

单词 公引

External sources (not reviewed)

這 個 定 義 狹 隘 的 酌 情 權 背 後 的 理 論 似 乎 是 為 防 止 被 告 自 認 罪 行,即 任 何 人 不 應 被 不 當 或公 引 導 而 提 供 對 自 己 不 利 的 證 據 。
It would seem that the principle underlying this narrowly defined discretion was the rule against self-incrimination, i.e. that a person should not be improperly or unfairly led into providing evidence against himself.
很多人认为这是即可口可乐以来最为失败的品牌更新策略,也有人觉得这只不过是公司哗众取宠, 引公 众 眼 球的伎俩。
Some call it the worst re-branding strategy since the New Coke, others wonder if
[...] it isn’t part of a giant hoax meant to divert attention to the company.
获得支持者可以通过日本国际协力事业团的财政援助建立 一个“公私伙伴关系”引“公众” 投资。
Recipients can create a public-private partnership with Japan International Cooperation Agency financial assistance for “public” investment.
劳工阻挡高速公路以引 公众和 媒体的关注,他们在工厂外与警察对峙,并且给地方官员写陈情信。
Workers block highways to attract public and media [...]
interest, they confront police outside the factory, and they write petitions to the local administration.
此外,委员会建议缔约国采取措施提高司法机关以及广大公众的《公约》 意识以及可以在法院引《公约》 条款的意识。
Moreover, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to
raise awareness of the Covenant and of the
[...] possibility of invoking its provisions [...]
before the courts, among the judiciary and the public at large.
(c) 可引公司或高級人員已遵從 有關指引作為證據,以否定涉及 受爭議刑事法律責任的犯罪意 圖。
(c) compliance with the guidelines by a company or an officer [...]
could be adduced as evidence to negate mens rea where criminal liability was in issue
[...] 还建议缔约国采取进一步步骤,广为宣传《公约》的各项规定和 引 《 公 约 》 与 种族歧视,包括在少数群体语言方面的种族歧视作斗争的可能性,并建议缔约国 [...]
It also recommends that the State party take further steps for public
dissemination of the provisions of the Convention and the
[...] possibilities for its invocation to combat racial [...]
discrimination, including
in minority languages, and that it provide its Government officials with education and training in this area.
要进一步指出的是,瑞士的税收体系不仅 引公 司 纳税人, 对个人纳税人也很有吸引力,原因是在全球范围内瑞士的个人税 [...]
It should further be noted that the Swiss tax system
[...] is not only attractive for corporate [...]
taxpayers but also for individual taxpayers
as it provides for a modest tax burden in international comparison as well.
CCPR/ISR/CO/3, 第 5 段:“委员会重申其在关于缔约 国第二次定期报告的结论性意见 (CCPR/CO/78/ISR)第 11 段和关于缔约国初次报告的结论性意见(CCPR/C/79/Add.93)第 10 段中 的意见,在武装冲突期间以及在占领局势中适用国际人道主义法机制并不排除适用《公 约》,除非引《公约》第四条,在国家紧急时期可以克减某些规定。
CCPR/ISR/CO/3, para.5: “The Committee reiterates its view, previously noted in paragraph 11 of its concluding observations on the State party’s second periodic report (CCPR/CO/78/ISR) and paragraph 10 of its concluding observations on the State party’s initial report (CCPR/C/79/Add.93), that the applicability of the regime of international humanitarian law during an armed conflict, as well as in a situation of occupation, does not preclude the application of the Covenant, except by operation of article 4, whereby certain provisions may be derogated from in a time of national emergency.
本報告期,針對18項應用引,公司 內 控項目管理辦公室召集各業務部門共同 確定了每項指引涉及的具體業務流程,對存在的困難和需要協調的事項進行了 深入了解。
During the reporting period, the project management office organised all business departments to jointly determine specific businessprocessesinrelationtoeachofthe 18 Application Guidelines and developed in-depth understanding of existing difficulties and matters requiring coordination.
