单词 | 公开信 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 公开信 —open letterSee also:公开 adv—publicly adv • openly adv • barely adv 公开 v—disclose v • publish v 公开 n—openness n • overt n 公信 n—creditability n
这一原则包括可查阅官方文件,记者 不 公开信 息来 源的权利和职责受宪法保护,拥有传播和出版信息的权利,以及法院审讯和 [...] 决策大会的会议公开。 daccess-ods.un.org | This principle, inter [...] alia, encompasses access to official documents, [...]a constitutionally protected right and duty for journalists [...]to protect the anonymity of sources, the right to communicate and publish information and access to court hearings as well as meetings of decision-making assemblies. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们不得披露或利用任何非公开信息 以 谋取私利(这项规定延伸到我们的家庭成员及附属公司)。 wellsve.com | We will not disclose or take advantage of any non-public information for personal gain (this requirement extends to our family members and associates). wellsve.com |
这些培训班的侧重点是,主管有义务遵守个人廉正的最高标准,建立主 管及其下属能够本着公开、信任和 尊重的精神共同工作的环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | These sessions focused on the obligations of supervisors to observe the highest standards of personal integrity and to establish work [...] environments in which they and the staff whom they supervised could work [...] together in teams with openness, trust and respect. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,和一些新一代的信 息权法一样,它包含有一套非常详细的关于主 动 公开信 息 的 规定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Finally, like some of the newer generation of right to information laws, it includes an extremely detailed set of provisions on proactive disclosure. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不得利用此非公开信息鼓励或诱使他人进行此类公司的股票、债券或其他证券交易。 colgate.com | You must not encourage or induce others, on the basis of such non-public information, to deal in stocks, bonds or other securities of such firms. colgate.com |
不得代表自己或他人买卖与实质性非 公开信 息 关 联的公司(高露洁或其他公司)的股票、 债券或其他证券。 colgate.com | You must not trade for your own account or for the account of another person in stocks, bonds or other securities of the firm (Colgate or other) to which the material non-public information relates. colgate.com |
在某些情况下,由于缺乏关于政府政策 的 公开信 息和 缺乏关于不同国家易陷入贫困者处境的最新分类数据,本次审查的范围和深度也 [...] 受到严重影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The extent and depth of the present review was also [...] substantially affected in some cases [...] by the lack of publicly available information on [...]Government policies and the absence of [...]up-to-date disaggregated data on the situation of those vulnerable to poverty in the different countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
或非公开信息,您应立即联系 Cigna 法律部(在国际方面, 请 联 [...] 系 当 地 法 律 部 或 合 规 事 务官)。 cigna.com | A. If you believe that an unintentional [...] disclosure of sensitive or non-public information may have occurred, you should [...]immediately contact Cigna Legal (for International, contact your local legal department or compliance officer). cigna.com |
重大非公开信息是 指对合理投资者决定是否购买、出售或持有股票十 分重要的信息,可以包括有关未决合并或收购、联盟、合作关系或者业务盈亏 的信息。 lubrizol.com | Material non-public information means information that would be important [...] to a reasonable investor in deciding whether to [...]buy, sell or hold securities, and can include information about pending mergers or acquisitions, alliances, partnerships or business gains or losses. lubrizol.com |
如果你的工作涉及到原材料、产品或服务的跨国界运输,或需要与来自另外一 个国家的人交换公司知识财产或非 公开信 息 , 应确保你了解各相关国家的规 定。 zjtechnologies.de | If you work with moving raw materials, products or services across national borders, or exchanging company intellectual property or non-public information with others from another country, ensure that you understand each applicable country’s requirements. zjtechnologies.de |
所以,从开始着手报告和公开信息这段时间内,任何 可能威胁到公司竞争地位的潜在危害发生的几率都很低。 eisourcebook.org | Therefore, any potential damage to a company’s competitive position would be minimized by the lapse of time between the making of payments and the timing of publication. eisourcebook.org |
产生这种现象的部分原因是,不可能考虑到所有 必须优先保护的公众利益,另一部分原因则是在特定时间的特殊环境条件下 , 公开信 息 也许 意味着会有利于保护总体的公众利益。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is so in part because it is not possible to draft exceptions so as to take into account all overriding public interests and in part because particular circumstances at the given time may mean that the overall public interest is served by disclosure. unesdoc.unesco.org |
您不应该鼓励同事记录或使用从其他职位处得来 的保密信息,您只能使用与竞争对手有关 的 公开信 息。 bkvibro.com | You should not encourage colleagues to keep or use confidential information obtained from other jobs and you can only use information about competitors that is in the public domain. bkvibro.com |
而且,在一封公开信中,总督明确表示,最笼统和最宽泛地解读《宪法》草案表 明,草案有悖于平等保护和公正的基本原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, in a letter made public, the Governor [...] articulated that the most general and generous reading of the draft Constitution [...]showed it to be inconsistent with basic tenets of equal protection and fairness. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于获得公开信息的 途径,他指出,国家统计 和普查研究所的可靠性受到了质疑。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to [...] access to public information, he noted that the credibility of the National [...]Statistics and Census Institute [...](INDEC) had been called into question. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,本行研制及运用阻止未经核准的利用 未 公开信 息 和利益冲突的措施。 dalcombank.ru | To prevent unauthorized use of confidential information and to avoid the conflict [...] of interests dalcombank has implemented [...]special procedures. dalcombank.ru |
