

单词 全都

全都 ()

without exception

External sources (not reviewed)

当天招募的 150 人全都立刻 发了武器,还向他们演示了如何射击,并强迫他 们参加 Mushaki 的战斗。
All 150 men recruited on that day had immediately been handed a weapon, shown how to shoot and forced to fight in the combat at Mushaki.
整个世界 对中国的能源全都负有 责任,必须利用所有机 会帮助中国相信与国际机构合作,承担负责任的 大国责任符合中国的利益。
The world has a stake in
[...] Beijing’s energy security and should use every opportunity to [...]
shape the means for it, including
by convincing China that it is in its interest to be a responsible major power working in cooperation with the international system.
民法和刑法下的董事责任和准刑 法性质的被免全都由国 内法管治,这样人们难以 弄清如何才能确定跨国界性质的责任。
The liabilities of directors under civil and criminal law
and disqualification, which was
[...] quasi-criminal in nature, were all governed by [...]
domestic law so it was hard to see how it
would be possible to determine liability on a transnational basis.
2010 年,新西兰向南极海生委科学委员会及其脆弱海洋生态系统工作组提交 了 11 篇论文,包括:努力制定影响评估方法,拟订术语汇编和概念框架以评估
[...] 脆弱海洋生态系统影响,以及编制底栖无脊椎动物类群识别指南 全都 为 南 极海 生委所采纳。
In 2010, New Zealand submitted 11 papers to the CCAMLR Scientific Committee and its working groups on VMEs, including work on developing an impact assessment methodology, creating a glossary of terms and conceptual framework to
assess VME impacts and producing a benthic invertebrate taxa identification
[...] guide, all of which were adopted by CCAMLR.
J2EE 中的 Web
[...] 服务的每个主要的集成点,如客户机模型、服务器模型、部署模型、WSDL 绑定以及全,都有自己的章节。
Each of the major integration points for Web
services in J2EE, the client model, the server model, the deployment model, WSDL
[...] bindings, and security have their own [...]
秘书处代表还向那些依照总干事的要求决定不提交申请以便将更多资金用于其他会员 国的会员国表示感谢,这些国家主要(但 全都 ) 来 自发达世界。
The representative of the Secretariat also thanked those Member States primarily, but not only, from developed countries which, in line with the Director-General’s request, chose not to submit applications in order to increase funds available to other Member States.
审议大会期间 举行的磋商涉及一系列问题,这些问题对于《条约》 的公信力和《条约》缔约国的全都 极 为 重要。
The negotiations held during the Review Conference had covered a wide range of
issues that were
[...] critically important both for the credibility of the Treaty and for the security of its States [...]
除了新功能,hybris商务套装软件还为个性化、交叉销售、向上销售提供经过验证的工具,加上已经得到高度赞誉的主数据管理/产品和服务目录以及定单协调能力,这 全都 包 含 在一个独立、现代化、集成技术码中。
In addition to the new capabilities, hybris Commerce Suite offers proven tools for personalization, merchandising for cross-selling and up-selling, a highly-acclaimed master data management / product
and service catalog and order orchestration capabilities, all delivered on a single,
[...] modern, integrated technology stack.
秘书处汇报了最近取得的成就,其中包括以下活动的成果和结果:(1)五个水教 育地区研讨会(2008 年 12 月,巴拉圭;2009 年 2 月,印度尼西亚;2009 年 2 月,南 非;2009 年 2 月,荷兰;2009 年 5 月,苏丹;这些研讨全都是与一些合作伙伴共同 举办的,详见有关介绍);(2)教科文组织世界可持续发展教育大会期间(2009 年 3 月 /4 月,德国),在教科文组织-国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教育研究所 (UNESCO-IHE)、教科文组织联系学校项目网(ASPnet)和教科文组织国际技术和 职业教育与培训中心(UNESCO-UNEVOC)的积极配合下,由国际水文计划、联合国 水机制十年能力发展方案和德国联邦环境、自然保护和核安全部共同举办了水资源可 持续发展教育研讨会。
The Secretariat reported on recent achievements, including the results and outcomes of (1) the five Regional Workshops on Water Education (held in Paraguay, December 2008; Indonesia, February 2009; South Africa, February 2009; The Netherlands, February 2009; and Sudan, May 2009; all with several partners detailed in the presentation) and (2) the Workshop on Education for Water Sustainability that took place at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (Germany, March/April 2009) and was organized by IHP, UNW-DPC and BMU, with the active collaboration of UNESCO-IHE, ASPnet and UNESCO-UNEVOC.
加拿大的有关计划似乎是最 全面的,它确定的专利使用费率或多或 全都是 4%,因为一个早期先例被纳入重要的判 例案件之中。
