单词 | 八音盒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 八音盒—musical boxSee also:八音n—musicn 八音—(used in advertising instrumental tuition) 盒n—boxn casen casingn packn 盒—small box classifier for objects in a small box or case, such as cigarettes, chocolates, mooncakes, cassettes, CDs
学步 儿童已具备精巧运动技能,可操作手摇式八音盒,但上发条的他们不懂操作。 cpsc.gov | Toddlers have developed the fine-motor skills necessary to [...] operate a handcranked musicbox,butthey cannot [...]manipulate wind-up models. cpsc.gov |
此阶段的小孩也喜欢玩发条式八音盒、磁带、 唱片和 CD(另见《媒体类》之《音像设备》。 cpsc.gov | Children of this age [...] enjoy wind-upmusic boxes,tapes,records, and CDs (see also Media Play: Audiovisual [...]Equipment). cpsc.gov |
发条八音盒 cpsc.gov | Wind-upmusic boxes cpsc.gov |
学前儿童已具备玩发条式八音盒的精巧运动技能,但对于不同的八音盒,大人们须考虑其是否合适,因为有些产品很容易碎裂,比较适合大龄儿童使用。 cpsc.gov | Preschool children have the fine-motor skills necessary [...] to manipulate windup musicboxes,butadults must consider the appropriateness of individual music boxes as some are [...]fragile and more suitable for older children. cpsc.gov |
揭幕仪式开始时,主持人邀请主礼嘉宾上台,聚光灯一同凝聚于舞台上的巨型音乐盒,音乐盒上插着一把系着美高梅金色缎带的钥匙,主礼嘉宾携手解开缎带,钥匙随即转动而八音盒奏起动听旋律,此时,中央巨型圣诞树及四周的灯光随即亮起,漫天「雪花」悄然飘落,优雅的芭蕾舞铜像开始围绕圣诞树缓慢旋转,标志着「澳门美高梅梦幻圣诞」正式开幕!随后,着名唱作歌手方大同及薛凯琪倾情献唱,特意以爵士乐风格为美高梅的嘉宾及宾客献唱圣诞经典名曲 “Winter Wonderland”,悦耳动听,而是夜的演出亦是他们两人今年首次演唱圣诞歌曲,份外特别。 mgmmacau.com | Top Hong Kong vocalists Khalil Fong and Fiona Sit greeted guests with a Jazz version of classic Christmas song, “Winter Wonderland” as they slowly walked down the grand round stairway and onto the stage. Theduo expressed that this is the first time that they performed a Christmas song in the year 2011, and they have specifically put a Jazzy spin on the classic song for the guests at MGM MACAU. mgmmacau.com |
重复以上调整步骤,直到获得所需的八度音,然后拧 紧琴弦锁上的压脚螺丝(图4 F)。 ibanez.co.jp | Repeat these adjustments until [...] the requiredintonation is reached, and [...]then tighten the pressure pad screws (Fig. 4 F) in the locking nuts. ibanez.co.jp |
在抽样清点期间,委员 会清点了八个C9722A 墨盒。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the test counts, the [...] Board counted eightunitsof C9722Aprinter cartridges. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用 Wireless [...] Plus,您可以同时串流多达三部不同的高画质电影至三台装置,或是串流相片、音乐和文件到八台不同的装置。 seagate.com | With Wireless Plus you can stream up [...] to 3 different HD movies to three devices at the same time, or stream [...] photos,songs and documents toup to eight devices. seagate.com |
重复以上调整步 骤,直到获得所需的八度音,然后拧紧琴码锁定螺丝。 ibanez.co.jp | Repeat these adjustments until [...] the requiredintonation is reached, and [...]then tighten the saddle lock screws. ibanez.co.jp |
这些音乐曲风简单,但又不乏艺术性,有人说听起来像电影原声,也有人说让他们联想到出了故障的音乐盒。 shanghaibiennale.org | His simple yet artful compositions have been described as soundtracks for imaginary films, or reminiscent [...] of a broken-down musicbox. shanghaibiennale.org |
