

单词 公伤



work-related injury
industrial accident

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

审查、建议和协调全系统范围关于 公伤 病 的 赔偿、残疾福利、和特 殊福利(如,特殊教育补助和残疾子女补助)的做法。
Reviewing, advising, and coordinating a
system-wide approach to compensation for
[...] service-incurred injury and illness, [...]
disability benefits, and special benefits (e.g.,
special education grant and grants for disabled children).
这项研究的目标是,首次绘制联 合国系统目前有关公受伤、生 病、死亡和伤残时的福利、应享权利和保险全图, [...]
The goal of the study was to produce, for the first time, a comprehensive United Nations system map of all current
benefits, entitlements and insurance related to
[...] service-incurred injury, illness, death [...]
and disability, and to examine the current gaps in coverage.
管理问题高级别委员会一直在指导罗列和审查联合国工作人员和联合国人 员在公受伤、死 亡或残疾时的福利范围的工作,并提议修改联合国工作人员细 [...]
则附则 D,而附则 D 将成为所有机构的参考范本。
The High-Level Committee on Management has been guiding a mapping and review of the benefits coverage for United
Nations staff and personnel in the event of
[...] service-incurred injury, death or disability [...]
and has proposed changes to appendix
D of the United Nations staff rules, which will become the reference model for all agencies.
一些代表还提出了规范多国公司在最弱小、最 易受打击的发展中国家的业务以保护这些国家免受 公 平 竞 争 伤 害 的 问题。
Several delegates also raised the question of regulating the operations of multinational companies in
the weakest and most vulnerable developing countries in order to protect them
[...] from unfair competition by those companies.
(23) (d)项规定的“代理人”一词的定义,是基于国际法院对联合 公 务 中伤害赔偿问题的咨询意见中的一段。
(23) Subparagraph (d) provides a definition of the term “agent” which is based on a passage in the advisory
opinion of the International Court of
[...] Justice on Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service [...]
of the United Nations.
本区域公路交通运输基础设施的迅速发展和机动化程度的迅速 提高所带来的负面效应之一就公路 交 通 伤 亡 人 数的增加。
One of the negative side effects of the rapid growth of road
transport infrastructure and motorization in the region is the increase in the
[...] number of road traffic fatalities and injuries.
在不影响刑事责任的情况下,任何狱警在 公 地 点 或执 公 务 时 袭击伤 害或 不尊重他人,行为人可被纪律处分。
Without prejudice to criminal responsibility, a
[...] prison officer who assaults, injures or disrespects another person [...]
at the workplace or when performing
his duties also incurs in disciplinary sanctions.
何弗尼,Madkhal ILA“基地塔木德(=”介绍犹太法典“,这是最早的工作产生影响的称号,并且只能通过在伊本Janaḥ,SV词典报价已知);塞缪尔公顷Nagid,湿润 伤 膏 公 顷 塔 木德(形成一个附录到现代版的犹太法典上册);约瑟夫伊本Aḳnin,向塔木德介绍(。
Hophni, Madkhal ila 'al-Talmud (= "Introduction to the Talmud"; this is the earliest work bearing the title and is known only through a quotation in the lexicon of Ibn Janaḥ, sv ); Samuel ha-Nagid, Mebo ha-Talmud (forming an appendix to the first volume of modern editions of the Talmud); Joseph ibn 'Aḳnin, an introduction to the Talmud (Hebr. transl. from the Arabic), edited in the Jubelschrift des Breslauer Seminars zum Siebzigen Geburtstage Frankels, 1871.
(j) 细则 6.4 有关因执行联合公务而死亡、伤 或 患 病的各项规定,在服 兵役期间概不适用。
(j) The provisions of staff rule
[...] 6.4 relating to death, injury or illness attributable [...]
to the performance of official duties
on behalf of the United Nations shall not be applicable during periods of military service.
根据目前的开支趋势,用以支付总部外办事处网络的经常性安全开支的预算经费(目 前估计需 3,500,000 美元)将被纳入 33
[...] C/5《计划与预算》草案之中;此数额不包括在伊拉 克的安全开支,也不包括教科文组织向联合国安全协调员 公 室 以 及恶 伤 害 保 险政策(数 额由即将召开的联大第五十九届会议决定)的法定摊款。
Based on current expenditure trends, budgetary provisions to cover recurrent security-related costs of the network of field offices, currently estimated at $3,500,000, will be taken into account in draft document 33 C/5; this figure excludes security expenditures for Iraq as well as UNESCO’s statutory
contributions to UNSECOORD and
[...] the Malicious Acts Insurance policy, levels of which will be determined [...]
after the forthcoming fifty-ninth
session of the General Assembly.
虽然通过公约》之前伤人员 地雷的使用十分普遍,现在新出现使用杀 伤人员地雷事件的国家已为数极少。
Whereas prior to the adoption of the Convention the use of anti-personnel mines was widespread, there are now few countries within which new use occurs.
儿童基金会为 25 个以上国家的方案提供了支助,并在全球和国家一 级参与宣传《集束弹公约》 、《禁止 伤 人 员地 雷 公 约 》 和《残疾人权利公约》 的活动。
UNICEF supported programmes in over 25 countries and engaged in advocacy activities at the global and national levels in relation to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
