

单词 公婆

婆婆 noun ()

destroyer n

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

李卓人剛才說,外邊有一公 公婆婆問,他們的退休生活怎麼辦呢?
Just now, LEE Cheuk-yan relayed the question raised by the elderly persons gathering outside this building as to what they could do about their retirement life.
剛 才 葉國謙議員也 提過,那 些 業主可 能 是 ㆒ 些 低 收 入 或 沒 有收入公公婆婆, 他 們 就 是 依賴這些租金來 生 活 的 。
Just now Mr IP Kwok-him also mentioned that those owners were probably elderly people who earned a very low income or even had no income at all, and they had to rely on the rents to make ends meet.
按 我 想 像 , 哭哭啼啼公公婆婆可 能 是 每 月交 3,000 元 租金的 租客,而 不 是正在收取每 月 3,000 元 租金的業主。
I would imagine the pitiful and wailing type to be those old people who [...]
are tenants paying a monthly rent of $3,000, rather
than those landlords collecting a monthly rent of $3,000.
但是,當張超雄議員剛 才提到天水圍這個悲情城市的時候,在貧富懸殊這麼惡劣的境地之下,有很 多以拾紙皮為生公公婆婆被車 撞死的時候,公義又何在呢?
However, as Dr Fernando CHEUNG mentioned just now that, in Tin Shui Wai this city of sadness, a city where we can see the huge disparity between the rich and the poor as many elderly persons got killed in car accidents while they were scavenging, where do we find justice there?
展覽廳裡的飛機年齡和我們 公公婆婆 不 分 上下。
These old aircraft are as old as our grandfather and grandmother.
我們希望政府能夠在不同部門,例如房屋 署、社會福利署等主動㆞採取措施,去協助有需要的老㆟入住公屋,也希望盡量在公屋方 面能夠有多些設施可符公公婆婆的 需要,並希望盡量將老㆟家安置在他們原區居住。
We also hope that facilities catering for the needs of the elderly could be made available in the public housing estates and that old people, when assigned public housing units, will be resettled in estates near where they now live.
一位很有心的視光師在推動這件事,他在分享時告訴我,曾有 人問:“那些睡在床上公公婆婆已 甚 少活動了,為何你仍為他們配 眼鏡呢?
The optometrist, who is dedicated in promoting this cause, told us in his sharing that once someone asked him a question: "As those bed-ridden elderly people rarely participate in activities, why do you still want to give them spectacles?
我們上街走一圈,也可看到街上 公公婆婆 在 撿拾紙皮;我 們的“老友記”申請綜合社會保障援助(“綜援”)又要簽“衰仔紙”;不 [...]
Take a walk on the street and we can see
elderly men and women picking up
[...] cardboard paper; when our "old pals" apply for Comprehensive [...]
Social Security Assistance (CSSA),
they have to sign the "bad son statement"; those who do not want to be labelled can only rely on the few hundred dollars of "fruit grant" for their living.
我們從不同媒體的報道看到,有不少雷曼兄弟迷你債券的苦主均是 一公公、婆婆和退 休人士,他們的知識水平不高,有些甚至是八十多 歲而不識字的,又或是精神病患者;其中更有一對年老夫婦,丈夫是聾 的、而妻子則是文盲,只會寫自己的名字。
In addition, there is an elderly couple whose husband is deaf whereas the wife is an illiterate who can only write her own name.
我 想 請問蘇 先 生,他考慮在日 後 改 建這些商 場 時,是否 想讓那些 居 於 公屋公公婆婆去 攀 石 呢 ?
May I ask Mr SO, when alternations are carried out to these shopping centres, if those rock climbing walls are meant to be used by senior citizens living in public housing estates?
我希望 銀行本着良知,不要再讓這公公、 婆婆 受 到精神上的折磨。
I hope that the banks will act according to their conscience and will not inflict mental torture on these elderly people anymore.
為何容許這些產品銷售予一大公公 、 婆婆 或 文化程度不高的客 戶呢?
Why did they allow the sale of these products to clients who are elderly or who have a low level of education?
那 麼 ,主席,如 何 才 可以改 變 行政和 立法的 關 係 , 如 何 才 可以令立法會 議員所 說 的 會 變 成 真 和落實 , 令 席公公、婆婆聽到後 覺 得原來自己 也是有 分 兒 的 呢?
So, President, how can the relationship between the executive and the legislature be changed, and how can the proposals made by Members of this Council be turned into reality and truly implemented to make the elderly people who are sitting here feel that they have a say after listening to Members' speeches?
是否連在街 邊撿廢罐廢紙公公婆婆也要 他們申領牌照?
But how are we going to define environmental industries and waste recovery industries?
特別是對一些明顯受誤導的個案,如不識字 公公 、 婆婆 和弱 勢社羣等,政府應作出特別處理,催促銀行盡快退回本金。
For cases where the victims were obviously misled, such as the illiterate elderly people and the disadvantaged groups, special arrangements should be made by the Government to urge the banks to expeditiously return the principals.
正如剛才所說公公婆婆例子 一樣,他們也會受鼓勵購買。
As revealed by the examples cited earlier in the meeting, even elderly persons are encouraged to place bets.
別小看它,它的年齡可以足以當我們 公公 和 婆婆 哦 !1929年建立的Weheka 小學,提供了一至八年級的小學課程。
It is similar to our grandfather and grandmother’s age. Established in 1929, Weheka primary school provides education for grade one till grade eight student.
