

单词 全面性

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External sources (not reviewed)

透過與合資企業夥伴合作 ,天浪衛視平台提全面性服務 ,由硬件 分發和產品推廣 ,以至客戶服務和訂戶管理 。
Working through its joint venture
partners, the Skywave platform
[...] provides a comprehensive offering from [...]
hardware distribution and product promotion, to customer service and subscriber management.
考虑到男女之间在权力方面历来不平等的关系,保 全面性 教 育 人权对于保 障妇女在生活中免遭因性别引起的暴力和歧视这点特别切合实际。
Protection of the
[...] human right to comprehensive sexual education is [...]
especially important in ensuring the enjoyment of women’s
right to live free of violence and gender discrimination, given the historically unequal power relations between men and women.
[...] 员会,以反映适当的和预期的专业平衡,从而确保其报告和信息 全面性 、客 观性和政策中立性。
TEAP, through its TOC co-chairs, shall compose its TOCs to reflect a balance of
appropriate and anticipated expertise so that their reports and
[...] information are comprehensive, objective and [...]
古巴高度评价公平计划及全面 性,因为它涉及各个领域,例如卫生、教育、食物、就业和社会保障。
Cuba highlighted the equity
[...] plan and its comprehensiveness, since it encompassed [...]
areas such as health, education, food,
employment and social security.
目前还正在努力制定一全面性文化 战略,以将文化纳入其他发展领 域的主流,并为国家文化统计框架奠定基础。
Efforts are also being made towards the development of an overall culture strategy to mainstream culture in other development areas and to establish the basis for a national cultural statistics framework.
第 90號法律公告根據該條例第49(4)條作出,用以撤銷兩項關 於與中國內地全面性避免 雙重徵稅安排而分別在1998年及2000年根 [...]
據該條例第49(1)條作出的命令,即《安排指明(與中國內地訂立的關於 對所得避免雙重徵稅的安排)令》(第
112章,附屬法例S)及《安排指明(中 國內地關於航空運輸)(雙重課稅) 令》( 第 112章,附屬法例Z)。
L.N. 90 is made under section 49(4) of IRO to revoke two orders made under section 49(1) of IRO
in 1998 and 2000 respectively
[...] pertaining to the limited avoidance of double taxation [...]
arrangements with the Mainland of China,
namely, the Specification of Arrangements (Arrangements with the Mainland of China for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income) Order (Cap. 112 sub. leg. S) and Specification of Arrangements (The Mainland of China Concerning Air Services) (Double Taxation) Order (Cap. 112 sub. leg. Z).
[...] 是有关制定用来评估儿童发展的工具和模型,会员国可用来指导、推动并监测幼儿保育和教 育计划的质量全面性。
An interagency team has been constituted to follow up on the implementation of the Moscow Framework for Action and Cooperation, in particular as regards the development of tools and models for assessing child
development that Member States may use to guide, drive and monitor
[...] the quality and comprehensiveness of ECCE programmes.
他表示,該3項根據《稅 務條例》(第 112章 )第
[...] 49(1A)條作出的命令,旨在 實施香港特別行政區(下稱"香港特區")政府分別 與葡萄牙共和國、西班牙王國及捷克共和國政府 簽訂全面性避免雙重課稅協定( 下稱" 全面性 協定")。
He said that the three Orders were made under section 49(1A) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) to give effect to the comprehensive agreements for avoidance of double taxation ("CDTAs") signed between the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region ("HKSARG") and the Government of the
[...] Portuguese Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the Czech Republic respectively.
[...] 国际行动和战略不仅需要进行很好的协调,而且也必 须具全面性,以确保为减少供应和需求而采取的行 动起到相互促进的作用。
National, regional and international actions and strategies to combat drug
trafficking and organized crime must be well
[...] coordinated and comprehensive so as to ensure [...]
that the actions taken to reduce supply
and demand are mutually reinforcing.
秘书长还讲述了特别顾问参加众多国际、区域会议和讲习班的情况,会上探讨 了 诸 如非洲
[...] 灭绝种族防止问题、现有防止灭绝种族法律全 面 性 、保 护责任和灭 绝种族防止工作之间的联系、以及灭绝种族预报指标等问题。
The Secretary-General also describes the Special Adviser’s participation in numerous international and regional conferences and workshops on
issues such as the prevention of genocide in
[...] Africa, the comprehensiveness of existing [...]
law regarding the prevention of genocide,
the links between the responsibility to protect and the prevention of genocide, and indicators for predicting genocide.
