单词 | 公帑支 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 公帑支 noun —public money nSee also:公帑 n—public money n • public fund n 帑—public funds • state treasury 帑 n—public funding n
小組委員會關注到,任何不足的金額將要 由 公帑支 付 ,最終會 有損軟件的發展,以及其他文化藝術的配套支援。 legco.gov.hk | The Subcommittee was concerned [...] that any shortfall would have to be met [...] by monies from the public purse, and in the [...]end, the development of software and other [...]supports for arts and culture would be compromised. legco.gov.hk |
凡以公帑支持任何資助自置居所計劃的安排,均須獲得整體社 會接受,並顧及公平對待社會各界人士的原則。 legco.gov.hk | The use of public resources to support any subsidised [...] home ownership scheme must be acceptable to the community as a whole, [...]having regard to the issue of fairness among different groups in the community. legco.gov.hk |
此外,我 們也認為,利用公帑支付財 困公司未償付的僱員應得款項,並不 恰當。 legco.gov.hk | We also do not consider it [...] appropriate to use public money to fund employees’ [...]outstanding entitlements of distressed companies. legco.gov.hk |
此外,有關計劃融資所需的 費用將需以公帑支付,這㆒點可能 難有合理理據支持。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the financing of such a scheme [...] will incur costs that will have to be met by public funds, which may [...]be difficult to justify. legco.gov.hk |
他認為,倘若某些學校的單位成本遠高於全港學校的平均單 位成本,以公帑支援這 些學校並不符合成本效益。 legco.gov.hk | He considered that it would not be [...] cost-effective to use public funds to support schools with [...]a unit cost well above the territory-wide average. legco.gov.hk |
我覺得港台 [...] 如果是走向一個法定化、獨立,以及 獲 公帑支 持 的 營運方式,大家是應該接 受的。 legco.gov.hk | I believe if RTHK adopts an operation mode which is statutory, [...] independent and publicly funded, all of [...]us should accept it. legco.gov.hk |
環境事務司的論據,我認為是 不合邏輯的,理由如㆘: 第㆒,這個計劃,既然是不論過失的援助計劃,大家都是香港的市民,為何行㆟的過失 要由公帑支付, 而其他原因所引致的過失,則由所有車主和汽車駕駛執照持有㆟去支付? legco.gov.hk | Firstly, since the TAVA Scheme is irrespective of fault, and pedestrians, vehicle owners and holders of driving licence are all Hong Kong citizens, why should the cost of pedestrians' faults be met by general revenue whereas the cost of faults attributable to other reasons is borne by all vehicle owners and holders of driving licence? legco.gov.hk |
我們除了原則上反對聲請人無需理據而 一概可以得到90天填交 聲請表格,亦擔心吳議員的修正案會影響審核進度、 削弱入境管制, 以及增加公帑支出。 legco.gov.hk | We object in principle to categorically granting a 90-day timeframe without reason to all claimants for submitting the form; and we are [...] concerned that Dr NG's [...] amendment will affect the screening progress, undermine immigration control and increase public expenditures. legco.gov.hk |
政府可否告知本局,政府會否考慮,在當局要求動 用 公帑支 付 因 某宗案件敗訴而 引致重大開支的時候,向本局提供也許如律政署高級㆟員的適當法律意見,或者私㆟ [...] 執業律師的獨立法律意見? legco.gov.hk | Can the Government inform this Council whether it would consider, [...] in a case where material loss is sought [...] to be covered by public funds, providing [...]proper legal opinion from perhaps senior [...]officers of the Legal Department, or alternatively, independent legal opinion from outside counsel? legco.gov.hk |
這些措施可減輕公 帑支出的 壓力,避免因資金不足而未能實施規劃改善措施。 legco.gov.hk | This would mitigate [...] the effect on the public purse, and would [...]avoid the inability to implement planning improvements due to lack of funds. legco.gov.hk |
她 表 示,擬 議 讓 首 次 置 業 貸款(“首 置貸款”)計劃借 [...] 款 人 暫停還款,以及為 夾 心階層住屋 貸款(“夾 屋 [...] 貸款”)計劃受助人提供紓緩措 施,均 會 招 致 額 外 公 帑 支 出 , 政府當局須 諮詢委員,再 [...]要 求 財務委員會審批 , 以 期 盡 快落實紓緩措施,為有需 要的有關業主提供適時援助。 legco.gov.hk | She said that as the proposed suspension of loan repayment by recipients of the Loan Starter Loan Scheme and the extension of relief measures to recipients of the [...] Sandwich Class Housing Loan Scheme would [...] incur additional public funds, the Administration [...]would need to seek the approval [...]of the Finance Committee after consultation with members, so that the relief measures could be implemented as soon as practicable to provide timely assistance to those flat owners in need. legco.gov.hk |
