

单词 公卿




See also:

(from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects (old)
honorific (old)
term of endearment between spouses (old)
high ranking official (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

鑒於滅貧事宜廣公眾關注,劉卿議 員詢問小組委員會會否要求內務委員會編配一 個辯論時段,以便在立法會會議上就該報告動議 議案辯論。
Ms Emily LAU enquired whether the Subcommittee would request the [...]
House Committee for an allocation of a debate slot to move
a motion for debate on the Report at a Council meeting, having regard to the wide public concern on the subject of poverty alleviation.
因此,公司認為周卿博士 及周先生之間的家族關係不會影響周先生履行本公司獨立非執行 董事職務時的獨立性,並因此認為周先生具備獨立性。
As such, the Company is of the view that the family relationship between Dr. Chow Yei Ching and [...]
Mr. Oscar Chow would not
affect Mr. Oscar Chow’s independence when performing his duties as an independent non-executive Director of the Company and accordingly considers that Mr. Oscar Chow is independent.
如果問我是否一如我們的同事何 俊仁議員或劉卿議員所說般公眾 對 此是有期望,老老實實,我相信公眾 是有期望的。
If it is asked whether or not
[...] there is any public expectation for this as our Honourable colleagues, Mr Albert HO and Ms Emily LAU have [...]
said, frankly, I think
there is some public expectation.
18.18 劉卿議員對公立醫 院專科服務的冗長輪候時間表示 關注,並促請當局加強公私營醫療機構合作。
18.18 Ms Emily LAU expressed concern about [...]
the long waiting time for specialist services at public hospitals, and urged
for enhancing co-operation between the public and the private health care sectors.
1987 至 1991 年:华盛顿特区美国国务院行政局财政和预算办公室副助 理国卿办公室主 管政策和方案分析的主任。
1987-1991: Director for Policy and Programme Analysis, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Federal Business Opportunities (FBO), Bureau of Administration, United States Department of State, Washington D.C
關於香港更美好在其提供的單張(WKCD-348號 文件)中建議,西九龍文娛藝術區的文化中心地帶的建築
[...] 物必須是樓層少的設計,所佔面積為佔地42公頃的綠色 文公園的25%,劉卿議員指出,與外地很多海港城市 相比,維多利亞港四周的環境並不吸引,因此她歡迎香 [...]
港更美好提出的建議,在西九龍文娛藝術區興建綠色文 化公園。
Referring to the leaflet provided by the HKA (Paper No. WKCD-348) in which it was recommended that the cultural hub buildings should be low-rise
design covering 25% of the 42
[...] hectare cultural green park, Ms Emily LAU pointed out [...]
that the environment around the Victoria
Harbour was unattractive compared with many overseas harbour cities and HKA's proposal of a cultural green park at WKCD was welcome.
在剛才的發言當中,劉卿議員特別 公 務 員 能否維持政治中立 ─ 尤其是在進一步發展政治委任制度的時候 [...]
─ 表示關注。
In the address made by Ms Emily LAU Wai-hing just now, [...]
she particularly expressed concerns about whether civil servants
could maintain political neutrality, especially when the further development of the political appointment system is underway.
事實上,如果能夠提高申請法援的資產上限,不論是民主黨提出的 50萬至100萬元,或是其他建議,我覺得最重要的是,要做 公 民 黨或 劉卿議員等經常提及的公平、公 正 ” 原則,要真正做到“法律面前、 人人平等”,而不是有錢人可以訴諸法律,無錢的人亦可找政府伸張正 義,但中產階層卻得不到公義的畸形現象。
If the asset limit for application of legal aid can be raised, and this applies not just the proposal made by the Democratic Party to raise it to somewhere between $500,000 and $1 million, or other proposals, what I think to be most important is to meet the principles of fairness and equity which the Civic Party or Ms Emily LAU and other Members are always talking about.
英國特許公認會計師公 會 (“公認會計公會”) 的意見 [CB(1)1746/03-04(01)] 劉卿議員指 出公認會公會鑒 於擬議法定 衍生訴訟的重 要性,認 為不足兩星期的諮詢過 程並不足夠。
Ms Emily LAU pointed out ACCA's comments that less than two weeks for the consultation process was not adequate given the importance of the proposed SDA.
正如克 林顿国卿指出 的情况,我们认为,通过真诚谈判, 双方能够彼此商定一个结束冲突的结果,并且兼顾巴 勒斯坦根据 1967 年界线——经过商定的交换——成 立独立和可行的国家的目标以及以色列关于犹太国 的目标,即它的安全公认边界要体现出后来的各种 事态发展。
As Secretary of State Clinton has said, we believe that, through good-faith negotiations, the parties can mutually agree on an outcome that ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable State based on the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish State with secure and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments.