在2006年底后期, MoD开始
[...] 为该车采购HK公司生产的40毫米轻型自动榴弹发射器 (ALGL),可以伤1.5公里范 围内的目标,射速达每分钟360发。
In late 2006, the MoD announced it was purchasing 40 new belt-fed Automatic Lightweight Grenade
Launchers (ALGL) made by Heckler and Koch (HK GMG) that can fire up to 360 grenades per
[...] minute with a range of up to 1.5 km.
公民在赡养、伤、刑事诉讼、请求国家赔偿和请求依法 发给抚恤金等方面需要获得律师帮助,但是无力支付律师费用的,可以按照国家 规定获得法律援助。
Where citizens require legal assistance with regard to support, industrial injury, criminal procedure, [...]
claims for State indemnity
and claims for pension payments under the law, they may, if they cannot afford to pay the service fee, obtain legal aid in accordance with the provisions of State laws.
它还感 到遗憾的是,没有就侮辱、诽谤伤 害 公 务 员的法律提出建议,而这一法律导致 [...]
It also regretted the fact that no recommendation had been
made on the law concerning the disrespect,
[...] defamation and injury of civil servants, [...]
which had led to the imprisonment of several journalists.
[...] [...] 旨在补偿或最大程度地减轻有工作的公民因其物质和(或)社会状况的变化所遭受 的后果,或在法律规定的情况下,补偿或最大程序地减轻其 公 民 因 失业、伤 或职 业病、残疾、疾病、受伤、怀孕和生育、丧失养育(赡养),以及衰老、就 医、疗养和其他法定的强制性社会保险范围内的社会保险损失等而导致的其物质 [...] [...]
Compulsory social insurance in the Russian Federation is the State system of legal, economic and organizational measures designed to offset or minimize the effects of a change in the material and/or social situation of working citizens and, in cases provided
for by law, that of
[...] other categories of citizens as a result of unemployment, occupational or other injury or illness, [...]
disability, pregnancy
and childbirth, or loss of breadwinner, as well as in connection with old age, the need for medical assistance or treatment in a sanatorium and the occurrence of other social insurance risks defined by legislation and subject to compulsory social insurance.
他们现公布了最新伤亡数 字,我想是 截至当地时间今天 4 点钟的数字。根据该数字,巴 勒斯坦人死亡人数现为 [...]
1 013 人,其中 322 人是儿 童,76 人是妇女。
They have now
[...] released the latest casualty figures, as from, I [...]
think, 4 o’clock local time today, according to which the
figure of Palestinians killed is now 1,013, of whom 322 are children and 76 are women.
[...] 偿不能超过《各委员会或类似机构成员因联合 公 务 死 亡、 伤 或 患 病的赔偿规 则》所订的限额,非经济损失补偿的数额不能超过 [...]
10 万美元。
Accordingly, compensation for economic loss cannot be paid in excess of the limits prescribed under the Rules Governing Compensation to Members of
Commissions, Committees or Similar Bodies
[...] in the Event of Death, Injury or Illness Attributable [...]
to Service with the United Nations,
and for non-economic loss in an amount not exceeding $100,000.
美国超声心动学会致力于确保教学任务和所有受资助的教学项目不受任 何公司或者个人特殊利益的影响,要求所有作者必须有效地解决所存在的经 济利益问题,保证教学活动的目标 公 正 性不 受 伤 害。
The ASE is committed to ensuring that its educational mission and all sponsored educational programs are not influenced by the special interests of any corporation or individual, and its mandate is to retain only those authors whose financial interests can be effectively resolved to maintain the goals and educational integrity of the activity.
[...] 会继续在世界各个地区的普遍加入努力中发挥核心的作用,包括为普遍加入《禁 止伤人员地雷公约》问题特使的努力提供宝贵支持。
The ICRC continued to play a central role in universalisation efforts in every region of the world, including by providing
valuable support to the efforts of the Special Envoy on the
[...] Universalisation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.
该委员会的任务是通过有约束力的仲裁,决定一国政府对另一国政 府以及一方的国民(包括自然人和法人)对另一方的政府或者另一方拥有或控制 的实体提出的下列两类所有损失、损害 伤 害 索 偿要求:(a) 与作为《框架协 定及其执行方式》和《停止敌对行动协定》主体的冲突有关;(b) 因为违反包 括 1949 年日内瓦公约在内的国际人道主义法,或者其他违反国际法的行为。
The mandate of the Commission is to decide through binding arbitration all claims for loss, damage or injury by one Government against the other, and by nationals (including both natural and juridical persons) of one party against the Government of the other party or entities owned or controlled by the other party that are (a) related to the conflict that was the subject of the Framework Agreement, the Modalities for its Implementation and the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and (b) result from violations of international humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions, or other violations of international law.
这不同于大多数信息权法中的公共利益优先的规定,其它法律主要是在对受保 护的利益伤害和整体公共利 益之间寻求某种形式的平衡。
This differs from public interest overrides in most right to information laws, which provide for a form of balancing between the harm to the protected interest and the overall public interest.
