单词 | 全线 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 全线 —the whole front (in a war)less common: the whole length (of a road or railway line)
在水电领域,福伊特可以提供全线服 务。 voith.com | Voith provides a full-line service in [...] the field of hydropower. voith.com |
1958年导弹开始在莫斯科,巴库和列宁格 勒 全线 配 置,和它的第一次国外的配置在东德发生,在 1959 年夏天在柏林的附近。 trumpeter-china.com | Full scale deployments of the missile [...] began in Moscow, Baku, and Leningrad by 1958, and its first foreign deployment took [...]place in East Germany, near Berlin, by the summer of 1959. trumpeter-china.com |
其也可以在文件被退 [...] 回而产生警报消息时提供警报,其也对背景进行自动比较以帮助用户在Outlook中对 安 全线 进 行 预览。 evget.com | It also provides an alert when a returned document has [...] been altered, performing an auto comparison in the background that allows [...] you to preview the Redline from within Outlook. evget.com |
EXFO 的 FTB-8120NGE/8130NGE 光纤通道选件可在 [...] FC-0、FC-1 和 FC-2 逻辑层生成全线 速信息流,从而便于进行 [...]BER 测试以完成链路完整性测 量。 exfo.com | EXFO’s FTB-8120NGE/8130NGE Fibre Channel [...] option provides full wire-speed traffic [...]generation at FC-0, FC-1 and FC-2 logical [...]layers, allowing BER testing for link integrity measurements. exfo.com |
艾默生商业及工业电机是业界领先的电机制造商,生 产 全线 高 效 电机产品。 emerson.com | Emerson’s Commercial and Industrial Motors is a leading industrial motor [...] manufacturer featuring a full line of high efficiency motors. emerson.com |
为推动对共同陆地边界全线进行 有效勘查,两国政府当局及其代理不应进 行任何导致边境地区环境变化的工作,但联合技术小组委员会为勘查和划界而进 行的工作除外。 daccess-ods.un.org | land boundary, authorities of either Government and their agents shall not carry out any work resulting in changes of environment of the frontier zone, except that which is carried out by the Joint Technical Sub-Commission in the interest of the survey and demarcation. daccess-ods.un.org |
双方必须承诺停止敌对行动;充分尊重 蓝 线全线 ; 继 续与联黎部队合作, 在蓝线沿线采取务实和建设性的建立信任措施,包括明显标示蓝线;并努力加强 联络和协调安排。 daccess-ods.un.org | The parties must maintain their commitment to the cessation of hostilities; fully respect the Blue Line in its entirety; continue working with UNIFIL on pragmatic and constructive confidence-building measures along the Blue Line, including visibly marking the Blue Line; and work to strengthen the liaison and coordination arrangements. daccess-ods.un.org |
蔚华科技将负责Johnstech全线产品 在台湾和中国内地的销售、市场推广和技术支持。 tipschina.gov.cn | Spirox will be responsible for [...] expanding the sales, marketing and technical [...] support for the full line of Johnstech [...]products in the territories of Taiwan and China. tipschina.gov.cn |
许莹副厅长首次对二十一局一公司承建的奇木高速公路第QM-1标段的项目部工作进行了督导,对水稳层、沥青路面、桥面系铺装的施工现场进行了检查,并对现场施工控制有序,标准化建设等方面给予了高度的评价,同时也对奇木项目部即将面临的工期压力和冬季施工问题提出几点要求:第一,施工建设要以安全为前提,项目部全体人员要时刻提高安全意识,杜绝事故发生,创建 “零伤亡”工地,更好的提升奇木高 速 全线 整 体安全管理水平。 sdgxsz.com | Xu Ying deputy director for the first time twenty-one bureau to build the Qimu the motorway QM-1 section project of the Department of supervision of work, on the water layer in bridge deck pavement, asphalt pavement, the construction site was examined, and the site construction control and orderly, standardized construction and other aspects to a high degree of evaluation, but also on the Qimu project department will soon face the time pressure and winter construction this paper puts forward some requirements: first, the construction to the premise of safety, project department staff should enhance the consciousness of safety, prevent [...] accidents, to create a " zero casualty " site, the better promotion Qimu [...] high-speed all the overall safety management level. sdgxsz.com |
美国航空建大堂私人签入在洛杉矶为的名字,迎接贵宾接收预先印制的登机牌,然后采取的电梯在前面的 安 全线。 cn.500destinations.com | American Airlines built a lobby private check-in in Los Angeles for [...] VIPs who greeted by name, receive pre-printed boarding pass and then taken by elevator at the [...] front of the security line. 500destinations.com |