2.10 劉卿議員對在公務員招聘程序中加設《基本法》評核 表示關注。
2.10 Ms Emily LAU expressed concern about the [...]
incorporation of Basic Law assessment into civil service recruitment.
最後,我想回應劉卿議員提到公共 廣 播方面的事宜,正如我在委員會 中提到,我們會在年底前向公眾提出公共廣播服務的諮詢文件,其中會包括 [...]
Finally, I would
[...] like to respond to Ms Emily LAU on matters relating [...]
to public service broadcasting. As I said in the panel,
we will publish a consultation document on public service broadcasting at the end of the year to consult the public on, among other things, the future direction of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), and the employees of RTHK will certainly be consulted too.
根据议案 文本2 所载,该法规将在备案至州卿办公 室 一 年后生效。
As written in the bill text2 , this law will take effect one year after its filing in the Office of the Secretary of State.
卿議員:主席,公眾娛樂場所條例》是在1919年制定,當時的 目的是要保障公眾人士在公眾娛樂場所的安全,自此該條例曾進行數 [...]
MS EMILY LAU (in Cantonese): President, the Places of [...]
Public Entertainment Ordinance (PPEO) was enacted in 1919 and the
objective at that time was to protect the safety of members of the public at places of public entertainment.
美国可在如下情况豁免外国政 府官员适用此一理由:根据国卿的 斟 酌决定或有关儿童位于 1980 年 10 月 25 日海牙国际拐 走儿童民事方公约缔约国领土 [美国,移民和国籍法,第 212(a)⑽(C)(iii)㈡、㈢条]。
The United States may exempt a foreign government official from the application of this ground upon the discretionary decision of the U.S. Secretary of State, or if the child is located in a State Party to the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, done at The Hague on October 25, 1980 (United States, INA, sect. 212(a)(10)(C)(iii)(II)-(III)).
[...] 次会议上,斯里兰卡灾害处置和人权事务部长、 美国主管国际组织事务的助理国卿 和 泰国帕差拉吉帝雅 公 主 殿 下分别在理事 会上作了发言。
33. At the 1st meeting, on 14 September 2009, the Minister for Disaster Management and Human Rights of Sri Lanka, the Assistant Secretary of
State for International
[...] Organizations Affairs of the United States and H.R.H Princess Bajrakitiyabha [...]
of Thailand respectively
delivered a statement to the Council.
前美国国卿 Henr y Kissinger 表示:“中国的崛起是我们所处时代及作为全 公 民 的 核心挑战之一,我们必须加深中美之间的了解,消除文化偏见,以减轻两国之间可能出现的紧张局势,创造发展机会。
Said Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, “The rise of China is one of the central challenges of our time [...]
and as global citizens, we need to forge a deeper
understanding between the U.S. and China, and diminish cultural biases to mitigate possible tensions and create opportunities for both countries.
與州卿辦公室聯繫,查明目前 的費用是多少。
You should contact the Secretary of State’s office to find out how much the fee is currently.
卿議員詢 問公務員發出 的 綜 合通告 的 諮 詢工作的最 新 進 展 , 該通告 [...]
會 列 明主要官員及 公務員的 工作關 係 。
Ms Emily LAU queried the latest progress in [...]
the consultation with civil servants on the composite circular which would set
out the working relationship between principal officials and civil servants.
但是,問題是,在這個議會內,那些自稱為民主派的議員,包括民主 黨正、副主席何俊仁議員和劉卿議 員 , 公 民 黨 的湯家驊議員,以及 支聯會主席李卓人議員,4位在議事規則委員會內支持收緊《議事規 則》,把驅趕行為不檢的議員的權力擴及各事務委員會的主席。
However, the problem is, those Members of this Council who claim that they belong to the democratic camp,
which include Mr Albert
[...] HO and Ms Emily LAU, the Chairman and Vice-chairperson of the Democratic Party; Mr Ronny TONG from the Civic Party, [...]
and Mr LEE Cheuk-yan,
Chairman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China, supported the tightening up of the Rules of Procedure (RoP) at meetings of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, and extending the power to evict Members with disorderly conduct to the chairmen of various panels.
卿議員公務員事務局局長就她 在 2003 年 11月 12日立法會會議上所提書面質詢 作出的書面 答 覆 , 並 要求公務員事務局局長闡 述 行政長官 在 決 定是否 行 使酌情權, 豁免暫 停支付退休金之前所 考慮的 因素, 特 別是行政長官 在處理平機會前 任主席的個案時所 考慮 的 因素。
