

单词 八宝山革命公墓

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

这幅版画成为 1844 年《劳雷山公墓指南》的卷首插画。
The lithograph appeared as the frontispiece in the
[...] Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery in 1844.
教科文组织为正在进行的教育部门 革 做 出 了宝 贵贡 献,而且在教育发展伙伴组的范围内,该机构被认为是这一领域的领导机构。
UNESCO’s contributions in the
[...] ongoing education sector reform are valued and, within [...]
the Development Partners Group (DPG)
on education, the agency is seen as a leader in this area.
公墓管理 机 构必须提供关于遗骸具体位置的信息,负责标记坟墓并确保进行合理维修。
The cemetery administration is [...]
required to provide information on the exact location of the remains and is responsible for
marking the grave and ensuring reasonable upkeep.
在 符合《基本法》第四十八(五)條的規定下,行政長官如 覺 得有 充 分因由,可憑 藉《基本法》第四八(七)條並按 命 令 及 《規例》將 任公務人員革職或 暫時停職,或 按照本命令及《規例》採取他認為適宜 的其 他紀律行動 。
Subject to article 48(5) of the Basic Law, the Chief Executive may by virtue of article 48(7) of the Basic Law, upon sufficient cause to him appearing, dismiss or suspend from the exercise of his office any public servant or take such other disciplinary action, in accordance with this Order and regulations as may seem to him desirable.
有诞生中国共产党的中共一大会址; 革命 先 行 者孙 山 先 生 故居;有一代伟人毛泽东、周恩来同志寓所;有文化巨匠鲁迅先生的故居等。
For example, the Site of the First National Congress of the CCP and a lot of leading figures” (Sun Yatsen, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Lu Xun, etc) former houses.
舉例來說,在㆒九九㆕年六月,由於㆝氣惡劣及發生嚴重交通意外, 令葵青區出現嚴重的交通擠塞情況,當局遂提供來往青衣與荃灣之間的穿梭 渡輪服務;同八月,由於發山泥 傾 瀉,以致鴨 洲大橋須局部封閉,小公司便特別調派渡輪至鴨 洲。
For example, in June last year, special ferry shuttle services were provided between Tsing Yi and Tsuen Wan because of serious traffic congestion in Kwai Tsing District caused by a combination of poor weather and bad traffic accidents, and in August last year, special ferries were deployed to Ap Lei Chau because of the partial closure of the Ap Lei Chau Bridge caused by a landslip.
公司宝钢是生产量排名世界第三的钢铁生产商。 82 宝山于 2000 年在上交所(SSE: 600019)工业板块上市(证监会分类为金属制造业)。
Baosteel is the world’s
[...] third largest steel producer by production.82 Baoshan listed on the SSE (SSE: 600019) material sector [...]
(manufacturing-metal of CSRC) in 2000.
本报告所述期 间印发的出版物包括:2006 年关于富钴结壳和山动物 群分布形态多样性的研讨 会会议记录,2003 年关于建立赤道以北太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿断裂带多金属 结核资源地质模形的研讨会会议记录,以及国际海底管理局《技术研究》第 4 号: “有关《联合国海洋公约》第八十 二 条执行情况的问题”。
Publications issued during the period covered by the present report include the proceedings of the March 2006 international Workshop on Cobalt-rich Crusts and the Diversity of Distribution Patterns of
Seamount Fauna, the proceedings of the May
[...] 2003 Workshop on the Establishment of a Geological Model of Polymetallic Nodule Resources in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) of the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean, and ISA Technical Study No. 4, entitled “Issues associated with the implementation of article 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”.
公司建議沙田至中環線分 兩個階段通車,大 圍至鑽山段在二零八 年 三 月 通車,其餘部分則在二零零八 年十月通車。
KCRC proposes to open
[...] the SCL in two phases, the section between Tai Wai and Diamond Hill in March 2008 and the rest in October 2008.
除上述规定之外,第 413
[...] 号决定大大扩展了该名单的范围,包括参与伊朗核 活动的人员和实体、伊斯革命卫队 与伊朗伊斯兰共和国航 公 司 的 其他高层成 员和实体以及为其所有、受其控制或为其活动的实体(第 [...]
20.1.b 条)。
In addition to these provisions, decision 413 adds to this list significantly, including the names of individuals and entities involved in nuclear activities in Iran, as well as
other high-level
[...] members and entities of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Islamic Republic [...]
of Iran Shipping
Lines and entities which belong to them, are under their control or are acting for them (article 20.1.b).
维持和平行动特别委员会在关于其 2010 年实质性会议的报告(A/64/19)中
[...] 强调,它很重视外地维和人员的安全和保障,严重关切由于医务人员的疏忽和不 称职所造成宝贵生命的丧失。
In its report on its 2010 substantive session (A/64/19), the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations underlined the importance it places on the safety and security of peacekeepers in the field and
expressed grave concern about the loss
[...] of precious human lives as a result of the [...]
negligence and incompetence of medical staff.
实现林依晨救了他命,埃里克七 八 舌 地吻她,但太阳 山 , 林 依晨变换成一条美人鱼。
Realizing that Ariel had saved his life, Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid.
谨随信转递耶路撒冷和以色列 45 位知名巴勒斯坦人士(包括基督教和伊斯兰
教人士、政界人士、工商界人士和民间社会活动家)写给联合国人权事务高级专 员纳瓦尼特姆·皮莱和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)总干事伊琳
[...] 娜·博科娃的信和相关文件,其中促请她们采取行动,阻止以色列政府继续摧毁 位于耶路撒冷的马曼·阿公墓(见附 件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith relevant documents along with letters written by 45 prominent Palestinians from Jerusalem and Israel, including Christian and Muslim figures, politicians, businesspeople and civil society activists, addressed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Irina Bokova, urging that they
take action to stop the continued destruction
[...] of Ma’man Allah Cemetery in Jerusalem by the [...]
Israeli Government (see annex).
年官方调查委员会对被绑架和失踪人员 命 运 进 行机密调查的结果以及有 关贝鲁特两个万人坑: Ashrafieh 地区的圣狄米崔公墓和Horsh 贝鲁特的烈公墓的调查资料。
In October/November 2009, the authorities had been required by a court order to provide confidential findings of investigations conducted by the Official
Commission of
[...] Investigation into the Fate of the Abducted and Disappeared Persons in 2000 and information relating to two mass graves in Beirut: the St Demetrious Cemetery in Ashrafieh and the Martyrs’ Cemetery in Horsh Beirut.
政府當局告知事務委員會,邊境禁區其 中一些地方不適宜作發展用途,例如西面位於米埔附近的濕地、各墓地和山林地帶。
The Administration informed the Panel that some parts
of the FCA, such as the Wetland near Mai Po
[...] in the west, burial grounds and hilly area, were unsuitable [...]
for development.
2011 年 5 月在 考山谷,哥伦比革命武装 力量——人民军利用一所学校为屏障攻击哥伦比亚 军队并在那里留下一个雷区,导致该校被迫停课 6 个多月。
In May 2011, in Valle del Cauca, FARC-EP used a school as a shield in order to attack [...]
Colombian military forces and left
a minefield that forced the suspension of classes for over six months.
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表竟然把讨论安全理 事会革问题的这宝贵机 会作为对日本进行公 平指控的一个场所,实在令人遗憾。
It is regrettable that the representative of the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea
[...] should use this valuable opportunity for discussing the issue of Security Council reform as a platform for [...]
promoting unfair allegations against Japan.
我回顾,全体阿拉伯人都知道和读过叙利亚的阿 拉伯诗人尼扎尔·卡巴尼的作品,他在去世前几年的
[...] 一首非常著名的诗中想象、甚或预见这样一种景象和 聚会,这首诗是这样开始的:“大马 革 , 我 梦中宝藏,我要向你哀叹阿拉伯主义,还是向你哀叹我的 [...]
I recall that the Syrian Arab poet Nizar Qabbani, who is known and read by all Arabs, imagined, if not predicted, such a scenario and meeting
years before his death in a very famous
[...] poem that begins: “Damascus, the treasure of my dreams, [...]
shall I bemoan to you Arabism
or bemoan my fellow Arabs to you?
宝山钢铁 还表示,如果上交所开始要公司加大对其海 外支付情况的披露力度,那么公司将会按规定 对相关项目进行公布。
Baoshan Iron and Steel said that if the SSE starts requiring companies [...]
to increase disclosure on overseas payments, the company would report on these items.
革命期间 大水池没有得到保养修缮,因此1817年建筑师迪富尔(Dufour)在路易 八 的 命 令 下 把它拆了,并修建了国王花园以作替代,这是一个封闭的英式风格花园,园内种植着上佳的树种,但是很大一部分在1999年的暴风雨中被摧毁了。
Completely neglected during the Revolutionary years, it was redesigned on the order of Louis XVIII in 1817, when the architect Dufour [...]
laid out the King’s
Garden, an enclosed garden laid out in the English style, planted with superb tree species most of which, unfortunately, were blown down in the great storm of 1999.
2 月 4 日,在 Hamul 山谷(12 月 25 日在山谷发现八枚火 箭)的搜索行动中, 一支联黎部队巡逻队发现了五枚带有外壳的火箭,这些火箭在地上码成一小堆, 藏匿矮树丛中,位于纳古拉东北约 公 里 处
On 4 February, during a search operation of Wadi Hamul —
[...] the valley where the eight rockets were found on 25 December — a UNIFIL patrol discovered five rockets in their casings that were placed in a small stack on the ground and hidden among bushes, approximately five kilometres north-east [...]
of Naqoura.
主席先生,如果英國決意發展代議政制,正如在㆒ 八 ㆕ 年 就憲制 革 發 表 的綠皮書及 白皮書所承諾,並且沒有因為㆗國的批評而改變立場;如果六㆕㆝安門事件沒有發生;如 [...]
果英國真正在香港推行兩局共識方案,而不只是「空口講白話」;如果英國對香港㆟所許㆘ 加快民主步伐的承諾貫徹始終,而不是猶豫不決,更不是傾向爭取像外相韓達德㆒貫所認 為的頭獎,即尋求與㆗國達成共識(結果現在要為經濟理由而取悅㆗國);如果英國與㆗國
之間沒有秘密函件,把香港㆟蒙在鼓裏,使香港㆟的信心像「搖搖」般起落不定,那麼香 港㆟現時便會處於更佳的境況,並有條件活得更好及有更光明的前景。
Mr President, if Britain were determined to move on a course of development of representative government as promised by their 1984 Green and White
[...] Papers on constitutional reform and not changed its stance [...]
because of
China’s criticism; if the June 4 Tiananmen incident had not happened; if Britain truly pushed the OMELCO consensus for Hong Kong and not just providing lip service; if Britain had been consistent and not wavering from promising Hong Kong people to push for a faster pace of democracy and yet moving towards achieving what the Foreign Secretary Douglas HURD has consistently considered as a first prize, which is to strive for a consensus with China and finally now, to appease China for economic reasons; if Britain did not have any secret letters with China, which has kept Hong Kong people in the dark and suspended Hong Kong people’s confidence like a yo-yo, then Hong Kong would be in a better position now, a better position to live in and prosper for the future.
在辛革命後,孫中山先生 覺悟到用軍事政變是行不通的,因為 軍事政變會造成軍閥,或是要跟軍閥打交道而受盡凌辱。
After the Xinhai Revolution, Dr SUN Yat-sen realized [...]
that military coups would not work because military coups would give
rise to warlords, or he had to socialize with the warlords and be humiliated.
教育界應該向學生 教授這段可歌可泣的歷史,繼承孫 山 先 生 和 革命 先 烈 的遺志。
The education sector should teach students about this
commendable period of history, and adhere to the unfulfilled aspiration of
[...] Dr SUN Yat-sen and the revolutionary vanguards.
奉我国政府指示,谨转递阿根廷共和国就位于马尔维纳斯群岛达尔 公墓的 1 982 年冲突中阵亡阿根廷士兵纪念碑遭到亵渎一事,给大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 王国的抗议信(见附件)。
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the letter of protest which the Government of the Argentine Republic has submitted to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in response to the desecration of the monument to the Argentine soldiers who fell in the 1982 conflict, located at the Darwin cemetery, Malvinas Islands (see annex).
宝山钢铁在年报公布了 其境外子公司的相关信息,包括设立在美国、日本、德国、 新加坡、香港和巴西等国家和地区的所有子公司的注册地、注册资本和经营范围。
Location, registered capital asset, and business scope information was available for each subsidiary in the United States, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong and Brazil.
在先 前那封信中,我们附上了“对以色列侵犯人权行为采取紧急行动:关于亵渎耶路 撒冷圣城 Ma'man Allah(Mamilla)公墓”的 请愿。提出请愿者是其祖先安葬于马 曼·阿公墓的一 些巴勒斯坦人以及巴勒斯坦、以色列和美国反对在葬有穆斯林 死者遗骸公墓上建立所谓“人类尊严中心和宽容博物馆”的其他一些非政府组织。
The present letter is in follow up to our letter dated 9 April 2010 (A/ES-10/486-S/2010/184), in which we enclosed the petition “Urgent action on human rights
violations by Israel:
[...] Desecration of the Ma’man Allah (Mamilla) Muslim Cemetery in the Holy City of Jerusalem”, filed by Palestinian individuals whose ancestors are buried at Ma’man Allah Cemetery in addition to several other NGOs from Palestine, [...]
Israel and the United
States that oppose the establishment of so called Centre for Human Dignity and Museum of Tolerance on the human remains of the dead Muslims buried in the Cemetery.
新《宪法》包含的一些其他主要积极 革 是 : 限制总统任期次数,取消竞选 总统的性别限制,确保行政、立法和司法权力的有效分权,创建一个新最高法 院,引入政党,以及议会对重公共 任 命 实 行 监督。
Some of the other
[...] major positive reforms included in the new Constitution are: limiting the number of Presidential terms, removing the gender bar on running for presidency, ensuring an effective separation of powers between the executive, legislature and judiciary, creating a new Supreme Court, and introducing political parties and parliamentary oversight for important public appointments.
c) 2007 年 4 月 11 日通过了乌兹别克斯坦共和国《关于加强政党在国家行 政革和进 一步民主化以及国家现代化中的作用的宪法性法律》,形成了党对执 行权力机关高公职人员的命进行 监督的程序,并通过了乌兹别克斯坦共和国 《非商业性非政府组织活动保障法》,提供国家以社会服务采购、赠款和补贴形 式支持非商业性非政府组织的可能性。
(c) The following legislative acts were adopted: the Act on Strengthening the Role of Political Parties in the Renewal and Further Democratization of Governance and in the Modernization of Uzbekistan, of 11 April 2007, set up procedures whereby political parties can monitor appointments to the highest positions in the executive branch; and the Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations (Safeguards) Act, under which NGOs are eligible for State aid in the form of procurement of services, grants and subsidies.




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