传统的电子IC音乐盒给人的感觉是电子味太浓,没有八音琴的韵味,新壹代HLEEDUO产品之所以是专利产品,受到国家知识産权保护,关键在于音质与传统音乐铃(八音琴)壹样,甚至更好,没有杂音,经典、优美,装在产品里没法区分开来,品味极高。 giftstoys.com | Gives the feeling of [...] traditional electronics IC Music Boxelectronic flavor is too strong, no serinette charm, the reason [...]why the new One [...]behalf of the HLEEDUO product is a patented product, by the national intellectual property protection, the key lies in the sound quality and traditional music bell (octave piano) One kind, or even better, there is no noise, classic, beautiful, loaded in the product can not be distinguished, high taste. giftstoys.com |
购买决定着可以在IndustryStock内分析例如音箱盒、扬声器盒的当前信息和工业、贸易范围内的150,000多种产品,以及关于制造商、贸易商、供货商和服务商的信息。 industrystock.cn | Purchase decision makers recommend the search in the special Business to Business directory detailed address data, contact [...] information and product categories by [...] IndustryStock after as Loudspeaker boxes in German, [...]English, Russian, Spanish, Polish and Chinese [...]and further for over 150,000 products of Industry and trade as well as on information on manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and service providers. industrystock.net |
因此,不论如何转动使用 BeoPlay A3,都能享受最棒的立体声音体验。 bang-olufsen.com | Now you always get the [...] best possible sound experience, [...]no matter how you turn your BeoPlay A3. bang-olufsen.com |
若因遗失Citibank信用卡同时遗失手袋,我们会赔偿您手袋、银包、钱包、笔、卡片盒、锁匙盒、'八达通'储值卡的按金及/或视力眼镜的损失。 citibank.com.hk | We shall cover the loss of your handbag, wallet, purse, pen, card [...] case, key case,'Octopus' stored value card [...]and/or optical glasses, in case your [...]handbag is lost together with Citibank credit card. citibank.com.hk |
壹只音乐铃(八音琴)可播放35首歌曲----圣诞、儿童、流行曲目均可;具备长、短时间控制;循环播放,跳动播放;音量大小调节;三基色LED灯随音乐变幻;带动马达随音乐开关;带LED灯顺闪、跳闪;触发恢复到初始状态;下壹步将进壹步开发上链式、拉绳式(玩具产品)开关触发带发条功能,使传统机芯与新壹代机芯更完美的结合。 giftstoys.com | Can the One only music bell (serinette) [...] play 35 songs ---- Christmas, children, popular tracks; possess long, short-term [...]control; looping, beating playback; volume control; the tricolor LED lamp with music changes; driven motor switch with the music; smoothly with LED lights flash, jump flash; trigger back to the initial state; The next step will be into the One Step development chain rope (toy products) switch trigger with clockwork more perfect combination of the traditional movement with the new Next-generation movement. giftstoys.com |
这些 标准现在只以书刊形式出版,但预计已经建立的八个标音法不久将在网上公布。 daccess-ods.un.org | The standards were currently published in hard copy only, but it was [...] envisaged that the eight transcription keys already [...]created would be posted online in due course. daccess-ods.un.org |
他1984年加入美高梅录音室音乐部担任音乐统筹 ,十八年来一直督导美高梅电视的所有音乐制作。 hkphil.org | He joined the Music Department of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios in 1984 as Music Coordinator, and for the next 18 years supervisedmusic for all MGM [...] television projects. hkphil.org |
与之前迭代不同的是,Investigator [...] 可数字换所有进入仪表主体的信号,允许同时测量所有相关时间和频率权重,以及1/1八度音阶或1/3八度音阶范围中的平行频谱测量。 bksv.cn | Unlike previous iterations, Investigator digitised all signals as they came into the body of the instrument, allowing simultaneous [...] measurement of all relevant time and frequency weightings and parallel [...] measurement of spectra in 1/1-octave or 1/3-octave bands. bksv.com |
Jabra GN1216 有八格麦克风音量设定,确保 Jabra 有线耳麦的音量不会太高或太低。 jabra.cn | Jabra GN1216features eightmicrophone volume settings [...] ensuring no Jabra corded headset is too high or too low. jabra.com |
使用 PULSE [...] 平台,通用电气医疗保健将能够进行 CPB、FFT、八度音阶分析和模态分析,以获得其动态行为的数学模型。 bksv.cn | Using the PULSE platform, GE Healthcare [...] performs CPB,FFT, octave analysis and modal [...]analysis on its products in order to [...]obtain a mathematical model of their dynamic behaviour. bksv.com |
纤薄、超紧凑的设计紧凑轻巧的设计、确保快速安装的一体化 USB 线缆管理以及旅行保护盒,为您的音频会议带来完美的解决方案。 jabra.cn | A slim and ultra-compact designGet the perfect solution for audio conferencing on demand with a compact and lightweight design, an integrated USB cable management for quick set-up and a protective travel case. jabra.com |
音乐图书馆成立於一九九三年,现时馆藏已超过三千八百张音乐镭射唱片,附设的音乐欣赏室录得大量的会员使用。 hksb.org.hk | The Music Appreciation Centre of the Library [...] was proved to be popular among members. hksb.org.hk |
除了本澳与深圳的演出团体,今年还邀请来自英国、法国、澳洲、巴西、葡国、新加坡、日本、香港、台湾等地的演出者,节目种类涵括:巡游、音乐环境剧场、媒体手作艺术、光绘影像、音乐剧场、黑盒剧场、音乐与装置、小丑与化学实验、展览、纪录片放映、绘本欣赏、学校巡回、行动与录像拍摄、互动说故事、人偶环境剧场、舞蹈剧场、社区导览及艺术旅游等,让艺术走入大街小巷,随处都有艺术的足迹。 yp.mo | A wide range of programmes, including the [...] parade, ambient theatre, [...] handcrafted media, music theatre, black box theatre, concert and installation, [...]clowning, chemical [...]experiment, exhibition, documentary film screening, picture book reading, campus tour, performance and video filming, interactive storytelling, puppet theatre, dance theatre, community tour and arts tourism, are available during the festival. yp.mo |
他的母亲,慈禧太后玛丽Feodorovna,访问巴黎,并给出了一个音乐盒和一条项链INSC。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | His mother, the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna, is visiting from [...] Paris and gives a music box and anecklace insc... seekcartoon.com |
BeoLab 11 引人入胜的设计,与传统的方形盒状超重低音扬声器大相迳庭,您绝对不会想把它隐藏起来。 bang-olufsen.com | The intriguing design of BeoLab 11 will make you want to put it on display, instead of [...] hiding it away like conventional boxy subwoofers. bang-olufsen.com |
你可以选择大小,按钮颜色或按钮图片颜色,选择任何 MP3 音乐文件格式盒语音位置:或者是包含音乐文件到播放器或使用一个外部文件,或设置一个链接到支持 MPEG 音频流格式的播放器。 evget.com | you can choose size, button color or button picture color, select any musicMP3 files and sound location: either to include the musicfile into the player or use an external file or set a link to radio with MPEG audio stream format supporting. evget.com |
他的母亲,慈禧太后玛丽Feodorovna,从巴黎访问,并给出了一个音乐盒和一条项链上刻有“一起在巴黎”作为临别礼物给她8岁的孙女,大公夫人阿纳斯塔西娅。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | His mother, the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna, is visiting from [...] Paris and gives a music box and anecklace [...]inscribed with the words “Together in [...]Paris” as parting gifts to her eight-year-old granddaughter, the Grand Duchess Anastasia. seekcartoon.com |