Canada set a more or less universal royalty rate of 4%, for which an early precedent was set in an important test case.
尤其是埃雷兹过境点的以色列士兵不是位于强化混凝土墙后面,就是位于 加固的塔楼里边,任何人(更不用说手无寸铁者)要想威胁这些士兵或其他人的生 命全都是很困难的,而生命受到威胁才是授权使用实弹的主要标准。
This is particularly so because IDF soldiers at the Erez crossing are positioned either behind fortified concrete walls that are several metres high or inside fortified watch towers, making it difficult for anybody, especially unarmed individuals, to threaten their lives or that of others, which is the principal criterion authorizing the use of live ammunition.
我们如此强调环境,是认为环境教育与有关环境问题的人权教育是整体环境 议程的重要组成部分,我们呼吁所有会员国在实践中展示自己对教育的承诺,将 环境教育作为一种手段,借以认识自然世界、我们的环境和家园——我们的身体、 精神和文化福全都赖以 维持——并与之重新建立联系。
With such emphasis on the environment, we consider that environmental education and human rights education related to environmental issues are an important part of the overall environmental agenda, and we call upon all Member States to demonstrate in practice their commitment to education by including environmental education as a means to understand and reconnect to the natural world, our environment, our home upon which we all rely for our physical, spiritual and cultural well-being.
[...] 费用通常比捐献者得到的要多得多,两者之差则付给中间人、外科医生和医院 主管,据报告他全都参与 此类有组织犯罪网络。
Recipients of the organs usually pay much more than the donors received, and the difference is used to pay
brokers, surgeons and hospital directors, who have all
[...] been reported to be involved in such [...]
organized criminal networks.
We all became involved in the
[...] current unipolar global order.
由於哨兵全都位於 各排籠子的末 端,而這些籠子的末端全部朝向 9 號禽舍的側門,一旦有一隻 哨兵雞受到感染,病毒可能會迅速複製及大量增殖,並傳染給 [...]
As the sentinels were all placed at the ends of each row of cages [...]
and the ends of these cages all face the side entrance
of shed no. 9, once a sentinel was infected, the virus load could have quickly amplified and spread to other sentinels.
国际劳 工组织、经济合作与发展组织、世界银行和世贸组全都在其 致二十国集团的近期联合报告中同意,开放 市场是支撑增长和创造就业机会的关键,但贸易开放 必须得到妥善制定的国内政策的补充,包括就业和社 会保护,以确保贸易惠益得到广泛分享。
The International Labour Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank and WTO had all agreed in their recent joint report to the Group of Twenty (G-20) that open markets were pivotal to supporting growth and job creation but that trade opening must be complemented by properly designed domestic policies, including employment and social protection, to ensure that benefits from trade were widely shared.
另外,服务行业也表现出良好的活力,其中,贸易、通信、运输以及金融等 领域成效显著,特别是在金融行业,各个商业银行都有非常良好的表现 全都表 现出高增长率。
Furthermore, the service sector was increasingly dynamic, with positive economic trends in the areas of trade, communication, transport and, in particular, finance, where the excellent performance of commercial banks was reflected in their high rates of growth.
应当把名字部分当 作个别部分对待,因而每一个名字部分都应当各有一栏或各有一个显示屏,而 不全都合为一项内容。
The name parts should be treated as
individual parts and thus each name part should have its own field or
[...] screen and not concatenated into one single element.
在选择合适的飞机时,油耗、载荷、泄 漏位置与行动基地之间的距离、往返时间以及从 很短或临时准备的跑道起落的能 全都 是 重 要的 考虑事项。
Fuel consumption, payload, distance between the spill and the operating base, turn-around times and the ability to operate from short or improvised landing strips are all important considerations when selecting suitable aircraft.
在闭幕词中,特别代表向杰出的专题小组成员表示感谢,他 全都 为 这 次讨 论做出了宝贵贡献。
In his closing remarks, the Special Representative expressed his gratitude to the outstanding set of panellists who had all made invaluable contributions to the discussion.
当前的经济危机更突显了市场经 济国家、缺乏监管的金融部门和迅速开放的贸 全都 存 在 缺陷,无助于创造就业 机会和平等分配财富。
The current economic crisis has further highlighted that market economies, unregulated financial sectors and the rapid liberalization of trade all present deficiencies with regard to creating jobs and distributing wealth equally.
