单词 | 全熟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 全熟 —thoroughly cookedless common: well done (of steak) See also:熟 adj—cooked adj • familiar adj • skilled adj • ripe adj 熟—done • ripe (of fruit) • mature (of seeds) • cooked (of food)
因此, [...] [参与国]应确保加入 [联合国维持和平行动 ]的 本国特遣队成员完全熟悉这 些公约的原则和精 神”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Participating State] shall therefore ensure that the members of its national contingent serving [...] with [the United Nations [...] peacekeeping operation] be fully acquainted with the principles [...]and spirit of these Conventions”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果管理人在這些地方沒有設 置清晰的指示,而住客對新法例又未 完 全熟 悉 , 住客便容易誤墜法網。 legco.gov.hk | If the managers have not posted [...] clear signs at these places and the [...] residents have not familiarized themselves with [...]the new legislation, then the residents [...]would be susceptible to breaking the law inadvertently. legco.gov.hk |
如果整個國際社會把 某個組織當 成恐怖分 子 或 [...] 恐怖主義組織,人們便 可能在未必完全熟悉其 背景和組織的情況下捐出了 數十元。 legco.gov.hk | If a certain organization is considered terrorist or a terrorist organization in the entire [...] international community, it is possible that [...] people who may not fully know its background [...]or organizational structure will give [...]it several tens of dollars as a donation. legco.gov.hk |
为降低风险,工程师、潜水员和操作人员需要 完 全熟 悉 关键完整性问题所涉及的所有设备。 hydratight.com | To reduce risk it is essential for engineers, divers and operators [...] to become totally familiar with all the [...]equipment involved in critical integrity issues. hydratight.com |
而阿 塞拜疆当局对阿塞拜疆部队不断炮击斯捷潘纳克特这座住满无辜居民的城市这 样的事实则完全熟视无睹。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, the fact that Azeri forces were [...] constantly shelling the populated city of [...] Stepanakert, full of innocent civilians, was completely ignored by [...]Azeri authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于艺术家戴维·格约拉(DAVIDE QUAYOLA )而言,完全熟练精 通的鬼斧神工是非常难达到的境界。 audemarspiguet.com | For artist Davide Quayola, total mastery is a very difficult state to achieve. audemarspiguet.com |
修讀小學外語教學課程(FLES)的學生,除了會英語 完 全熟 練 外 ,還會提高本 身第二語言的能力。 sfusd.edu | The curriculum is standards-based and reinforces concepts taught in math, science, and/or social studies. sfusd.edu |
本分類不包括全熟製品 (見分類9.2.3及9.2.4)。 cfs.gov.hk | This category excludes fully cooked products [...] (see food categories 9.2.3 and 9.2.4). cfs.gov.hk |
各组织应确保现有的和未来的工作人员,特别是管理人员及财务和采购人 [...] 员,要通过使用特定的交流工具,包括适当文字的手册和培训产品, 完 全熟 悉新 的程序和要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Organizations should ensure that existing and future staff, in particular managers and finance and procurement [...] personnel are fully familiarized with the new [...] procedures and requirements through the [...]use of specific communications tools, including [...]manuals and training products in the appropriate languages. daccess-ods.un.org |
8.3.5 冷凍的加工禽畜及野味碎肉製品,包括生、 半 熟 及 全熟 的 製 品(例 如沾麵包糠或炸漿的冷凍雞條) 包括經過冷凍的生、半熟及全熟的碎 肉製品。 cfs.gov.hk | 8.3.5 Frozen processed comminuted meat, poultry and game [...] products, including raw, [...] partially cooked and fully cooked products (e.g. frozen breaded or battered chicken fingers) Includes raw, partially cooked and fully cooked comminuted [...]meat products that have been frozen. cfs.gov.hk |
鉴于缺乏足够数量的执业 律师和覆盖剥夺自由各个阶段的完全 成 熟 的 法律援助体系,小组委员会建议当 [...] 局,作为一项临时措施,给予被拘留者权利,在初始拘留的审问期间有一个可信 任的第三方在场。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the absence of a sufficient number of certified [...] lawyers, and a fully fledged legal aid [...]system covering all stages of deprivation [...]of liberty, the SPT recommends that the authorities, as an interim measure, grant detainees the right to have a trusted third party present during questioning in initial custody. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔及利亚政府致力于同联合国和其他国际机 构合作,以为和平与国际安全服务建 立 全 面 、 有序 和熟练使用信息技术的全球系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | His Government was committed to working with the United Nations and other international [...] bodies towards the [...] establishment of a global system for the comprehensive, orderly and proficient use of information technologies in the service of peace and international security. daccess-ods.un.org |
请阅读涂料生产商的警告和涂料的材料 安 全 数 据表 (MSDS),以熟悉异 氰酸酯的特殊危险性和预防措施。 graco.com | Read material manufacturer’s warnings and material MSDS to know specific hazards and precautions related to isocyanates. graco.com |
应阅读材料安全数据表 (MSDS),熟悉所用流体的特殊危险性。 graco.com | Read Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to know the specific [...] hazards of the fluids you are using. graco.com |
