单词 | 公司治理 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 公司治理—corporate governanceSee also:公司n—corporaten companiespl corporationn enterprisen operationn firmn 公司—company firms (business) company incorporated 治理—governance administer manage 治理v—controlv governv
将要供资的活动包括一次特别活 [...] 动,旨在宣传新伙伴关系/非洲同行审议机制关于南部非洲公司治理的守则和标准,并为集体 培训和外地项目供资。 daccess-ods.un.org | The activities to be financed will include a special event on promoting the [...] NEPAD/African Peer Review Mechanism codes and [...] standardson corporate governancein SouthernAfrica [...]and group training and field projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,许多发展中国家和转型期国家不 [...] 具备相关技术能力,以促进遵守现有的披露规章,或向编制报告者提供有关正当 披露公司治理信息的培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, many developing countries and countries in transition did not have the technical capacity to promote compliance with [...] existing disclosure regulations, or to educate report preparers on how to [...] properly disclose corporategovernance information. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照法律规定,波兰的公司治理结构基本是两层的,并且经营管理权和监督权 分开,监督权由监督委员会行使。 paiz.gov.pl | The Polishcorporate governancesystem is basically [...] a two-tier system and the separation of the management and oversight [...]functions carried out by the supervisory board is prescribed by law. paiz.gov.pl |
目前,本公司 正按计划对公司治理自查中发现的问题进行整改。 equitynet.com.hk | At present, the Company is in the process of [...] adjustment and correction of the problems and mistakes appearing during [...] self-examinationof corporategovernance as scheduled. equitynet.com.hk |
本集团将继续完善公司治理结构、加强企业内部管理与监控,发展及壮大主 营业务,以及培育新的盈利增长点。 equitynet.com.hk | TheGroup willdevelop and strengthen its principal business andcultivate [...] new growth area with profitability, while keep [...]on improving the corporate governance structure and strengthening internal controls and supervision. equitynet.com.hk |
财政部制定养老基金的总体投资战略,以及其 职业道德准则和公司治理原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry determines the general investment strategy of the Pension Fund and [...] its ethical andcorporate governance principles. daccess-ods.un.org |
提名与公司 治理委员会将监督执行的标准,以确保该等标准已 作出微调以符合本公司的需要。 southgobi.com | The Nominating and Corporate GovernanceCommittee will oversee the [...] implementation of the standards to ensure they are fine [...]tuned to conform with the Company’s needs. southgobi.com |
关于公司治理的财务事项的《坎特 勃雷委员会报告》第 4.35(b)段在论及审计委员会时指出,成员应仅限于公司非 [...] 高级行政官员的主管,在委员会任职的大多数非高级行政官员应当独立。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Cadbury Commission report on the [...] Financial Aspects of CorporateGovernance,onAudit Committees, [...]paragraph 4.35 (b) states that [...]membership should be confined to the non-executive directors of the company and a majority of the non-executives serving on the committee should be independent. daccess-ods.un.org |
提 名及公司治理委员会监控董事的利益冲突披露,以确 保概无董事就该董事拥有重大利益的事项投票或参与 有关的董事会讨论。 southgobi.com | The NominatingandCorporateGovernance Committee monitors [...] the disclosure of conflicts of interest by directors with a view [...]to ensuring that no director votes or participates in any board deliberations on a matter in respect of which such director has a material interest. southgobi.com |
深圳证监局下发了深证局公司字['007 ]70号文《关於对中兴通讯股份有限公司治理情况的意见 》, 该 意 见 认 为 公 司 重视公 司 治 理专项活 动,能 按 照 要 求 做好公 司 治 理自查及 公 衆 评 议 工 作,认 真 落 实 中 国 证 监 会 及 深 圳 证 监 局 的 相 关 监 管 要 求。 zte.com.cn | A document titled Opinion on Corporate Governance of ZTE Corporation (Shen Zheng Ju Gong Si Zi [2007] No. 70) was issued by Shenzhen Securities [...] Regulatory Bureau, stating that the Companyhad [...] placed a strong emphasis oncorporate governanceprojects andhad completed the self-inspection and public scrutiny processes on corporategovernance in diligent fulfillment of the [...]regulatory [...]requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
我们经常更新委员会章程和监管 细则,这些章程和细则明确了董事的角色和责任,清楚地定义了公司治理原则。 colgate.com | Frequently updated committee [...] charters and governance guidelines clearly define director roles and responsibilities and theCompany’s corporate governance principles. colgate.com |
