

单词 全额


額全额 n

full payment n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

有限责任公司的初始资本必须在提交注册申 请之全额缴纳 ,股份有限公司缴纳的初始 资本不得少于25%。
The initial capital of the company
[...] must be paid in full by the LLC and [...]
at least 25% by the joint-stock company before the
moment of submitting the registration application.
领取限定年龄全额养恤金的强制性条件是,达到法定的养恤金领取年 龄,并达到必要的就业年限。
The mandatory conditions for the establishment of the age
[...] limit pension in full amount is reach of [...]
pension age set by the legislation and attainment
of the necessary employment experience.
若干成员表示支持基金尽早支助与第二次技术转换有关的活动,但有些成员则指 出,第 XIX/6 号决定明确排除全额供资的可能性。
Several spoke in favour of the Fund supporting activities
pertaining to second conversions as soon as possible, but some stated that decision
[...] XIX/6 clearly ruled out full funding.
(c) 考虑对第二阶段转换项目的符合条件的增量成本进 全额 供 资 ,以期逐案淘 汰进口多元醇所含的 HCFC-141b,因为各相关政府同意做出承诺,在所有 符合条件的企业得到转换且不再使用 HCFC-141b 作为泡沫塑料发泡剂后, 立即禁止进口大批和预混多元醇所含的 HCFC-141b。
(c) Consider full funding of eligible incremental cost for second-stage conversion projects to phase-out HCFC-141b contained in imported polyols on a case-by-case basis on the understanding that the governments concerned agree to make commitments to ban imports of HCFC-141b, both in bulk and in pre-blended polyols, immediately after all eligible enterprises have been converted and are no longer using HCFC-141b as a foam blowing agent.
各会员全额、及 时、无条件地缴纳摊款将改善维和预算的 财务状况,同时又可以解决诸如交叉借款等相关问 题。
Payment in full, on time and without [...]
conditions of assessed contributions by Member States would improve the financial situation
of the peacekeeping budget while resolving related problems such as the practice of cross-borrowing.
拟议资源数额减少是两方面因素的综合 结果,一方面,联合国在公务员制度委员 全额 预 算 中分担费用的比例由 2010-2011 两年期的 39%减至 2012-2013 两年期的 33.4%,另一方面,公务员制度 委员会全额预算减少(同上,第 32.17 段)。
The proposed resource level reflects the combined effect of a decrease in
the United Nations
[...] share of the full budget of ICSC from the 39 per cent calculated for 2010-2011 to the 33.4 per cent used for the biennium 2012-2013, as well as the decrease of the full budget of ICSC [...]
(ibid., para. 32.17).
公务员制度委员会维持对在同一工作地点支付流动津贴的现行五年上限,但决定在工 作人员应本组织明确要求或因迫切的人道主义理由而留在同一工作地点的特殊情况下,可允额外全额支付 流动津贴最多一年,即总计可支付六年。
ICSC maintained the current five-year ceiling on the payment of mobility allowances in the same duty station, but decided to allow, in the exceptional cases of staff who remained in the same duty station at the explicit request of an Organization, or for compelling humanitarian reasons, payment of the mobility allowance for a maximum period of one additional year, that is, for an overall period of six years.
但是,一些公司并未向各州运送谷 物;据称,出售谷物所得的钱款并 全额 上 交 财政部。
However, some companies failed to deliver the grains to the States and allegedly not all of the money from the sold grains was remitted to the Ministry.
全额款项 必须在计划发货日期之前至少提前五 (5) 个工作日收到。
Payment in full must be received [...]
at least five (5) business days prior to the planned ship date.
[...] 面临的挑战,包括联合执行机制和监委会的财务状况,还说监委会不得不在缺少 联合执行管理计划所要求全额资金的情况下运作。
He highlighted the tasks and achievements of the JISC during the past year and the challenges ahead, including the financial situation for the joint implementation
mechanism and the JISC, and the need to
[...] operate without the full funding requested [...]
in the joint implementation management plan.
如果有担保债权人或有物权债权人得 全额 偿 付(此事取 决于进行程序所在国的法律),则这些债权不受本规定影响。
To the extent
[...] claims of secured creditors or creditors with rights in rem are paid in full, a matter that [...]
depends on the law of
the State where the proceeding is conducted, those claims are not affected by the provision.
不言而喻,用数字确定这些估算额时,将根据 N-1 年期间实际承付的开支的财务状况,而且还将根据诸如通货膨胀、医疗费用 全额 参 加 者和 退休人员数量的增加或减少比率、基金资金投资所得的财务收益等因素。