作为一名AAPP成员,美爵信达近期参加了于2012年1月31日至2月2日在爱尔兰都柏林举行的“阿尔卡特朗讯欧洲、中东和非洲区(EMEA)高管合作伙伴日”的展示活动,美爵信达向阿尔卡特朗讯在EMEA地区的主要商业伙伴介绍了美爵信达SIP电话机 的 全线 产 品。 tipschina.gov.cn | As an AAPP member, Cetis has also recently exhibited at the Alcatel-Lucent EMEA Executive Partner Days, in Dublin, Ireland, January 31-February [...] 2, 2012 to introduce the full line of [...] Cetis SIP telephones to main Alcatel-Lucent Business Partners of the EMEA region. tipschina.gov.cn |
采用健康的生活模式可以提供独一无二的好处,同时减少这些风险因素,从 而 全线 降 低 健康风险。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Adopting healthy patterns of living can provide the unique benefit of simultaneously reducing those risk factors, resulting in an across the board risk reduction. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
2013年第16届上海国际电影节官方网站报名系统11月20日 起 全线 开 通。 siff.com | Online applications for the 16th Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) are to be officially open from Nov. 20, 2012. siff.com |
所有运行中的安全装置(急停按钮、 安 全线 、急 停系统)的位置显示。 fleissner-manmadefibers.de | Position indication of any safety devices actuated (Emergency-off push buttons, pull ropes, quick stop systems). fleissner-manmadefibers.de |
经营的石油业务透明度不足,这加深了彼此之间 的不信任危机与冲突,并导致了2012年早些时候 南苏丹的相关生产全线停工 以及苏丹边境的一处 主要加工设施被军事占领。 syntao.com | and South Sudan operated by Chinese and other companies has fuelled mistrust and conflict between the two countries, leading in early 2012 to the total shutdown of production in South Sudan and the military occupation of a major processing facility along the border in Sudan. syntao.com |
2 - 中国公司以及其他国家公司在苏丹以及南苏丹所经营的石油业务透明度不足,这加 深了两国之间的不信任危机与冲突,并导致了 [...] 2012 年早些时候南苏丹的相关生产全线 停工以及苏丹边境的一处主要加工设施被军事占领。 eisourcebook.org | and South Sudan operated by Chinese and other companies has fuelled mistrust and conflict [...] between the two countries, leading in early 2012 [...] to the total shutdown of production [...]in South Sudan and the military occupation [...]of a major processing facility along the border in Sudan. eisourcebook.org |
作为少数设计和制造全线硬件 和系统 软件的门禁供应商,CEM可以提供全面定制化的解决方案来满足客户的需求。 cemsys.com | As one of the few manufacturers that design and produce all their own hardware and [...] system software, CEM can fully customise [...]solutions depending on customer requirements. cemsys.com |
最新的 GaAs 技术带来最高敏感度,而新颖的 4kW [...] 峰值功率主动发送/接收交换机提供光谱仪传输通道 的 全线 性 ,为任何 NMR 应用交付顶级的选择激发性能。 bruker.com | While latest GaAs technology allows highest sensitivity, the novel [...] 4kW peak power active Transmit/Receive [...] switch provides full linearity in the transmit [...]path of the spectrometer, delivering [...]ultimate selective excitation performance for any NMR application. bruker.com |
该系统能向全线的Sc itex设备,以及打样机或大幅面打印机输出。 oapdf.com | The system can provide a full range of Scitex [...] equipment, as well as large format proofer or printer output. oapdf.com |
由于全线拷贝 奔驰总部的 MIS 系统,打印设备的无缝接入也是很关键的问题。 printronix.cn | It is critical that there is a seamless connection from the printing device to the MIS system, which is the exact duplication of the one at the Benz head office. printronix.com |
公司引进国际先进的JCOE生产技术,生产设备全部由国内一流的生产厂家生产,专业生产大口径直缝双面埋弧焊钢管,生 产 线 采 用 全线 P I D 自 动化控制连续J-C-O成型的工艺,速度快,质量高,成型应力分布均匀,管体形状规则。 hspc-lsaw.com | Equipped with the most advanced production instruments made by the first-class Chinese manufacturers and international-advanced technology of JCOE, the company is mainly engaged in the production of heavy calibre LSAW steel pipe, the [...] production line of which adopts PID automatic controlling continuous J-C-O forming [...] technology with such features as high speed, high [...]quality, even distribution [...]of formation stress and shapely pipe body. hspc-lsaw.com |
IBM授权金牌代理商,经销IBM服务器 全线 产 品 ,在线提供服务器产品报价,提供系统集成及网络解决方案,为客户提 供 全线 产 品服务及技术支持。 business-china.com | IBM authorization gold medal business agent, [...] selling IBM server entire line product, on-line provides server product quoted price, provides system integration and network solution, provides entire line product [...]service and technical support for customer. business-china.com |
