

单词 公尺

公尺 noun, plural ()

kilometers pl



cubic meter m^3

See also:


a ruler n
ruler n

a tape-measure
one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine
a Chinese foot
one-third of a meter

External sources (not reviewed)

七月23日发生了中国自2008年以来最严重的火车意外事故,一辆高速列车在温州市附近撞上一辆静止的火车,随後四节车厢掉到叁 公尺 高 的 陆桥下。
In China's worst rail accident since 2008, a high-speed train rammed into the back of a stalled train near the eastern city of Wenzhou on July 23rd.
(c) 在兩22公尺線和 中央線的延長線上也必須插有旗桿。但這6支旗桿必須插 在邊線外側2公尺地方的比賽圍場內。
(c) Flag posts must be positioned in line with the 22-metre lines and the half way line, 2 metres outside the touchlines and within the playing enclosure.
不過,有關數字亦可能出現接近一成的偏差,原因包括:會場的群眾密度不一,我們的數據就顯示南方的場區密度較高,每九平 公尺 的 方 格平均人數要比北方場區的高6人;球場內外的密度有差距,而球場以外的人數更難點算;由於不斷有人流出入,群眾佔用的高峰面積難以判斷,而以高峰面積推算人數亦會低估數字。
Possible reasons include: uneven density of the crowd in the court, as our figures has revealed that the density of courts in the southern side was higher, with 6 people more per square than those in the northern side; the density in the inner and outer parts of the court also varied, while it is even difficult to count the number of participants outside the court; since people kept on coming in and out from the court, it is hard to judge the maximum size of court occupied by the crowd, while figures would also be underestimated if the turnout was estimated basing on the maximum area occupied.
根據台灣選舉的總統副總統選舉罷免法,在投票所四 周 3 0 公尺 內 ,「喧嚷、干擾或勸誘他人投票或不投票」者屬於違法,經警衛人員制止後仍繼續為之者,可判處徒刑或罰款,但這不應是禁止票站調查的理據。
According to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act in Taiwan, within 30 feet around the polling station, "The person has made a din or has interfered with or persuaded others to vote or not to vote, in defiance of interdiction.
視可用的定位方法而定,定位的精確度可能會有 公尺 到 幾 公 里 的 差異。
Depending on the available positioning methods, the accuracy of positioning may
[...] vary from a few metres to several kilometres.
正常而言,在天空無遮蔽物的狀況下,GPS的準確度大約是每秒 3 ~ 1 0 公尺 , 就算 是3D定位的狀況下也是如此;因此GPS的數據有時候會因為訊號不穩而變的不可 靠,現今有一些GPS產品已內建校正演算法及輔助方式去加強GPS的接收效能, [...]
Nowadays, the GPS consumer product has built in adjust algorithm and assisted method to extend capability of GPS.
而雷射筆功能的工作距離最遠可達10 公尺 , 您甚至可使用Geniue特有的觸控技術以更人性化的方式在空中移動滑鼠游標。
Plus, the laser beam function has a working distance
[...] for up to 10 meters and you can even [...]
control the mouse cursor in the air with
the Genius unique touch control technology in a more human- oriented way.
過去幾個星期,史普利河岸出現一項建案,打算移 除 2 0 公尺 長 的 圍牆,這項建案共有兩部分,一是民間開發商Living Bauhaus興建辦公與豪華公寓大樓,二是市政府要恢復在二次大戰摧毀的行人及單車橋樑。
The building project is two-fold: one part is a private endeavor by the developer Living Bauhaus to build a tower of offices and luxury apartments, and the other part is a public city project to rebuild the “Brommy Bridge,” a pedestrian and cyclist bridge that was destroyed in World War II.
過去這堵圍牆也曾有部分遭移除,2006年,為了供船隻停靠,以及對面的演唱會兼體育館o2 World景色不受阻隔,故移除50公尺長的 圍牆,位移至不遠的平行處,藝術作品也仍清晰可見。
A 50-meter section was removed in 2006 to provide a boat landing and allow an unobstructed river view for o2 World, a concert and sports stadium across from the East Side Gallery.
