

单词 公撮

See also:

classifier for the quantity a pinch
classifier for hair or grass, literal meaning: tuft

External sources (not reviewed)

政府當局解釋,第21(2)(g)條有一項重要功能,就是容 許通訊局或通訊辦透過集合個別營辦商提交的資料,對 公布 撮要資 料,例如電訊業及廣播業的整體表現。
The Administration has explained that clause 21(2)(g) has the essential function of enabling the CA or the OFCA to present summary information (such as the overall performance of the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors) by drawing on the business information submitted by individual operators.
大家也許記得整個“五區公投”引起的最大爭議,就是保皇黨議員 經常以浪公帑或小撮人攪事的理由否定辭職再選。
Maybe Members would remember that the greatest controversy aroused by the de facto referendum of the five geographical constituencies is that Members of the royalist camp often disapprove of resignation and seeking
re-election subsequently on the ground that this
[...] is a waste of public funds or that a small group of people is [...]
fomenting trouble.
委員要求 積金局提高 透明度,積金局回 應 時 答 應 考慮公布被 裁 定為符 合資格個案撮 要,讓 公 眾 人士參 考 。
In response to members' call for greater transparency, the MPFA has agreed to consider making public the summaries of the cases found to be eligible for reference by the public.
政府通常是不會將這些意見 書或㆒撮要公開,因為事實㆖,我們亦不清楚向我們提供意見的㆟,是否願意將其 [...]
Normally the Government will not publish such [...]
submissions or summary of such submissions, because as a matter of fact, we
are not sure whether the people who have submitted their views want to have them disclosed.
本報撮述並分析公眾對 諮詢文件的意見。
This report provides a summary and analysis of the responses [...]
to the Consultation Paper.
關於在董事報告內給予理由的方式,政府當局指出, 《董事報告規例》第8條的規定已公 司 負 有 撮 述 有 關理由的責 任,以期協助董事報告的使用者瞭解有關事宜。
Concerning the manner for providing the reasons in the directors' report, the Administration points out that the requirement
under section 8 of C(DR)R already
[...] places an onus on the company to summarize the [...]
reasons so as to facilitate users of the
directors' report in comprehending the matter.
本文件撮 述在公務員 及資助機構員工事務委員會( 下稱" 事務委員會")討論相關 事宜時,委員所表達的意見及關注。
It also summarizes the views and concerns expressed by members when the related matters were discussed by the Panel on Public Service (the PS Panel).
政府今次容許㆒撮外籍公務員繼續留任的行動,已形成少數高級公務員對抗大多數 的局面。
The move to continue employment for a few expatriate officers has pitted a minority of senior civil servants against the majority.
主席,守 則 也說出應以小 心和開 放 的 態 度 來 進 行分析 , 並公 布意見撮 要 時,說 明 為 何 有 些意見是 不 獲 接 納 的,要 說 出原因。
Madam President, the code of practice also highlights the need to conduct analysis in a careful and open manner, and to give reasons to explain why some of the opinions are not accepted when publishing the summary of the submissions.
附件B 的 列撮錄了公 眾 對各項改革建議的主 要意見及政府 當局就各項建議提出的未來路 向。
A summary table setting out the key public [...]
comments on individual reform proposals and the Administration’s proposed way
forward for each of them is in Annex B.
第㆔,我們會協助製備雙公訴書 和案 撮 要 ,以及提高檢控㆟員用廣東方言處 理案件的能力,俾便法庭審訊時,可以使用更多㆗文。
Thirdly, we shall facilitate the greater use of Chinese in the courts by assisting in the production of bilingual indictments and charge sheets, and by improving the ability of prosecutors to conduct cases in Cantonese.
然而,這是有分別的公務員有一 撮 人 可 能知道及認 識的事情太多,可能會想辦法逃避,但長者並非這樣,說得通俗一點,他們 是很“騰雞”的,很小事情都會表現“驚青”,不會輕易亂來,為了少許金 錢而濫用以致犯法,他們是不會的,所以,我覺得政府應盡快增加醫療券的 金額和數目,進一步考慮長者的實際需要,我們亦提出將醫院管理局的長者 醫療收費減半,這是長者常提出的問題,雖然醫療費用的負擔,政府已支付 了大部分,但對長者而言,他們都很着意費用的開支,因為他們看一次門診, 每種藥都要另外付費,他們到醫院管理局的門診看醫生,可能由於不良於行 [...] [...]
而要乘搭的士,總之,看一次醫生取一次藥的總開支可能超過 100 元時,他 們會覺得這是一個負擔。
Although the Government is responsible for bearing the bulk of the burden caused by medical expenses, the elderly are still very concerned about the expenses because, for each out-patient consultation, they have to pay for each of the drugs prescribed.
若干著名經濟學者及稅務專家曾指出,本港的公司利得稅,很大比例是 由㆒撮大規模的公司繳付,我對該等意見頗感關注。
I find it interesting to read remarks by some very eminent economists and tax
experts lamenting the fact that a high proportion of corporate profits tax
[...] is paid by a small number of large companies.
但我想指出㆒點,該㆒撮公司所 繳付的稅項實與其所獲利 潤成正比例。
I would point out that the same small group of companies [...]
are making profits commensurate with their tax payments.
公共空間的控制權被交給一撮指定 人士,而不是由日常生活在這些場所中的人們自然而然地使用和發揮。
Control of civic space is delegated to a select few rather than developing organically from occupants who actively inhabit the space on a daily basis.
鍾庭耀希望,本網頁所載的「研究報告」、「參考資料」、「研究組員專欄文章」、「其他專欄文 撮 要 」 、「檔案文件」和「意見園地」,可以有助各界人士瞭解全民投票的理念,加強有 公 民 意 識。
