

单词 公允

公允 ()



公允值 v

fair value v

See also:


fair adj



permit v


just adv

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 涉及在一个通情达理公允的旁观者看来法官如果参与裁夺所涉问题 将属不当的任何其他情形。
(c) Any other circumstances that would make it appear to a reasonable and impartial observer that the judge’s participation in the adjudication of the matter would be inappropriate.
作 為 ㆒個負責任的成年㆟,本㆟不會為了今日的讚美, 支持㆒個對未來㆒代公允的計劃。
As a responsible adult, I would not support a scheme which is unfair to our future generation simply to win compliment today.
金融資產初步確認時,乃公允值計量,而對於並非 公允 值 計 量且變動計入 收益表的投資,則另加直接歸屬的交易成本。
When financial assets are recognised initially, they are measured at fair value plus transaction costs, except in the case of financial assets recorded at fair value through profit or loss.
在按成本初始確認後,投資性房地產 公允 價 值 列賬 公允 價 值 指由外部估 值師於每個報告日期釐定的公開市值。
After initial recognition at cost investment properties are carried at fair value, representing open market value determined at each reporting date by external valuers.
當該撥款與資產有關時公允值乃 記 錄於遞延收入賬目中,並在有關資產預計使用年限內以相等金額於每年分期計入收益表。
Where the
[...] grant relates to an asset, the fair value is [...]
credited to a deferred income account and is released to profit or
loss over the expected useful life of the relevant asset by equal annual instalments.
如 果 非 上 市 的 權 益 性 證 券公 允 價 值,由 於(a)合 理公 允 價 值 估 計 數 範 圍 的 變 動 對 於 該 投 資 影 響 重 大 或(b) 符 合 該 範 圍 的 多 種 估 計 數 不 能 合 理 評 估 並 用 於 估公 允 價 值,而 導公 允 價 值 不 能 可 靠 計 量,則 此 類 股 票 按 成 本 減 去 減 值 損 失 計 量。
When the fair value of unlisted equity securities cannot be reliably measured because (a) the variability in the range of reasonable fair value estimates is significant for that investment or (b) the probabilities of the various estimates within the range cannot be reasonably assessed and used in estimating fair value, such securities are stated at cost less any impairment losses.
由 於 (i) 儲 量 報 告 乃 由 中 國國土資 源 部 清 單 內 的 特 許評估 師 根 據 中 華 人 民 共 和 國地質 礦 產 行 業 標 準 發 出 , (ii) 根 據「 估 值 師 的 履 歷 及 估 值 師 所 採 納 的 估 值 標 準 」項 下 各 段 所 載 吾 等 之 評 估 及 估 值 師 的 陳 述 , 估 值 師 擁 有 理 解 儲 量 報 告 的相 關 經 驗 及 資 歷 , 以 及 (iii) 估 值 師 已 就 儲 量 報 告 進
行 盡 職 調 查 , 吾 等 認 為 , 如 上 文 所 載 , 估 值 師 採 用 儲 量 報 告 的 資 料 及 使 用 多 期 超 額 收 益
[...] 法 達 致 其 有 關 採 礦公允價值的 意 見 的 做 法 是 [...]
合 理 的 。
As (i) the Reserve Reports were issued by licensed evaluator on the list of Ministry of Land and Resources of the PRC under Geology and Mineral Resources Industry Standard of the PRC, (ii) the Valuer has the relevant experiences and qualification to understand the Reserve Report based on our assessment stated in the paragraphs headed ‘‘Profile of the Valuer and the valuation standards adopted by the Valuer’’ and the representation from the Valuer and (iii) the Valuer has conducted due diligence regarding the Reserve Reports, we consider as stated above that it is justifiable for the Valuer to adopt the information of the
Reserve Reports and use the multi-period excess
[...] earnings method in forming his opinion on [...]
the fair value of the mining right.
基 於 上 述 基 準 , 董 事 告 知 吾 等 , 在 計 算 撫 順 上 馬 收 購 事 項 代 價 時 , 彼 等 已 考 慮 及參考 : (i) 董 事 會 函 件「 訂 立 股 權 轉 讓 協 議 的 理 由 」一 節 討論之中國 鐵 礦 石 行 業 的 前 景 、 市 場 發 展 及 政 府 政 策 以 及去年 貴 集 團 鐵 精 礦 售 價 的 趨 勢 ; (ii) 在 評 估 撫 順 上 馬 資 產 的 規 模 及 質 素 時 , 已 參 考 上 海 證 券 交 易 所 經 挑 選 的 上 市 公 司 交 易 , 以 評 估 撫 順 上 馬 開 採 權公允價值以 及 撫 順 上 馬 其 他 資 產 及 負 債 的 賬 面 值 。
Based on the abovementioned basis, the Directors advise us that, in calculation of the consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition, they have considered and made reference to (i) the prospect of the iron ore industry in the PRC, market development and government policies as discussedinthesectionheaded‘‘Reasons for entering into the Equity Transfer Agreement’’ in the Letter from the Board as well as the trend of iron ore concentrate selling price of the Group in the past year; (ii) in assessing the size and quality of Fushun Shangma’s assets, reference was made to transactions of selected companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in order to assess the fair value of the mining rights of Fushun Shangma, as well as the book value of the other assets and liabilities of Fushun Shangma.
在决算中披露了所有必要事项,使财务报表 公允 地 列出本财政期间各种 交易的结果。
Disclosure was made, in the accounts, of all matters necessary for the financial statements to present fairly the results of the transactions in the period.
而且,它计划雇佣一 家独立的财产顾问公司来提供服务,于 2008 年年底前进行一次重新估值活动, 这将有助于它确定其所有土地和建筑物 公允 价 值 ,并将根据《国际公共部门会 计标准》对其价值加以反映。