[...] 5線材連接,KVM多電腦切換器與伺服器之間的距離可 達 5 0 公尺。
The KVM Over the NET™ switches use Cat 5 connection cables and allow the distance between KVM switch and
[...] servers to be up to 50 meters.
公司位於宜興市張渚鎮的金張渚工業區;現代化的工廠佔地 38, 000 平公尺,配備最先進的光電池模組生產線,以及先進生產技術與精準品質控制系統。
The company is located in the industrial zone of Jin, Zhangzhu in Yixing City; its modern plant covers 38, 000 square meters, is equipped with most advanced production lines of photovoltaic module, as well as advanced production technologies and precise quality control systems.
1公尺的距 離內,面罩的A加權聲壓位準為18分貝,誤差為3分貝。
The A-weighted sound pressure level of the mask at a distance of 1 m is 18 dBA, with uncertainty 3 dBA.
但是,如 果 政 府 說得細 緻 一 點 ,提及保護 周 圍
[...] 景 觀 的 方 法,例如 方 圓 多公尺 , 甚至多少 里 內 應 盡 量 保 留 [...]
, 因而不能重 建 周 圍 的 建 築 物 、 地 積 比 率 不能修改 , 又 或因為要保
留 整 個區域 , 因而要向產業 持 有 人 作 出 土 地 或金錢 的 賠償, 市 民 便 會 有多重 的 考慮。
However, had the Government given more details by disclosing the means of
conserving the landscape of the neighbourhood,
[...] such as giving the size of the area to be preserved, [...]
so that the public could know
that surrounding buildings could not be redeveloped, the plot ratio could not be altered or compensation in the form of land or money had to be offered to property owners because of the need to preserve the whole neighbourhood, I believe the public would consider the matter in a more in-depth manner.
美国著名的优胜美地国家公园拥有一棵全世界最高的水杉,高 1 5 0 公尺 , 树 干直径超 过 1 0 公尺。
In well-known Yosemite Park in
the USA, the tallest Sequoias in the world reach up to 150
[...] metres high and the trunks measure over 10 metres in diameter.
该项目的目的是建立数字地理信息数据库,确保空间解析度为 1 公尺(比例 尺 1:1 百万),标准化规格,以边际成本提供给每一个人。
The project is aimed at the development of digital geoinformation framework data sets ensuring spatial resolution at 1 km (scale of 1:1 million), with standardized specifications, available to all at marginal cost.
[...] 何部分所無法涵蓋時,罰踢將在對應於該違犯發生的地點而距離邊線 15 公尺的地點判給。
If an offence is committed outside the playing area while the ball is still in play, and if that offence is not covered
by any other part of this Law, the penalty kick is awarded on the
[...] 15metre line, in line with where the offence [...]
Position someone approximately one meter from the microphone, facing it, speaking at a normal volume.
The IRCAD (Institute for Research on Cancers of the Digestive Tract) in Strasbourg now has its clone in Taiwan: the ASIA IRCAD Taiwan, a centre of 7,300 square meters modelled on the Strasbourg centre, was opened with great flourish on 26th May 2008 in partnership with the Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Lugang Town, Changhua County, Taiwan.
我們將提供全面的媒體製播服務(詳見: 影片後製);這將使 您能夠產生出供45公尺寬的 LED屏幕所需的影片, 其中並包含4座移動屏幕所需影片。
You book the running time and the repeat rate. We provide comprehensive media production services (See “Production”) that enables you to generate video content for the 45m-wide LED billboard and the four mobile LED-Sliders.
這裡的 P 為傳送器製造商所提供, 以瓦(W)為單位的傳送器最高額定輸 出功率,而 d 則是公尺(m)計算的 建議相隔距離。
