单词 | 公司化 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 公司化 noun —corporatization nless common: corporatisation n Examples:中国石油化工股份有限公司—China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec See also:公司 n—companies pl • corporation n • corporate n • operation n • firm n • enterprise n 公司—company • firms • (business) company • incorporated
倘若房委會決定它轄下任何一部分工作適合進 行 公司化 計 劃 ,則根據現行的公務員條例,房署必須向受影響的員工,進行為期至少一年的正式諮詢。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Were the [...] Authority to decide that corporatization was appropriate [...]for any part of its work, formal consultation with affected [...]staff lasting at least a year would then be required under the existing civil service rules. housingauthority.gov.hk |
据管理国称,领土政府已完成了供水公用设施的 “ 公司化 ” , 它自 2009 年中 以来一直作为一个国有水公司上市交易。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the administering [...] Power, the territorial Government [...] has completed the “corporatization” of the water utility, [...]which has been trading since [...]mid-2009 as a State-owned water corporation. daccess-ods.un.org |
提問人: 馮檢基議員 答覆: [...] 當局過去曾為水務署探討和研究不同方式的體制改革,包括私人機構參與計劃和 公司化。 devb.gov.hk | The Administration has in the past examined and studied various forms [...] of institutional reform for Water Supplies Department (WSD), including private sector [...] participation and corporatisation. devb.gov.hk |
然而,我必須強調,房署還沒有作出任何決定,要對房委會的任何部分或它的運作實 施 公司化 計 劃。 housingauthority.gov.hk | There are several examples of how this has been successfully accomplished elsewhere including in Singapore and we will certainly be looking at their experience to guide us. housingauthority.gov.hk |
鑑 於 政 府計劃在多個政 府 部門和 公 營 機 構 推 行公司化 、 私營化或 股 份 化 , 本 會 促請政 府不要過份 迷 信私營化的 效 用 , 同時要求當 局 正 視 計 劃對員工職業保 障 和服務 質 素的影響;本 會 亦 促請政 府在決 定 是否推 行 私營化計劃前 , 充分諮 詢 員工和 市 民 的 意 見 , 並 得 到 他們的 [...] 接 受 和 支持, 以 及 詳 細 制 訂行政機 關 、 立法機 關 和 市 民 [...]監 管 服 務 質 素 和 收 費 的 機制。 legco.gov.hk | That, in view of the [...] Government's plans to corporatize, privatize or demutualize a considerable number of government departments and public organizations, this Council urges the Government not to blindly believe [...]in the effectiveness [...]of privatization, and to face up to the impacts of such plans on the job security of the staff concerned and on the quality of service; this Council also urges the Government, before deciding whether privatization programmes should be implemented, to fully consult the staff concerned and the public and to gain their acceptance and support, as well as to formulate in detail mechanisms for the executive authority, the legislature and the public to monitor the quality of service and the charging of fees. legco.gov.hk |
公司与许多世界一流的制药公司、化 学 公司 、 生 物技术公司、大学和研究机构有业务合作。 tipschina.gov.cn | The company has business relationships [...] with many of the world's leading [...] pharmaceutical companies, chemical companies, biotechnology [...]companies, universities and research institutions. tipschina.gov.cn |
另 一方面, 推 行公司化 、 私營化或 股 份化, 最 根 本 的 目 的, 是 提 高 相關部門和機構 [...] 的 服 務成本效益 和質素,引 入 市場競爭機制, 避免與 民 爭 利,為 官 僚 架 構 消 腫 , 合 理 使用公 共 資 源 。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, the basic [...] purposes in implementing corporatization, privatization [...]or demutualization are to enhance the [...]cost efficiency and quality of the services of the relevant departments or organizations; to bring in a mechanism for market competition; to avoid competing with the people for gains; to trim down the bureaucratic structure; and to make reasonable use of public resources. legco.gov.hk |
中国石化集团公司最 近签署了一份技术转让协议,将在山东的中石化齐鲁 分公 司化工厂采用G E公司气化技术 ,从煤和石油焦制取合成气,用于生产化学品。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Sinopec has just signed an agreement which allows Shandong Qilu Subsidiary use GE technology to produce synthesized gas from coal and oil coke. unesdoc.unesco.org |
位元堂「《仙草》靈芝孢子」經香 港通用公証行有限公司化驗測 試,主要的成分如腺苷、三 類及靈芝多糖,均比 [...] 巿面其他同類產品含量更多,能更有效地提高人體免疫力、抗氧化、護肝排毒、 促進血液循環及新陳代謝,延緩衰老。 waiyuentong.com | The product has been analyzed and tested by SGS Hong Kong Ltd — the finding [...] indicates that the product contains a higher [...] level of major ingredients such as polysaccharides [...]and triterpene than similar products [...]in the market, and is more effective in enhancing human immunity and producing anti-oxidant, detoxification benefits to boost circulation and metabolism and, in maintaining youthfulness. waiyuentong.com |
問題: 簡介中提及“工務科在這綱領下的主要職責,是制定水務政策,並統籌政策的推 行",當局可否告知本委員會:過去有否調撥資源就水務 署 公司化 的 問 題進行研 究;若有,結果為何? devb.gov.hk | As mentioned in the Brief Description, “the Works Branch’s main responsibility under this programme is to formulate water supply policies and co-ordinate their implementation”. devb.gov.hk |
2007年11月,召开了曙光化工集团首届工会委员会议,集团总部、硅烷公司、偶联 剂 公司 、 化 工 研 究院、梅山化工总厂共68名工会会员代表参加了大会,选举产生了第一届工会委员会和经费审查委员会。 njshuguang.com | November 2007, Shuguang Chemical Group held the first meeting of labor union committee, the headquarter of [...] the Group, Silane [...] subsidiary company, Coupling agent subsidiary company, Chemical Research&Design Institute, Meishan Chemical General Factory, [...]in all 68 delegates [...]of the labor union attended the meeting, voted and engendered the 1ST labor union committee and funds censor committee. njshuguang.com |
尽管受人 才派遣业务关联公司子公司化的影 响,以及由于 IT 相关子公司贸易走强,出现了增收 [...] 的效果,但,因上一年度股票售出收益的反弹减收及其他原因影响,本期收益减少。 mitsubishicorp.com | While the conversion of an affiliated temporary [...] staffing company into a subsidiary and healthy transactions at IT-related [...]subsidiaries had a beneficial impact on earnings, the overall bottom-line result reflected the absence of gains on share sales recorded in the same period of fiscal 2007 and other factors. mitsubishicorp.com |
中心成立之初主要为本公司化工研 发部门提供涂料性能及参数方面的检测服务、为工程部门提供工程建筑材料研发及技术支持等方面的检测服务,随着检测中心的不断发展,中心的仪器设备不断增多且日益全面,检测人员的检测技术亦日趋规范且成熟,自2003年初应广大客户的要求及自身发展的需要,中心始开展对外的性能及参数检测服务。 oceanpower.com | At the beginning, the center mainly to provide testing services for engineering construction materials R & D and technical support, with the continuous development of the testing center, the equipments of the center are growing and increasingly comprehensive, the detection technology of the Testing personnel has become more standardized and mature, due to the requirements of our customers and our own development needs, since early 2003, the center began to carry out external performance and parameter testing services. oceanpower.com |
与传统的翻译公司和本地化公司不同的是,文思海辉已经在软件/硬件开发和测试方面积累了有目共睹的经验和能力。 pactera.com | Unlike traditional translation and localization companies, Pactera [...] has proven experience and capability in software/hardware development and testing. pactera.com |
埃克森美孚化工是世界领先的石 化公司 之 一 ,在世界范围内从事石化产品的生产、销售及技术研发。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | ExxonMobil Chemical is one of the world’s premier petrochemical companies with manufacturing, [...] technology, and marketing operations around the world. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