我们运用系统解决方案和“全线服务 ”的信条 全面应对食品和饮料行业的挑战。 contitech.cn | We take a holistic approach to the [...] challenges of the food and drinks industry, combining system solutions with our own credo of “total line care”. contitech.cn |
TS®100 PRO 在电信、三重播放/声音、数据和视频专业方面使用,它还为用户提供了一个内置的音频发生器,带有五种不同的音频和获取专利的可准确识别线对的 [...] SmartTone®,可在任意两根导线、电话 线 、 安 全线 或 同 轴电缆的一端报告交流/直流电压。 cn.flukenetworks.com | Used by telecommunications, triple-play/voice, data, and video professionals, the TS®100 PRO also gives users a built-in toner with five different tones and patented SmartTone® for exact pair identification [...] and reports AC/DC voltage from just one end of any two conductor wires, [...] telephone wires, security wires or coax cables. flukenetworks.com |
6月19日大冢制药在日本国内全线推出 一种新型的夏日休闲饮料---“METROMINT” [...] 清凉饮料水,含PEPPERMINT(薄荷,口感清凉)与SPEARMINT(荷兰薄荷,口感柔和)两种口味,让消费者充分体验来自美国旧金山的优质薄荷与饮用水的完美融合,自然清纯,不含热量与糖分。 otsuka.com.cn | On June 19, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., [...] Ltd. launched throughout in Japan a new-type [...]summer leisure beverage ----“METROMINT” [...]cold beverage, including PEPPERMINT (peppermint, cold taste) and SPEARMINT (spearmint, soft taste), which bring customers full experience of the perfect integration of quality mint coming from San Francisco of US and drinking water, that is, nature, clearness and purity yet no content of calorie or sugar. otsuka.com.cn |
线束工业的迅猛发展也带来了对线束加工设备的大量需求,在此市场背景下,2010年4月9日-11日,在第75届中国电子展(CEF75)上新设立的“线束加工设备展(WireProcessChina2010)”将在深圳会展中心举办,来自海内外数十家线束设备厂商将齐聚一堂,展示范围覆盖中高低 端 全线 产 品 ,以满足不同线束加工企业的不同需求。 zgxsbxj.com | Harness the rapid development of industry has also brought a large number of wire processing equipment demand in this market backdrop, April 9, 2010 -11, at the 75th China Electronics Fair (CEF75) on the newly established " Harness Processing Equipment Exhibition (WireProcessChina2010) "will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre, harness equipment from dozens of manufacturers at home and abroad will [...] gather to showcase [...] covering the full range of high-low-end products to meet different processing enterprises of different wiring harness needs. zgxsbxj.com |
宿迁至新沂高速公路是江苏高速公路网规划“五纵九横五联”中“联一”的重要组成部分,徐州段全长29.495公里,穿越新沂境内沿线邵店、马陵山、唐店、北沟、高流、双塘、无锡-新沂工业园6镇1区 , 全线 采 用 四车道,道路宽28米,设计速度120公里/小时。 sdgxsz.com | Suqian to Xinyi expressway is Jiangsu highway network planning" five vertical nine horizontal union" in "the one " main component, Xuzhou paragraph full-length 29.495 kilometers, crossing the Xinyi territory along Shao shop, Malingshan, Tang [...] shop, north ditch, high flow, double pond, [...] Wuxi - Xinyi Industrial Park,6town [...]1District, all using four lane road,28 meters [...]wide, design speed of 120 km / h.. sdgxsz.com |
在澳大利亚和新西兰,通过2008年10月生效的经销协议,罗地亚如今通过世界领先的化学品经销商布伦塔格(Brenntag)出售汽车、保健、电子、个人护理、工业和农业应用等市场 的 全线 特 种 化学品。 rhodia.com.cn | In Australia and New Zealand, through a distribution agreement effective October 2008, Rhodia’s comprehensive range of specialty chemicals for markets including automotive, healthcare, electronics, personal care, industrial and farming applications is now offered via Brenntag, a world leader in chemical distribution. rhodia.com.cn |
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供 安 全 防 护 ,支持国 家安全部队 ,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其 他高风险地区进行巡逻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性 的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的 在 线 内 容 ,开发多语种教学内容,通过提供不 同形式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, [...] especially through the [...] development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available [...]in Arabic, [...]multilingual content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |