

单词 全权大使

See also:



大使 n

ambassadors pl
envoy n

大权 n

power n
authority n

External sources (not reviewed)

非正式工作组在其 2011
[...] 年 9 月 15 日举行的第一次会议上,选 举孟加拉国特全权大使兼常 驻亚太经社会代表 Kazi Imtiaz Hossain 先生担任其主席。
At its first meeting, on 15 September 2011, the informal working group elected as
its Chairperson Mr. Kazi
[...] Imtiaz Hossain, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent [...]
Representative of Bangladesh to ESCAP.
作为一名职业外交家,吴先生自2009年以来任中国驻德意志联邦共和国特 全权大使。
A career diplomat, Mr. Wu had been
serving, since 2009, as Ambassador
[...] Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s [...]
Republic of China to the Federal Republic of Germany.
日本常驻教科文组织代表、特 全权大使 Seii chi Kondo 先生简要介绍了 9 月 3 至 7 日 在东京举行的保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第二届学会。
Mr Seiichi Kondo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent [...]
Delegate of Japan to UNESCO, made a brief account
of the Second Ordinary Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage which took place in Tokyo from 3 to 7 September.
吉尔吉斯共和国有关当局与白俄罗斯共和国驻吉尔吉斯共和国特 全权大 使杰尼先科召开会议,以确保使馆人员和资产的安全。
The competent authorities of the
Kyrgyz Republic held a
[...] meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Kyrgyz Republic, V. Denisenko, in order to ensure the safety of the Embassy [...]
and its assets.
关于上一届保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会的后续行动,保加利亚共和国驻法国特全权大使兼常驻教科文组织代表 Irina Bokova 女士和“未来的传统”执行主席 [...]
Diego Gradis 先生汇报了 2008 年 2 月在保加利亚索非亚举办的政府间委员会第二次特别会议的成 果。
As the follow-up to the last session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage,
[...] Ms Irina Bokova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic [...]
of Bulgaria to France,
Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, and Mr Diego Gradis, Executive President of Traditions for Tomorrow, reported on the outcome of the second extraordinary session of the Intergovernmental Committee held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in February 2008.
成竞业a 中国常驻联合国维也纳办事处和其他国际组织代表、特 全权大使
Jingye Chenga Permanent Representative and Ambassador
[...] Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to [...]
the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna
赞比亚共和国新任常驻联合国(维也纳)代表、特 全权大使 E n c yl a Tina Chishiba SINJELA夫人阁下向联合国维也纳办事处总干事尤里∙费多托夫先生递交了全权证书。
The new Permanent Representative of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations (Vienna), H.E.
Mrs. Encyla Tina
[...] Chishiba SINJELA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, presented [...]
her credentials to Mr. Yury Fedotov, Director-General
of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV).
[...] 科学院是摩尔多瓦科技创新领域唯一的国家级公共机构,是科技创新活动的特全权大使,也 是摩尔多瓦共和国最高国家科学研究机构和政府当局的科学顾问。
The main role in the assurance of the implementation of the above mentioned objectives lies with the Science Academy of Moldova which is the only public institutions of a national
level in the field of science and
[...] innovation, is the plenipotentiary of the innovative [...]
science activity, the highest scientific
for of the country and the scientific counsellor for the public authorities of the Republic of Moldova.
开幕式之后,举行了《文明联盟》开放论坛。土耳其常驻教科文组织特 全权大使 衔代 表 Ali Tinaz Tuygan 先生和西班牙王国常驻教科文组织大使衔代表 [...]
María Jesús San Segundo 女士 作了介绍性发言。
The opening meeting was followed by the holding of an open forum on the
Alliance of Civilizations,
[...] introduced by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Mr Ali Tinaz [...]
Tuygan, Permanent Delegate
of Turkey to UNESCO, and Ms María Jesús San Segundo, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Kingdom of Spain to UNESCO.
2001-2003 年: 白俄罗斯共和国驻比利时王国特 全权大使 、 白俄罗斯共和 国驻欧洲共同体代表团团长,白俄罗斯共和国驻北大西洋公 [...]
2001-2003: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus [...]
to Belgium, Head of the Mission of Belarus to the European
Communities, Head of the Mission of Belarus to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
委员会根据 《执行局议事规则》第 16 条第 2 款,选举秘鲁常驻教科文组织代表团参赞 Alfredo