此后上海焦化厂、陕西渭河煤化工 公司 、安 徽淮南化工总厂、浩良河化肥厂和中石化金陵 石 化公司 又 相 继引进了Texaco水煤 浆气化技术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Then Shanghai Coke Plant, Shanxi Weihe coal chemical group, Anhui Huainan Chemical Plant, Haolianghe fertilizer factory and Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Corporation all introduced Texaco technology successively. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如有人所说 , “ 涉及住房的全球化公司 的增 长 和 权 力 ;产权全球化;住房金融市场;促进所有者 入 驻 ;在住房方面全球化的不动 产 投 资;城市和贫 民 窟 的重新排序 ;国家在住房方面的新的作用;全球化移 民和 难 民的影响,都 是新的和不确定的挑战” 。 daccess-ods.un.org | As one noted, “[t]he growth and power of globalized corporations involved in housing; the globalization of property rights, housing finance markets, and the promotion of owner-occupation; globalized real estate investment in housing; the reordering of cities and slums; new roles for the State in relation to housing; and the effect of globalized migrants and refugees all present new and undetermined challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
敬告投资者,这种前瞻性声明包含一些风险及不确定性,它们包括但不仅限于公司产品的持续认可度、竞争压力的上升、新产品及技术的 变 化 、 公司 对 第 三方供应商的依赖度、知识产权和其他有时在公司提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)定期报告详细说明的风险。 tipschina.gov.cn | Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, continued acceptance of the Company's products, [...] increased levels of [...] competition for the Company, new products and technological changes, the Company's [...]dependence upon third-party [...]suppliers, intellectual property rights, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. tipschina.gov.cn |
沙特基础工业公司(Saudi Basic Industries Corporation,简称SABIC)是全球第五大石 化公司 , 是 全球聚乙烯、聚丙烯和其它先进热塑性产品、甘醇、甲醇和肥料生产方面的市场先导。 emerson.com | Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) is the world's 5th largest petrochemicals company. The company is among the world's market leaders in the production of polyethylene, polypropylene and other advanced thermoplastics, glycols, methanol and fertilizers. emerson.com |
沙特卡亚石化公司(Sa udi Kayan Petrochemical Company)是沙特基础工业公司的子公司,计划于2010 年运营投产,可年产超过600万公吨的(石油)化工产品,是石化产业中主要的供应商之一。 emerson.com | Scheduled for operation in 2010, and with an annual production capacity exceeding 6 million metric tons of (petro) chemical products, the Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company, an affiliate of the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), is one of the major suppliers in the petrochemical industry. emerson.com |
在申请参赛期间,就职于在世界 10 个以上国家从事经营咨询服务的国际 化公 司。 icmg.co.jp | Working in [...] international companies which provide [...]operation consulting services in more than 10 countries during the application period. icmg.co.jp |
90年代中期,巴马格长期可靠的合作伙伴,奥特发自 动 化公司 接 管此业务时, 世界纺织品市场蓬勃发展、纺纱厂对自动化需求不断增加,凭借用户化定制 [...] 的经验,奥特发驾轻就熟地满足了客户的需求。 cms.autefafilaments.de | When Autefa Automation, a since long [...] reliable partner for Barmag, took over the business in the mid 90s the world textile [...]market was booming and the increasing demand for automation in spinning mills could be satisfied easily with their experience in customized machine engineering. cms.autefafilaments.de |
UL 是一家独立的从事安全科学事业的全 球 化公司 , 主 要为五大战略业务领域提供专业服务。 ul.com | UL is a global independent [...] safety science company offering expertise [...]across five key strategic businesses. ul.com |
King & Spalding全球交易事务事业部负责人Ken [...] Culotta表示:“Merrick在代理亚洲石油天然气及 石 化公司 的 事 务方面拥有丰富的经验,是对我们在新加坡的液化天然气事务的很好补充,并将扩大事务所在亚洲地区的重要能源市场提供的服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | Merrick's broad-based practice representing oil and gas and [...] petrochemical companies in Asia nicely [...]complements our strong Singapore-based liquefied [...]natural gas practice, and it will expand our firm's offering in important energy markets in the region," said Ken Culotta, leader of the King & Spalding global transactions practice group. tipschina.gov.cn |