由於公務 員薪酬是以公帑支付,政府的財政負擔能力應繼續作為釐定和調整公 務員薪酬的一個重要考慮因素。 legco.gov.hk | As civil servants [...] are paid out of the public purse, it is right [...]and proper that the Government’s affordability should continue [...]to be an important factor for consideration in determining and adjusting civil service pay. legco.gov.hk |
4. 訂定有關指引的目的,是一方面鼓勵和容許員工盡公民責任參與 社區發展,而另一方面則顧及由 公帑支 付 的 津貼須運用得宜,並在兩 者之間取得實際平衡。 legco.gov.hk | 4 The guidelines are meant to strike a pragmatic balance between encouraging and enabling staff to take up civil duties in community participation on the one hand and proper use of subvention money on the other. legco.gov.hk |
公務員事務規例》和行政署長所發的一般指引,亦訂有條文,規管 以 公帑支付 酬酢開支的事宜。 devb.gov.hk | There are Civil Service Regulations and general [...] guidelines issued by the Director of Administration governing the charging of the [...] entertainment expenses to public funds. devb.gov.hk |
(4) 部份被諮詢者建議公共廣播機構初期 由 公帑支 持 , 但須 開拓其他的資金來源,以期最終能依賴這些財源,支付 [...] 一定百分比的支出。 legco.gov.hk | (4) Some have [...] suggested that a public broadcaster be publicly funded initially, [...]but be required to explore alternative sources [...]so that it may eventually secure a given percentage of its expenditure from such alternative sources. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 補選會招致公帑支出;及 (d) 假如這種藉辭職引發補選的情況經常發生,便會損害選 舉制度的尊嚴,特別是若此情況引致補選的投票率偏 低。 legco.gov.hk | (d) if such resignation to trigger by-elections becomes a common occurrence, respect for the electoral process being undermined, particularly if it leads to a low turnout rate in the by-election. legco.gov.hk |
完整的融資計劃,除個人供款 [...] 的元素外、還應包括只針對高風險及惡疾項目的保障,以及 以 公帑支 付 個別 治療需要的安全網,讓保障更為全面。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from individual contribution, a sound financing scheme should include protection targeting only [...] high-risk and serious illnesses and a [...] safety net funded public coffers to pay for the needs [...]in individual treatment, so as to [...]make the protection more comprehensive. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 房委會不但未有遵照租金與入息比 例中位數條文行事,反而動用公 帑,支付與公屋租戶就房委會押後 進行租金檢討的決定而提出的司法 [...] 覆核有關的法律訴訟費用。 legco.gov.hk | (b) HA had not only failed to comply with the MRIR [...] provisions but also used public monies to meet the [...]legal cost of the judicial review initiated [...]by PRH tenants against HA's decision to defer rent review. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 政府曾否明確向英國政府表示絕對不會由香 港 公帑支 付 該等補償金 政府曾否明確向英國政府表示絕對不會由香 港 公帑支 付 該等補償金 政府曾否明確向英國政府表示絕對不會由香 港 公帑支 付 該等補償金 政府曾否明確向英國政府表示絕對不會由香 港 公帑支 付 該等補償金;若有 ;若有 ;若有 ;若有,於 ,於 ,於 ,於 何時及以何方式作表示 legco.gov.hk | (c) whether it has clearly indicated to the British Government that such compensation will definitely not be paid from the territory’s public funds; if so, when and in what way this was done; if not, why not? legco.gov.hk |
这两项计划均无须供款,全数由 公帑支 付。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both schemes are non-contributory and are [...] funded entirely by public revenue. daccess-ods.un.org |
這語句是一個簡短的形式,用以表示有關修正案會為政府訂立 [...] 一項新職能或權力,或向政府加諸一項新責任,而履行該職能或責 任,或行使該權力會招致公帑開支, 但 該開支在現行法律下並沒有撥 出公帑支付,或就一項條例草案而言,這開支是原本的條例草案所沒 有預計的。 legco.gov.hk | This expression is an abbreviated form for saying that the effect of the relevant CSA is to create a new function or power for, or to impose a new duty on, the Government and that the discharge of such function or duty, or [...] the exercise of such [...] power would incur public expenditure in respect of which no provision of public money has been made [...]under existing law [...]or, in the case of an original bill, it is beyond what is envisaged in the bill. legco.gov.hk |
據他記憶 [...] 所及,由於香港城市大學在決定其多媒體大樓的設計上 花了很長時間,以致該項工程的估計費用大幅增加,因 而導致的額外成本須由公帑支付。 legco.gov.hk | He recalled that the estimated cost for the Multi-media Building of the City University of Hong Kong had increased substantially as the [...] institution had taken a long time to decide on the design, and the [...] additional cost incurred had to be paid from the public purse. legco.gov.hk |
