单词 | 全食 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 全食 —total eclipseExamples:日全食—total eclipse of the sun 月全食—total lunar eclipse
食物業界仍有法律責任確保生產的食物可供人安 全食用。 cfs.gov.hk | Food businesses still have the legal responsibility [...] to ensure that food so produced is [...]fit for human consumption. cfs.gov.hk |
本指引是為製造和售賣食物的所有業界而編製,目的在於協助他們 生產和推廣既健康又可供安全食用的 較低鈉或鹽含量的食物。 cfs.gov.hk | It aims to help them to produce and promote [...] wholesome and safe products which [...]have lower sodium or salt content. cfs.gov.hk |
这些作用如何对粮食安全、食品安全 与 贸易 作出贡献? fao.org | What Roles does FAO serve through Standard Setting on Pesticides and how do these [...] Contribute to Food Security, Food Safety and Trade? fao.org |
其他代表团支持拟议工作并认识到动物饲养对 安 全食 品 生 产的重要性;这些代表团 也强调需要评估与动物饲养有关的相关法典文本中的缺欠,针对饲料中存在污染物的危险 [...] 性修订现有操作规范。 codexalimentarius.org | Other delegations supported the proposed work and recognised [...] the importance of animal feeding to [...] the production of safe food; these delegations [...]also highlighted the need to assess the [...]gaps in relevant Codex documents in relation to animal feed and to amend existing codes of practice to consider the risks arising from the presence of contaminants in feed. codexalimentarius.org |
整全食物益生菌配方, 由23種"生Raw"有機蔬果製造, 完全保留食品營養, 促進兒童消化及提升免疫力。 organicmama.com.hk | Raw, organic, whole food probiotic formula, made by 23 RAW and organic Fruits & Vegetables which [...] can maintain a healthy [...]immune system and digestive tract. organicmama.com.hk |
由於重組食物安全規管架構計劃尚未有 定案,為應付當 前 急務, 我們建議先 行在食環署轄下增 設食物安全中心,以加強現有規管食物 安全的職能,包括在進口、批 發和零售層面加強食物監察工作,藉 以 確保從內地和海外國家輸港的食物都 可安全食用 , 而 有關當局亦 可有 效地處 理 不斷增加的食物事故和投訴。 legco.gov.hk | Pending the finalisation of the [...] reorganisation plan for the food safety regulatory framework, we propose to establish, as the next step, a new CFS under FEHD to perform the imminent tasks of enhancing the existing food safety regulatory functions including strengthening food surveillance work at the import, wholesale and retail level to ensure the food products supplied by the Mainland and overseas countries are safe to consume, and efficient handling of increasing food incidents and [...]food complaints. legco.gov.hk |
粮农组织的许 [...] 多项目进一步加强了人们依然具备的技能、知识、能力和机制,而这些因素则可 以成为进一步更安全食品生产和/或创收活动的基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many FAO projects build on skills, knowledge, capacities and institutions which people [...] already have and which can form the basis of [...] greater and more secure food production and/or income-generating [...]activity. daccess-ods.un.org |
虫害控制是食品生产企业需要认真对待的问题之一,在HACCP、AIB、BRC和ISO22000相 关 食 品 安 全 标 准 中对虫害控制也有严格的要求,因为保持一个整洁、干净、卫生的生产加工环境是生产出 安 全食 品 的 前提条件;但是目前食品行业在虫害控制不仅观念落后,而且技术水平差。 sgsgroup.com.cn | Pest Control is one of important problems in food production enterprises, which is strictly restricted in some related food safety standards, like HACCP、AIB、BRC and ISO 22000. sgsgroup.com.cn |
多数代表团支持在步骤 5/8 通过提到的拟议法典草案,该草案已在通用原则委员 [...] 会做了相当长时间的讨论,并且已经成了一份文件,可作为一个指导原则,对尚无 健全 食品管 理系统的国家提供重要且紧急保证。 codexalimentarius.org | Many delegations supported the adoption of the Proposed Draft Code at Step 5/8, mentioning that it had been discussed in the CCGP for quite some time and was a document that [...] could be a guiding principle giving important and urgent assurances to countries [...] not having adequate food control systems. codexalimentarius.org |
目前,DNV在全球为超过60,000家客户提供质量、环境、安全、信息技术 安 全 、 食 品 安 全 和 医 疗保健等领域的认证,DNV的品牌声誉正与日俱增。 dnv.com.cn | Certification in the fields of quality, environment, [...] safety, IT security, food safety and health care [...]is building the DNV brand among more [...]than 60,000 customers on all continents. dnv.com |
准则是由质量管理、食品安全、食品 监 管、食品加工、农业生 产系统、食品零售、食品分销领域的专家协助,并根据危害分析和关键控制点 [...] (HACCP) 指南编制。 sqfi.com | It was prepared with the assistance of Primary [...] Producers and experts in quality [...] management, food safety, food regulation, food processing, [...]agriculture production systems, [...]food retailing, food distribution and the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Guidelines. sqfi.com |
千万别小看这个派,它可是经过了MAF(纽西兰食品团体)严苛的审核,确保它是 安 全食 用。 4tern.com | The pie went through MAF (Ministry of Agriculture [...] and Forestry) food test, and it is safe to consume. 4tern.com |