注意到中东和平谈判,该谈判应 全面性 的 , 应作为和平解决该区域争议问 题的适宜框架
Noting the peace negotiations in the Middle East, which
[...] should be of a comprehensive nature and represent [...]
an appropriate framework for the peaceful
settlement of contentious issues in the region
关键信息的提供较为频繁,但 全面性 和 一致性上仍有不足。
Key information was provided more regularly, but deficiencies still
[...] existed with regard to completeness and consistency.
联合国“教育权问题”特别报告员的报告(A/65/162)称,没有证据显示, 享受最大程度的身心健康的方法是“在最早的成长阶段和在整个教育过程中能够 获全面性的性教育”。
A United Nations Special Rapporteur’s report on the “right to education” (A/65/162) claims, with no evidence, that the way to achieve the highest attainable
standard of physical and mental health
[...] is to “receive comprehensive sexual education from [...]
the outset of our schooling and throughout the educational process”.
这些行为体开展密切协作,对于确 保我们的做法具有有性、全面性和 一 致性,有着关 键意义。
Close collaboration among these actors is key to ensuring that our
[...] approach is effective, comprehensive and coherent.
[...] 制未来专家组的调查,从而损害向安全理事会关于科特迪瓦的第 1572(2004)号决 议所设委员会报告全面性。
The Group is concerned that reductions to its budget may further limit investigations by future groups of experts,
thereby undermining the comprehensiveness of
[...] reporting to the Security Council Committee [...]
established pursuant to resolution 1572
(2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire.
为了确定有效和可行的干预措施防止儿童受伤,防止受伤和研究中心 及其伙伴机构——儿童基金会孟加拉国办事处和儿童安全联盟——设计了一全面性、以 社区为基础的防止儿童受伤模式,称为“通过社会干预和教育防止儿 童受伤”方案(PRECISE)。
To identify effective and feasible interventions to prevent child injuries, the Centre for Injury Prevention and Research and its partners — UNICEF
Bangladesh and The
[...] Alliance for Safe Children — designed a comprehensive community-based child injury prevention model, Prevention [...]
of Child Injuries through
Social Intervention and Education (PRECISE).
欧洲联盟承诺将制裁用作综性和全面 性政策 办法的一部分,这种办法应当包括根据《联 合国宪章》开展政治对话、出台激励措施和制约措 [...]
The European Union was committed to using sanctions as part
[...] of an integrated comprehensive policy approach [...]
which should include political dialogue,
incentives and conditionalities, and could even involve, as a last resort, the use of coercive measures in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
Aon 全球風險顧問營運持續管理服務,提供 全面性 的 管 理流程,以協助企業辯識潛在威脅對組織造成之營運衝擊,從而提供於企業遭受衝擊時之完整復原架構,以對保護股東權益、公司聲譽及品牌,能作出有效的回應。
Aon Global Risk Consulting's business continuity management services offer a holistic management [...]
process that identifies
potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework for building resilience and the capability for an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value creating activities.
全面性教育 包括有关人权、预防艾滋病毒、性知识和性别平等的教育,并提 供有关性暴力、沟通及谈判的信息 全面性 教 育 是正规和非正规教育中至关重要 的一部分,并应成为学校课程中不可或缺的组成部分,使儿童在各自的社区和国 家中成长为活跃和积极的公民。
Comprehensive sexuality education that includes human rights, HIV prevention, gender equality and sexuality and provides information on sexual violence, as well as communication [...]
and negotiation,
is a crucial part of formal and informal education and should be an integral part of school curricula to enable children to become active, positive citizens in their communities and nations.
[...] 由、直接和切实地参与世界会议所有阶段,是国际社会取得建 性 和 全面性 成果 的必要条件,将真正改善全世界土著人民的地位和处境。
Such equal, direct and meaningful participation by indigenous peoples throughout all stages of the World Conference is essential for the
international community’s
[...] achievement of a constructive and comprehensive outcome which [...]
will genuinely improve the status
and conditions of indigenous peoples worldwide.
麦克卢格女士(行政和预算问题咨询委员会主 席)介绍了行预咨委会对审计委员会报告的意见和建
[...] 议(A/64/708),赞扬了审计委员会报告的质量 全面 性,这有助于对维持和平执行情况报告和预算进行审 查。
(Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions), introducing the Advisory Committee’s observations and recommendations on the Board of Auditors’ report (A/64/708),
commended the Board of Auditors on
[...] the quality and comprehensiveness of its report, [...]
which facilitated the examination of
peacekeeping performance reports and budgets.