要了解更详细的高露洁公司治理计划,请参考公司网站上的《高露洁-棕榄公司董事会关于重要公司治理问题的准则》和公司审计委员会、人事任命和公司治理委员会、人事和组织委员会以及 财务委员会的章程。 colgate.com | For a more detailed description of [...] the Company’s corporategovernance program, please see the “ColgatePalmolive Company Board Guidelines on Significant Corporate GovernanceIssues”and the charters of the Company’s Audit Committee, Nominatingand CorporateGovernance Committee,Personnel [...]and Organization Committee [...]and Finance Committee, all of which are available on the Company’s website. colgate.com |
经济支柱包括有效的经济和金融框架、 健全的公共财政管理、遵守公司治理和公司责任规则。 daccess-ods.un.org | The economic pillar includes an efficient economic and [...] financial framework, sound public financial management and adherence to [...] the rules ofcorporate governanceand responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
产品数据管理(PDM)在最近几年已经发展成为有效的公司治理的核心功能之一。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Product Data Management (PDM) has evolved in recent years into one of the core [...] features of effective corporategovernance. en.developmentscout.com |
2010 和 2011 年期间,领土政府加强了对金融服务业的公司治理,通过立法, 由金融服务委员会不仅管理国际(海外)银行,而且管理保险公司、货币服务提供 [...] 者和合作协会。 daccess-ods.un.org | During 2010 and 2011, the territorial [...] Government enhancedcorporategovernance of thefinancial services [...]industry by introducing legislation [...]to allow the Territory’s Financial Services Commission to regulate not only international (offshore) banks, but also insurance companies, money service providers and cooperative societies. daccess-ods.un.org |
为 充 分 反 映 中 小 股 东 的 意 见,公 司 对 董 事 选 聘 方 法 采 用 累 积 投 票 制 度;公 司 董 事 会 具 有 合 理 的 专 业 结 构,以 公 司 最 佳 利 益 为 前 提,诚 信 行 [...] [...] 事;公 司 已 制 定 董 事 会 议 事 规 则,董 事 会 的 召 集、召 开 严 格 按 照《公 司 章 程 》及《董 事 会 议 事 规 则 》的 规 定 进 行;为 了 完 善治理结构,公司董事 会 根 据《上市公 司 治 理准则》设 立 了 提 名 委 员 会、审 计 委 员 会 和 薪 酬 与 考 核 委 员 会 三 个 专 门 委 员 会,独 立 董 事 在 各 专 业 委 员 会 中 占 多 数 成 员 并 [...][...]担 任 召 集 人,为 董 事 会 的 决 策 提 供 了 科 学 和 专 业 的 意 见 和 参 考。 zte.com.cn | The Company has formulated a set of rules of procedure for Board of Directors meetings, and board meetings are convened and held in strict compliance with the Articles and Rulesof Procedure of the Board of Directors Meetings. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
可在此处查阅有关董事会 结构和角色以及公司治理准则、行为准则和所有董事 会委员会章程的更多信息。 averydennison.com | More information about the structure and [...] role of the Board of Directors, [...] as wellas ourCorporate GovernanceGuidelines,Code [...]of Conduct and charters for all Board [...]committees, may be found here. averydennison.com |
台湾大哥大以国际化标准落实公司治理、追求 企业永续发展,堪称台湾企业表率。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | TWM was recognized as a [...] role model for companies in Taiwan for its compliance with the strict rules oncorporategovernance andenterprise [...]sustainability development. english.taiwanmobile.com |
支柱 A 的能力水平为 9 项指标(财务报告;公共部门;审计;环境、社会和治理报告;监 督、强制执行及遵守;向审计员发放执照;公司治理;道德;以及调查、惩戒和上诉)之 和除以 9。 daccess-ods.un.org | The level of capacity for pillar A will be a sum of 9 indicators (financial reporting; public sector; [...] audit; environmental, social and [...] governance reporting; monitoring, enforcement and compliance; licensing of auditors; corporate governance; ethics; and [...]investigation, discipline and appeals) divided by 9. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了专注业务发展、维护股东利益外,台湾大 哥大坚持贯彻公司治理、实践企业公民使命, 获得海内外高度肯定:连续三年荣获Corporate Governance Asia杂志「亚洲地区最佳公司治理奖」;连续三年获得《天下杂志》颁发「企业 公民奖」;连续四年蝉联证券暨期货市场发展 基金会「资讯揭露评监」最高等级A+的殊荣, 且名列上市公司前10名;荣获行政院环保署颁 发「中华民国企业环保奖」,首开服务业得奖 先例。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Aside from [...] focusing on itscore businessandprotecting shareholders’ interests, the Company haswon wide recognition domestically and internationally for its commitment tocorporate governanceand corporate social responsibility.In 2009, TWM was awarded the“Corporate Governance Asia Recognition Award” by CorporateGovernance Asia for the third [...]year in a row; received [...]an A+, the highest ranking, and ranked among the top 10 listed companies in “Transparency and Information Disclosure” by the Securities and Futures Institute for the fourth consecutive year; and was granted the “Environmental Protection Award” from the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, the first awardee in the service industry. english.taiwanmobile.com |
我们建议上交所要求上市公司披露其海外的可持 续发展绩效,包括公司治理、社会和环境等方 面。 syntao.com | The SSE should [...] require listed companies todisclose on its overseas sustainability performanceincludinggovernance,social and environmental [...]aspects. syntao.com |
第三个原因是,工会认为,公司治理的股东价值模式对可持续发展产生重大 不利影响,因为它注重投资的短期回报,将其视为公司的目标,而不考虑其他因 [...] 素和利益攸关者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third reason is that trade [...] unions consider that the shareholder [...] value model ofcorporate governancehas ahighly negative [...]impact on sustainable development, [...]given its focus on short-term returns on investment as the overriding aim of a company, to the exclusion of other factors and stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |
存在公司侵害人权的情况,这样的话公司还可能违反 了现行的安全和公司治理规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are situations in which companies harm [...] human rights and, in doing so, they may also be non-compliant with existing [...] securitiesandcorporategovernance regulations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这份报告对约100家中国大陆上市公司进行调查,借此了解中国大陆上市公司治理现状。 deloitte.com | This report surveyed about 100 listed companies on the Chinese Mainland to understand their current state of corporate governance practices and found that Chinese [...] enterprises understand the [...] importance of corporate governancebut a great deal of improvement can be expected intheircorporate governancepractice. deloitte.com |
欢迎 欢迎 欢迎 欢迎非洲主导的加强政治、经济和公司治理的举措,如《非洲民主、选 举和治理宪章》和非洲同侪审议机制,鼓励更多非洲国家参与这一进程,并吁请 联合国系统和会员国协助非洲国家及区域和次区域组织不断努力促进宪政秩序 [...] 和法治,更好地实行善治,继续反对有罪不罚现象,并协助举行自由、公平、包 容和透明的选举 daccess-ods.un.org | African-led [...] initiatives to strengthenpolitical,economic and corporate governance, such as the [...]African Charter on Democracy, [...]Elections and Governance and the African Peer Review Mechanism and encourages even more African countries to participate in this process, and calls upon the United Nations system and Member States to assist African countries and regional and subregional organizations in their ongoing efforts to promote constitutional order and the rule of law, enhance good governance and continue to fight against impunity, and in the holding of free, fair, inclusive and transparent elections daccess-ods.un.org |
八、如有公司治理自评报告或委托其他专业机构之公司治理评监报告者,应敍明其自评(或委外评 监)结果、主要缺失(或建议)事项及改善情形:无。 acbel.com.tw | As a result, fluctuations in the exchange rate between the NT Dollar and the U.S. Dollarwill affect, among other things, the secondary market price of the Bonds and the U.S. Dollar equivalent of our Shares received upon conversion of the Bonds. acbel.com.tw |
委员会与管理 [...] 层一同审查公司在可持续发 展与企业公民意识方面的业 务经营和措施,并遵守公司 治理、商业道德和利益冲突 问题相关的国际标准、行为 准则和原则。 averydennison.com | The committee reviews with management our business operations and practices with respect to sustainability and corporate citizenship, as well as adherence with internationallyagreed [...] standards, codes of conduct and [...] principles related tocorporategovernance,businessethics and [...]conflict of interest matters. averydennison.com |
支柱A 的能力水平为9 项指标( 财务报告和披露;公共部门财务报告、 披露和审计;审计;环境、社会和治理报告;公司报告要求:强制执 行、执行情况监督及遵守;向审计员发放执照;公司治理;道德;以 及调查、惩戒和上诉 daccess-ods.un.org | The level of capacity for pillar A will be a sum of 9 indicators (financial reporting and disclosure; public sector financial reporting, disclosure and auditing; audit; environmental, social and governance reporting; corporate [...] reporting requirements: enforcement, [...] monitoring of implementation and compliance; licensing of auditors;corporate governance; ethics; andinvestigation, discipline and appeals) divided by 9. daccess-ods.un.org |
组委会聘请在中国企业社会责任研究领域的知名专家组成专家委员会进行调查投票,排名前20位的公司获得“2010企业社会责任特别大奖”。据了解,“2010中国企业社会责任榜”的专家评价体系设置了10项一级指标和44项二级指标,包括公司治理和道德价值、就业与员工权益保护、环境保护与节能减排、产品质量管理、消费者权益保护等内容。 emerson.com | The top 20 enterprises, voted by well-known experts in the field of CSR, were granted Special Contribution Awards in CSR which recognized companies for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in [...] 10 primary and 44 [...] secondary areas in company management such as protection of employment and employees' interests, environmental protection, energy efficiency, product quality management, [...]and protection of consumers' rights and interests. emerson.com |