

单词 公信


公信力 n

credibility n
creditability n

公信力 adj

credible adj


open letter

External sources (not reviewed)

公正的自由媒體、獨立的知識分子和 公信 力 的民意調查機制,都是民主社會不可或缺的元素。
Impartial and free media, independent
[...] intellectuals and credible pollsters are [...]
all indispensable components in a democratic society.
在政府未能清楚交代現時政府總部未來的安排與規劃、為添 馬艦發展計劃重新進行公信力的 環境影響評估,以及清楚 解釋於添馬艦舊址興建政府總部的迫切性及需要之前,本小 [...]
That, as the Government has yet to give a clear account of the future arrangements and planning for the existing central government
offices, conduct afresh an environmental
[...] impact assessment of credibility for the Tamar development [...]
project and explain in clear
terms the urgency and need for a new central government complex at the Tamar site, the Subcommittee does not support the development of a new central government complex at the Tamar site.
在说明社会变革管理计划的潜力时,理事会一致认为,社会变革管理计划主要是要: 成为动员会员国支持本国社会科学的国际平台;成为以高度可见的方式提高决策者的需求和 认识的资源,使其认为有必要在制定政策时应用社会科学研究;负责促进和支持能力建设倡 议,特别是在需要政府采取行动的系统问题上;根据 36 C/5 中关于社会科学及人文科学的重 大计划 III 的工作重点 2 和 3,通过选定的一些具有全球意义的社会变革,说明社会变革管理 计划目标公信力和 相关性;以及鼓励参与进程、让民间社会参与进来,并提高对社会科学 必要性的敏感认识。
In describing the potential of MOST, the Council agreed that MOST relies on, inter alia: being an international platform that mobilizes Member State’s support for social sciences in their countries; being a resource that in a highly visible way creates demand and awareness in policymakers of their need for social science research in policy formulation; having the responsibility to promote and support capacity-building initiatives, particularly on systemic issues that require government action; the illustration of the credibility and relevance of MOST’s objectives by working through a select number of globally-significant social transformations, in accordance with Main Lines of Action 2 and 3 in Major Programme III on Social and Human Sciences of 36 C/5; and, encouraging participatory processes, engaging with civil society, and creating greater sensitivity to the need for social sciences.
是我的話,若主席要主持那個會議,看到秘書處的辛勞,開了這麼多 次會議,提交了這麼多文件,而我們聽遍各方面的意見、專業意見,
[...] 經我們大家互相討論而得出一個如此清楚的報告,但所得到的竟然是 指我們不專業、公信力、是不應該懲罰有關議員的,你又有何感想 呢?
Now if I were the chairman of the CMI and if the chairman has to preside over that meeting and when I see the hard work of the Secretariat, that it has to present so many papers for so many meetings, and after hearing views from all quarters, including professional views, and after we have come up with a report which is so clear after discussions, but what we get in return is an
accusation that we have not been
[...] professional, lacking in credibility, and that the Member [...]
in question should not have been
sanctioned, then what would you think?
这些行动损害了 和平进程的精神公信力。
Those actions
[...] undermined the spirit and credibility of the peace process.
[...] 会的工作进行实质性审议;重申仍然需要环境署与会员国密切协商,进行最新、 全面、具备科公信力和 政策相关性的全球环境评估,以支持各级决策进程;并 [...]
且欢迎核准 2012-2013 年期间工作方案和预算(第 66/203 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the work of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); reiterated the continuing need for
UNEP to conduct up-to-date,
[...] comprehensive, scientifically credible and policyrelevant [...]
global environment assessments, in close
consultation with Member States, in order to support decision-making processes at all levels; and welcomed the approval of the programme of work and the budget for the period 2012-2013 (resolution 66/203).
如果联合国通过其秘书长和他的代表做出的提 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安
[...] 全理事会将在手无寸铁的平民的眼中丧失所有公 信力,因为他们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 [...]
If the proposals presented by the United Nations through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due consideration, the Organization and its main
bodies, the Security Council in
[...] particular, will lose all credibility in the eyes of unarmed [...]
civilians, who call on us to assume
our responsibility for protecting them in armed conflict.
(b) 为加强《条约》公信力,阿拉伯国家吁请《条约》缔约国,特别是作 为 1995 年中东问题决议提案国的核武器缔约国,申明他们完全致力于实现该决 [...]
议的各项目标,这是在 1995 年审议和延期大会上达成的协定的组成部分,以无 限期延长《条约》。
(b) In order
[...] to consolidate the credibility of the Treaty, the [...]
Arab States call on States parties to the Treaty, particularly
the nuclear-weapon States that sponsored the 1995 resolution on the Middle East, to affirm their complete commitment to the aims of that resolution, which is an integral part of the agreement reached at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference to extend the Treaty indefinitely.
铭记以色列的定居点政策、决定和活动对恢复和促进和平进程的努力、对和 平进程公信力以 及中东实现和平的前景产生极为不利的影响
Bearing in mind the extremely detrimental impact of Israeli settlement policies, decisions and activities on the
efforts to resume and advance the
[...] peace process, on the credibility of the peace process, [...]
and on the prospects for the achievement of peace in the Middle East
与此同时,联科行动将继续重点帮助科特迪瓦各方克服所面临的挑战,将上 述风险降至最低限度,其中包括采取下列做法:(a) 支持科特迪瓦各方和调解人 努力使和平进程不脱轨;(b) 促进营造安全的选举环境,包括推动有效地解除前
战斗人员武装和解散民兵的议程,其中包括监测前战斗人员“进入屯驻点”和储 存收缴的武器;(c)
[...] 为选举进程提供技术和后勤支助,并监督促进实现具 公信 力和透明度的选举的各种进程所取得的进展;(d) [...]
通过我的特别代表的认证作 用,加强选举进程的可信性;(e) 支持科特迪瓦政府开展经济复苏进程。
In the meantime, UNOCI will continue to focus on helping the Ivorian parties to surmount the challenges and minimize the risks identified above, including by: (a) supporting the Ivorian parties and the Facilitator in their efforts to keep the peace process on track; (b) contributing to a secure environment for the elections, including by advancing the agendas for the effective disarmament of former combatants and dismantling of militias, inter alia, by monitoring the cantonment of former combatants and the storage of the weapons collected; (c) providing technical and logistical support for the electoral process and
monitoring the progress made in the various
[...] processes leading to credible and transparent elections; [...]
(d) contributing, through my
Special Representative’s certification role, to enhancing the credibility of the electoral process; and (e) supporting the economic recovery process pursued by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire.
[...] 支持,同时以实际和成本低廉的方式来加强各利益攸关者的伙伴关系,这是 WIPO 提出的技术解决 方案,也是在具公信力的 中介机构之间出现的商业模式。
The work being undertaken in the Stakeholders’ Platform VIP Initiative needs to attract the support of relevant interest groups while advancing strong partnership among stakeholders in a pragmatic and cost
effective way as technical solutions are developed by WIPO and business
[...] models emerge among the Trusted Intermediaries.
因此,《示范法》为在系统中注入“廉正、公平 公信 度 ” 而 规定的措施,以及要求给予“公平、平等和公正待遇”(客观性)和提高“透明 [...]
The Model Law’s measures to instil “integrity,
[...] fairness and public confidence in the system”, [...]
and to require “fair, equal and equitable
treatment” (objectivity) and “Transparency” (see the following sections) are therefore examples of mutually supporting obligations.
因此,核武器能力的增长应该等同于政 公信 力的 下降。
Accordingly, any increase in nuclear weapons capability should equal a
[...] reduction in political credibility.
教科文组织参与该平台也将进一步提升本组织 公信 力 和知名度,并为教科文组织会 员国提供一套新的工具,以协助它们评估生物多样性和生态系统服务的状况以及对福祉与发 [...]
UNESCO’s affiliation with IPBES also
[...] would grant further credibility and visibility to [...]
the Organization and provide UNESCO
Member States with an additional set of tools to assist them in their assessments of the status of biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as related effects on well-being and development; support the sustainable management of their natural resources; and reinforce their S&T, environmental and development policies.
[...] 其本国的人权记录,并请所有代表团考虑决议草案的 政治化性质,抵制试图损害人权机 公信 力 和 完整性 的行为。
His delegation strongly advised the main sponsors of the resolution to rectify their own human rights records and requested all delegations to consider the politicized
nature of the draft resolution and reject the
[...] attempt to impair the credibility and integrity of [...]
the human rights mechanisms.
他们进一步指出,食典委的决定必须基于广 泛共识,不要损害公信力。
They further noted that it was essential for Codex to base its decision on a broad consensus not
[...] to undermine its credibility.
为了使后面的选举更公信力,委员会已采取 一系列措施,包括与其各合作伙伴加强协商,起草 顾及到技术要求和业务要求的时间表;与政府及所 [...]
有伙伴一起为给业务需要导致的新支出划拨资金而 开展宣传;确定构想并与诸如媒体、政治党派及进 程中的其他伙伴等利益攸关方加强协商;稳定选民
登记册并通过计入被省略的人而使之更加可靠;就 选民登记册问题与政治阶层重启对话;以及强化选 举工作人员的招聘及培训标准,其中尤其包括在投 票站和地方中心负责汇总选举结果的那些人。
To give greater credibility to the next elections, [...]
the Commission has adopted a series of measures, including intensifying
consultations with its various partners; drafting timetables that take into account the technical and operational demands; conducting advocacy with the State and all partners for the reallocation of revenues to new expenditures dictated by operational needs; defining a vision and intensifying its consultations with stakeholders, such as media, political parties and other partners in the process; stabilizing the electoral register and making it more reliable by including those who have been omitted; reopening dialogue with the political class on the subject of the electoral register; and strengthening the criteria for recruiting and training electoral agents, and more specifically those working in polling stations and in local centres for the compilation of results.
检察官 在建立和提高刑事司法系公信力方 面发挥着基本作用。
Prosecutors played a fundamental role in instilling and
[...] strengthening public confidence in criminal justice [...]
大会还敦促各国确保在努力颁布和实施立法以禁止童婚和逼婚的工作中争 取各利益攸关方和各种变革力量的参与,并确保与消除这一习俗的立法相关的信 息广为人知而且促成广大社会支持执行此类法律和立法;大会吁请各国支持社区 举办讲习班和讨论会以使社区能够共同探讨如何预防和应对童婚和逼婚,通过诸 如医务人员及地方、社区和宗教领导人等对社区而言具 公信 力 的利益攸关方提 供信息,揭露童婚和逼婚的害处,并且给予女孩更大的发言权,同时确保全社会 有关信息的一致性,并鼓励男子和男孩做出非常需要的大力参与。
States were urged to support community workshops and discussion sessions to enable communities to collectively explore ways to prevent and address child and forced marriages, provide information through stakeholders credible to the community, such as medical personnel and local, community and religious leaders, regarding the harm associated with those marriages, give greater voice to girls and ensure consistence of message throughout the entire community, and encourage the much-needed strong engagement of men and boys.
公信力的中 介机构全球无障碍资源(TIGAR)系统网络将全面完成。
The Trusted Intermediary Global [...]
Accessible Resources (TIGAR) system network will be fully established.
达成共识,食典是基于科学的,有必要在本届会议上作出决定,因此支持进行表决; (2)一些代表团反对通过最高残留限量草案,建议中止工作;(3)一些代表团基本上同意
[...] 通过最高残留限量草案,但不同意进行表决,认为并未穷尽一切努力来达成共识,表 决将损害食典委和目前讨论的最高残留限量 公信 力。
The discussion which followed showed that delegations were divided among (i) delegations which considered that all efforts had been made to achieve consensus, that Codex was based on science and it was necessary to take a decision at the present session and, therefore, supported proceeding with a vote; (ii) delegations which opposed the adoption of the draft MRLs and proposed discontinuation of work; and (iii) delegations which were prepared to adopt the draft MRLs in substance but did not agree with proceeding with a vote considering that not every effort
had been made to reach consensus and that a vote
[...] would undermine the credibility of Codex and the MRLs [...]
under discussion.
拟议 的调整将考虑到下列潜在的安全威胁:武装民兵和暴力青年的继续存在;没有有 效解除前战斗员的武装;没有完成重新部署国家行政机构的工作;北部和西部局 部冲突的风险;由于继续存在检查站和路障,行动自由有限;在科特迪瓦,选举