76 以下信息全部来源于15家公司在2010年和2011年发布 的 公开 信息, 主要来自于年报及社会责任报告。 syntao.com | 76 Data for the following section is sourced from the 2010 and 2011 corporate communications of the 15 companies under review, notably the annual reports and sustainability reports. syntao.com |
在化名Alfred [...] Little的人在互联网上再一次发布虚假的、充满误导性的帖子之后,加拿大公司希尔威金属矿业有限公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SVM)(纽约证券交易所股票代码:SVM)(以下简称“希尔威”或“公司”)今天向股东发表了一 封 公开信 , 信 中 对 最近关于公司的指控进行了解释说明。 tipschina.gov.cn | Silvercorp Metals Inc. (TSX: SVM)(NYSE: SVM), a Canadian based company ("Silvercorp" or the "Company"), following yet another false and misleading internet posting today by the fictitious [...] and anonymous Alfred [...] Little, posted an open letter today to its shareholders that addresses recent allegations made about the Company. tipschina.gov.cn |
最近在黎巴嫩媒体发表的一封 致艾哈迈迪内贾德总统的公开信,就提供了关于这种声 音的例子。 daccess-ods.un.org | An open letter to President Ahmadinejad [...] that was recently published in the Lebanese media offers an example of one such voice. daccess-ods.un.org |
内幕交易是指在了解关于公司或其证券的“重大 非 公开 信息” 的情况下参与公司证券的交易(例如买卖公司股票)。 bostonscientific.com | Insider trading means engaging in transactions in a company’s securities (for example, buying or selling a company’s stock), while aware of “material nonpublic information” about the company or its securities. bostonscientific.com |
首先,报告对上交所 15 家拥有海外业务的大型资源采掘类上市公司向政府支付资 金的公开信息进 行了分析(见第四章)。 eisourcebook.org | Firstly, the report analyses all the available government payment information of the 15 largest extractive companies with international operations listed on the SSE (see Chapter Four). eisourcebook.org |
我们有责任保护我们已经获取或建立的 UCI 和 FRAM 集团、其附属公司、我们客户,以及我们供应商的 非 公开信 息的保密性,并且防止此类信息未经授权的披露,除非是适用法律或法规或司法或监管程序所要求的。 wellsve.com | We are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of non-public information about UCI and the FRAM Group, its subsidiaries, our customers, and our suppliers that we have obtained or created, and preventing the unauthorized disclosure of such information unless required by applicable law or regulation or legal or regulatory process. wellsve.com |
为防止未经授权而获取或公开信息, 我们实施适当的有形和电子的管理程序,保护我们在网上收集的信息。 samdecaux.com | In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure,we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. samdecaux.com |
议员 们应审阅贷款文件,自己来加以证实,根 据 公开信 息 的 新政策,这些文件都可以 查阅。 daccess-ods.un.org | Parliamentarians should scrutinize the loan documents, which are all available under the new access to information policy, in order to confirm that for themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些发言者支持在全球一级收集拍卖行与互联网拍卖信息,并要求传统的 拍卖行和网上拍卖行至少在拍卖前两周提供关于备售文物来源 的 公开信 息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some speakers supported the idea of collecting at the global level information on auctions held in auction houses and on the Internet and of requiring traditional and Internet-based auction houses to [...] provide, at least two weeks prior to the [...] auction, public information about the provenance of cultural [...]objects being sold. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,在今年 的公开信中, 我将讨论如如何通过注重结 果考量,让我们的创新发明送达急需它们 的诊所、农场、以及课堂。 thegatesnotes.com | That’s why in this year’s letter I discuss how innovations in measurement are critical to finding new, effective ways to deliver these tools and services to the clinics, family farms, and classrooms that need them. thegatesnotes.com |
提供内部消息 - 您不可出于交 易目的而向任何人透露有关公 司的重要、非公开信息、也不 可根据重要、非公开信息建议 其他人购买或出售公司证劵。 mts.com | Tipping - You may not reveal material, non-public information [...] concerning the company to any person for trading purposes nor recommend the purchase or sale of company securities to others based on material, non-public information. mts.com |
我曾在去年的公开信中宣 布,基金会正与高效慈善事业研究中心 (Center [...] for Effective Philanthropy, CEP) 一同对所有当前的受资助者开展调查,以此改善基金会的外部合作伙伴关系。 gatesfoundation.org | In my annual letter last year, I announced [...] that we were working with the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) to survey [...]all of our active grantees, in an effort to improve the quality of our external partnerships. gatesfoundation.org |
该背景文件主要以公开信息为基础,在编 写过程中得到欧亚反洗钱与打击资助恐怖主义小组、金融情报机构埃格蒙特小 组、反洗钱金融行动特别工作组、刑警组织、国际货币基金组织、世界银行和 [...] 毒品和犯罪问题办公室的帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The background paper was [...] primarily based on publicly available information and was produced [...]thanks to contributions from [...]the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, INTERPOL, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and UNODC. daccess-ods.un.org |
地方和国际团体对因不应有的政治压力导致的辞职表示 关切,而且欧洲广播联盟在一封 公开信 中 指 责科索沃当局使科索沃广播-电视公 [...] 司横遭政治和经济干预。 daccess-ods.un.org | Local and international groups expressed the concern that the resignation had [...] been the result of undue political [...] pressure, and, in a public letter the European [...]Broadcasting Union accused the Kosovo authorities [...]of having subjected Radio Television Kosovo to relentless political and economic interference. daccess-ods.un.org |