

单词 公司债

See also:


(business) company


government bond


debt n

External sources (not reviewed)

在此种情况下,提出报告的实体通过 其他方法,如通过参考优公司债券 的 市场收益率确定贴现率”(第 94 段)。
In such cases, the reporting entity determines the rate by another method, such as by reference to market yields on high quality corporate bonds” (para. 94).
联合国用作 参考的回报率一直是优质长公司债 券 的 回报率。
The rates of return used as a reference by the United Nations have been those of high-quality, long-term corporate bonds.
联合国用来作 为参照的收益率一直是高质公司债 券 的 收益率。
The rates of return used as a reference by the United Nations have been those of high-quality corporate bonds.
[...] 公共机构(例如税务部门)之间的经济关 系,波兰法律规定在某些情况下管理委员会 的成员可能公司债务承担责任。
To protect the economic interests of the company’s business partners and of public institutions (e.g. tax authorities),
Polish law states that in certain circumstances members of the management board may be
[...] liable for the debts of the company.
波 兰的法律规定了可能公司债务负 责的其他 人。
Polish law states that other persons may
[...] be liable for a company’s obligations.
[...] 限额借款,并且抵押或押记本公司的业务、财产(包括现有或将来的财产)和未 催缴股本或其任何部分,并且发债 券 、 公司债 券 、 债权股证及(须该条例第 57B 条的规定)可转换债券和可转换债权股证及不论是直接的或作为本公司或任 [...]
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money for the purposes of the Company, without limit and upon such terms as they may think fit, and to mortgage or
charge its
[...] undertaking, property (both present and future) and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, and to issue bonds, debentures, [...]
debenture stock,
and, subject to section 57B of the Ordinance, convertible debentures and convertible debenture stock and other securities whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
主要利益中心还与债务人 的主要营业地有关,虽然大公司债 务 人 可能有若干个主要营业地,但原则上 [...]
只在一地行使总公司职能,因此这后一项标准很可能能为债务人的实际主要利 益中心提供更高的确定性。
Centre of main interests has also been likened to the debtor’s
principal place of business, although
[...] since large, corporate debtors may have several [...]
principal places of business, but in
principle only one place where head office functions are carried out, the latter standard is likely to provide more certainty as to the debtor’s real centre of main interests.
有限责任公司这个名称强 调股东个人公司债务承 担有限责任这个事 实。
The name of the LLC emphasises the fact that the shareholders of the entity are not
[...] personally liable for the company’s debts.
347 418 000 美元的累计离 职后医疗保险应付福利按
[...] 6.15%的贴现率估值,使用的是相应到期年份用欧元计 价的高质公司债券的即期利率。
The accumulated after-service health insurance benefit obligation of $347,418,000 was valued on the basis of a discount
rate of 6.15 per cent, using spot rates for
[...] high-quality corporate bonds payable [...]
in euros for the corresponding maturity years.
破产法应当指明,如果启动破产程序并且确 公司债 权 人的利益可能因董 事行为不当或不作为而受到损害,该董事可能要就其行为对公司负责。
The insolvency law should specify that when insolvency proceedings
commence and it is established that
[...] the interests of creditors of the company have been harmed [...]
by the improper acts or omissions
of a director, that director may be liable to the company for their conduct.
一个实体要判断,表明货币时间价值的有关贴现率是否是参照报告日当 天政府债券、高质公司债券或 其他金融工具的市场利差得出的最好的近似 值(第 94 段)。
An entity makes a judgment whether the discount rate that reflects the time value of money is best approximated by reference to market yields at the reporting date on government bonds, high quality corporate bonds or by another financial instrument.
自 1992 年加入
[...] Blackstone 以来,Coleman 先生负责各公司、债权人 团体、企业董事会专门委员会、陷入困境公司的母公司及不良资产收购者的重组与企业改组任务。
Since joining Blackstone in 1992, Mr. Coleman has worked on a variety of
restructuring and reorganization
[...] assignments for companies, creditor groups, special [...]
committees of corporate boards, corporate
parents of troubled companies and acquirers of distressed assets.
2010 年上半年,新兴市公司债券 和 主权债券的发行速度达到创纪录水平,特别是由中国公司主导的企业借款出现 强劲增长。
Emerging market corporate and sovereign bonds have been issued at a record pace in the first half of 2010, with particularly strong growth in corporate borrowing, led by companies from China.
公司债券、 债权股证、债券及其他证券可以转让,不受本公司与获发行人之间的 任何股权影响。
