

单词 八倍体

See also:


eight num


times (multiplier)
(two, three etc) -fold
increase or multiply

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 存在显著的长期增长趋势,因为 2010 年的缉获水平是 2006 年(125 吨)八倍 多。
Nevertheless, the aggregate quantity denotes a notable long-term increase, as the level in 2010
[...] was more than eight times that in 2006 (125 tons).
正如 2010
[...] 年全球监测报告所示,教科文组织及其合作伙伴应为最难以普及到的 体加 倍努力
As the 2010 GMR demonstrates, UNESCO and its partners
[...] are expected to redouble efforts in favour [...]
of the hardest-to-reach.
根據這個方案,整個項 目的地積比率,從當時規劃大綱核准 八倍 降 低 至不超過四點五倍。
Under this approach, the plot ratio of the whole project was reduced from 8 as permitted under the
[...] Planning Brief to not more than 4.5.
回看1980年,我們當時投放在社 會福利的資源只有8億元,但今天已達397億元,上升了四 八倍。
The resources we put on social welfare
[...] has increased by 48 times from $800 million [...]
in 1980 to $39.7 billion today.
瓦哈卡州(15.4%)、格雷罗州(18.4%)和 恰帕斯州(18.9%)的文盲率水平要比边缘化程度较低的 体 : 新 莱昂州(2.3%)、 联邦区(2.4%)和下加利福尼亚州(2.8%)的水平高 八倍 多。
Oaxaca (15.4 per cent), Guerrero (18.4 per cent) and Chiapas (18.9 per cent) have illiteracy levels that are more
than eight
[...] times higher than those which are encountered in the entities with the lowest marginalization, such as Nuevo León [...]
(2.3 per cent),
the Federal District (2.4 per cent) and Baja California (2.8 per cent).
当务之急是,我们应倍作出集体 努力 ,如我的印度尼西亚同事提到的那样,促进不同 文明和文化之间的对话与宽容并遏止对宗教的蔑视 [...]
It is imperative that we redouble our collective efforts to promote [...]
dialogue and tolerance among civilizations and cultures
— as was mentioned by my colleague from Indonesia — and to counter disrespect for and defamation of religions.
确认自 2001 年《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》和 2006
[...] 艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》发表以来,全世界为遏制全球艾滋病毒疫情 作出了前所未有的努力体现为 提供的资金增 八倍 以 上 ,从 2001 年的 18 亿美 元增至 2010 年的 160 [...]
Recognize that the worldwide commitment to the global HIV epidemic has been unprecedented since the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006
Political Declaration on
[...] HIV/AIDS, represented by an over eight-fold increase in funding from [...]
1.8 billion United States dollars
in 2001 to 16 billion dollars in 2010, the largest amount dedicated to combating a single disease in history
(iv) 通过组织了加勒比幼儿政策论坛(2006 年 3 月牙买加,主要伙伴为儿童基
金会、美洲开发银行、加共体和冯·李尔基金会),在金斯顿(牙买加)组 织了
[...] 2007 年全球监测报告在加勒比地区的启动,该报告着重于幼儿教育和 保育(这是一个重大的体事件,通 八 个 其他加勒比海国家的视频会议进 行转播,同时还在金斯顿的重要广播电视台进行了访谈);为加共体秘书处 [...]
2007 年由教 育部长批准。
(iv) heightening attention to the quality of early childhood education by organizing a Caribbean Early Childhood Policy Forum (March 2006, in Jamaica, with the main partners being UNICEF, InterAmerican Development Bank, CARICOM, and the Van Leer Foundation); organizing in Kingston (Jamaica) the Caribbean launch of the Global Monitoring Report 2007, which focuses on early childhood
education and care
[...] (this was a major media event which was retransmitted via videoconference in eight other Caribbean [...]
countries, along with
interviews on major radio and television stations in Kingston); supporting the CARICOM Secretariat in developing regional minimum standards for early childhood education and care, which are expected to be endorsed by the Ministers of Education in 2007.
您可以选用体、斜体、双倍高度 、双倍宽度等样式的字符。
Characters can be bold, italic, double high, double [...]
wide, etc.
在这方面,我国代表团赞扬南非倡议在 1 月 12 日举行祖马总统亲自主持的安全理事会高级别辩论 会(见
[...] S/PV.6702),会议主题是联合国与区域和次区 域组织,特别是非洲联盟和西非国家经济共 体 ,根 据《宪章》八章,在预防、管理和解决区域危机方 面的重要合作。
In this regard, my delegation commends South Africa’s initiative to convene on 12 January a highlevel debate of the Security Council (see S/PV.6702), personally presided by President Zuma, on the critical cooperation, under Chapter VIII of the Charter, between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations, in particular the African