2012年8月,中澳企业家联合会成功协助福建省农业厅与南澳州农业部签订《中国福建省与澳大利亚南澳大利亚州建立农业合作与交流备忘录》,为此福建省农业厅及南澳洲农业部共同授予中澳企业家联合会会长王雷蒙(Raymond Wang)先生为“南澳-福建农业交流合作大使”的称号,并将联合会投资建设的“南澳州 安 全食 品 与 食 品 安 全 研 发 及交易中心”项目列为福建省首个“南澳州产业园福建实验基地”进行重点培育,并在建立项目成功模式后,在福建省范围内进行复制。 caeai.org.au | In August 2012, China Australia Entrepreneurs Association successfully assisted the Fujian Agricultural and South Australian Agricultural department to sign the “China Fujian and South Australia Establish Agricultural Cooperation and Exchange Memorandum of Understanding” thus in Fujian Agricultural Department and South Australian Agricultural Department together awarded China Australian Entrepreneurs Association President Mr. Raymond Wang the title of “South Australia-Fujian Agricultural Exchange and Trade Ambassador” and with [...] CAEAI investment established “South [...] Australia Safety Foods and Safe Foods Project Research [...]and Exchange Center” the project [...]will allow Fujian to have the first “South Australian Products Fujian Experimental Base” that will be important for training and after establishing project successful model will be replicated throughout surrounding regions. caeai.org.au |
通常情况下,能够安全食用鸡 蛋或鸡蛋制品的人可以接种这些疫苗;对鸡蛋或鸡蛋制品有过敏反应或类过敏样反应的人则不能接种这些疫苗。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Ordinarily, people [...] who are able to safely eat eggs or egg products [...]can receive these vaccines; those who have had an anaphylactic [...]or anaphylactic-like allergy to eggs or egg proteins should not receive these vaccines. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
(c) 确保在所有最不发达国家都能获得安 全食 物 和紧急粮食援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Ensure access to safe food and emergency food assistance [...] in all least developed countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
但仍須進行食物安全(食物/飲料容器/袋)及物理表現測試,方可登 記。 wastereduction.gov.hk | However, food safety (for food/drink containers [...] and bags) and physical performance tests are still required for registration purpose. wastereduction.gov.hk |
2010年在阿德莱德举办的澳中研讨会集中研究了以下问题:气候变化 对 食 品 安 全 的 影响 ; 食 品安 全、食品营 养与人类健康;以及农业生产力、生物安全和未来的食品需求。 australiachina.com.au | The 2010 Australia China Symposium held in Adelaide [...] focused on Climate Change [...] Impacts on Food Security; Food Safety, Food Nutrition and Human Health; and Agricultural Productivity, Biosecurity and Future Demand for Food. australiachina.com.au |
Food safety 食品安全 食物有 营养,没有毒物或其他有害物质。 hesperian.org | Food safety when food is nutritious, and free [...] of poisons and other harmful substances. hesperian.org |
世 卫 组织的 国家食品 安 全营养专家 就 食 品 安 全 、食物营 养 搭 配 、 哺乳和缺少微 量 元 素 提 出 了 指 导意见 ,并提供许 多 建 议和培训来支持和发展国家妇 [...] 幼 保健中心 和 卫 生 部 的工 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Child Health Care. WHO’s [...] national nutrition experts on food safety mix nutrients in food and advice on breast-feeding [...]and lack of micronutrient [...]and also provide much advice and training to support and develop work of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health Care as well as the Ministry of Health. daccess-ods.un.org |
展望末來,本集團將不斷完善安全食 品 供 應鏈體系,並透過內涵式發展和收購兼併,使本 集團成為集食品研發、生產加工及批發零售於一體的優秀 安 全食 品 供 應商。 cre.com.hk | Looking ahead, the Group will [...] continue to improve its supply chain of safe food and capitalize on organic expansion and acquisition so as to become an outstanding safe food supplier with integrated research and development, [...]processing and distribution. cre.com.hk |
料理及上菜時應避免交叉接觸汙染 (將少量會引發過敏的食物與其他安 全食 材 混 合在一起),例如不潔的手/手套、共用設備、器皿等. unileverfoodsolutions.hk | Avoid cross-contact (mixing a little of the [...] allergy-causing food with otherwise safe food) while preparing [...]and serving the meal e.g. unclean [...]hands/gloves, shared equipment, utensils etc unileverfoodsolutions.hk |
科技决定着提 供充足的基础设施、完善的保健、洁净水和 安 全食 品的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Science and technology determined the ability to provide adequate infrastructure, good [...] health care, clean water and safe food. daccess-ods.un.org |
本章主要着眼于三个方面:食品安全 , 食 品 分 配和 营养。 globalprotectioncluster.org | Which kinds of tasks have been assigned to women and to men? globalprotectioncluster.org |
逃离武装冲突,迁往流离失 所者营地的平民继续面临不安全,食 品 和 水供应短缺,难以享有教育、住所和土 地等等基本权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fleeing the armed clashes, civilians who relocated to the [...] camps for the displaced [...] continued to face insecurity, inadequate food and water supplies, [...]and lack of basic rights such [...]as education, shelter and land. daccess-ods.un.org |
(藍乾酪(芝士)上的霉菌是可安 全食用。 cancer-asian.com | Do not eat foods showing signs of mould. cancer-asian.com |
该计划规定 , 若要获得奖学金 , 家 [...] 长们需要保证其女儿的上学时间不少于学年时 间的 75%, 获得的学分不低于总学分的 45%, [...] 并且在读中学期间不得结婚。在其他国家实施 的计划还包括为女孩提供安全食宿的支持措施 ( 如在柬埔寨实施的计划包括安排女童与当地女 [...]教师住在一起 )。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In other countries, [...] additional support by way of safe board and lodging for [...]girls is included (for example, in Cambodia [...]there is a programme to house girls with local female teachers). unesdoc.unesco.org |
最近有調查顯示,目前有六成消費者對食用食品的安全表示關注,對食品公司生産並出售 安 全食 品 表 示信任的消費者不足兩成,政府亦新增法例以回應有關問題。 deloitte.com | According to a recent study, 60% of today's consumers are concerned [...] about the safety of the foods they eat. deloitte.com |