It would be on that basis that the scale of contributions to be paid by the employer and the employee would be constructed, it being understood that these forecasts would be based on the statements of expenditure actually incurred during the year N-1 and also on such factors as inflation, the cost of medical care, the rate of increase or decrease in the number of active participants and retirees, and the financial return obtained on the investments of the Fund’s assets.
通常要求提全额付款 ,不过,有时是首付 80%,剩余 20%是货到付 款。
However, in some cases, an initial instalment of 80 per cent was made, with the remaining 20 per cent payable on delivery.
为使残疾人可以参加公共住房方案、享受退休 福利和参加退休方案而采取的措施 根据第 29231 号物料银行贷款人金融整改法以及通过第 005-2009VIVIENDA 号最高敕令批准的该法的实施细则,责成物料银行清偿其 发放的住房贷款应急款项以及减免的款项,如果贷款人患有生理或智 力残疾或有其他特殊原因,其未偿付的款项可予 全额 减 免
Measures towards public housing programmes and retirement benefits and programmes for persons with disabilities Act No. 29231 on debt restructuring arrangements for Banco de Materiales borrowers and its implementing regulations, which were adopted by Supreme Decree No. 005-2009-VIVIENDA, authorize the Banco de Materiales to write off the entire sum outstanding on housing loans held by borrowers meeting any of a number of criteria, which include the presence of physical or mental disability.
因此,适用规则应当让在登记中被指明为设保人的人(或实际上对登记所 述资产享有权利的任何人)有权酌情在以下任何一种情形中向被指明为有担保 债权人的人发送一份关于取消或变更登记的书面通知:(a)担保协议未曾订立; (b)通全额付款 或其他方式消灭了担保权;或(c)设保人未授权办理登记。
Accordingly, the rules applicable should entitle a person identified as the grantor in a registration (or indeed any person with a right in the assets described in a registration) to send a written notice to the person identified as the secured creditor to cancel or amend the registration, as appropriate, in any of the
[...] circumstances: (a) a security agreement has not been concluded; (b) the security right has been extinguished by full payment or [...]
otherwise; or (c)
the grantor did not authorize the registration.
残疾津全 额发放 给所有养恤金领取者,包括获得受国家社会保险保障的收入的人员。
Disability allowances are paid integrally to all pensioners, including those that obtain income subject to state social insurance.
在认缴参加国同意不附加条件地支付其部分承诺,而且余额的支付须由其立法机关制订必要 的拨款法律时,它应按受托人所接受的方式交存一份限制性承诺文件(限制性承诺文件);
[...] 该参加国保证将尽其最大努力在第3 款规定的支付日期之前取得立法机关对支 全额 认 缴资 金的批准。
(b) When a Contributing Participant agrees to pay a part of its contribution without qualification and the remainder is subject to enactment by its legislature of the necessary appropriation legislation, it shall deposit a qualified instrument of commitment in a form acceptable to the Trustee (Qualified Instrument of Commitment); such Participant undertakes to exercise
its best efforts to obtain legislative
[...] approval for the full amount of its contribution [...]
by the payment dates set out in paragraph 3.
发展中国家缔约方在规划和详细拟订适合本国的缓解行动及相关的能力建设 方面开展的扶持活动应得到议全额 费 用基础上的支持。
Enabling activities carried out by developing country Parties, in the context of preparation and elaboration of nationally
appropriate mitigation actions, and related capacity-building, shall be supported on
[...] the basis of the agreed full costs.
c. 对于因、有关或归因于旅客代理人任何违反任何航行合约中规定的保证或任何事项,或是可归责于该违规的行 为,以致承运人直接或间接蒙受、招致或造成任何性质之损失、索赔、损害、费用、支出及/或延误,旅客代 理人特此同意偿付全额赔偿 承运人,使其不致受到任何伤害。
The Guest's Agent hereby agrees to reimburse and fully indemnify the Carrier and hold the Carrier harmless against all or any losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses and/or delay, of whatever nature sustained or incurred by, or made upon, the Carrier, whether directly or indirectly, by reason of, in connection with or attributable to any breach by the Guest's Agent of any of the warranties or matters provided in the Passage Contract.
82 此外,本法还应促进二级债务
[...] 市场的透明度,方法是强制要求意图通过起诉发展中国家收 全额 债 务的债权人 (向法院和其他国家主管机构)全面披露有关贷款金额、收购文件和债权人详细情 [...]
82 Additionally, the legislation should
promote transparency in the secondary debt
[...] market by compelling full disclosure (to [...]
the courts and other appropriate national
authorities), by creditors seeking to sue developing countries for recovery of debt, of information concerning loan amounts, procurement documentation and details of the creditors.