Union and the Economic Community of West African States, in
[...] the prevention, management and resolution of regional crises.
我試過聽說最多高出倍、八倍,因為有些是十多年 前的事。
I have even heard that the highest repayment
[...] was seven to eight times that of the debt, [...]
but that case happened more than a decade ago.
[...] 是少於一倍的,根據當時的發展藍圖,寶翠園可以容許的地積比率八 倍,所 以它不但可以“樓換樓”,甚至是“一間樓換兩間樓”,它亦是可以 [...]
The plot ratio of the development at The Belcher's at that time was less than one fold and according to
the development plan at that time, the plot ratio allowed in the site of
[...] The Belcher's was eight times, so it is a viable [...]
development project
without even resorting to the approach of a flat for a flat or even a flat for two flats.
此外,由於近年我們不斷開放香港電訊市場,鼓勵私營機構建設先進 的電訊基礎設施,內地與香港之間的電訊容量在過去 1 年已激八倍以上
The liberalization of our telecommunications market has resulted in the formation of an advanced telecommunications infrastructure by the private sector.
对教科文组织八个“一体行 动”国家以及 2010 年联发援框架展开计划国家参与编制“一体计划/方案”尤为重视, 35 C/5 2%的共同国家方案编制资金用于支持教科文组织的参与,同时及时增加了供外地办事处 在国家一级参与联合国联合举措的资金。
Particular attention has been given to UNESCO’s programmatic involvement in the One Plan/Programme documents and their implementation in the eight “Delivering as One” pilot countries, as well as in the 2010 UNDAF roll-out countries, where UNESCO’s involvement is supported through the 35 C/5 2% funds for common country programming, as well as through the timely reinforcement funds for field offices participating in joint United Nations initiatives at country-level.
委员会还重申其第四十七届会议报告(A/62/16,第 114
段)、第四十八届 会议报告(A/63/16,第 407 和 408
[...] 段)和第四十九届会议报告(A/64/16,第 124 段)中的建议,其中指八个“一体行 动 ”试点项目全面评估的标准和方法,应 [...]
The Committee also reiterated its recommendations contained in its reports on its forty-seventh session (A/62/16, para. 114), forty-eighth session (A/63/16, paras. 407 and 408) and forty-ninth session (A/64/16, para. 124), in which it stated that any
criteria and methodology for the
[...] comprehensive evaluation of the eight “Delivering as one” [...]
pilot projects should first be considered
and approved by the General Assembly and that United Nations support to “Delivering as one” pilot projects should not prejudice the outcome of the intergovernmental deliberations of the Assembly on system-wide coherence.
澳大利亚的中学教育执行全国统一的课程框 体 系 , 可确保 八 个 重 要学科领域达到很高的学业标准,这其中包括英语、数学、科学和艺术。
School students in Australia study under
a national curriculum
[...] framework which ensures high academic standards in eight key learning [...]
areas, including English, mathematics, science and arts.
委员会回顾,由于举行扩大的小组委员会会议,第二 八 届 会议 全 体 会 议 部 分将于 2011 年 8 月 1 日至 9 月 9 日举行,决定审查法国就法属安的列斯群岛和 [...]
凯尔盖朗岛提出的划界案所设小组委员会于 2011 年 8 月 29 日至 9
月 2 日举行会 议;审查日本提出的划界案所设小组委员会于 8 月 1 日至 12 日举行会议;审查 乌拉圭提出的划界案所设小组委员会于 2011 年 8 月 8 日至 12 日和 9 月 6 日至 9 日举行会议;审查菲律宾就宾汉隆起地区提出的划界案所设小组委员会于 2011 年 8 月 29 日至 9 月 9 日举行会议。
Recalling that with extended
[...] subcommission meetings the plenary part of the twenty-eighth session would be [...]
held from 1 August to 9 September
2011, the Commission decided that the Subcommission established to examine the submission made by France in respect of the French Antilles and the Kerguelen Islands would meet from 29 August to 2 September 2011; the Subcommission established to examine the submission of Japan would meet from 1 to 12 August; the Subcommission established to examine the submission made by Uruguay would meet from 8 to 12 August and from 6 to 9 September 2011; and the Subcommission established to examine the submission made by the Philippines in respect of the Benham Rise region would meet from 29 August to 9 September 2011.
在 1990
[...] 年代初,欧洲新兴经济体的能源强度 为欧洲发达经体的两倍多,但这一差距其后已略有减少,目前只高出 50%。
