

单词 八疸身面黄

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

黄疸是肝脏问题或 肝炎的一个症状。
Jaundice is a sign of liver [...]
problems or hepatitis.
Hnin May Aung
[...] 的父亲也无法将一包补充食物和基本药物交给她,而她患黄疸病。
Her father was also unable to deliver a package of supplementary food and essential medication to Hnin May
[...] Aung, who suffers from jaundice.
八个人的藏身之处是在 最面两层的后宅部分。
The eight people in hiding live on the upper floors of this annexe.
还可通过血液循环转移至肝、肺、脑、骨骼、卵巢等处,从而出现腹水 黄疸 、 肝脏肿大等症状。
When it transfers to liver, lung, brain, bones and ovaries, etc., the patient may
[...] develop ascites, jaundice and swelling of liver.
应考虑扩展《世界行动纲领》, 纳入和/或提到原先版本未涵盖的主题领域,并考虑到《公约》列举的人权问题, 包括:第十二条,在法面前获 得平等承认;第十三条,获得司法保护;第十四 条,自由和人身安全;第十五条,免于酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或 处罚;第十六条,免于剥削、暴力和凌虐;第十七条,保护 身 完 整 性;第八 条,迁移自由和国籍;第十九条,独立生活和融入社区;第二十条,个人行动能 力;第二十一条,表达意见的自由和获得信息的机会;第二十二条,尊重隐私; 第二十三条,尊重家居和家庭;第二十九条,参与政治和公共生活。
Consideration should be given to the expansion of the World Programme of Action to
incorporate and/or reference
[...] thematic areas not covered in its original iteration, and taking into account the human rights issues enumerated in the Convention, including: article 12, Equal recognition before the law; article 13, Access to justice; article 14, Liberty and security of the person; article 15, Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; article 16, Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse; article 17, Protecting the integrity of [...]
the person; article 18,
Liberty of movement and nationality; article 19, Living independently and being included in the community; article 20, Personal mobility; article 21, Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information; article 22, Respect for privacy; article 23, Respect for home and the family; and article 29, Participation in political and public life.
黄疸:胆 石永久地生长于胆总管,使胆汁积聚于肝脏,流入血液。
Jaundice: Gallstone becomes [...]
permanently lodged in the main bile duct and bile backs up in the liver and spills into the blood.
此外,还需要内外科配合以处黄疸 、 疼 痛、体重丢失、胰腺功能不足,甚至抑郁和衰竭等。
In addition, it also needs to combine with internal medical
[...] treatment to cope with jaundice, pain, weight loss, [...]
and pancreatic insufficiency, and even
depression as well as organ failure.
当成人感染传染性单核细胞增多症后,淋巴结肿大和喉咙肿痛较少出现,而肝脏增大 黄疸 出 现 增多。
When they do, they tend to have less lymph node swelling and sore throat and
[...] more liver enlargement and jaundice.
原理上讲,气流经车间顶部的顶棉过滤后送下,应该绕经上方两个喷平行表面的喷漆口和 面八 个 喷 垂直表面的喷漆口,并继续向下经过被喷的 身 , 然 后穿过栅格地板,进入地下水槽排出。
The air is intended to flow down around the two overhead
bells that spray
[...] the horizontal surfaces, the eight sidebells for the vertical surfaces, the vehicle bodies themselves and [...]
through the gridded
floor to venture in the water table for exhaust.
委員提出多項改善建議,包 括要求八達通卡公司鼓勵市民使用自動增值服務及可確定卡 身 份 的八達通卡等。
Members put forward a number of suggestions, including requesting the OCL to encourage the use of
automatic add-value service and
[...] Personalized Octopus Card in which the identity of the cardholder [...]
was ascertainable, and so on.
对梗阻黄疸又不 能切除的胰腺癌,可选择胆囊或胆管空肠吻合术,以减 黄疸 , 提 高患者的生存质量。
As for patients
[...] with obstructive jaundice whose pancreatic cancer is not applicable to be resected, cholecystojejunostomy or cholangiojejunostomy can be chosen, so as to relieve jaundice and improve patient’s [...]
quality of life.
