单词 | 公平交易 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 公平交易—fair dealingSee also:交易n—transactionn transactionspl tradingn traden dealn bargainn 交易pl—dealspl dealingspl 交易—dealing (business) transaction business deal 交易v—dealv tradev
基於上述情况及i)加工协议之性质与 贵集团之主要业务息息相关;ii) 加工订单费乃 贵集团之稳定收入来源;及iii)加工协议乃以市场及正常商业 条款为依据,并按下文详析之公平交易原则订立,吾等认为加工协议之条款 符合 贵公司及股东之整体利益。 equitynet.com.hk | Given the above and the fact that i) the nature of the Subcontracting Agreement is related to the Group’s principal business and operations; ii) the Subcontracting Order Fee representing a stable source of income to the Group; and iii) the Subcontracting Agreement will be based on market and normal commercial terms on an arm’s length basis as elaborated below,we consider the terms of the Subcontracting Agreement are in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. equitynet.com.hk |
开发署还将帮助伙伴国家实质性参与 区域和全球事务,以促进有包容性和可持续的增长,确保有利于所有人的“公平 交易”。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNDP will also help partner countries to engage [...] substantively in regional [...] and global arenas to promote inclusive, sustainable growth and to ensure a “fairdeal” forall. daccess-ods.un.org |
若金融资产(及 非上巿证券)之巿场并不活跃,本集团使用估 值方法设定公平价值,包括使用近期之公平交易、参考其他大致相同之工具、折现现金流量分析及期权 定价模式、尽量利用市场投入数据并尽量少倚赖实体特定投入数据。 wingtaiproperties.com | If the market for a financial asset is not active (and for unlisted [...] securities), the [...] Group establishes fairvalue by using valuation techniques. These include the use of recent arm’s length transactions, reference to other [...]instruments that [...]are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models, making maximum use of market inputs and relying as little as possible on entity-specific inputs. wingtaiproperties.com |
公允值减其出售成本的计算基於在类似资产公平交易中,具约束力销售交 易的可获得的信息或客观市场价格减处置该资产的增量成本。 wqfz.com | The calculation of the fair value less costs to sell is based on available data from binding sales transactionsin an arm’s lengthtransaction [...] ofsimilar assets or observable [...]market prices less incremental costs for disposing of the asset. wqfz.com |
吾 等 对 该 物 业 的 估 值 乃 吾 等 所 认 为 的 市 [...] 值。所 谓 市 值,就 吾 等 所 下 定 义,即「某 项 物 业 於 估 值 日 经 适 当 市 场 推 销 後,买 [...] 卖 双 方 在 知 情、审 慎 及 并 无 强 迫 的 情 况 下 自 愿 进行公 平 交 易的估算 价格。 cre8ir.com | Our valuation of the property is our opinion of its market value of which we would define as intended to mean “the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing [...] buyer and a willing seller in an [...] arm’s-lengthtransaction afterproper marketing wherein the [...]parties had each acted knowledgeably, [...]prudently and without compulsion”. cre8ir.com |
该等估值乃按照香港测量师学会之物业估值准则进行。物业估值准则所定义之市值乃指「经适当推销 後,买家与卖家自愿於估值日就物业进行公平交易之估计交易金额,而双方均在知情、审慎及无强迫之 情况下自愿进行交易」。 wingtaiproperties.com | These valuations were carried out in accordance with the Valuation Standards on Properties of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors which defines market value as “the estimated [...] amount for which a [...] property should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and seller in an arm’s length transaction after proper marketingwherein the [...]parties each acted knowledgably, [...]prudently and without compulsion”. wingtaiproperties.com |
它注意到,巴巴多斯进行了很 多 全 国 性 法 律改革 , 加强了对人民的基 [...] 本人权和自由的增进和保护,特别是 2001 年成立了公平交易委员会,2004 年成立 了 警察行为投诉署,以及制定了教育和艾滋病毒/艾滋病预 [...]防 和控 制 领域的 许 多国 家 方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | It noted that Barbados has made numerous national and legislative reforms that have enhanced the promotion and protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms [...] of its peoples, particularly the [...] establishment ofthe FairTrading Commissionin 2001, [...]the Police Complaints Authority in [...]2004 and other national programmes in the areas of education and HIV/AIDS prevention and control. daccess-ods.un.org |
该等交易之保费、佣金及其他收 费均以正常公平交易为基础。 hangseng.com.cn | The premiums, commissions and other fees on these transactions aredetermined on an ‘arm’s length’ basis. hangseng.com.cn |
多数国家的国家版权法在“公平交易”与“合理使用”的基础上都有对下列例外情况作出了 规定:为个人、研究、教育、档案、图书馆、新闻报道而进行的复制。 iprcommission.org | National copyright laws in most countries incorporate exceptions for copying for personal use, research, education, archival copying, library use and news reporting, based on principles of ‘fair dealing’, or ‘fair use’ (US). iprcommission.org |