Dr. Robert Chung hopes, with the information in below sections, namely "Research Report", "References", "Column Articles by Research Team Members", "Abstracts of Other Column Articles", "Document Archive" and "Open Forum", to strengthen public awareness and understanding of the concept of referendum.
在 進行“
[...] 五區公投” 或變相公投期間,很多人批評是一 撮 人 在浪 費公 帑, 利用程序來達到個人目的,而且很大機會是政治目的。
When the five geographical constituencies referendum, or de facto
referendum, was staged, many people
[...] criticized that a small number of people were wasting [...]
public money and taking advantage
of the procedure to achieve their own goals, which were most likely political goals, too.
有關證據顯示,㆒撮公司佔有大比率市場 份額與競爭有欠激烈之間並無明顯的直接關係。
Evidence shows that there is no clear direct relationship between large market shares in the hands of a few firms and low degree of competition.
由於該項計劃預計撮合參與公司和學校建立一對一的關係,有關方面亦可請其他社區組織/非政府機構 [...]
While the project envisages fostering a one-on-one
[...] relationship between a company and a school, the [...]
parties involved may also draw in expertise/project
partners from other community organisations/NGOs for advice and additional support (e.g. training of employees or counselling of students).
撮述公眾回 應和意見的報告,已夾附於我們在 2010 年 12 月 14 日提交 的立法會參考資料摘要( 檔號:HAB/R&SD/4038-1-55-6)。
A report summarising the public feedback is enclosed in the LegCo Brief reference HAB/R&SD/4038-1-55-6 dated 14 December 2010.
(f) 若 有一撮 財 力雄厚公司全數買 入公司的股 份,可 能會對產業設施造 成 壟斷或 寡頭壟斷;及 (g) 員 工 的 就 業 保障, 特 別是房屋署 的合約員工 ,將無可避 免 受 到 影響;單是重 新 調 配 過剩員 工 未必能 解 決 問 題 。
(f) There is a possibility of monopoly or oligarchy of the RC facilities by a limited number of big corporations which have sufficient financial strength to buy up all the shares of the new company; and
4.14 食品法典委員會食物分類的索引和例 撮 載 於 附件 5。
4.14 Index and examples of Codex classification of foods is extracted at Annex V.
事实上,亚美尼亚总统通过赞美他的武装部队(这支部队在任何文明社会中 都将成为羞辱和蔑视的对象),以及讴歌一 撮 应 对 战争期间对阿塞拜疆平民犯 下的残暴罪行负责的亡命之徒,向全世界再清楚不过地表明,在他看来,“亚美 尼亚品牌”和“亚美尼亚价值体系”到底意味着什么。
In reality, by glorifying his armed forces, which would be an object of shame and contempt in any civilized society, as well as eulogizing a handful of desperadoes who are responsible for atrocious crimes committed against Azerbaijani civilians during the war, the President of Armenia makes it absolutely clear what, in his view, “the Armenian brand” and “the Armenian system of values” mean.
田北俊議員建議亦可考慮要求政府當 局擬備書面主體答覆撮要, 令官員無需在立 法會會議上讀出整篇冗長的主體答覆,而只需 讀出重點,從而讓議員有更多時間提出補充或 跟進質詢。
Mr James TIEN suggested that consideration could also be given to requesting the Administration to prepare a gist of the written main replies so that public officers would not need to read out the full lengthy main replies but only the salient points at Council meetings, thus leaving more time for Members to ask supplementary or follow-up questions.
該事務委員會的委員普遍支持有關的立法建 議,但有部分委員認為有關建議應針對打擊一 撮 以 不 良手法經營的 零售商,不應對誠實的商人造成影響。
While members supported the legislative proposals in general, some members expressed the view that the proposals should target at combating unscrupulous malpractices of a handful of retailers and should not affect the operation of honest traders.
据刚果黄金出口行主管人员说,正规出口量小的原因是,事实上,Kampala 和 Bujumbura 的一撮不法贸易商多年来垄断了刚果的黄金贸易。
According to Congolese gold export house managers, the small volume of official exports can be attributed to the fact that a handful of fraudulent traders in Kampala and Bujumbura have for many years monopolized the Congolese gold trade.
2.4.5 有些意見認為,應以較慢的步伐推行區議會檢討,因現時的 建議可能有礙地區管治以及影響地區服務的暢順運作。 3.1 本章按區議會檢討諮詢文件各章所載的具體建議,依 撮述 公眾對有關建議的意見。
This would address DC Members’ complaint that the officials attending DC meetings are not senior enough and are unable to make substantive response to DCs.
終審法院判撮要附 於附件 B,以供參考。以下是節錄自終審法院一致 作出並由終審法院首席法官頒下的判 撮 要。
A copy of the CFA judgment is enclosed for reference at Annex B. The following is extracted from the summary of the judgment given by the Chief Justice as the unanimous judgment of the CFA, prepared by the Judiciary.
倘若塗掉部分十分龐大, 以致原有文件變得並無意義或有誤導成分,則應考慮提供一 份清楚易明的紀撮要, 或如果這做法不可行,可考慮拒絕 要求,並提述拒絕理由。
If the extent of obliteration is such that the original document becomes meaningless or misleading, consideration should be given to providing an intelligible summary of the record or, if this is not possible, to refusing the request, with reference to the reasons for refusal.
現根據《註冊承建商作業備考》38 的規定,將本人由上次參加/接受上文第 2(a)/2(b)/2(c)所述的面試/評審之日起計所獲取的經 撮 錄 於 隨附的紙張上,並提交有關的證明文件。
The experience I have gained since the date of my last interview/assessment as mentioned in paragraph 2(a)/2(b)/2(c) above is summarized in the attached sheet(s) with documentary justifications in accordance with PNRC 38.




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