市 民 认 识 在《 修 订 条 例 》及《 最 低 工 资 条 例 》 下 享 有 的 权 益 及 保 障 。
These include producing a leaflet on the reasonable excuse clause under the EO, producing leaflets on the EAO in nine different languages includingChineseand English, introducing new publications and promotional materials to encourage the wider use of written employment contract and proper keeping of wage and [...]
employment records; producing a new radio
Announcement in the Public Interest and placing advertisement in public transport about differentiating an employee from a self-employed person; organising a workshop to enhance effective communication and foster collaboration between employers and employees; promoting FFEP through local newspaper and producing thematic promotional materials to boost the receptiveness of FFEP in the workplace; as well as staging roving exhibitions in different locations to educate the public of their rights and protection under the EAO and MWO.




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