单词 | 八宝山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 八宝山 —Mt Babao in Haidian district of BeijingExamples:八宝山革命公墓—Mt Babao Revolutionary Cemetery in Haidian district of Beijing See also:八宝—eight treasures 八 num—eight num 八—8 宝山—Baoshang District of Shanghai
克勒女士在提供了八年 的出色和宝贵服务之后即将离任,我们要特别向她表 示敬意。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ms. Koehler, who is [...] stepping down after eight years of excellent and invaluable service, [...]deserves special tribute. daccess-ods.un.org |
其母公司宝钢是生产量排名世界第三的钢铁生产商。 82 宝山于 2000 年在上交所(SSE: 600019)工业板块上市(证监会分类为金属制造业)。 eisourcebook.org | Baosteel is the world’s third largest steel producer by [...] production.82 Baoshan listed on the [...]SSE (SSE: 600019) material sector (manufacturing-metal of CSRC) in 2000. eisourcebook.org |
82 宝山钢铁于2000年在上交所(SSE: 600019)工业板 块上市(证监会分类为金属制造业)。 syntao.com | Baosteel is the world’s third largest steel producer by [...] production.82 Baoshan listed on the [...]SSE (SSE: 600019) material sector (manufacturing-metal of CSRC) in 2000. syntao.com |
那些几乎不眠的雄性斑胸滨鹬,至少会生 育 八 个 斑 胸滨 鹬 宝宝 , 而 那些多达55%的时间都在睡觉的斑胸滨鹬,幸运的话,会生育有一个孩子。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Males that got almost no sleep [...] fathered at least eight baby sandpipers, while those that slept [...]for up to 55% of the time were [...]lucky to father one, the team reports online today in Science. chinese.eurekalert.org |
九鐵公司建議沙田至中環線分 兩個階段通車,大 圍至鑽石山段在二零零八 年 三 月 通車,其餘部分則在二零零八 年十月通車。 legco.gov.hk | KCRC proposes to open the SCL in two phases, the section [...] between Tai Wai and Diamond Hill in March 2008 and the [...]rest in October 2008. legco.gov.hk |
舉例來說,在㆒九九㆕年六月,由於㆝氣惡劣及發生嚴重交通意外, 令葵青區出現嚴重的交通擠塞情況,當局遂提供來往青衣與荃灣之間的穿梭 渡輪服務;同年八月,由於發生山泥 傾 瀉,以致鴨 洲大橋須局部封閉,小 輪公司便特別調派渡輪至鴨 洲。 legco.gov.hk | For example, in June last year, special ferry shuttle services were provided between Tsing Yi and Tsuen Wan because of serious traffic congestion in Kwai Tsing District caused by a combination of poor weather and bad traffic accidents, and in August last year, special ferries were deployed to Ap Lei Chau because of the partial closure of the Ap Lei Chau Bridge caused by a landslip. legco.gov.hk |
宝山钢铁 还表示,如果上交所开始要求公司加大对其海 [...] 外支付情况的披露力度,那么公司将会按规定 对相关项目进行公布。 syntao.com | Baoshan Iron and Steel said [...] that if the SSE starts requiring companies to increase disclosure on overseas payments, the [...]company would report on these items. syntao.com |
至于宝钢子公司在海外的业务,宝山 表 示 其报告是符合目前上交所的披露规定的。 eisourcebook.org | Regarding the activities of its subsidiaries abroad, the company said that its reporting meets the current disclosure requirements set by the SSE. eisourcebook.org |
另一處我也去過的,是位於湖南張家界的武陵源風景名勝區,該處有三 千多座形狀奇異的山峰,八百多 條溪澗,也有岩溶洞穴、瀑布羣,並有天然 森林,包括 22 種的國家一級及二級保護植物,以及 28 種一級保護動物。 legco.gov.hk | There are over 3 000 peaks of various odd shapes, over 800 streams, as well as Karst grottos, waterfalls and natural forests, 22 species of plants under first-grade and second-grade state protection and 28 species of animal under first-grade state protection. legco.gov.hk |
目前,总共有四 家公司进行了反馈,包括中国石化、兖州煤业 、宝 山钢铁和中煤能源。 syntao.com | A summary of the responses from Sinopec, Yanzhou Coal, Boashan Iron and Steel and China Coal Energy are included in boxes within the respective company sections below. syntao.com |
使用于液晶面板或LED的生产的锑、铟等,至今为止不常听到的稀有金属从中国大陆以大气沉降物的形式飞来,其积累率在这30年间急速增加,这一事实是 由 八 幡 平 山 岳 湖沼的湖底堆积物分析而得来的。 tohoku.ac.jp | The analysis of alpine lake sediments in the [...] mountains of the Hachimantai have revealed [...]that the accumulation rate of these metals [...]is rapidly increasing in the past 30 years. tohoku.ac.jp |
舉例來說,本年八月,在飛鵝山發生 了意外死亡事 件後,當局已在該處設置警告牌。 legco.gov.hk | This was done after a [...] fatal accident on Fei Ngor Shan in August this year, for [...]example. legco.gov.hk |
宝山钢铁 在年报中公布了其境外子公司的相关信息,包括设立在美国、日本、德国、 新加坡、香港和巴西等国家和地区的所有子公司的注册地、注册资本和经营范围。 eisourcebook.org | Location, registered capital asset, and business scope information was available for each subsidiary in the United States, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong and Brazil. eisourcebook.org |
登山寶訓’記載的‘八福’ ,其中兩次提到 ‘義 ’。 legco.gov.hk | In the 'eight blessings' recorded in the Sermon on the Mount, 'righteousness' [...] is mentioned twice. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 於二零零六年一月十八日,安莉芳山 東 於 中國成立為外資獨資企業,註 冊資本為10,000,000美元,其中2,007,180.97美元於二零零六年三月六日 由本集團支付。 embryform.com | (b) on 18 January 2006, Embry SD was established in the PRC as a wholly foreign owned enterprise with a registered capital of US$10,000,000 of which US$2,007,180.97 was paid up by the Group as at 6 March 2006. embryform.com |
适用:酸奶杯、珍珠奶茶、果汁杯、果冻 、 八宝 粥 、 豆浆、凉茶、快餐汤杯等的封口膜。 st3d.com | Suitable:Acidophilus milk cup,Pearl milk cup,Juice cup,Jelly,Soya-bean milk cup,Herbal tea cup ,Fast food soup cup and so on . st3d.com |
宝山钢铁表示,由于所有境外采掘业务均由其 母公司宝钢集团开展,上市公司并不负责披露 [...] 其母公司所付税款的情况。 syntao.com | Baoshan Iron and Steel stated [...] that, because all overseas extractive operations are carried out by the parent group, Baosteel [...]Group, it is not the responsibility of the listed company to report on taxes paid by the group. syntao.com |
1958年,江苏省的嘉定、宝山、上 海、松江、金山、川沙、南汇、奉贤、青浦、崇明10个县划归上海,使上海市的辖区范围扩大到5910平方公里,几乎是解放初期的10倍。 shanghaibiennale.org | In 1958, ten [...] districts (Jiading, Baoshan, Shanghai, Songjiang, Jinshan, Chuansha, [...]Nanhui, Fengxian, Qingpu, Chongming, all [...]in Jiangsu province) were joined to form Shanghai resulting in an area of 5,910 square kilometers, almost ten times bigger than in 1949. shanghaibiennale.org |
中國香港攀山及攀登總會將於四月二 十 八 日 安 排攀 包 山 及 防 墮安全訓練。 forum.gov.hk | The China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union will provide selected applicants [...] with safety training sessions on [...]bun tower climbing and prevention of falling on April 28. forum.gov.hk |
2 月 4 日,在 Hamul 山谷(12 月 25 日在该山谷发现八枚火 箭)的搜索行动中, 一支联黎部队巡逻队发现了五枚带有外壳的火箭,这些火箭在地上码成一小堆, [...] 藏匿矮树丛中,位于纳古拉东北约五公里处。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 4 February, during a search operation [...] of Wadi Hamul — the valley where the eight rockets were found [...]on 25 December — a UNIFIL [...]patrol discovered five rockets in their casings that were placed in a small stack on the ground and hidden among bushes, approximately five kilometres north-east of Naqoura. daccess-ods.un.org |
在月饼的种类搭配上,“馨月香”、“月满宫”、 “ 八宝 汇 ” 和“群星聚”四款“香传”系列月饼礼盒内含多种口味,令人应接不暇,以“群星聚”礼盒为例,12块月饼就有12种不同口味。 shangri-la.com | Combining embroidered satin and classical elements, the China Grand, one of the four kinds of gift box available, is designed as a drawer and features Chinese scenery, and the moon cakes are baked using a combination of Chinese traditional and modern techniques. shangri-la.com |
(1) 從劉先生提供的圖 AP-2 可見,上訴地點位於八仙嶺山麓上 的一個林木區,毗鄰八仙嶺郊野公園(近至 [...] 25 米 ),周圍是 山丘、林地及雜草叢生的休耕農地。 devb.gov.hk | (1) The Site is situated in a woodland [...] area on the upper foothills of Pat Sin Leng and [...]in close proximity (as close as 25 metres) to Pat Sin Leng Country Park, and surrounded [...]by hills, woodland and fallow agricultural land covered with grass as shown in Plan AP-2 produced by Mr. Lau. devb.gov.hk |
塔吉克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源, 特别是水、水力发电和一些矿物,包括金、银 、 宝 石 和 铀。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The country is rich in natural resources, significantly water, hydropower, and some minerals [...] including gold, silver, precious stones and uranium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
當日,除了有「香港人力資源管理學會」代表講解就業市場的概況外,我們更邀請到2009年香港十大傑出青年張潤衡先生(19 96 年 八 仙 嶺 山 火 意 外生還者),與青少年分享他逆境成長經驗;以及電訊盈科有限公司旗下香港電訊有限公司代表介紹職位空缺及就業前景。 yes.labour.gov.hk | Apart from briefing by representative of HKIHRM on labour market information, we have invited Mr. Stanley Cheung Yun-hang, one of the Hong Kong Ten [...] Outstanding Young Persons 2009 [...] (survivor of the Pat Sin Leng Country Park Hillfire accident [...]in 1996) to share with young [...]people his life experience under adversity, and representatives from HKT of PCCW Limited to introduce the job vacancies of the company and career prospects. yes.labour.gov.hk |