where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in metres (m).
我經常對局長 及副局長說,大家也知道路邊的空氣污染指數最嚴重,是很容易令人產 生問題的,因為我們不可能呼吸高度在頭頂以上 1 0 0 公尺 的 空 氣,而只 能呼吸路邊跟我們高度差不多的空氣。
I often say to the Secretary and the Under Secretary that we all know that the roadside air pollution indices are the highest and they can easily cause problems among people because we cannot possibly breathe the air that is 100 m above our head and we can only breathe the air at the roadside that is more or less at the same level as our height.
温度是摄氏零下三十度,中午我开着车前往里西山国家公园 (Riisitunturi National Park) 的停车场,从那儿开展不够两公里的远足或雪鞋健行,便可上到 4 6 6 公尺 的 山 顶。
It was about midday and the temperature was about minus 30°C as I parked my car in Riisitunturi National Park, which is less than a couple of kilometres from the summit (466 metres).
新茂大廈位於淮海路商業街 (臨近新天地),是一棟 20 層現代化大樓,總樓面面積 32,200 平公尺,地下室佔地面積約 11,174 平公尺。
The Platinum lies on Huaihai Road
[...] Commercial Street, neighbouring Xintiand, and is a modern 20-storey building [...]
with a total floor
area of 32,200 square metres and an underground area of about 11,174 square metres.
該二款創新方案均採用Cat 5線連接近端與遠端裝置,因此可以將電腦系統或KVM多電腦切換器與控制端(鍵盤、螢幕、及滑鼠)之間的距離分別延伸達 3 0 0 公尺 ( C E -2 52)及 1 0 0 公尺 ( C E -3 00)。
Both models feature a Cat 5 cable to connect the local and remote units they consist of, thus extending the distance between the computer system and the console up to 300m (CE-252) or 100m (CE-300).
這座最先進的廠房,佔地面積 50,000 平公尺,備 有印刷電路板組件裝配線、硬碟機生產線,並提供測試運作-這一切都是專為處理該區域日益顯著的大量生產需求而設計。
The 50,000 square metre state-of-the-art facility houses automated printed circuit board assembly lines, hard drive product lines and testing operations — all designed to address the increasing demand for volume production in the region.
布朗独眼苏珊品种种植三到六英尺高(一到 公尺 ) , 花儿通常衡量四至六个英寸直径(十到十五公分),但部分园林花卉品种,可以达到一十二英寸(三十厘米)直径。
Varieties of Brown-Eyed Susan grow
anywhere from three to six feet tall (one
[...] to two meters), and the flowers usually [...]
measure four to six inches (ten to fifteen
centimeters) in diameter, though some garden varieties have flowers that can reach twelve inches (thirty centimeters) in diameter.
日夜溫差大 - 位於海拔 300 公尺高地 , 陽光充足 , 日夜溫差大 , 稻米有充足的成長期。
Temperature difference – situated 300 metres above sea level, the farmland receives abundant sunshine and has a great variation of temperature between day and night, providing a favourable growing period for the rice.
在 RISE 餐廳享受歐陸早餐,在位於海灣 200 公尺高處的 Sky on 57® 吃早餐享美景,或在 Jin Shan 享受中式傳統早餐。
Indulge in an intercontinental breakfast at RISE Restaurant, savour a morning meal with a view 200 metres above the bay at Sky on 57®, or tuck into a traditional breakfast in Chinese surroundings at Jin Shan.
有效頻率範圍定義為參考值 (平均從 200 Hz 至 2 kHz) -10 dB **測量距離為 1 公尺,中 心軸置於空曠環境,輸入訊號為 125 mV RMS。
Effective frequency range is defined by -10 dB relative to a reference level (averaged from 200 Hz to 2 kHz)**Measured at a distance of 1 m, on-axis in free field conditions with an input signal of 125 mV RMS.




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