因此,南共市成员国及其 联系国对即将召开的禁止伤人员地 雷 公 约 缔约国 会议第二届审议大会将关注受害者需要表示欢迎, [...]
受害者遭受的悲剧是幸存者的身心不能承受的,阻 碍受影响社区的安宁、发展和权利的享受。
The MERCOSUR States members and associated States therefore applauded the fact that the forthcoming Second Review
Conference of the States Parties to
[...] the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention would focus [...]
on the needs of victims, whose tragedy
transcended the survivors’ physical and psychological condition, and hindering the well-being, development and enjoyment of rights of the affected communities.
禁止伤人员地雷公约》 在努力实现这些目标 方面发挥了重要作用;缔约国对《公约》的全面执 行和其他国家的加入将中止地雷受害者数量的上 升,并可以加强努力,关注受影响社区的重建和发 展以及受害者重返社会。
The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention played a key role in efforts to attain those objectives; States parties’ full implementation and other States’ accession would end the rise in the numbers of mine victims and allow efforts to concentrate on rebuilding and developing affected communities and reintegrating the victims.
( 在尼泊尔) 、联合国开发计划署(开发 署)( 老挝人民民主共和国)
[...] 和联合国裁军事务厅( 裁军厅)( 在日内瓦) 对普遍加入 《伤人员地雷公约》 问题特使的努力提供了宝贵的支持。
As well, the United Nations Mine Action Team in Nepal, the United Nations Develop Programme (UNDP) in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) in Geneva provided
valuable support to the efforts of the Special Envoy on the
[...] Universalisation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.
2009 年6 月,红十字国际委员会和挪威红十字会召集了一次援助受害者问 题研讨会,目的是巩固有关《禁止 伤 人 员地 雷 公 约 》 范围内从事援助受害者工 作方面经验的意见,为第二次审议会议之后的下一阶段执行工作确定优先事项, 为其他裁军公约范围内的相关援助受害者努力提供信息,和加强与残疾工作领域 正在开展的努力的联系。
In June 2009, the ICRC and Norwegian Red Cross convened a victim assistance workshop with the aim of consolidating views on the experience of pursuing victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Convention, to identify priorities for the next stage of implementation beyond the Second Review Conference, to inform related victim assistance efforts in the context of other disarmament conventions, and to reinforce linkages with on-going efforts in the area of disability.
j的登泰,第3A条,维也纳,1847年),塞缪尔Nagid(在他的“湿润 伤 膏 公 顷 塔 木德”),迈蒙尼德(在介绍到他的评论在mishnah和在向亚得公顷Ḥazaḳah前言),美日(在他的“投注公顷Beḥirah”),以及关于PirḳeAbot(第6A条,第8B,9A条,维也纳,1854)的评注和许多其他中世纪的作家,以及一些(可比施特拉克,“导论在巢穴塔木德经”,第54页)现代学者,持相同意见。
J. Goldenthal, p. 3a, Vienna, 1847), Samuel Nagid (in his "Mebo ha-Talmud"), Maimonides (in the introduction to his commentary on the Mishnah and in the preface to the Yad ha-Ḥazaḳah), Meïri (in his "Bet ha-Beḥirah"), and a commentary on Pirḳe Abot (pp. 6a, 8b, 9a, Vienna, 1854); and many other medieval authors, as well as some modern scholars (comp. Strack, "Einleitung in den Talmud," p. 54), hold the same opinion.
需要的不仅是资金,还需要作出巨大努力,才 能修复身心和社会伤,并争取公正 解 决冲突,从而 实现和满足巴勒斯坦人民对经过数十年损失、压迫、 没有国家和痛苦之后在自己的家园获得自由和人的 尊严的权利和需要。
Not only funding, but monumental efforts will be needed to help repair the physical, psychological and societal damage and to achieve a just resolution of the conflict that will fulfil the rights and needs of the Palestinian people to freedom and human dignity in their homeland after decades of loss, oppression, statelessness and suffering.
对于任何电话网络或线路、计算机在线系统、服务器或提供商、计算机设备、软件的任何问题或技术故障,或是由于技术原因或互联网或任何网站的流量阻塞所导致的电子邮件或播放器故障,又或是上述各问题的综合,包括在用户或任何其他人士的计算机参与或下载与网站以及/或者及/或服务相关的材料时受到 伤 害 或 损害 公 司 不承担任何责任。
The Company is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of email or players on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Site or combination thereof, including injury or damage to Users or to any other person's computer related to or resulting from participating or downloading materials in connection with the Web and/or in connection with the Service.
(m) 确保向暴力行为的所有女性受害者提供有效的法律帮助,以便她们能够 就法律诉讼和与家庭法有关的问题等事宜作出知情决定,并确保受害者获得对其 所伤害的公正和 有效的补救,包括必要时制定国家立法
( m ) Ensuring that effective legal assistance is available to all female victims of violence so that they can make informed decisions regarding, inter alia, legal proceedings and issues relating to family law, and also ensuring that victims have access to just and effective remedies for the harm that they have suffered, including through the adoption of national legislation where necessary




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