

单词 公升

公升 ()


External sources (not reviewed)

含带硅涂层和内部弹簧的刮片式密封,适用于5 加仑(20 公升) 柱塞板。
Contains silicone coated round wiper seal with internal spring for 5 gal (20 l) ram plate.
小组委员会建 议,每天系统地向被拘留者免费提供至少 公升 饮 用 水,无需被拘留者实际提出 要求。
The SPT recommends that detainees be systematically provided
[...] with at least two litres of drinking water [...]
per day free of charge, and without this
being dependent on an actual request from the detainee.
重量分析測定法一般用於測定20公升 或 以下容積的容量,而 容積法則用於測定20公升以上 容積的容量。
Normally gravimetric method will be used for volumetric determination at the capacity of 20 L or below, whilst volumetric method will be used for measurements above 20 L.
上述所需费用减少额因下列原因而被部分抵销:设施和基础设施的所需费用 增加(82
500 美元,即
[...] 1.3%),这主要是因为发电机所需燃料价格从 2011/12 年 度的公升 0.63 美元上升到 2012/13 年度预计的公升 0.85 美元(A/66/683 和 Corr.1,第 44 段);以及医务,这是因为经大会第 [...]
号决议批准,向部队 派遣国支付的自我维持费的偿还率一次性提高(同上,第 47 段)。
The above reductions in requirements are partially offset by increased requirements for facilities and infrastructure ($82,500, or 1.3 per cent), due mainly to
the increase in the
[...] cost of fuel for generators from $0.63 per litre in the 2011/12 period to $0.85 projected [...]
in the 2012/13 period
(see A/66/683 and Corr.1, para. 44), and for medical services, owing to the one-time increase in reimbursement rates for self-sustainment to troop-contributing countries approved under General Assembly resolution 65/292 (ibid., para. 47).
为配备容量为 20 公升以上 的气雾剂喷射系统/装置而设计或改进。
Designed or modified to incorporate an aerosol dispensing system/mechanism with
[...] a capacity greater than 20 litres.
刪除“鑒於”,並以“政府由去年 12 月 1
[...] 日起,將歐盟 V 期柴油優 惠稅率減至公升 0.56 元,惟”代替;在“屢創新高,”之後加上 [...]
“大大加重了運輸業界的成本及市民的生活負擔,”;在“無鉛汽油 稅”之後刪除“及歐盟 V 期柴油稅”;及在“削減一半,”之後加上
“以及完全豁免歐盟 V 期柴油稅,同時要確保油公司將稅務優惠全面 反映在零售價上,”。
To delete "as" after "That," and substitute with "the Government has, since 1 December last year, lowered
the concessionary duty rate for Euro V
[...] diesel to $0.56 per litre, yet"; to add "thereby [...]
substantially increasing the cost
of the transportation industry and the burden on people's livelihood," after "record highs,"; to delete "duties" after "to reduce the" and substitute with "duty"; to delete "and Euro V diesel" after "unleaded petrol"; and to add "and completely remit the duty on Euro V diesel, and at the same time ensure that oil companies will fully reflect the duty concessions in the retail prices" after "by half".
此外,由于缺乏资金,阿夫戈耶走廊的 366 000 名境内流离失所者的用水从每人每日 14 公升减少11.7 公升。
In addition, access to water for the 366,000 internally
displaced persons in the Afgooye corridor has
[...] decreased from 14 litres per person per day to 11.7 litres, for lack of [...]
附件C 及 附件D 所 載
[...] 的 兩個圖表顯示1998至 2000年公 升無 鉛汽油和車用柴 油平均 零售價組 [...]
成 部 分的大致分項數字、油公司提供 的 主 要 組 成 部 分 最 高和最低單位成本之間 的 差距,以及1998至 2000年
各 主 要 組 成 部 分平均單位成本每 年的相 對 變動。
Two tables showing a breakdown at the
broad level of the components of the average
[...] retail price per litre from 1998 to 2000 [...]
for unleaded petrol and automotive diesel
respectively, the differentials between the highest and lowest value of the unit cost of the major components reported among the oil companies, and changes in the average unit cost of the major components from 1998 to 2000 are in Annex C and Annex D.
自然资本是一个普通术语,指的是自然资源的储备 量;例如,森林公顷数或淡水公升 数。
Natural capital is a general term for the stock of natural resources;
[...] hectares of forest or litres of freshwater, for [...]
4.1 持牌人須於持牌範圍內每200平方米裝置一個標 準 9 公升 裝 「水式」或2公斤 裝「乾粉式」滅火筒。
4.1 The licensee is required to
[...] install a standard 9 litre water type or [...]
a 2 kg dry powder type fire extinguisher readily
available for every 200 sq. metres of the licensed space.
艺术家卡洛琳娜·卡塞多认为现实在一个地理点上更多的是分散而非集中:她的作品指向一个更复杂的具有隐喻性的情况,即货币全球金融关系建立于其上的三个实例之间的关系:一克可卡因的成本、 公升 汽 油 的价格、平均最低工资。
For Caycedo the reality is more diffuse and less centered in a geographical point: Her contribution points at a more complex and metaphorical situation, the relationship between fiat-currency and three instances in which the relationships of global
finance can be established: the cost of a gram of
[...] cocaine, the price of a liter of gasoline, and the [...]
average minimum wage.
C31065 刮片式密封替换套件 含带硅涂层和内部弹簧的刮片式密封,适用于 5 加仑(20 公升) 柱塞板。
Contains silicone coated round wiper seal with internal spring for 5 gal (20 l) ram plate.
不同机器的燃油效率各不相同,但通 常情况下,我们看公升燃油 能够完成的工作量。
When we talk about fuel efficiency, it varies from machine to machine but typically, we look at it in terms of the
[...] amount of work done per litre of fuel.
例如,在灣仔發 展計劃第二期下,新鴻基中心的供水設計是建基於有 兩個抽水分隔間的抽水閘,輔以直徑 450 毫米的進水 口管道供應冷卻水;但在中區填海第三期工程方面, 以太古廣場為例,所設置的是內有四個抽水分隔間的
[...] 抽水閘(處理量為每秒 3 000 公升),輔以直徑 1 200 毫米的管道供應冷卻水。
In Wan Chai, for example, the design is based on a two cell pumping chamber which will supply the Sun Hung Kai Centre with cooling water through 450dia intake pipelines, while in CRIII, Pacific Place for example will be supplied
by a four cell pumping station (which has an operational
[...] capacity of 3,000 litres per second) through [...]
a 1200dia pipeline.
對於這些措施能否複製,發言人顯得信心滿滿,提到齋浦爾市另有一項類似開發案,由於地處水源有限的拉賈斯坦邦,故採取相同的通盤考量,環保機制也很類似,希望種植十萬株樹木、三分之二用水來自回收、LED照明、雨水收集量達60 00 萬 公升 等。
Their environmental profiles are similar too: a target of 100,000 new trees,
two-thirds of total water requirement from recycling, LED
[...] lighting, 60 million litres of rainwater harvesting, [...]
and so on.
該計劃將升公共電 網的能力,並增強該地區 供應的整體可靠性和穩定性。
The programme will increase capacity [...]
to the public power grid and improve the general reliability and stability of supplies for the region.
各国法律中的准则有许多是常见的,包括: 促进透明、可靠、高效率的治理;控制腐败;鼓励公众参与;提高公众监督公权使用的能力; 推广民主和尊重人权的文化并促进法治;改善公共档案管理; 升公 众 知识水平,建立信息 灵通的公民社会等。
Principles that are found in different laws, many occurring frequently, include promoting transparent, accountable and effective government, controlling corruption, fostering public participation, enhancing the ability of the public to scrutinise the exercise of public power, promoting a democratic and human rights culture and the rule of law, improving public record management, and building public understanding and an informed citizenry.
纳斯达克股票代码:TIBX)今天宣布,向企业和个人提供70磅以内的包裹快递服务的法国领先公司Chronopost选择了TIBCO软件,以期通过支持在所有Chronopost应用软件和平台间进行数据共享和重用的开放式可升级交换平台 升公 司 的性能和运营效率。
(NASDAQ: TIBX) today announced that Chronopost -- the leading French firm for express delivery of parcels up to 70 pounds to businesses and individuals -- has chosen TIBCO's software to enhance the company's agility and operational efficiency through an open, scalable enterprise exchange platform that supports the sharing and reuse of data across all of Chronopost's applications and platforms.
联合国儿童基金会大奖每年颁发给一部帮助 升公 众 意 识的优秀作品——让公众了解在逆境中成长的儿童所面临的重重困难。
The UNICEF Prize is dedicated to an excellent piece of work that helps raise awareness regarding the difficult lives of children in an unfavourable environment.
本 集 團 在 下 半 年 將 繼 續 貫 徹 公 司 成 本 領 先 戰 略 和 差 異 化 戰 略,深 化 項 目 化 運 作,不 斷升 公 司 成 本 優 勢、技 術 優 勢 和 全 程 交 付 能 力,實 現 公 司 業 務 的 穩 健 發 展,繼 續 創 造 良 好 的 業 績。
TheGroupwillcontinuetoimplementthestrategiesofdif ferentiationandcostleadershipinthesecond halfoftheyear,seekingtopursuestabledevelopmentand deliversoundresultsbyenhancingprojectbasedoperati onsandextendingitsadvantagesincostandtechnologyas wellasitsabilityinone-stop project delivery.
配合 AIA 香港及澳門之業務願景,她負責 建立及執行銀行保險業務的策略,藉此 升公 司 在非業務代理分銷渠道之市場地位。
She will develop and implement bancassurance strategies in line with AIA Hong Kong and Macau’s vision of strengthening its market position in non-agency distribution channels.
贵公司建立和实施科学有效的内部控制制度,对于 升公 司 经 营管理和规范运作水平,使企业控制活动与董事会和高级管理层的治理活动之间建立有效联系非常重要。
The effectiveness of your internal control infrastructure and the communications within your organisation regarding the internal control process are key to creating the appropriate link between the control activities of the organisation and the governance activities of the board and senior management.
自 二 零 零 三 年 二 月 上 市 以 來,本 公 司 參 照 不 時 修 訂 的《中 華 人 民 共 和 國 公 司