该国应尽其所能尽快地创造条件,使本公约适用于其声明中所指的特定区域,一旦 条件成熟,应尽快全部或 部分地撤回其声明。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such State shall, to the extent practicable and as quickly as possible, promote conditions under which this Convention will apply to the areas specified in its [...] declaration, and to that end shall also [...] withdraw its declaration in whole or in part as soon as [...]that has been achieved. unesdoc.unesco.org |
随着阿富汗机构日渐成熟,全面国家自主权对于进一步巩固阿富汗国家地位至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | As Afghan institutions come of age, complete national ownership will be essential for the further consolidation of statehood. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提供熟悉性 别问题的专门人才,支持 安 全 部 门 改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging [...] more women to serve in [...] the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform [...]programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国机构和亚太经社会的 其他发展伙伴、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和其他先进机构,可构 成各种区域信息和知识网络以及粮食 安 全 数 据 库,共享 成 熟 的 技 术、 健 全的 区 域方案以及从各种粮食安全倡议中吸取的经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | United Nations agencies and other development partners, with ESCAP, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other agencies in the lead, could form regional information and knowledge [...] networks and a [...] database on food security, and share proven technologies, robust regional programmes and experiences gained in food security initiatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定 其 公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參 考 熟 悉 情 況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當 前 公 允 價 值、現 金 流 量 折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。 zte.com.cn | Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to current fair value of other financial instrument with similar nature, discounted cash flow method and option valuation models. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
这对建筑木工的技能标 准与培训课程正在接受同行审查,瓦工技术标准也在制定之中,其目的是为抗震建筑提供更 好的熟练劳动力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Skills standards and training curricula for building carpentry is undergoing peer review and the skills standards for block masonry are being developed to produce a better-skilled labour force for earthquake-resistant building purposes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动 植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食 安 全 威 胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building [...] (training courses, projects) [...] concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, [...]as well as [...]nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture. daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 本公司可按董事會認為合適之有關條款向本公司、其 任何附屬公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有關控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 [...] 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 [...] 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購本公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或 部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 [...]僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公司,則以有關財 [...] 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予本公司或有關其他公 司。 asiasat.com | (i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that [...] they may purchase or subscribe or [...] otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in [...]the Company or any holding company of [...]the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit. asiasat.com |
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 [...] 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 [...] , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。 legco.gov.hk | That this Council urges the [...] Government to comprehensively review the West [...]Kowloon Cultural District development project, [...]consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district. legco.gov.hk |
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 [...] 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 [...]P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 [...]P-2 员额;次级方案 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。 daccess-ods.un.org | These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and [...] management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, [...] Linkages with the global economy, regional [...]integration and cooperation; one P-2 post [...]under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support. daccess-ods.un.org |
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可 供全 民使 用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments. unesdoc.unesco.org |