Referring to the written reply from SCS to her written question for the Council meeting on 12 November 2003, Ms Emily LAU requested SCS to elaborate on the factors considered by CE before deciding whether to exercise his discretionary power to waive the pension suspension arrangement, in particular, the factors considered by CE in the case of the ex-Chairman of EOC.
例如,希拉里·克林顿国卿最 近在 2011 年公约》缔约国审议大会上宣布了美国的新生物透明度和公开性倡 议。
Most recently, for example, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unveiled a new United States Bio-Transparency and Openness Initiative at the 2011 Review Conference of the Parties to the Convention.
議員剛才提到黃楚標先生是香港數碼廣播的 股東,有關申請問題方面,我剛才已告訴劉 卿 議 員, 我 公 私 分明, 不會因為有交情而影響政府任何重要政策的決定。
Speaking of the matter of application, I have
[...] explained to Ms Emily LAU just now that I do draw a clear line between official business and personal relationship and will not allow [...]
personal friendship
to influence any major policy decisions of the Government.
自 2006 年 1 月 1 日起,這個費用是 10 美元。但是你應該跟州卿辦公 室確 認這個費用是否有變動(網址:www.ss.ca.gov)。
As of January 1, 2006, the fee was $10.00. However, you should check with the Secretary of State’s office www.ss.ca.gov to find out if the rate has changed.
卿議員: 主席公共圖書館在一些公眾假期(例如元旦日、農曆 年初一至年初三、耶穌受難日、聖誕節及聖誕節翌日)休息,每周亦有 [...]
19. MISS EMILY LAU (in Chinese): Madam President, [...]
public libraries close on some public holidays (for example, New Year's
Day, the first, second and third day of the Lunar New Year, Good Friday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day) and their opening hours are shorter on one or two weekdays.
民政事務局局長:主席,我 知道劉卿議員對 公 帑 的 用 途 是 非常關 心 , 我 可 以在這 裏 很 高 興 地告訴她, 有 數 項大型 的 基建,例如 是建築 項 目之一 的 濕 地 公 園,政府 會 一 如 慣 常 的 做 法,提交工務小組委 員會(PWSC)及 其他委 員會通 過。
I am pleased to inform Miss LAU that some large-scale infrastructure items such as the International Wetland Park, which is one of the construction items, will, in line with the usual government practice, be submitted to the Public Works Subcommittee and other committees for approval.
為確定 公 眾 對規管公務員退休後就業的政策有 何 期 望 , 尤 其 是 公 眾 認為應否 准 許首長級人員在離職前 休 假 期間工作,劉卿議員建議公務員 事務局或 中 央 政策組 應進行民 意調查。
To ascertain the expectations of the public on the policy governing post-retirement employment of civil servants, in particular, on whether directorate officers should be allowed to take up employment during their final leave period, Ms Emily LAU suggested that CSB or the Central Policy Unit (CPU) should conduct an opinion poll in this regard.
在访问期间,克林顿国卿公开指出,“只有 通过谈判,而不是通过国际渠道或单方面行动,才 受伤,其中包括保加利亚、意大利、斯洛伐克和美 国的公民。
The so-called two-State solution favoured by the Quartet must be the product of direct negotiations between the parties involved, with the support of the international community.
2008年10月7日,公司在长春召开2008年第二次董事会,会议讨论通过了以下决议:同意迈克•弗瑞尔先生辞去公司CEO一职;同意侯哲平先生辞去公司董事、常务副总职务;任命张 卿 先 生出 任 公 司 董事、常务副总;任命山吉弗•贾格泰普先生出任公司财务总监。
The Second Meeting of the Board of Directors of FAW Bharat Forge (Changchun) Company Limited of Year 2008 was called and held in Changchun, China on October 7th, 2008, RESOLVED that, resignation of Mr. Michael Freyer, CEO of the Company, is accepted; resignation of Mr. Hou Zheping, Director, Executive
Vice-President of the Company, is accepted; RESOLVED
[...] that, Mr. Zhang Ruiqing is appointed as Director, Executive Vice-President (EVP) of the Company; RESOLVED [...]
that, Mr. Sanjeev Shamrao
Jagtap is appointed as CFO of the Company.
卿議員 要求內務委員會主席同時 向政務司司長轉達意見,指出政府當局應尊重 [...]
小組委員會的工作,在小組委員會完成工作 後,才動議該項擬議決議案。
Ms Emily LAU requested the [...]
Chairman to also convey to CS that the Administration should respect the work of the subcommittee
and move the proposed resolution at the Council meeting after the subcommittee had completed its work.




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