

单词 公开赛



Wimbledon lawn tennis championship

See also:

公开 n

overt n
openness n

公开 adv

publicly adv
openly adv
barely adv

公开 v

disclose v
publish v

External sources (not reviewed)

顶级体育 赛事包括澳大利亚网公开赛、澳大利亚一级方程式大奖赛、墨尔本板球场(MCG)的国际板球赛事以及世界闻名的墨尔本杯赛马。
Elite sports events include
[...] the Australian Open tennis, the Australian [...]
Formula One Grand Prix, international cricket matches
at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and the famed Melbourne Cup.
在挺过2011年下半年的低潮期之后,现在她重新恢复了良好的状态,上周已经闯进Plexicushion澳 公开赛 热 身 赛之一——悉尼国际网球赛的决赛。
She has now rediscovered her form at the
[...] Plexicushion Australian Open lead up tournaments having reached [...]
the final round of last week's Sydney
International after a difficult second half of 2011.
2010 年澳大利亚网公开赛期间 ,维州旅游局首次在中国开展宣传推广计划,吸引了200 多名中国游客赶赴墨尔本体验这场赛事。
As a result of Tourism Victoria’s inaugural campaign in China at the
[...] Australian Open tennis tournament in 2010, more [...]
than 200 Chinese visitors travelled
to Melbourne to experience the event.
银行现为全球最大的网球赞助商,自1973年起担任法国网 公开赛 的 指定赞助商,并赞助五项ATP大师赛,包括自1986年起赞助巴黎大师赛、2005年起赞助蒙地卡罗大师赛、2006年起赞助罗马意大 公开赛 、 20 09年起赞助印第安纳维尔斯法国巴黎银 公开赛 , 以 及自2010年起赞助上海大师赛。
BNP Paribas has gradually become the number one sponsor in world tennis:
[...] official sponsor of Roland Garros since 1973 and sponsor of five ATP Masters events - the BNP Paribas Masters since 1986, Monte Carlo Masters since 2005, Internazionali BNL d'Italia in Rome since 2006, BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells since 2009 and the Shanghai Masters since 2010.
2010年起,伯爵开始冠名赞助Piaget Polo
[...] FortyFive中国马球队出征北京马 公开赛 , 以此实现其全力支持推广中国的马球运动的使命。
The same applies to the Piaget Polo
[...] FortyFive Beijing Polo Open with which the Swiss [...]
watchmaker has associated its name since
2010, thus pursuing its mission to promote polo as far as China.
now TV在香港提供180多个频道的本地、亚洲和国际节目,包括西班牙甲级联赛、英格兰足总杯、NBA、法国网 公开赛 、 美 国网 公开赛 、 AT P世界巡回赛、国际羽联超级系列赛、世界斯诺克冠军赛、F1和国际高尔夫职业巡回赛等。
now TV serves Hong Kong with more than 180 channels of local, Asian and international programming, including premium content
such as Spanish La Liga,
[...] English FA Cup, NBA, French Open, US Open, ATP World Tour, BWF Super [...]
Series, World Snooker Tour, F1 and PGA Tour.
在青年领域,经过战略规划编制局/青年协调组的组织,教科文组织参与了 2002 年 7 月 5-14 日在法国体育场(巴黎)举办的“2002 菲拉杯”青年网公开赛,共有来自 53 个国 家的约 300 名年轻选手参赛。
In the area of youth, BSP/UCJ organized the participation of UNESCO in the Open de Tennis des jeunes “Fila Cup 2002” at the Stade Français (Paris), which took place from 5 to 14 July 2002, involving some 300 young players of 52 different nationalities.
2012年的澳门威尼斯人高尔夫公开赛 由 政府体育发展局主办,经亚洲巡回赛及澳门高尔夫球协会认可,由IMG负责推广。
Organised by the government’s
[...] Sport Development Board (IDM), the 2012 Venetian Macau Open is sanctioned [...]
by the Asian Tour and the
Macau Golf Association, and promoted by IMG Golf.
2012年中国网公开赛将于 9月23日至10月7日在国家网球中心举行。
The 2012 China Open Tennis Tournament will take place from [...]
September 28 to October 7 at the China National Tennis Center in Beijing.
[...] Clarke),他自2005年起担任爱彼品牌大使、荣获四届莱德杯冠军,并胜出2011年英 公开赛。
And to top it all off, several top level golf champions lined up alongside one of the world's very best: Darren Clarke,
an Audemars Piguet Ambassador since 2005, four-time Ryder Cup winner and outstanding
[...] victor at the British Open in 2011.
瑞士高级钟表及珠宝商伯爵于2012年9月22日参加第四届北京国际马 公开赛 决 赛
The Swiss jeweller and watchmaker Piaget attended on September 22, 2012 the finals of the Fourth Beijing
[...] International Polo Open Tournament.
现在已经确认参加的球员中有一届英 公开赛 冠 军 约翰•达利,两届美 公开赛 冠 军 雷铁夫•古森,四次欧巡赛冠军、两次亚巡赛冠军伊恩•保尔特,五次欧巡赛冠军、一次亚巡赛冠军保罗•卡西、八次PGA美巡赛冠军吉姆•福瑞克,09年PGA锦标赛的冠军梁容银以及2010年亚巡赛奖金王卢乘烈等。