[...] 可能成为暴力的催化剂,尤其是如果选举被认为缺乏透明度 公信 力。
The proposed adjustments would take into account the following potential security threats: the continued existence of armed militias and violent youth; the absence of effective disarmament of former combatants; the uncompleted redeployment of State administration; the risk of localized clashes in the north and the west; the limited freedom of movement due to continuing checkpoints and roadblocks; and the fact that elections could
be a catalyst for violence in Côte d’Ivoire, in particular if they are perceived as lacking
[...] transparency and credibility.
评价指出开发署的一项关键优势 是,“开发署强有力的倡导作用、声誉 公信 力 , 使其成为管理灾害风险不可或 缺的一个行为体,特别是鉴于在许多国家,开发署是在任务中纳入减少灾害风险 [...]
的机构之一,有时是唯一这么做的机构” [6 ]。
A key advantage noted was “UNDP’s strong advocacy role, its
[...] reputation and its credibility make it an indispensable [...]
actor in disaster risk management,
especially given that in many countries it is one of, or the only, institution that includes disaster risk reduction in its mandate” [6].
如果台灣民眾不珍惜這個發展、傳媒不聯手建立民調 公信 力 和專業性、朝野繼續打壓傳媒發展票站調查、甚至立法禁止,則台灣要成為華人民主社會的典範,實在談何容易。
If Taiwan people do not treasure this
opportunity, and if the medias do not
[...] jointly develop a credible and professional [...]
polling system, the authority would only
continue to oppress the development of exit polls, or even ban it by law.
[...] 健全的政策以加强卫生系统并为实现全民保健创造有利环境方面的承诺 公信力 和能力也同样重要。
The quality of governance at the national and local levels is crucial, as are the commitment, credibility and capacity to devise and implement
sound policies for strengthening health systems and creating an enabling environment
[...] that makes universal access possible.
该组织旨在促进终身学习,以及提高调集、分配和利用资源的透明度 公信 力, 从而使每个尼日利亚人的生活标准达到可接受的水平。
The organization’s mission is to promote lifelong learning and promote transparency and accountability in the mobilization, allocation and utilization of resources, in order to achieve an acceptable standard of living for every Nigerian.
(h) 通信(2 229 600 美元,即 28.7%):由于一位供应商没有能力与联合国 后勤基地建立通信线路,以及帝汶 信公 司 地点每月租金降低,所需经费低于预 算;推迟征聘进一步减少了公共信 息 活 动的需求。
(h) Communications ($2,229,600, or 28.7 per cent): lower-than-budgeted requirements resulting from a vendor’s
inability to establish
[...] communication lines as well as fewer monthly rentals for Timor Telecom sites; delayed recruitment further contributed to lower requirements for public information activities.
国 家公共音像信公司细则含有关于文化多样性的规定。
The contractual terms and conditions for national public companies in the audio-visual communication sector contain provisions on cultural diversity.
与会者重申, 他们信,公共决 策必须包括将信息和通信技术纳入各国发展的主流,并决心继 [...]
续加强区域研究网络、技术开发和创新及增长,便利该地区不发达国家(特别是 海地和其他小岛屿国家)从信息和通信技术中受益。
[...] reaffirmed their conviction that public policymaking [...]
must incorporate the mainstreaming of information and
communications technologies for countries’ development and resolved to continue strengthening regional research networks, technological development and innovation and growth to facilitate access to the benefits of information and communications technology use for the region’s less developed countries (particularly Haiti and other small island States).
中国移动利用其行业影响力说服工信部介入来调解这一纠纷,工信部反过来也把另两家 信公 司 中 国电信(HKEx: 728; NYSE: [...]
CHA)和中国联通(HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU)拉进来讨论,似乎在这件事上支持中国移动。
China Mobile used its industry clout
[...] to convince the MIIT to step in to [...]
mediate the dispute, and the regulator in turn also
dragged the nation’s other 2 telcos, China Telecom (HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA) and China Unicom (HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU), into the discussions.




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