他曾经担任南非最大综合性石油公司Engen Limited的首席法律顾问及公司秘书,之后被借调到马来西亚,担任马来西亚国家石油公司PETRONAS(Engen [...] Limited的控股公司)的法律部总经理,承担石化产品方面的全球职责,并且担任PETRONAS的菲律宾 石 化公司 的 董 事。 biosyngas.com.au | He was Chief Legal Counsel and Company Secretary for Engen Limited, the largest integrated oil company in South Africa before being seconded to Malaysia where he worked for the National Oil Company of Malaysia, PETRONAS, as General manager Legal, of its [...] holding company with worldwide responsibility for petrochemicals and as director of its [...] Philippines Petrochemicals company. biosyngas.com.au |
三星,松下和东芝都致力于将化学物质所产生的环境影响最 小 化 。 公司 识 别 和掌握含有的 有害化学物质,评估其对环境的影响,并且通过替代品等方法削减这些物质的使用。 innocsr.com | Samsung, Toshiba and Panasonic all try to minimize the environmental impact of chemical substances, through substance evaluation and substitution. innocsr.com |
五.92 咨询委员会在审议秘书长的报告时获悉,已聘请了一名独立咨询人来审 查经济发展与全球化司和执行秘书办 公 室 的 任务、职能和职责,并确定现有的组 织安排能在多大程度上适当处理该区域的优先问题,促进该方案的有效管理。 daccess-ods.un.org | V.92 During its consideration of the Secretary-General’s report, the Advisory Committee was informed that an independent consultant had been engaged to examine the mandate, functions and [...] responsibilities of the Economic [...] Development and Globalization Division and the Office of [...]the Executive Secretary, and to [...]determine the extent to which existing organizational arrangements adequately address priority issues in the region and facilitate the effective management of the programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
所提供的信息表明,此后,1 个员额已填补;1 个员额拟作调动; 1 个员额已在 Inspira 系统公布;2 个员额已临时替补;次级方案 3 经济发展与全 球化司的 6 个员额则仍作为空缺保留,等待目前正在进行的关于改组工作的讨论结 果(见下文第五.93 段);余下 3 个空缺员额中,有 2 个被选中的候选人拒绝上任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The information provided indicates that one post has since been filled; one post has been proposed for [...] redeployment; one post has been [...] advertised in Inspira; two posts are temporarily encumbered; six posts under subprogramme 3, in the Economic Development and Globalization Division, are being [...]kept vacant pending [...]the outcome of the ongoing discussions regarding the restructuring exercise (see para. V.93 below); and the selected candidates for two of the remaining three vacant posts declined the job offers. daccess-ods.un.org |
确定的其他限制因素包括:缺乏知识产权政策,没有专门负责技 术转让的办公室和具有相关技能和经验的工作人员;在研究人员中缺乏创业文 [...] 化;缺少对科学、技术和创新促进发展的重要性的了解以及该问题在国家发展议 程中的边缘化;公司的技 术能力以及与科学、技术和创新有关的基础设施薄弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other constraints identified included: inadequate intellectual property policies and the absence of offices dedicated to technology transfer and of staff with the relevant skills and experience; a lack of entrepreneurial culture among researchers; a lack of understanding of the importance of [...] science, technology and innovation for [...] development and marginalization of the issue [...]in national development agendas; and weaknesses [...]in the technological capabilities of firms and in the infrastructure related to science, technology and innovation. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 请秘书处在分发对关于采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特 丹 公 约 执 行秘书和环境 规划署技工经司化学品 处分别作出的关于向发展中国家提供技术转让或技术 支助的与《公约》有关的经验的答复之前,先通过电子邮件形式传阅其答复 [...] 草案。 multilateralfund.org | (b) To request the Secretariat to circulate, via e-mail, the draft responses to the requests from the Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam [...] Convention on the Prior [...] Informed Consent Procedure and the Chemicals Branch of UNEP/DTIE on experiences [...]relevant to the Convention [...]and experiences gained in technology transfer or technical support to developing countries, respectively, before issuing them. multilateralfund.org |