因为 SMS Meer 还为所有机器和设备提供全面性的 服 务,无论设备设计有多大或有多特别。
For SMS Meer provides a comprehensive service package [...]
for all machines and plants – irrespective of how big they are, or how specific their design.
总 结报告全面性和质 量尽管各自不一,它们提供的关于上一个执行阶段取得的结果的信息 还是充分的,而且按照要求将这些结果与下个年度行动计划叙述的任务联系在了一起。
The terminal reports
[...] albeit of variable completeness and quality, usually [...]
provide sufficient information on the results
achieved during the previous implementation phase, and link these results to the tasks described in the action plans for the following year, as requested.
[...] 训中心还了解到,目前有一些面向决策者的独立的培训课程,但是主要侧 重于电子商务和电子政务,缺 全面性 , 对接受培训人员的级别(主要是 中央政府一级)不甚了解,培训之后也没有后续跟进的机制。
APCICT also found that there were some stand-alone training courses available to policymakers, but that they focused
primarily on e-business and
[...] e-government and lacked comprehensiveness, with no good understanding [...]
of the level of the trainees,
mostly at the central Government level, and no follow-up mechanism after the training.
根据调查结果,提出了一全面性的 结 论,分别涉及:(a) 相关条款中引渡 与起诉之间的关系;(b) 不同公约中适用于引渡的条件;以及(c) [...]
不同公约中适 用于起诉的条件(见 A/CN.4/630,第三节)。
On the basis of
[...] the survey, overall conclusions were offered as to (a) [...]
the relationship between extradition and prosecution
in the relevant provisions; (b) the conditions applicable to extradition under the various conventions; and (c) the conditions applicable to prosecution under the various conventions (see A/CN.4/630, sect. III).
d. 重申发展与人口政策相互依存;必须制定方案和政策,处理对于预防孕 产妇死亡率和发病率至关重要并对健康起到决定作用的根本因素,例如:妇女和 女童参与有关健康的决策过程、性健康和生殖健康资料(包 全面性 教 育 )、扫盲、 稳定生计、营养、杜绝暴力侵害妇女和女童行为、不歧视和两性平等;应改变男 子和妇女行为的社会和文化模式,消除基于一种性别低下或优越的思想或基于男 子和妇女陈腐定型角色的歧视、习俗及所有其他做法
d. A reaffirmation of the interdependence between development and population policies, and of the importance of developing programs and policies to address the underlying determinants of health that are essential to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity, such as women’s and girls’ participation in health-related decision-making processes, information on
sexual and reproductive
[...] health, including comprehensive sexuality education, literacy, stable livelihoods, nutrition, eradication of violence against women and girls, non-discrimination and gender equality, as [...]
well as the need to modify
the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women with a view to the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women
(a) 不断审查、评价和增订本国法律、政策、守则、程序、方案和做法,特
[...] 别是刑法,以确保和保障其在消除一切形式暴力侵害妇女行为方面的价值 全面 性和效 力,并去除容许或纵容暴力侵害妇女行为或增加受暴力侵害妇女的脆弱性 [...]
(a) To review, evaluate and update their national laws, policies, codes, procedures, programmes and practices, especially their criminal laws, on an
ongoing basis to ensure and
[...] guarantee their value, comprehensiveness and effectiveness [...]
in eliminating all forms of violence
against women and to remove provisions that allow for or condone violence against women or that increase the vulnerability or revictimization of women who have been subject to violence
在这方 面,委员会敦促缔约国确保在联合国儿童基金会支持下,作 全面性 的 工 作开 展对《格陵兰帮助儿童和青少年法》的拟订改革,并充分考虑到儿童的所有权 利和意见。
In this respect, the Committee urges the State party to ensure that the proposed reform to the Greenland Act on Help to Children and Youth, to be undertaken with support from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), is a comprehensive exercise taking full account of all rights and the views of children.
预算文件(同上)第 34.102 至
[...] 34.104 段讨论了这个问题,并提及安保部对其人力资源需求进行整 性全面审 查的意图。
Paragraphs 34.102 to 34.104 of the budget document (ibid.) take up this issue, and
refer to the Department’s intention to undertake
[...] a holistic and comprehensive review of its [...]
human resources requirements.
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实 性改 进 其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具 有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《条 约》的不结盟国家缔约国集团要求设定 全面 消除 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 开发核武器,并无条件地签订《不扩散条约》。
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their
arsenals and to cease the
[...] development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the specific timeline for the total elimination of [...]
nuclear weapons called
for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, in particular, it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without preconditions.




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