其他资源和信托基金捐款在开始实施以前 全额 收 到 ,并 且通常根据多年期协议加以管理。
Contributions for both other resources and trust funds
[...] are received in full before implementation [...]
begins and are normally
governed by multi-year agreements.
b. 匿名信V1
[...] 中声称,希尔威手中只有7百万美元的现金,而在匿名信V2中,作者则承认希尔威拥有8700万现金,但又声称“我们到现在为止,仍然不相信,希尔威的现金 额 具 有 全额 的 现 值,或2)即使具有现值,却不存在任何留置权负担。
b. The Anonymous Letter V1 suggested that Silvercorp only has US$7.0 million of cash on hand while in Anonymous Letter V2 the authors now acknowledge that Silvercorp has US$87 million but state that "we
remain, at this time, unconvinced that the Chinese cash balances are
[...] present in full, or 2) if present, unencumbered by liens.
鉴于业务模式、供资结构、项目规模和治理方面的差异很大,各方商 定,统一工作应制订共同原则,而不是处理微观层面的问题,以确保根据三年度 全面政策审查的各项建全额收回 费用。
In view of the wide differences in business models, funding structures, sizes of projects, and governance, it was agreed that harmonization efforts should draw up common principles rather than address
micro-level issues, in order
[...] to ensure full cost recovery in line with the recommendations of the triennial comprehensive policy review.
此外,还收到土库曼斯坦和联合 王国对经常预算、国际法庭和基本建设总计 全额缴 纳 的到期应付的摊款;巴林对经常预算和基本建设总 计划的摊款;中国对国际法庭和基本建设总计 全额 缴纳的摊款;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那对法庭的摊款; 以及伊拉克和土耳其对经常预算的摊款。
In addition, full payment of due
[...] and payable assessments had been received from Turkmenistan and the United Kingdom for the regular budget, international tribunals and capital master plan; from Bahrain for the regular budget and capital master plan; from China for the tribunals and capital master plan; from Bosnia and [...]
Herzegovina for the
tribunals; and from Iraq and Turkey for the regular budget.
谈到我提出的第一点,即在界定和执行任务规定 方面所取得的进展,关于达尔富尔,我国代表团欣见 达尔富尔混合行动正在接近于其军事、警察和民事部 分全额部署,分别达到核准人数的 88%、70%和 75%。
Turning to our first point — progress achieved in defining and implementing mandates — with regard to Darfur, my delegation welcomes the fact that UNAMID is reaching full deployment for its military, police and civilian components, with 88 per cent, 70 per cent and 75 per cent of the authorized numbers, respectively.
水价也是一个极具影响力的因 素,因为如果人全额支付水费,并且收费制度会对过高的用水征收额外费用的话, [...]
The tariff is also an important
influence here, since if people
[...] are paying the full cost of water [...]
and are penalised for unduly high consumption, they will
be more likely to recoup the cost of their investments in water saving devices from reductions in their water bills.
财委注意到2005年以来为两种货币所定 的折扣率为零以及考虑到向成员国发出需要早日缴纳会费的信号的重要性,同意
[...] 恢复有利的折扣率,对于在2010年第一季度 全额 缴 纳 分摊会费的成员国将折扣 率记入其2010年会费贷方。
Noting that since 2005 the discount rate had been set at zero for both currencies and considering the importance of sending a signal to Members regarding the need for early payment of contributions, the Committee agreed that positive discount rates should be reinstated to apply credits
towards 2010 contributions for Members who paid their assessed
[...] contributions in full by the end of the [...]
first quarter 2010.
(c) 审查现有的奖学金制度(该制度为高中毕业考试中成绩最优秀的考生颁 发去海外学习全额奖学金),力求使这一制度更为公平,为低收入家庭的优秀 学生提供机会,否则他们尽管十分出色,也可能拿不到奖学金。
(c) The review of the existing laureate scheme (which offers fully funded scholarships for overseas studies to the best candidates at the Higher School Certificate examinations) aims at bringing more equity into the system and providing opportunities to bright students from low-income families who would otherwise have been deprived of a scholarship although they are highly meritorious.
法国售后回租物业最大的益处之一是,作为买方,如果它是一个新建物业,购买后6-9个月,您可得到19.6%的TVA(增值税) 全额 退 款 , - 或者它是由开发商支付,在这种情况下您不必支付任何款项。
One of the great bonuses of the French leaseback property scheme is that, as purchaser, you get a full refund of the
TVA (VAT) of 19.6% if it is a new build
[...] property which is either refunded 6-9 [...]
months after the purchase  - or it is paid
and reclaimed by the developer in which case you never have to pay it yourself.




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