各位部长强调,海洋和海岸提供支助人类 的 宝 贵 资 源和服务,可持续利用 海洋生物资源也将增强全球的粮食安全以及提高今世后代适应气候变化的能 [...] 力;他们进一步强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以应对海洋和海岸造成的气候 相关影响,包括通过加强能力建设、促进科学监测活动以及宣传实现海岸和海 [...]洋综合管理的无害环境政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers emphasized that oceans and [...] coasts provide valuable resources and [...]services to support humankind and that the [...]sustainable use of marine living resource will enhance global food security and increase resilience to climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the need to develop comprehensive adaption measure to address climate related impacts on oceans and coasts, including through greater capacity building, enhanced scientific monitoring activities and to promote environmentally sound policies for integrated coastal and ocean management. daccess-ods.un.org |
如今,它们仍然沉睡在埃及亚历山大 沿 海六 至 八 米 深 的水下。一支考古队为保 护这个遗迹,在亚历山大研究中心(CEAlex)的支持下,于 [...] 1994 年开始工作,迄今已对法老、托勒密 和古罗马等各时期相互重叠的 3,000 多件文物(雕像、狮身人面像、柱石和块石)进行了分类。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An archaeological mission to save the ruins, [...] begun in 1994 under the aegis of [...] the Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines (CEAlex), has so far [...]classified over 3,000 objects (statuary, [...]sphinxes, columns and blocks) superposed from different periods – Pharaonic, Ptolemaic and Roman. unesdoc.unesco.org |
战后的北杜市,以八岳山南麓 为中心由故的保罗・瑠朱(Paul Rusch)博士和美国市民的国际协力,推进了以奶酪畜牧业和高原蔬菜的模范农村的形成,成为从北海道到九州全国的高冷地农村复兴的榜样。 hokuto-kanko.jp | In postwar Hokuto City, international cooperation by the late Dr. Paul Rusch and other Americans pursued the creation of model farming villages engaging in dairy farming and highland vegetables, mainly on the southern slope of Mt. hokuto-kanko.jp |
大会在题为“巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会”的第 65/13 号决议中, [...] 感谢巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会为完成大会交给它的任务做出努力, [...] 表示注意到委员会年度报告(A/65/35),包括报告第七章中的结论 和 宝 贵 建 议; 请委员会继续尽全力促进实现巴勒斯坦人民的不可剥夺权利,支持中东和平进 [...] 程,动员国际社会支持和援助巴勒斯坦人民,授权委员会根据事态发展,对它的 [...] 核定工作方案作出它认为必要的适当调整,并就此向大会第六十六届会议及其后 各届会议提出报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its resolution 65/13, entitled “Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People”, the General Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for its efforts in performing the tasks assigned to it by the Assembly and took note of its [...] annual report (A/65/35), including the [...] conclusions and valuable recommendations [...]contained in chapter VII thereof, requested [...]it to continue to exert all efforts to promote the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, to support the Middle East peace process and to mobilize international support for and assistance to the Palestinian people and authorized it to make such adjustments in its approved programme of work as it might consider appropriate and necessary in the light of developments and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session and thereafter. daccess-ods.un.org |
其研究结果呼吁对社会科学能力建设进行长期投资, 指出了世界各地研究能力的差距,并确定了一项新的全球议程,以促进社会科学作为推动实 现包括千年发展目标在内的所有国际商定发展目标的一 项 宝 贵 工 具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Its findings call for long-term investment in social science capacitybuilding and point to disparities in research capacities in the world and set a new global agenda to promote social sciences as an invaluable tool for the advancement of all Internationally Agreed Development Goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). unesdoc.unesco.org |
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,2011 年以后这一员额将不再有资金,但有关 职能(见 [...] A/66/6(Sect.3),第 3.80 段)被证明在加强联合国在以色列的外联的有 效性方面非常宝贵, 继续需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that funding would no longer be available beyond 2011 for this post, but that the [...] functions (see A/66/6 (Sect. 3), [...] para. 3.80) had proven invaluable in strengthening the [...]effectiveness of United Nations outreach [...]in Israel and would continue to be required. daccess-ods.un.org |