剛才黃宏發議員、劉華森議員及馮檢基議員提及很多數字,相信坐在㆖ 面公眾席公公婆婆或者年青㆟也好,都感到很混亂,不知誰對誰錯。
This was discussed time and again in this Council in the past four years. The Honourable Andrew WONG, the Honourable LAU Wah-sum and the Honourable Frederick FUNG have just referred to a number of figures, I think the elderly people and youngsters in the public gallery have all felt confused and would not know who is right.
既然 23 年 前已有 這 麼 多 苦
[...] 業主,這 麼 多 哭哭啼 啼公公婆婆, 他 們 也 哭 了 這 麼 多 年 [...]
  ―   是 哭 了 23 年,我 們現在建議生 效 期 由 1 年 改 為 3 年,會否 令他們 真 的出現這樣的 實 際 情況呢?
Since there were already so many miserable landlords 23 years ago and
[...] since these pitiful old ladies and gentlemen [...]
have been weeping and wailing for so
many years, 23 years to be exact, so when we propose to increase the commencement date from one year to three years after enactment, would things turn out so badly for them?
所以,如果提供這項服務或售後服務,將來 公公婆婆 說 :“‘長 毛 ’,你安裝的電燈膽,一按掣便亮着了,再按掣便關掉了,之後再 [...]
If, after providing the service of fixing
light bulbs or after providing the
[...] after-sales service, some old folks say: "Long Hair, [...]
the light bulbs you fixed for us no
longer work after switching on and off for some time".
婚后,我和丈夫、还有他的双亲(公公 : 龟 三郎 婆婆: Sekiyo)一家四口人住在广岛市比治山本町的鹤见桥附近。
After the marriage, we lived with my husband‘s parents (father-in-law Kamesaburo and mother-in-law Sekiyo) near the Tsurumi Bridge in Hijiyama-honmachi, Hiroshima City.
至目前为止,教科文组织一直协助文莱制 婆罗 洲 的生物多样性的政策、科学和技术以及文化遗产的政策。
So far UNESCO has been assisting
Brunei Darussalam in policy formulation for
[...] biodiversity in Borneo, for science [...]
and technology, and for cultural heritage.
右下角婆罗洲的插页地图说明了当时属于荷兰、苏禄苏丹、文莱苏丹和 婆 罗 洲 公 司 领土的岛屿部分。
The inset General Map of Borneo on the lower right shows the division of the island at
the time into territories belonging to the Dutch, the Sultan of Sulu, the Sultan
[...] of Brunei, and the North Borneo Company.
1787 年,苏禄苏丹将该岛屿北部租赁给英属 婆 罗 洲 公 司。
In 1878, the Sultan of Sulu leased the northern part of the island to
[...] the British North Borneo Company.
因為如果街 市 變 成 完全私 營 化、商 業 化 的 話 , 很 多以小本經 營 的人很快 便不能與現代 的 大 型集團或 大 公司競爭, 我們再也 看不婆婆公公賣 豆腐、 芽菜等 東 西 了 。
It is because if the markets were completely privatized and commercialized, many people running small businesses there will not be able to compete with the big chains or companies.
因此,教科文组织 为亚马逊、刚果婆罗洲-湄公河森 林盆地的国家元首和政府首脑会议提供了支持(2011 [...]
年 5 月 31 日至 6 月 3 日,刚果布拉扎维尔),以促进森林生态系统可持续管理的讨论和协作及 其对全球气候调节、消除贫困和经济发展努力的持续贡献。
UNESCO therefore supported the Summit of
Heads of State and Government of the
[...] Amazon, Congo, and Borneo-Mekong Forest Basins [...]
(Brazzaville, Congo 31 May to 3 June
2011) to foster discussion and collaboration for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and their continued contribution to global climate regulation, poverty eradication and economic development efforts.
美國紐 約市有獨立調查警方的機制,他發現:在紐約市,有 30%的個案根本是不能 成立的,因為很多時候,投訴警察的而且確正如涂議員所說,是由於“一時 之氣”,而且絕大多數在香港的投訴個案都屬輕微,例如投訴他們疏忽職 守,即“蛇王”;或投訴他們用詞不禮貌,例如稱呼較年長的婦女為“婆”, (這當然是相當的不智);又或稱呼人為“師奶”等,其實性質也不 太嚴重。
He found that in New York City, 30% of the cases could not be substantiated because very often, complaints against the police are, as Mr TO has correctly pointed out, acts on the spur of the moment. Most of the complaints in Hong Kong are such trivial complaints as against negligence of duty, that is, "loafing" or complaints against impolite remarks such as "nanny" for senior female citizens (a very unwise thing to do) or "virago" for a woman.
UNICEF is supporting the Borneo Child Aid Society and is establishing a collaboration with the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil in Malaysia to convince other enterprises across the region of the advantages – both from a business and humanitarian perspective – of doing the same.
(i) 本公司可 按董事會認為合適之有關條款向 公 司 、其 任何附公司、本公司任何控公司 或 任何有關控公 司 之 任 何 附公 司 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購 公司 或本公司任何控公司股 份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於公司或有關其公 司 , 則以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予公 司 或 有關其公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms [...]
as the Board thinks fit.




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