Debentures, debenture stock, bonds or other securities may be made assignable free from any equities between the Company and the person to whom the same may be issued.
几内亚请法院“裁定并宣告:(a) 由于任意逮捕和驱逐几内亚国民艾哈迈 杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛先生执行强制逮捕和驱逐,没有根据 1963 年《维也纳领事 关系公约》尊重他的权利,给予他侮辱性和有辱人格的待遇,剥夺他拥有、监督 和管理在刚果民主共和国创立并担任唯一合伙人的公司的权利,阻止他追讨刚果 民主共和国本身和其他合同方拖欠上 公司债 务 的权利,并在事实上征用迪亚洛 先生的财产,刚果民主共和国实施了国际不法行为,使其应对几内亚共和国负责; (b) 刚果民主共和国因此必须对迪亚洛先生或几内亚共和国通过其国民遭受的 伤害作出全部赔偿;(c) 这种赔偿应覆盖刚果民主共和国的不法行为所造成的全 部伤害,包括收入损失,并应包括利息”。
associé; in preventing him in that capacity from pursuing recovery of the numerous debts owed to the said companies both by the Democratic Republic of the Congo itself and by other contractual partners; and in expropriating de facto Mr. Diallo’s property, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has committed internationally wrongful acts which engage its responsibility to the Republic of Guinea; (b) that the Democratic Republic of the Congo is accordingly bound to make full reparation on account of the injury suffered by Mr. Diallo or by the Republic of Guinea in the person of its national; (c) that such reparation shall take the form of compensation covering the totality of the injuries caused by the internationally wrongful acts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including loss of earnings, and shall also include interest”.
该准则进一步规定,“某一实体 应参考政府债券、优公司债券或 其他金融工具在报告之日的市场收益,判断是 否对反映资金时间价值的贴现率作出最佳估算。
It further specifies that “an entity makes a judgement whether the discount rate that reflects the time value of money is best approximated by reference to market yields at the reporting date on government bonds, high-quality corporate bonds or by another financial instrument.
(iii) 本公司或本公司推动成立或有利益的任何其他公司关于认购或购 买股份公司债券或 其他证券的要约或邀请要约的任何合约、安排 [...]
或建议,而该董事或其联系人作为参与包销或分包销该要约或要约 邀请的人有或会有利益
(iii) any contract, arrangement or proposal in relation to an offer or invitation of shares or debentures or other
securities of or by the Company, or
[...] any other company which the Company may promote [...]
or be interested in, for subscription
or purchase where the Director or his Associate is or is to be interested as a participant in the underwriting or sub-underwriting of the offer or invitation
股东有权通过分红和股 票升值来参与利润分成,但并不以个人名义 公司债 务 承 担责任。
Shareholders have the right to participate in the
profits, through dividends and/or the appreciation of stock, but are not held
[...] personally liable for the company's debts.
公司债券发 行量猛增对总额巨大有很大的影响(见图十六)。
The surge in corporate bond issues had a strong hand in this high total figure (see figure XVI).
这些投资包括在本地银行的外币存款、在债券和股票市场的证券投资 公司 债券和 股票发行以及向国内银行和地方分行贷款。
Such investments include currency deposits in local banks, portfolio investment in the bond and equity markets and corporate bond and equity issues, as well as lending to domestic banks and local subsidiaries.
4.50%所使用的比率是欧公司债券 AA 在估值日期的收益率,期 限为 10 年以上(iBoxx 指数)。
Discount rate - ASHI 4.50% - the rate used is the rate of return of the Euro Corporate AA bonds [...]
with a maturity of 10 years
and more (iBoxx Index) at the valuation date.
为什么目前再融公司债务如 此有吸引力?
Why is refinancing company debt so attractive [...]
right now?
未来,公司将继续通过自身业务的稳健发 展,公司债券的还本付息提供保证。
The Company will continuously guarantee debt servicing ability [...]
by solid development of own business in the future.
因此,这个术语包括各种债权收入(不论是否有 抵押担保),以及(尤其是)来源于有价证券和债券 公司债 券 的收益,包括与这些证券、债券公 司债券有关的溢价收入。
Accordingly, the term includes income from debt claims of all kinds, whether or not secured by mortgage, and, in particular,
income from securities and income
[...] from bonds or debentures, including premiums attached to such securities, bonds or debentures.
到 2009 年 12 月,该区域在国际市场上总共发行了 650 亿美元的主权债券公司债券:高于 2008 年的总额(190 亿美元)或 2006 年和 2007 年的平均额(每年 420 亿美元)。
By December 2009, a total of US$ 65 billion in sovereign and corporate bonds had been issued by the region on international markets: more than either the total for 2008 (US$ 19 billion) or the average for 2006 and 2007 (US$ 42 billion annually).