2008 年 12 月颁布了《关于信仰自由和宗教组织的法律》,全面确保维护
[...] 宗教权利和自由的各种条件,并建立调节宗教组织活动的机制,这些对宗教关系 的稳定发展和社会全都是必要的。
The Act on freedom of religious confession and religious organization, promulgated in December 2008, fully ensures all conditions for the protection of religious rights and freedoms and establishes mechanisms to regulate the
activities of religious organizations in order to provide for the stable development of
[...] interfaith relations and public security.
他谈到自己将确保孩子全都接受 教育的计划。
He talks about making sure his children all receive an education.
在中區填海第三期工程中,9 號和 10 號碼頭一共 會有 12 組重置的公眾登岸梯級,這些設 全都 鄰 接中 區海傍的碼頭群,以便乘客享用附近的交通基建設施。
A total of 12 sets of landing steps will be reprovisioned within CRIII through Piers No. 9 and 10 adjacent to the pier cluster in the Central Waterfront so that users may benefit from the transport infrastructure in the vicinity.
本周,加拿大、日本、大韩民国、墨西哥、俄罗斯、泰国及美国的高级别代 表造访本会议,而这些国全都来自我国所在的亚洲和太平洋这一区域,这说明 成员国和观察员国认为本会议是推动这种势头的关键机构。
The high-level visits this week by representatives of Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Thailand and the United States, and from the Asia-Pacific alone, our region, show that member and observer States see this Conference as an institution crucial to driving this momentum.
自理事会 2009 年 3 月第五届会议以来,亚太次级作物减贫中心已经:(a) 更为明确地突
出了亚太次级作物减贫中心所执行项目的区域性质和影响;(b) 探索开发 资源的其他渠道;(c)
[...] 扩大中心的工作重点,以便除次级作物之外,将可 持续农业和粮食全都作为 提高中心在亚太区域的知名度和影响力所作的 [...]
努力一部分;(d) 开始采取步骤推动各成员国的进一步技术合作,包括 2009
年 12 月举办题为“为亚太次级作物减贫中心制订一个包容性战略计划”的 讲习班,以及(e) 采取了加强中心人力资源的措施。
Since the fifth session of the Governing Council, held in March 2009, CAPSA has: (a) emphasized more explicitly the regional character and implications of CAPSA projects; (b) explored alternative ways of generating resources; (c) broadened the
Centre’s focus to include sustainable
[...] agriculture and food security, not just secondary [...]
crops, as part of a process to increase
the Centre’s visibility and relevance in the Asia-Pacific region; (d) taken initial steps towards stimulating greater technical cooperation among member States through the holding, in December 2009, of a workshop entitled “Developing an E/ESCAP/66/7 Page 3
确认海底光纤电缆传输全球大部分数据和通讯,因而对全球经济及所有国家 的国家全都极为 重要,意识到这些电缆很容易受到航运和其他活动有意和意外 的损害,注意在各种讲习班和研讨会上,已提请各国注意这些事项,意识到各国 [...]
Recognizing that fibre optic submarine cables transmit most of the world’s data and communications
and, hence, are vitally
[...] important to the global economy and the national security of all States, [...]
conscious that these cables
are susceptible to intentional and accidental damage from shipping and other activities, noting that these matters have been brought to the attention of States at various wor kshops and seminars, and conscious of the need for States to adopt national laws and regulations to protect submarine cables and render their wilful damage or damage by culpable negligence punishable offences
[...] 1907(2009)号决议能获得通过玩弄了各种政治和外交花招,对厄立 特里亚的指全都是含 沙射影、无中生有和含糊不清的“证据”。
In the political and diplomatic manoeuvrings conducted to solicit [...]
the adoption of resolution 1907 (2009), the accusations levelled against Eritrea were invariably characterized by innuendos, fabrications and murky “evidence”.
[...] V的冰袋,保時捷技術裝備還為Panamera提供了一系列的音響及通訊系統、內裝套件、木質或是碳纖維方向盤,以及18吋至20吋的各式氣候輪胎組合 全都 是 為了讓您擁有一台獨一無二的愛車。
Apart from new Porsche child seats, a complete set of cases and bags tailored to the luggage compartment and a 12 V cooling bag, Tequipment also offers a wide range of audio and communication features for the new Panamera, interior packages, steering wheels in
carbon or wood as
[...] well as a special wheel and tyre combination [...]
for summer and winter driving ranging in size from 18 to 20 inches, all for individual retrofitting on the car.




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