摄影展旨在引公众关 注阿富汗妇女的生 活,作为女性,她们面临着种种社会壁垒和文化限制,这阻碍了她们工作及参与公共生活。
This aimed to draw attention to the lives of Afghan women who face societal barriers and cultural restrictions as women, hindering their work and participation in the public life.
对于缔约国所谓提交人由于没有在国内法院 引 《 公 约 》第三条因而没有 用尽国内补救办法的说法,提交人申明,他们在刑事诉讼期间没有机会 引 《公 约》的规定。
5.2 Regarding the State party’s contention that the petitioners failed to
exhaust domestic
[...] remedies as they did not invoke article 3 of the Convention before domestic courts, the petitioners affirm that they did not have the possibility to invoke the Convention during [...]
the criminal proceedings.
环境署引《公共部 门会计准则第 25 号》,证明年假估值方法的变更是合 理的,但在财务报表中没有提到《公共部门会计准则》。
UNEP justified
[...] the change in the method for the valuation of annual leave by reference to IPSAS 25, [...]
although no mention
of IPSAS is made in the financial statements.
效率促進組印製了多本有關私營機構參與提供公共服 務的小冊子,包括"《有關外判工作的實務 引 》 "、 "《公營部 門與私營機構合作的簡易指引》"、 "《合約管理用者引》"、 "《廉公署政 府外判工作防貪指引》"及 "《有效競爭與公營合 約:從經驗中學習》"。
EU has published a number of brochures regarding the involvement of the private sector in the provision of public services, including “A General Guide to Outsourcing”, “An Introductory Guide to Public Private Partnerships” , “A User Guide to Contract Management”, “Government Outsourcing Practices by ICAC” and “Competition and Contracting: Learning from Past Experience”.
委员会感到遗憾的是,缔约国没有就 引 《 公 约 》 及其条款的具体国家法 院裁决提供任何资料。
The Committee regrets that the State party has not provided any information on specific national court rulings in which the Convention and its provisions have been invoked.
如缔约国报告第2 段所述,《公约》对土耳其法律有直接的影响,并在国家
[...] 法院适用,因此请举例,说明国内法院 引 《 公 约 》 作为起诉理由或者解释的依 据的情况。
In view of the fact that the Covenant has direct effect in Turkish law and is applicable in national courts, as stated in paragraph 2 of the State party
report, please cite examples where the
[...] Covenant has been invoked in domestic courts [...]
either as grounds for a case or for interpretative purposes.
欧盟第 2004/38 号指令禁止为一般预防原因引公共 秩序和公共安全。
European Directive 2004/38 prohibits considerations of general
[...] prevention for the invocation of public order [...]
or public safety.
委员会尽管注意到法院和行政机关可援引和适用《公约》,但委员会关切 地指出:主要由于《公约》没有完全纳入缔约国国内立法,所以只有少数案件引《公约》,并且司法当局和行政决策机构对《公约》的适用有限。
While noting that the Convention may be invoked and applied by the courts and administrative authorities, the Committee notes with concern that the Convention is referred to only in a limited number of cases and that the application of the Convention by judicial authorities and administrative decision-making bodies is limited, due largely to the Convention not being fully incorporated into the national legislation of the State party.
在开展现场活动时,可采取丰富有趣的活动形式 引公 众 ,比如游戏、有奖问答;寻找 合适的赞助商提供活动礼品,吸引更多社区居民参加宣传活动;邀请兽医参加活动,为社区 居民提供宠物养护、医疗咨询等帮助。
Interesting and various activities could be brought into the event site to attract the public, such as award-winning questions, gifts from sponsors and on-site diagnoses and consultations from veterinarians to pet owners.