In the early 1990s, the energy intensity of the European emerging economies was over twice that of the
European advanced economies, but that difference has
[...] diminished slightly over time and is currently [...]
only 50 per cent higher.
解决这种情况的唯一出路是 我们体加倍努力,增加粮食供应和确保粮食价格的 稳定。
The only way to address such a situation is to redouble our collective efforts to increase the food supply and ensure the stability of food prices.
因此,我們將6號用地的地積比率,由原先 八倍 減至 六倍,致使能夠供應的公屋單位,由原先的3 500個單位,下調至 2 400個單位,但恐怕完全放棄這幅用地作公屋發展,對於我剛才說需 要滿足公屋3年上樓這政策目標,會有一定的不良影響。
As a result, the number of public rental housing flats supplied will reduce from the original 3 500 to 2 400. But I am afraid that if the plan to use the site for public rental housing development is given up completely, it will, to a certain extent, adversely affect the fulfilment of the policy target of allocating public rental housing flats within three years.
現時 香港的 貧 富 懸 殊 現 象 是,就最高和最低 收入的 一 成家庭
[...] 而言, 在 短短 10 年 間 , 入 息 差 距 由 相 差 二八 倍 暴 升至四 十六倍 。
This phenomenon has worsened to such an extent that, insofar as families in the
highest and lowest percentiles are concerned, the income gap has
[...] risen sharply from 28 times to 46 times in just a decade.
最 富 有十分之一的人的收入與最 窮 十分之一的人的收入 差 距 , 由三八 倍 大 幅 增 至 四 十 五 倍 , 數 字 令 人 非常吃驚。
The income difference between the richest 10% and the poorest 10% of our population has shot up to 450% from 380%, much to our horror.
就使用情況而言,在該計劃下成功申請的每年平均有 2 590 宗,相比在二零零一年七月停止運作的「改善樓宇安全貸款計劃」下 每年成功申請只有 290 宗,申請數目已增加八倍之多
This represents an eight-fold increase over the annual average number of 290 successful applications under the Building Safety Improvement Loan Scheme which ceased operation in July 2001.
因為我也知道,關掉引 擎後再啟動汽車,所排出的污染物 八倍 的 ,因此這些車輛等候時可以豁免。
So, these vehicles should enjoy exemption when waiting for passengers.
已从菲律宾收到正式来文,请求将现审议的延 体 制 建设 项目(八阶段)以体制建 设上一阶段(第七阶段)的余额由世界银行移交环境规划署。
The official communication had been received from the Philippines,
requesting the
[...] transfer of the institutional strengthening project currently under consideration (phase VIII), as well as the balance of the previous institutional strengthening [...]
phase (phase VII) from the World Bank to UNEP.
在有41位代表发言的辩论结束后, 行政委员会将文件31
[...] C/51中有关这一项目的决议 草案提交给了大会,并获得大会八 次 全 体 会议 的赞同,但可以根据计划委员会和行政委员会联 [...]
Following the debate during which 41 delegates took the floor, the Administrative Commission has submitted to the General Conference the draft resolution
proposed in document 31 C/51, which was
[...] approved at the eighth plenary meeting, subject [...]
to any adjustments that might be recommended
by the joint meeting of the Programme and Administrative Commissions.
水平及竖直方向的漏磁场均显著减小:5 高斯线至少减小 5 倍,与同样中心场强和内腔直径的普通非屏蔽磁体相比,5 高斯封闭空间体积减小至少 10 倍。
Dramatically reduces stray fields in both horizontal and vertical directions: the 5G footprint is at least 5 times smaller and the 5G enclosed volume is 10 times smaller compared to conventional non-shielded magnets of the same central field strength and bore size.
[...] 进一步分析国家采购系统的利用情况,以 八 个 ” 一 体 行 动 ”试点国家中两个国 家的采购问题、战略、需求和结果。
The joint High-level Committee on Management/United Nations Development Group initiative included in the Plan of Action4 will further analyse the use of the national procurement
system, and the procurement issues, strategies, needs and
[...] outcomes in two of the eight “Delivering as one” [...]
pilot countries.
全港巿民過去被蒸發了無數資產,可是,董建華家族的生意 ― 東方海外 ―
[...] 股價自 1998 年至今上升八倍;東方海外在 2003 年除稅後的盈利達 [...]
3.2 億美元,比 2002 年上升了六倍。
Whilst countless assets of Hong Kong people have been vapourized, the share value of TUNG
Chee-hwa's family business — Orient Overseas (International) Limited —
[...] has gone up by eight folds between [...]
1998 and now.




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