因此,我们不作任何损害公平竞争或 违反公平交易原则或反托拉斯法的行为。 lenzing.com | For that reason, we undertakeno activities [...] impairing fair competition or contravening fairtrading or antitrust laws. lenzing.com |
该法引入了一个关于建立雇佣关系的框 [...] 架,该框架所依据的谅解是:雇佣关系是一种人与人之间的关系,涉及相互信 任、尊重和公平交易等问题,而不仅仅是一种合同或经济关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | It introduced a framework for the conduct of employment relations based on the understanding that employment is a human [...] relationship involving issues of mutual trust, [...] respect, confidence andfair dealing, not simply [...]a contractual and economic one. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是一个人道主义问 [...] 题,不管其他事态发展如何,土耳其发挥了自己的作 用,支持会谈和确保能够达成公平交易,这一交易也 将帮助创造有利于处理其他问题的积极气氛。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a humanitarian issue and, irrespective of other developments, Turkey has [...] played its part to support the talks and [...] to ensure thata fair deal could be struck [...]that would also help create a positive [...]atmosphere for addressing other issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
与专利权相同,对着作权来说,法律通常也规定了一些例外条件,着作权所有人的权利会 [...] 因广泛的公众利益而受到节制,这在一些国家(如美国)被称为“公平使用”条款,在英 国传统上被称为“公平交易”条款,还有欧洲传统上有关复制权利的例外条件。 iprcommission.org | As with patents, there are normally exceptions in law where the rights of owners are moderated in the wider public interest, known in some countries as “fair use” provisions (for example in the US), as “fair dealing” in the UK tradition, and exceptions to the reproduction right in the European [...] tradition.18 It is the issue [...] concerning the cost of access, and the interpretation of “fairuse”,that is particularly [...]critical for [...]developing countries, made more so by the extension of copyright to electronic material, and to software. iprcommission.org |
此外,法院强调,咨询和妥协的义务是公平交易与和解进程的一部分,始于主权主张,超出正式索求的解决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also emphasized that the duty to consult and accommodate was part [...] of a process offair dealing andreconciliation [...]that began with the assertion of [...]sovereignty and continued beyond formal claims resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司於二零零六年九月十三日公布,除提出强烈抗辩台积电在美国诉讼提出的指控外,本 [...] 公司已於二零零六年九月十二日反诉台积电,就(其中包括)台积电违反合约及违反默示的 真实公平交易的契诺,要求台积电作出损害赔偿。 cre8ir.com | On September 13, 2006, the Company announced that in addition to filing a response strongly denying the allegations of TSMC in the United States lawsuit, it filed on September 12, 2006, a cross-complaint against TSMC seeking, [...] among other things, damages for TSMC’s breach of contract and breach of implied [...] covenant of goodfaith andfair dealing. cre8ir.com |
我们要求员工诚实行事、维护公平交易和提供优质服务,并全面遵循所有法律及法规之精神及条文。 bank.hangseng.com | We require a personal [...] commitment tohonesty, fair dealing andhigh-quality [...]service, as well as full compliance with the [...]spirit and letter of all relevant laws and regulations. bank.hangseng.com |
由于政府有责任要尊重、 [...] 保护和实现人人享有食物和适当生活标准的权利,政 府应支持农民就公平交易开展谈判,并确保农民们不 受到操纵,特别是要为他们提供直接获得专门技能、 [...]投入、分配渠道和市场的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | As Governments were duty-bound to respect, protect and fulfil the rights to food and to an adequate standard of [...] living, they should support farmers’ [...] ability to negotiate fairdealsandensure [...]that farmers were not being manipulated, [...]particularly be providing them with direct access to technical know-how, inputs, distribution circuits and markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
均按市场公平交易的原则进行,定价合 理,没有损害股东和公司的利益;本公 司不存在控股股东及其它关联方非经营 性占用本公司资金的情况。 wqfz.com | The Supervisory Committee is of the view that, [...] the connected transactions of the Company duringthe reporting [...]period were conducted [...]at arm’s length with reasonable pricing and without prejudice to the interests of shareholders and the Company; there were no use of capitals for non-operational purpose by controlling shareholders and other related parties. wqfz.com |
目标 8,指标 2:题为“公平交易,从现在开始!”的运动主要是在 2005 年开展 的,其材料已在国际社会主义青年联盟网站上公布,并通过光盘分发给各个组织, [...] 经翻译后用于开展此次运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Goal 8, target 2: The material [...] for the Campaign “Fair trade now!” running mainly [...]in 2005, was published on the IUSY website [...]and distributed on a CD-ROM for organizations to translate and use for campaigning. daccess-ods.un.org |