Furthermore, it had planned to engage the services of an independent firm of property consultants to undertake a revaluation exercise by the end of 2008 that would help it to determine the fair value of all its land and buildings, which would be reflected under IPSAS.
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參 考 熟 悉 情 況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當公 允 價 值、現 金 流 量 折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to current fair value of other financial instrument with similar nature, discounted cash flow method and option valuation models.
仲裁庭应严格遵守法律规定做出裁决,不得按照公平原则 公允 善 良 原则 做出判决。
The Arbitration Tribunal shall be bound by strict rules
of law in making its decision, and may not pronounce judgment on
[...] equitable principles or the basis of ex aequo [...]
et bono.
金融工公允價值 的變更及外匯差額將根據有關原 則處理。
The fair value changes in financial instruments and foreign exchange differences will follow the Relevant Principles.
依 據 金 管 會 認 可 之 IAS 第 39 號 公 報 規 定,當 備 供 出 售 金 融 資 產公 允 價 值 減 少 數 已 認 列 為 其 他 綜 合 損 益 , 且 有 客 觀 證 據 顯 示 該 資 產 已 減 損 時 , 即 使 該 金 融 資 產 尚 未 除 列 , 已 認 列 為 其 他 綜 合 損 益 之 累 計 淨 損 失 仍 應 自 權 益 重 分 類 為 損 益 。
Based on IAS 39 - “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” ratified by the FSC, when the decrease in fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset has been recognized as other comprehensive income and when there is objective evidence of asset impairment even if the financial asset has not been derecognized, the accumulated net loss that has been recognized as other comprehensive income should be reclassified from equity to earnings.
此外,(a)如果Alliance BMP的股東發生任何擬議的變更,則其須以書面形式通知本公司, 並應事先獲得本公司的書面同意;及(b)如果本公司的股東發生任何擬議的變更,則本公司 須通知Alliance BMP,並且在Alliance BMP的競爭對手獲得對本公司的控制權時,Alliance BMP有權可按照市公允價格向本公司出售其對醫藥公司的出資額或向本公司購買本公司 對醫藥公司的出資額。
In addition, (a) in the event of any proposed change in shareholder(s) of Alliance BMP, it shall notify the Company in writing and obtain the Company’s prior written consent; and (b) in the event of any proposed change in shareholder(s) of the Company, it shall notify Alliance BMP and if a competitor of Alliance BMP acquires control of the Company, Alliance BMP may have an option to sell to the Company its capital contribution to GP Corp. or to purchase the Company’s capital contribution to GP Corp. at fair market value.
應付賬款及其他應付款項最初公允 價 值 確認,隨後按攤銷成本列賬,除非貼現影響不大,於該情 況下則按成本列賬。
Trade and other payables are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently stated at amortised cost unless the effect of discounting would be immaterial, in which case they are stated at cost.
(3) 透過融資租賃而購置(如果租約沒有選購權)的 固定資產公允價值,將按直線方式在上文第 (2)段所列有效使用期內或租約期內予以折舊, 兩者以較短的為準。
(3) The Fair Value Of A Fixed Asset Acquired Through Finance Lease, if no option to purchase, will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease term and its useful life as set out in paragraph (2).
至於政府當局認為,動用有限的公帑為投資高風險金融產品 所引起的糾紛提供法律援助進行訴訟並不合理,何議員指出,很 多有關衍生產品的糾紛,涉及不當銷售、失實陳述,甚至欺詐, 消費投資者若被誤導購買此類產品卻無法取得法律援助透過法院 尋求糾正,實有公允。
As regards the Administration's view that it would not be a reasonable use of limited public funds to grant legal aid for disputes arising from investment in high-risk financial products, Mr HO pointed out that many disputes in derivative products involved misselling, misrepresentation or even fraud and it would be unfair if consumer investors who had been misled into purchasing such products did not have access to legal aid to seek redress through the Court.
就現金產生單位所確認的減值虧損首先予以分配,以減少分配至現金產 生單位(或一組單位)的任何商譽的賬面值,其後按比例減少單位(或一組單位)內其他
[...] 資產的賬面值,惟資產賬面值將不會減至低於其個 公允 價 值 扣除銷售成本或使用價值 (如可釐定)。
Impairment losses recognised in respect of cash-generating units are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (or group of units) and then, to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the unit (or group of units) on a
pro rata basis, except that the carrying
[...] value of an asset will not be reduced [...]
below its individual fair value less costs
to sell, or value in use, if determinable.
如上述任何問題乃關乎會議主席,則有關問題將透過董事決議 案決定(就此而言,該主席不得計入法定人數內,亦不得投票), 而該項決議將為最終及最後定論,除非該主席並未向其他董公允披露 據其所知有關主席或其任何聯繫人所擁有的權益性質 或程度。
If any question as aforesaid shall arise in respect of the Chairman such question shall be decided by a resolution of the Directors (for which purpose the Chairman shall not be counted in the quorum and shall not vote thereon) and such resolution shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interest of the Chairman or his associates as known to him has not been fairly disclosed to the other Directors.