1.黄疸:胆 管癌患者早期典型症状不明显,大部分患者多因出 黄疸 而 就诊 , 黄疸 是 胆管癌最早也是最重要的症状,约有90%-98%的胆管癌患者都有不同程度的皮肤、巩膜黄染。
Jaundice: as bile duct cancer patients have no obvious typical symptoms and most of them won’t go to hospital until jaundice appears; jaundice is the earliest [...]
and most important
symptom of bile duct cancer, and it is said that 90-98% bile duct cancer patients have different degree of yellow dye to skin and sclera.
在这面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见八.8.), 显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数面积, 并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory
[...] Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, [...] [...]
distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
環境舞蹈「衣食住行」於2010年上海世博會期間在上海演出,好評如潮,為讓香港市民近距離接觸這種別開 面 的 表 演形式,並積極參與舞蹈當中,CCDC將於2011年二月將這齣極具震撼力的環境舞蹈帶回香港,於《藝綻公園》期間為三個公園 身 訂 造 八 場 免 費戶外演出。
Following the success of the performances during EXPO 2010 Shanghai, CCDC will bring DELT to Hong Kong audience during ArtAlive@Park in February 2011.
发动机刚熄火 汽车就被4个拿着铜 锣 手鼓和笛子的载歌载舞的乐手围住 陇木洞村今天很冷 湿气穿透了每一个人 的外套 很不舒适 然而 没有什么能阻 止中国湖南省武陵山区这个小村庄的乐手 们奏起传统音乐陪伴客人们来到村里的广 场 广场上早已架起了一面红色大鼓 一 位老人正在用硕大的鼓锤敲奏出舞龙的节 奏 6名男子抬着鲜艳的龙头面拖着5 米长黄相间的龙身 图3-38
Today, in the village of Longmudong with its 96 families, much of what has always been there has been conserved: music and dances, pipes and home-grown tobacco and, of course, the typical large, dark-brown, slate-roofed houses which, from afar, look as if they were nestling up to each other.
質樸的自訂面令琴面發出 懷舊的19世紀法國 面 的 光 澤。
Also, the rustic beauty of its Custom Polished Finish creates a gorgeous satin sheen reminiscent of the French polish of the 19th century.
呈现溶血、脂血黄疸特征 的血样也许不适合进行动脉血气分析(ABG),因为这些指标会影响结果。
Blood samples that show
[...] hemolysis, lipemia, or icterus may be unsuitable [...]
for arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) as these indices affect the results.
本病以目黄, 尿黄, 面掌身黄 ( 鮮黃或淡黄 ) 以及化驗檢查為診斷要點。
This disease will Eyes is yellow ,
[...] Urine is yellow , Face, palm and skin is also yellow ( Bright [...]
or greyish dark yellow ). as the main points of diagnosis
and also by Laboratory examination.
因为胆管癌很容易出现阻塞黄疸, 当 不能手术治疗时,胆管内支架植入后进行放疗(一般采用适形放疗)是不错的选择。
Bile duct cancer is not sensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy,
[...] because obstructive jaundice can be easily caused; [...]
if surgery is not applicable, stent
implantation inside bile duct for radiotherapy (usually the conformal radiotherapy) won’t be a bad choice.
[...] 过的“行动号召”强调,在贯彻执行全民教育计划、第五届国际成人教育会议的精神和身 学习政策面必须不断前进,但也表示担心全民教育可能变成除成人以外的全民教育。
The “Call to Action” adopted by the Sofia Conference as a policy commitment
stressed the need for
[...] continued progress on the implementation of EFA, CONFINTEA V and lifelong learning policies, [...]
but expressed also
the fear that EFA could come to mean education for all except for adults.
七九年英國政府以宗主國身份,將第㆒收容港政策強加諸香 身 ㆖ , 是「鑄成 大錯」八八年港 府實施開放營政策,是「㆒錯再錯」;到今㆝港府突然宣布釋放 125 名船民,且准許他們外出工作,更是「錯性難改」。
In 1979, Britain, as our sovereign state, forced on Hong Kong the policy of assuming the role of port of first
asylum, which was "a big
[...] mistake"; in 1988, the Hong Kong Government introduced the open camp policy, which was "a further mistake"; and today, [...]
the Government suddenly
announces that 125 boat people are to be released and in addition to that, they are allowed to go out to work, and this really is a "mistake beyond repentance".
由於沒有先例,無線衛星台在公佈計劃後,來自四 八面 的 壓 力接踵而來,當中包括政府中央選舉委員會的勸喻。
Since there was no precedent, after TVBS announced its plan, pressure came from different sides, including the urge from the government's Central Election Commission.
关于他身体另一方面话语 的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruously接踵而来一个灵魂封圣的身体和精神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿),而不是由于它在该州是它固有的联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。
On the other hand utterances of Severus which [...]
make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally necessitated
by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
無論如何,由於該公司在㆒八七 年改 變 身 份 , 成為香港電訊集團的成員,因此性質㆖已 變得更本㆞化。
With the company's change in status in 1987 to become a member of the Hong Kong Telecom group it has, in any case, acquired a more local character.
[...] 國貨;身為澳洲領事的,所說的是澳洲貨;身為中小企負責人,售賣這七八 種貨品的,所說的便是這八種貨品 ; 身 為 消 費者,慣常食用某牌子的橄欖 油,便只關心該牌子橄欖油的情況。
The American Consulate General has focused on American products; the Australian Consulate General has focused on Australian products; SME operators who sell seven to
eight food products have focused on
[...] those seven to eight food products; and consumers [...]
who are used to using a certain brand
of olive oil are only concerned about the situation of that particular brand of olive oil.
4.其他:胆管癌患者除了伴随黄疸 、 腹 痛等症状,还会出现诸如恶心、呕吐、消瘦、尿色深黄如酱油或浓茶样、大便色浅黄甚至呈陶土色等症状,晚期肿瘤溃破时,可出现胆道出血,黑便、大便隐血试验呈阳性,甚者可出现贫血等症状;有肝转移时可出现肝脏肿大、肝硬化等症状。
Other symptoms: besides the above mentioned symptoms, there are some
other symptoms like nausea and vomiting,
[...] weight loss, deep yellow urine like soy [...]
sauce or strong tea, light yellow stool shaped
like pot clay and so on; tumor may collapse in late stage, then bile duct bleeding shall be found and concealed blood test of stool or black stool is positive; this may even cause severe symptom like anaemia; patients with hepatic metastasis may suffer from liver enlargement, liver cirrhosis and so on.
不管怎么说,联合国教科文组织在当前情况下不可能 八面玲 珑”,因此有必要先明确各个方面的作用、任务与执行计划的责任,再排列优先顺序。
At any rate, UNESCO cannot in current circumstances be “all things to all people”, hence the need to clarify roles, tasks and programme delivery responsibilities and then prioritize between and among them.
该病能引发昏睡、厌食、血液肝酶水平升高 黄疸 、 发 热、失明和昏迷,该病常常在马场使用预防措施——向暴露在某些毒素和病源的马注射免疫血清——后发病。
For nearly a century, the cause of Theiler disease has remained a mystery. The disease, which can trigger
lethargy, anorexia, elevated blood levels
[...] of liver enzymes, jaundice, fever, blindness, [...]
and coma, often follows a prophylactic
measure used on some horse farms-the administration of immune serum to horses exposed to certain toxins and pathogens.
而根據港鐵公司提供的資料,在過去3年, 乘搭落馬洲支線過境並使用註有學 身 份 的個 人 八 達 通 卡 的乘客數字,於平日早上6時至9時,即大部分學生上學的 [...]
According to the information provided by the MTRCL, over the past three years,
fewer than 100 passengers a day use
[...] personalized Octopus cards with student status to travel [...]
to Hong Kong via Lok Ma Chau Station
between 6 am and 9 am on a weekday (the time when most students go to school).
世服宏图是澳大利亚的骄傲,澳大利亚、新西兰、亚洲、美国,欧洲、中东的 22 个国家的120 处黄金商务地址任您选租,其中悉尼
[...] CBD,邦迪汇,北悉尼,诺西工商业园区,北怀德以及巴拉玛特等区是我们 八 大 黄 金 商 务地址。
A proudly Australian owned company and the world's leading provider, offers over 120 locations in 22 countries throughout Australia and New
Zealand, Asia, the USA, Europe and the Middle
[...] East—including eight premier locations [...]
in Sydney's CBD, Bondi Junction, North Sydney,
Norwest Business Park, North Ryde and Parramatta.




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