互联网领军企业腾讯(HKEx: 700)正在深公司债券市 场,这一引人注目的举措不仅测试投资者对来自中国互联网领域这类新的金融产品的欲望,而且也暗示了公司未来的并购计划,探测对动视暴雪(Nasdaq: ATVI)的潜在竞购。
Internet leader Tencent (HKEx: 700) is taking a dip into the corporate bond market, an interesting move that should not only test investor aippetite for a new kind of financial product from China’s Internet space, but may also hint at the company’s future M&A plans as it explores a potential bid for Activision Blizzard (Nasdaq: ATVI).
(a) 由于任意逮捕和驱逐几内亚国民艾哈迈杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛先生执行强 制逮捕和驱逐,没有根据 1963 年《维也纳领事关系公约》尊重他的权利,给予
[...] 担任唯一合伙人的公司的权利,阻止他追讨刚果民主共和国本身和其他合同方拖 欠上公司债务, 并在事实上征用迪亚洛先生的财产,刚果民主共和国实施了国 [...]
(a) that, in carrying out arbitrary arrests of its national, Mr. Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, and expelling him; in not at that time respecting his right to the benefit of the provisions of the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations; in submitting him to humiliating and degrading treatment; in depriving him of the exercise of his rights
of ownership, oversight and management in
[...] respect of the companies which he founded [...]
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in which he was the sole
在任何宣派股息或红利的股东大会上,可以指示以分发本公司任何种类的特定资 产,特别是已缴足股份公司债券、 债权股证或认购各成员有权认购的任何其他 [...]
公司的证券的认股权证的方式,或一种或多种以上方式,直接支付该股息或红利 的全部或部分,董事会应令该决议生效;而如果在作出分发时产生任何困难,董
事会可按他们认为快捷的方式解决之,特别可发行碎股证书及规定分发特定资产 或其任何部分的价值,及可决定应按规定的价值向任何成员作出现金付款,或者 无须理会少于一元的零碎数额,以调整所有各方的权利,及可在董事会认为快捷 下将任何现金或特定资产归属于受托人。
Any general meeting declaring a dividend or bonus may direct payment of such dividend or bonus wholly or partly
by the distribution of specific assets of
[...] any kind of the Company and in particular [...]
of paid-up shares, debentures, debenture
stock or warrants to subscribed securities of any other company to which the Members are entitled, or in any one or more of such ways, and the Board shall give effect to such resolution; and where any difficulty arises in regard to such distribution, the Board may settle the same as they think 37 expedient, and in particular may issue fractional certificates and fix the value for distribution of such specific assets or any part thereof and may determine that cash payments shall be made to any Members upon the footing of the value so fixed or that fractions of less than one dollar may be disregarded in order to adjust the rights of all parties, and may vest any such cash or specific assets in trustees as may seem expedient to the Board.
而民间金融机构包括“间接金融”和“直接金融”等机构,间接金融机构把通过储蓄汇集 而来的资金贷与企业等,直接金融机构则以斡旋股票 公司债 券 的 买卖为业务。
They also include private sector financial institutions that engage in indirect financing of loan corporations with funds (accumulated in the form of deposits) and direct financing of intermediate trading of stock certificates and bonds.
(i) 借入资金并因此提供它所决定的抵押或其他担保;但是在会员国市场公开出公 司债券前,公司应 获得该会员国以及债券以其货币计价发行的会员国的批准;如 [...]
果且只要公司身负来自银行或经银行担保获得的贷款,那么当公司承受的所有未 尝还债务总额(包括所有的债务担保)高于公司未动用的认购资本及盈余的四倍
时,公司承受的未尝还贷款总额或担保总额不得再行提高5; (ii) 将融资业务所需之外的资金投资于债券以及将资金投资于证券市场上的养老基金
(i) borrow funds, and in that connection to furnish such collateral or other security therefor as it
shall determine; provided,
[...] however, that before making a public sale of its obligations [...]
in the markets of a member, the
Corporation shall have obtained the approval of that member and of the member in whose currency the obligations are to be denominated; if and so long as the Corporation shall be indebted on loans from or guaranteed by the Bank, the total amount outstanding of borrowings incurred or guarantees given by the Corporation shall not be increased if, at the time or as a result thereof, the aggregate amount of debt (including the guarantee of any debt) incurred by the Corporation from any source and then outstanding shall exceed an amount equal to four times its unimpaired subscribed capital and surplus5; (ii) invest funds not needed in its financing operations in such obligations as it may




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