法》、《香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 證 券 上 市 規 則》(「上 市 規 則」)、本
[...] 公 司 的《公 司 章 程》及 其 他 有 關 法律法規並結合自身特點和需要,一直致力於公司管治水平之提高,以保護廣大投資者權益和 升公 司 價 值。
Since its listing in February 2003, the Company has made huge efforts in enhancing its standard of corporate governance with reference to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”), the Articles of Association of the Company and other relevant laws and regulations, as amended from time to time, and taking into
consideration its own attributes and requirements,
[...] with a view to safeguarding investors’ interests and enhancing its value.
為配合醫療改革以及越來越重視健康生活的趨勢,我們於2011年籌劃一系列具創意及以「健康」為主題的推廣活動,包括「Mind the Gap」大型健康推廣計劃及亞洲區首項健康生活指數調查「AIA Healthy Living Index」,加強公眾對健康生活的意識,同時成功提升關懷客戶的品牌形象,讓市民認識AIA香港優質的醫療保險產品及頂級服務,從而 升公 司 的 知名度和業務表現。
To match with the recent healthcare reform and trend of healthy living attitude among the public, AIA Hong Kong implemented a series of creative branding campaigns and initiatives with the theme of "healthy living" in 2011. Those included "Mind the Gap", a large-scale health promotion campaign, as well as "AIA Healthy Living Index", the 1st ever healthy living index survey across Asia Pacific, both have successfully raised the public awareness of healthy living, established a brand image of customer caring
and let the public
[...] get known to lists of quality health products and services provided by AIA Hong Kong, thereby enhance the brand awareness and business performance.
在产品质量及生产管理方面,公司严格按照ISO9001:2000的质量标准体系要求建立并推动执行品质管制系统;以及随着人类对环境保护的日益重视整个产品制程已按照ISO14001的要求全面导入无铅化生产;同时为 升公 司 管 理水平,形成科学化管理,公司导入ERP信息管理技术,达到降低成本,及时生产,保证质量、准时交货,从而让客户满意并最终超出客户期望的目的。
In product quality and production management, the company strictly according to ISO9001: 2000 quality standard system requirements to establish and promote the implementation of quality control systems; and with the growing importance of human environmental protection throughout the
[...] manufacturing process in accordance with the requirements of ISO14001 into a comprehensive lead-free production; the same time enhance the company's [...]
management level,
the formation of scientific management, the company into ERP information management technology to reduce costs, timely production, quality assurance, timely delivery, so that customer satisfaction Bing ultimately exceed customer expectations purpose.
咨询委员会获悉,任职者将负责与包 括以下各方的各公室和 实体进行协调和联络:信息和通信技术厅,以解决与系 统托管有关的问题;供应商,涉及技术事项和设 升 级 ; 安全和安保部,涉及周 边安全进出管制;“团结”项目工作队,涉及人力资源数据和资产管理;国际刑 事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢失或被盗的旅行证件数据库;以及国际民用 航空组织。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating and liaising with various offices and entities, including with the Office of Information and Communications Technology to address issues
[...] related to the hosting of the system; the vendor in relation to the technical matters and upgrading of equipment; the Department of Safety and Security for perimeter security access control; [...]
the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
当统一通信解决方案具有促进生产力、降低成本和 升公 司 间 的协作的潜力时,只有当使用优质的音频终端时,统一通信解决方案才会体现它的价值。
While Unified Communications solutions have the potential to boost productivity, drive down costs and improve collaboration across companies, a Unified Communications solution is only as good as the audio end-point used.
14. 建造、改善、維修、操作、管理、實行或控制任何道路、路段、電車軌道、分支或旁軌、橋
[...] 樑、水庫、河道、碼頭、工廠、貨倉、電氣工程、商店、店鋪及其他工程以及可能會 升公 司利 益的便利設備及貢獻、補貼或以其他方式加以協助或參與建造、改善、維修、操作、管 [...]
14. to construct, improve, maintain, work, manage, carry out or control any roads, ways, tramways, branches or sidings, bridges, reservoirs, watercourses, wharves, factories, warehouses, electric works, shops, stores and other
works and conveniences that may advance the
[...] interests of the company and contribute [...]
to, subsidize or otherwise assist or take
part in the construction, improvement, maintenance, working, management, carrying out or control thereof




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