The golfers who have confirmed their participation in the Lake Malaren Shanghai Mastersare Former British Open champion John Daly, twice US Open champion Retief Goosen,Revered English golfers Ian Poulter and Paul Casey, Holder of 8 PGA tour titles Jim Furyk, 2009 PGA tour champion Ye Yang and the 2010 Asian Tour Order of Merit Winner Noh Seung-yul from South Korea.
已确认参赛的球员有2010年PGA奖金王吉姆-福瑞克、一届英 公开赛 冠 军 约翰-达利、两届美 公开赛 冠 军雷迪夫-古森、2006年美 公开赛 冠 军 杰奥夫-奥格维、2008年PGA锦标赛冠军梁容银、4次欧巡赛冠军伊恩-保尔特、5次欧巡赛冠军保罗-卡西等等。
Players who have confirmed their participation
[...] in this year's tournament include: Jim Furyk, the highest-premium winner of last year's PGA Tour; British Open champion, John Daly; two-time American Open winner, Retief Goosen; the 2006 American Open champion, [...]
Geoff Ogilvy; winner of
the 2009 PGA Championship, Yang Yong Eun; four-time European Tour winner Ian Poulter, five-time European Tour winner and one-time Asian Tour champion, Paul Casey, and highest-premium winner of the 2010 Asian Tour, Noh Seung Yul.
勇夺15次以上令人激赏不已的LPGA锦标赛冠军,其中更包括2007年美 公开赛 的 大满贯头衔,这位美国女将自1996年投入职业巡回赛以来,已成功地成为魅力四射、洋溢现代气息的冠军杯梦想肖像的缩影。
With more than 15 LPGA victories to her credit, including a major championship at the US Open in 2007, this [...]
American has epitomised
the dream portrait of the glamorous modern-day champion since her beginnings on the professional circuit in 1996.
爱沙尼亚妇女合作链自 2003 年起,都组织一年一度的榜样 公开赛。
The Estonian Women’s Cooperation Chain organises an annual public competition for the Teenäitaja (Role model) Award since 2003.
科勒公司是生产厨卫产品、发动机与电力系统、家具与装饰花砖的全球领军企业;科勒公司在苏格兰圣安德鲁斯和威斯康星州科勒的酒店承办四大高尔夫球赛之中的2010年英国高尔 公开赛 ( 20 10 British Open)以及美国PGA锦标赛(PGA [...]
Kohler is a global leader in the manufacture of kitchen and bath products, engines and power systems, furniture and decorative tile, and is the host hotel both in St.
Andrews Scotland and Kohler Wisconsin of the
[...] 2010 British Open followed by the PGA Championship – [...]
two of the four golf majors.
保尔特喜欢在亚洲国家进行比赛,他曾赢得过2009年巴克莱新加 公开赛 和 2010年瑞银香 公开赛 的 冠 军。
Poulter enjoys his visits to Asia, where he has won the
[...] Barclays Singapore Open in 2009 and the UBS Hong Kong Open in 2010.
[...] Norman与旭宝宋矿满董事长进行了亲切的交流和暂短的会晤,对旭宝高尔夫球场别具特色的石狮和曲线曼妙的场地动线赞叹不已,当得知旭宝高尔夫俱乐部7次承办VOLVO中 公开赛 时 , 对俱乐部对于中国高尔夫的发展所做的贡献表示赞赏和认同,对宋矿满董事长为推动中国高尔夫事业的发展中作出的不懈努力表示肯定,并期待下次有机会与旭宝俱乐部及会员展开更多更广泛的交流。
Greg Norman had a cordial talk with Beta and showed his praise to the characteristic stone lions on each hole and the marvelous design of the
course and when he got to know
[...] that Silport was the home of the VOLVO China Open and be the venue [...]
for 7 times, Norman appreciated
and said Beta really did great contribution on the China Golf and he also show his expect to have more communications with Silport in the future.
他在少年和高级阶段都曾代表南非参加重大赛事,如女王杯、金杯赛、南 公开赛 、 加 冕杯以及FIP富国高银雪地马球世界杯2012。
He has represented South Africa in both junior
and senior levels and
[...] competed in major tournaments like the Queen’s Cup, Gold Cup, South Africa Open, Coronation Cup [...]
and FIP Fortune Heights Snow Polo World Cup 2012.
他辉煌的马球成就包括赢得美 公开赛 、 美 国杯赛、U.S.P.A.金杯赛、两次赢得银杯赛以及四次赢得太平洋海 公开赛。
Among his
[...] achievements are winning the U.S. Open, America’s Cup, U.S.P.A. Gold Cup, the Silver Cup twice and the Pacific Coast Open four times.
俱乐部董事长宋鑛满对高尔夫运动的热爱是业内皆知的,旭宝高尔夫俱乐部凭借着优秀的球场品质,高端的会员服务,举办大型国际赛事,获得了国内外人士的认可,旭宝连续7年举办VOLVO中 公开赛 , 将中 国 公开赛 从 一 个地区性的小型赛事,推广成为一个奖金达人民币2千万的国际赛事,并获得苏格兰-英 公开赛 主 办 球场CARNOUSTIE的认同而结为姐妹球场,让中国的球场能在世界发光及受人尊敬。
The big contribution is the 7 times¡¯ host venue of the VOLVO China Open and make the event to be an international tournament with 2 millions awards from a small regional