公平交易“公平交易”标签是一个独立消费者标签,已在50余个国家实行,用于体现国际贸易的平等性。 on-the-move.org | The FAIRTRADE Mark is an independent consumer [...] label which appears on products in over 50 countries as a guarantee that they [...]have been certified against internationally agreed Fairtrade standards. on-the-move.org |
本所服务领域包含银行及融资、证券、保险、并购/私募基金、公司法令遵循、不动产及营建工程、能源、环境及基础建设、资讯科技及传播、海商及航空、旅馆及娱乐事业、争端解决、外国人投资许可、劳工法(聘雇及劳工)、税务、智慧财产 — 专利及商标、药事及产品登记、公平交易法、消费者保护、大陆事务、日本事务及国际贸易及世界贸易组织。 ccift.org.tw | Lawyers in the Taipei office provide legal advice and assistance on issues relating to Banking and Finance; Consumer Protection; Corporate Compliance; Litigation and Arbitration; Employment and Labor; Energy, Environment and Infrastructure; Fair Trade Law; Foreign Investment Approvals; Hotel and Resort; Insurance; Intellectual Property - [...] Patent, Trademark, [...] Copyright; International Tradeand WTO; IT and Communication; M&A/Private Equity; Pharmaceutical and Product Registration; Real Property and Construction; Securities andTax. ccift.org.tw |
本集团 利用所有可获得的信息来厘定公允价值的合理近似金额,例如类似资产的公平交 易价格。 clypg.com.cn | Non-current assets held for sale are recognised at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell It is difficult to precisely estimate fair value because quoted market prices for these assets may not be readily available The Group uses all readily available information in determining an [...] amount that is [...] reasonable approximation of fairvalue, such as the selling price of similar assetsexchanged in an arm’s lengthtransactionclypg.com.cn |
统筹零售基金行业,在欧盟各国之间 实现公平交易,从而更好地保护投资 者,这需要持之以恒…UCITS(可转让 证券集合投资计划)框架已创建逾25 年,旨在欧盟建立一个投资基金的单 一市场。 pwc.lu | The UCITS framework was created over 28 years ago with the objective of creating a single market for investment funds across the EU. pwc.lu |
这 些 技 术 包 括 利 用 近期公 平 交 易原则、参 考 大 致 相 同 的 其 [...] 他 工 具、折 现 现 金 使 用 分 析 法 和 期 权 定 价 模 式,充 分 利 用 市 场 数 据 而 尽 量 少 依 赖 实 体 特 有 的 数 据。 sinotrans.com | These include the use of [...] recent arm’slength transactions, reference to other [...]instruments that are substantially the same, [...]discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models, making maximum use of market inputs and relying as little as possible on entity-specific inputs. sinotrans.com |
这位专家提出两 个 互 不 关 联 的不同 [...] 实例: 他 称 第一个 为机会驱 动 模 式,即 联 合 王 国和乌 干达两 国 公司在公平 交 易的基础 上 实 行合作 ; 第二种 他 称 之 为 自 组织体系,7 涉 及 贝宁的 [...]“非 洲 新 稻 ” (Nerica),其中推广 [...]采 用这种新 稻种需要 采 取一系列创新措施的动力 来自创业努力 (而不是公共部门推广技术的努力)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The expert offered two isolated and different examples: he called the first an opportunity-driven [...] model case, a [...] collaboration between companies from the United Kingdom and Uganda based on equitablecommerce; the second, [...]which he called a self-organizing [...]system,7 concerned the “New Rice for Africa” (Nerica) in Benin, where entrepreneurial endeavours (rather than the public sector technology promotion efforts) were the driver of a series of innovations needed to spread the adoption of this new rice variety. daccess-ods.un.org |
当 报 价 可 实 时 和 定 期 从 证 券 交 易 所、交 易 商、经 纪 人、业 内 人 士、定 价 服 务 者 或 监 管 代 理 获 得,而 该 等 报 价 代 表按公 平 交 易基准进 行 的 实 际 和 常 规 市 场 交 易 时,该 市 场 被 视 为 活 跃。 sinotrans.com | A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are [...] readily and regularly [...] available froman exchange, dealer, broker, industry group, pricing service, or regulatory agency, and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s [...]length basis. sinotrans.com |
成员国/缔约各方为履行其依据本文书/条约承担的义务,可以采取专为受益人规定的例外或限制,[公平交易或公平使用等]一般性例外或限制[,也可两者结合],不论是已有的例外和限制,还是 [...] 为履行本文书/条约而制定的例外和限制,[条件是这些例外与限制符合该成员国/缔约方的国际义 务]。 wipo.int | Member States/Contracting Parties may fulfill their obligations under this instrument/treaty through specific exceptions or limitations for beneficiary [...] persons; general exceptions or [...] limitations [such asfair dealing or fair use; or a [...]combination thereof,] whether existing [...]or established to fulfill this instrument/treaty, [provided they are consistent with the Member States’/Contracting Parties’ international obligations]. wipo.int |
因此,便发布了联邦食品特征性规定 (SOI),用以提高诚信度和促进公平交易,从而保护消费者的利益,保证不同产品的制造商和分销商之间进行公平竞争,以及避免销售所有此类产品时出现造假和欺骗行为。 usp.org | To summarize, federal standards of identity [...] (SOI) for foods are promulgated to [...] promote honesty and fairdealingin theinterest [...]of consumers, to ensure fair competition [...]between the manufacturers and distributors of different products, and to prevent confusion and deception in the sale of all such products. usp.org |