關 於 股 價 敏 感 性 資 料 的 監 控,公 司 瞭 解 根 據 上 市 規 則 需 承 擔 的 責 任;並 在 處 理 各 類 事 務 時,充 分 考 慮 到 了 聯 交 所 的「股 價 敏 感 資 料 披 露引」,公 司 通 過 發 佈 公 告、在 聯 交 所 及 公 司 網 站 向 公 眾 廣 泛 及 非 獨 家 地 披 露 資 料。
Pursuant to Article 98 of the PRC Company Law, the shareholders of the Company have the right to inspect the Articles of Association, the share register, corporate bond certificates, minutes of general meetings, resolutions of Board meetings, resolutions of Supervisory Committee meetings as well as financial and accounting reports, and also have the right to make recommendations or enquiries in respect of the Company’s operations.
请说明在缔约国领土上的个人是否可以在国内法院 引公 约 中 所规定的权 利、并请提出可能会有的、与案例法有关的例子。
Please clarify whether individuals within the State
[...] party’s territory may invoke the rights enshrined [...]
in the Covenant before the domestic
courts, and provide examples of relevant case law if available.
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實 公 平 地 呈列財務 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯 引 起 );選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在不同情況下作出合理的會計估計。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
特区内法院是否引《公约》所 载权利,作为判案理由或有关法律准则的解释指南?
Convention been invoked by domestic courts, [...]
either as a ground for a case or as interpretative guidance for legal norms?
委员会促请缔约国立即采取步骤确保所有人都可在国内法庭上 引 《 公 约 》 条 款,并在其下一次定期报告中提供最新的资料,具体说明落实了《公约》所载权 [...]
The Committee urges the State party to take
immediate steps to ensure that Covenant
[...] provisions can be invoked by all before the [...]
domestic courts and to include in its
next periodic report precise updated information on judicial decisions which give effect to rights under the Covenant.
3.1 提交人引《公约》第六条第1 款和第2 款,他声称,由于一所法院不称 [...]
3.1 The author invokes article 6, paragraphs [...]
1 and 2, as he claims that his right to life was violated due to the unfair
judgement issued by an incompetent court
在合作医院中张贴有关 TNR 项目的宣传资料,引公众参 与动保组织开展的 TNR 项目。
 Put up publicity materials on the TNR programme in the
[...] partner hospital to attract public participation.
招牌不得以華麗設計或閃爍燈光 引公 眾 注 意。
Signboards should not attract public attention [...]
by ornate design or blinking lights.
此外,缔约国在任何情 况下都不得引《公约》 关于克减的规定为违反国际人道主义法或国际法强制性 [...]
规范的行为开脱,例如绑架人质、实施集体惩罚、任意剥夺自由或偏离包括无罪 推定在内的公平审判基本原则。
Moreover, States parties may in
[...] no circumstance invoke the Covenant’s [...]
provisions on derogations as justification for acting
in violation of humanitarian law or peremptory norms of international law, for instance by taking hostages, by imposing collective punishments, through arbitrary deprivations of liberty or by deviating from fundamental principles of fair trial, including the presumption of innocence.
引公约某 些规定的条款外,本议事规则可由委员会以出席并参加表决之 委员的三分之二多数在全会上做出决定予以修改,但建议做出的修改应按照 第 8 和 9 条的规定列入届会的议程。
The Committee may amend the Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the Convention, by a decision taken in plenary meeting by a twothirds majority of the Members present and voting, provided the proposed amendment has been included in the agenda of the session in accordance with Rules 8 and 9.
委员会坚持重申 2007 年 11 月 1 日对 阿尔及利亚的最终意见17 及其判例18 ,据此,缔约国不能援引《和平与民族和解 宪章》的条款反对引《公约》 条款或已提交或将要向委员会提交来文的人。
The Committee wishes to recall its concluding observations concerning Algeria of 1 November 2007,17 as well as its jurisprudence,18
according to which the State
[...] party may not invoke the provisions of the Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation against persons who invoke provisions of [...]
the Covenant or who
have submitted or may submit communications to the Committee.




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