match, the big contribution
[...] had been fully recognized by the famous Carnoustie , one of the venues of US Opens and signed the sister¡¯s course with Silport . Silport golf club makes big contribution to promote the China [...]
golf to be
international and gained respects from the world famous courses.
Ghatoot赛马与马球俱乐部本赛季最重要的比赛在本周五(4月5日)举行:2013年HH总统杯UAE马 公开赛 的 决 赛,该比赛由5支16分的球队参与组成。
The most important match of the Ghatoot Racing & Polo Club’s season was played this Friday (April 5th): the final of the 2013 HH President of the UAE Polo Cup, an event in which this year five 16-goal teams took part.
时值2012年中国网公开赛开幕在 即和赛事8周年纪念,以及由拾壹建筑工作室 Atelier [...]
11 设计的国球网球馆钻石球场启用1周年之际,中国建筑设计研究院设计与研究丛书的最新分册——《国家网球馆》正式由中国建筑工业出版社出版。
Dedicated to the upcoming 8th
[...] anniversary of China Open and the 1st anniversty [...]
of the inaugruation of the Diamond Arena
of National Tennis Center designed by Atelier 11, the book of National Tennis Center, part of the design and research series by CADG, has been published by China Architecture & Building Press.
集团亦分别由2001年及2005年起冠名赞助戴维斯杯及联合会杯,也积极参与多项国际赛事,包括加州西方银行女子网球菁英赛、卡萨布兰卡哈桑二世大奖赛、 赛公开赛 及 纽 约法国巴黎银行表演赛。
The Group is also title sponsor of the Davis Cup by BNP Paribas since 2001 and the Fed Cup by BNP Paribas since 2005, as well as being actively involved in many other international competitions including the Bank of the
West Classic in California, the Grand Prix Hassan II
[...] in Casablanca, the Open 13 in Marseille and [...]
the BNP Paribas Showdown in New York.
墨尔本是澳大利亚著名的体育之都,许多世界最出色的国际赛事均在这里举办,包括澳大利亚网 公开赛 ( Australian Open tennis)和澳大利亚一级方程式锦标赛(Formula 1 Australian [...]
Grand Prix)。
Melbourne is renowned as Australia's sporting capital, playing host to some of the
world's best international events including
[...] the Australian Open Tennis championship and the FORMULA 1™ Australian Grand Prix.
为更好的在宁波市内以及周边城市推广极限飞盘项目,我们决定将已经延续三年的宁波极限飞盘分组赛改为宁波极限飞 公开赛 , 这 是UFO举办的第一 公开赛 , 旨 在增强比赛的竞赛性,为周边城市的飞盘队伍提供更好的锻炼平台。
This year, in order to increase the
competitiveness of the game, the Ultimate Frisbee
[...] Organization of Ningbo would like to host our first Ningbo open tournament.
5年来,QQ游戏不仅提供给广大用户丰富的游戏体验,还策划举办了CEG大赛、中华斗神争霸赛、公益设计比赛、2008广州斗地 公开赛 、 20 09玩家见面会等丰富的活动,为用户创造了充分展示个性的平台,活跃了社区氛围,为用户带来了无处不在的快乐。
In the past 5 years, QQ Game has not only provided users with rich game experiences but also organized various activities, including the CEG Competition,
Chinese Gods of Combat Championship, the
[...] Charitable Design Contest, the 2008 Guangzhou [...]
Dou Di Zhu Open Tournament and the 2009 Players meetings.
与此同时,中国的高尔夫运动也有了长足的发展,新的球场不断涌现,越来越多的人参与到这项运动中,而VOLVO(富豪)中 公开赛 始 终 是中国高尔夫的一大亮点。
Golf in China is on the move, with more players taking up
the game and many new
[...] courses being opened, and the annual focus of the golfing year continues to be the Volvo China Open.
这个方案包括:(a) 设置建立两性平等奖,这是一 项针对中等教育、高等教育学生和研究生的科学著作和论文比赛,最近一 公开 比赛有近 5 000 名学生参加;(b) 两性平等、妇女、女权运动调查研究公报;(c) 全国调查研究中心和团体讨论会——思考两性平等与科学。
The Programme includes: (a) the Building Gender Equality Prize, a set of essays and scientific articles targeting secondary school, university and graduate school students; the latest version was read by some 5,000 students; (b) the gender, women’s and feminist studies research bulletin; and (c) the National Research Communities and Groups Meeting: Considering Gender and the Sciences.
在完成了国际机械工程专业的大学学业后,Pohl 先生在赛德斯奔驰公司以 实习生的身 开 始 了他的职业生涯。
After completing international studies in mechanical engineering, Mr. Pohl commenced his professional career as a trainee at Mercedes Benz AG.




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