埃塞克斯大學是研究英國選舉的頂尖學府,負責設計及執行有40多年歷史的英國大選研究系列,研究經費全 由 公帑支 付 ,包括上文沒有提及的選前選後大型面訪和追蹤調查,羨慕旁人。 hkupop.hku.hk | All research funding [...] comes from the public money, including [...]the pre-election and post-election large-scale interviews and [...]tracking surveys which have not been mentioned above. hkupop.hku.hk |
根據現行政策,由公帑支付的酬酢開支,必須與執行公職直接有關,或屬因公職 需與有關人士建立或保持聯絡所涉及的必要開支,而此等活動必須符合公眾利 益。 devb.gov.hk | Under the [...] current policy, expenditure on entertainment may be charged to public funds only when [...]it is directly related to [...]the discharge of an officer’s duties or is a necessary part of making or maintaining contacts in his official capacity, and is in the public interest. devb.gov.hk |
本會委任一個專責委員會,調查政府在遴選‘上網學 習 支 援 計劃’ 的執行機構時,是否有政府官員或其他人士作出不當行為,干 預遴選過程以影響遴選結果,以達到扶持中標機構的政治目 的,以及有關事宜,並根據上述調查的結果,就政府推 行 公帑 資助項目而進行招標及遴選的程序,以及其他有關事宜作出建 議;而該委員會在執行其職務時獲授權根據《立法會(權力及特 權 ) 條例》( 第 382章 ) 第 9(2)條行使該條例第9(1)條所賦予的權 力。 legco.gov.hk | That this Council appoints a select committee to inquire into whether there are [...] government officials or other persons who acted unduly, in the course of selecting the implementing organization for the Internet Learning Support Programme, to interfere with the selection process to influence the selection results with a political aim to assist the selected [...] organization, as well as related matters, and based on the results of the above inquiry, to make recommendations on the tendering and selection procedures of government programmes funded by public moneys and other related matters; and that in the performance of its duties the committee be authorized [...]under section 9(2) of the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382) to exercise the powers conferred by section 9(1) of that Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 該項津貼不得因公職人員1 或受僱於由公帑資助的法定 機關或其他機構的人士在執行職責過程中出席專責委 員會研訊,而支付予 有關的公職人員或人士。 legco.gov.hk | (c) The allowance is not payable to public officers1 or persons in the service or employment of statutory bodies or other organizations which [...] are funded by public money for attending [...]the Select Committee's hearings in the course of their duties. legco.gov.hk |
如 果 這 樣 不可行,這個方案則會涉 及 動 用 額 外的公 帑,鑑 於政府已承諾節 省 開 支,這 樣 做 將會非 常 困難。 forum.gov.hk | If this is not viable, then this option would involve [...] additional expenditure from the public coffers, which would be extremely difficult, given that the Government has undertaken to contain public expenditure. forum.gov.hk |
小組委員 [...] 會曾討論的主要事宜包括:暫時豁免徵款的限期和 範圍、延展暫時豁免徵款期的修正案會否具有 由公 帑負擔 的效力、僱主提早終止及續訂外傭合約所涉 及的開支、暫 時豁免徵款所引發的提前續約安排對 外傭權利的影響、外傭的最低許可工資,以及僱員 [...]再培訓局的的角色及其年度預算開支。 legco.gov.hk | The main issues discussed by the Subcommittee included the length and scope of the Levy suspension, [...] whether amendments to [...] extend the Levy suspension period would have a charging effect, expenses incurred by employers in terminating and renewing [...]contracts for [...]FDHs in advance, impact of the advanced renewal of contracts arising from the Levy suspension on the rights of FDHs, minimum allowable wage of FDHs, and the role of the Employees Retraining Board and its annual expenditure. legco.gov.hk |
至於是什麼原因沒有投票,37%表示是因為「選舉沒有需要/浪 費 公帑 」 ,16%表示「沒有合適候選人/不滿意候選人表現」,而15%表示「反對或 不 支 持 公 投 運 動」。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for the reasons for not voting, 37% explained it was [...] because "election is [...] unnecessary, wasting public resources", 16% thought there were "no suitable candidates / not satisfied with candidates' performances" and 15% said they "opposed / did not support the referendum movement". hkupop.hku.hk |
顾问小组的结论是,以综合家庭服 务中心模式作为提供家庭服务的形式普遍得到持分者 的 支 持 , 香港 受 公帑 资 助 的 家庭服务应继续采用综合家庭服务中心模式。 daccess-ods.un.org | The consultant team concluded that the IFSC [...] service mode had [...] received general support from stakeholders as the delivery mode for family services and that it should continue to be adopted for the publicly-funded family services [...]in Hong Kong. daccess-ods.un.org |