評估分部表現之計算基準為分部業績,此乃指未計及 銀行利息收入、存貨撥備/(撥備撥回)、投資物業及發展中投資物 公允 價值 之調整、融資成本、所得稅及並無明確歸於個別分部之項目(如未分配之總公 司及企業費用)之盈利或虧損。
Segment results form the basis of measurement used for assessing segment performance and represent profit or loss before bank interest income, provision/(reversal of provision) on inventories, fair value adjustment of investment properties and investment properties under development, finance costs, income tax and items not specifically attributed to individual segments, such as unallocated head office and corporate expenses.
公允價值 變動在利潤表內 記錄為其他收益的部份估值利得或虧損。
Changes in fair values are recorded in the income statement as part of a valuation gain or loss.
於釐定所用估 值方法的輸入數據時,會優先採用可公開自獨立來源取得的價格,但總體而言,會選擇定價來源以獲得一公 允價值計量方法,而該方法可反映出於計量日期市場參與者據以進行規範交易的價格。
When determining the inputs into the valuation techniques used priority is given to publicly available prices from independent sources when available, but overall the source of pricing is chosen with the objective of arriving at a fair value measurement which reflects the price at which an orderly transaction would take place between market participants on the measurement date.
文章以此出发,分析了关于中公允 价 值计量的主要理论基础和准则规范,如何完善当 公允 价 值 的会计实践,以及如何防范相关的审计风险。
This article provides an analysis on the main theoretical principles and the regulation of fair value accounting in China, how to improve the current fair value accounting practice, and how to prevent the related audit risk.
审计的目的主要是为了使审计委员会能够就以下方面提出意见:近东救济工 程处财务报表是否按照联合国系统会计准则 公允 列 报 工程处截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日的财政状况以及在该日终了的两年期的业务成果和现金流量。
The audit was conducted primarily to enable the Board to form an opinion as to whether the financial statements presented fairly the financial position of UNRWA as at 31 December 2009 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the biennium then ended, in accordance with the United Nations system accounting standards.
一些候选人被除名,并 不是因为他们是坏人或是因为他们没有受过专业训 练,而仅仅是因为他们的观念可能不 公允 的 , 而这 有可能对案件产生影响。
Some candidates are removed not because they are bad people or because they are not professionally trained, but simply because their perceptions may not be impartial, which could have an impact on the case.
(K) 倘在任何董事會議上就一名董事或其任何聯繫人是否擁有重 大權益,當中有關任何董事是否有權投票或計入法定人數內而
出現任何問題,及有關問題未能透過其自願同意放棄投票或不 予計入法定人數而解決,則有關問題(除非其與主席有關)將 轉交會議主席處理,而該主席就該名董事所作的決定將為最終
[...] 及最後定論,除非該名董事並未向其他董 公允 披 露據該名董 事所知有關該董事或其任何聯繫人所擁有的權益性質或程度。
(K) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Directors as to the materiality of the interest of a Director or any of his associates as to the entitlement of any Director to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question (unless it relates to the Chairman) shall be referred to the Chairman and his ruling in relation to such
Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case
[...] where the nature or extent of the interest [...]
of the Director concerned
or his associates as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed to the other Directors.
倘若按變更 日期的計算,任何變更導致股票付款安排之 公允 價 值有所增加,或為員工帶來其它利益,則應另外就 此等變更確認開支。
An additional expense is recognized for any modification which increases the total fair value of the share-based payment arrangement, or is otherwise beneficial to the employee as measured at the date of the modification.
非控股權益調整與付出或收取代價 公允 值 之 間的差異直 接計入權益中的本公司擁有人應佔部分。
Any difference between the amount by which the non-controlling interests are adjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is recognised directly in equity and attributed to owners of the Company.
(E) 倘在任何會議上就一名董事或其聯繫人32 是否擁有重大權益,或就任何
[...] 將轉交會議主席處理,而會議主席就該名董事所作的決定將為最終及最後定論, 除非該名董事並未向董事公允地披 露據其所知其本人及/或其聯繫人33所擁 有的權益的性質或程度。
(E) If any question shall arise at any meeting as to the materiality of a Director’s interest (or interest of any of his associates)32 or as to the entitlement of any Director to vote and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting, such question shall be referred to the Chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to any other
Director shall be final and
[...] conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of [...]
the interests of the Director (or interest
of any of his associates)33 concerned as known to such Director have not been fairly disclosed.




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