[...] Picasso de Oyaque 先生担任临时主席,他在秘鲁驻法国特 全权大使 兼 秘 鲁常驻教科文组织代表 Harry Belevan-McBride 先生缺席时,担任秘鲁在执行局的代表。
In accordance with Rule 16.2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, the Commission elected Mr Alfredo Picasso de Oyaque, Counsellor of the Permanent Delegation of Peru to
UNESCO, who in the absence of Mr
[...] Harry Belevan-McBride, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru to [...]
France, Permanent Delegate
of Peru to UNESCO, acted as representative of Peru to the Executive Board, as temporary Chairperson.
洪都拉斯共和国新任常驻联合国(维也纳)代表、特 全权大使 E f r ai n DIAZ ARRIVILLAGA先生阁下向联合国维也纳办事处(维也纳办事处)总干事尤里•费多托夫先生递交国书。
The new Permanent Representative of the Republic of Honduras to the United Nations (Vienna),
H.E. Mr. Efrain DIAZ
[...] ARRIVILLAGA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, presented his credentials to Mr. Yury [...]
FEDOTOV, Director-General
of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV).
白俄罗斯代表团由白俄罗斯常驻联合国日内瓦办事处及其他国际组织 特全权大使和常 驻代表米哈伊尔·赫沃斯托夫任团长。
The delegation of Belarus
[...] was headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent [...]
Representative to the United
Nations Office and other International Organizations at Geneva, Mikhail Khvostov.
阿富汗伊斯兰共和国新任常驻联合国(维也纳)代表、特 全权大使 A y o ob M. ERFANI先生阁下向联合国维也纳办事处(维也纳办事处)副总干事Mazlan Othman女士递交国书。
The new Permanent Representative of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United Nations
(Vienna), H.E. Mr.
[...] Ayoob M. ERFANI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, presented his credentials to Ms. Mazlan [...]
Othman, Deputy Director-General
of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV).
保加利亚驻法国特全权大使兼常 驻代表 Irina Bokova 女士随 后发言,宣布该政府间委员会下届会议将于 2008 年 2 月在索非亚举行。
Ms Irina Bokova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria [...]
to France, Permanent Delegate, then took the floor,
and announced that the next session of this Intergovernmental Committee would be organized in Sofia in February 2008.
[...] 次会议上,由白俄罗斯常驻联合国日内瓦办事处及其他国际组织特全权大使和全权代 表米哈伊尔·赫沃斯托夫为团长的白俄罗斯代表团开始介绍 [...]
At the 16th meeting, the delegation of
[...] Belarus, headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, [...]
Permanent Representative of Belarus
to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations at Geneva, Mikhail Khvostov, began its presentation of the national report.
新任马达加斯加共和国常驻联合国(维也纳)代表、特 全权大使 C a m ille Vital先生阁下向联合国维也纳办事处总干事尤里∙费多托夫先生递交了其全权证书。
H.E. Mr.
[...] Camille Vital, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, presented his credentials to Mr. Yury [...]
FEDOTOV, Director-General
of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV).
在这一期 间,总干事还接受了三名新大使递 交 的 全权 证 书 ,为东南欧会员国的常驻代表举行了情况 介绍会。
During the period under
[...] review, three new ambassadors presented credentials [...]
and information meetings were held with the
Permanent Delegates of the Member States of South-East Europe.
全球气候变化:世界气象组织——联合国环境规划署(WMO-UNEP)政府间气候变化问 题小组(IPCC)第四次评估报告根据教科文组织就此问题的长期工作结果,再次把重点放在全 球气候变化(GCC)上,在这种情况下, 大 计划 II(MPII)目前在秘书处内的工作首先是为 教科文组织确定减缓和适应气候变化的影响及其伦理影响的综合战略方法并利用本组织的相对 优势和独特权,使其能 够对正在开展 全 球 和 地区工作做出贡献。
Global climate change: In the context of the renewed emphasis on global climate change (GCC) as a result of the Fourth Assessment Report of the WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and based on UNESCO’s longstanding work on this issue, Major Programme II (MP II) spearheaded efforts within the Secretariat to define a
strategic and integrated approach for
[...] UNESCO on mitigation of and adaptation to the effects of climate change and their ethical implications and to position the Organization so that it can enhance its contribution to ongoing global and regional efforts, drawing on its comparative advantages and unique competencies.
副秘书长米歇尔·巴切莱特领导的联合国促进性别平等和增强妇 权 能署 (妇女署)和一个非政府组织 5WCW 都使全球重 新认识这个新的超级机构和这次 会议,提高认识,大媒体 报道力度,并为二者增拨经费。
The United Nations Entity for Gender
[...] Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), headed by Under-Secretary-General Michelle Bachelet, and a non-governmental organization, 5WCW, will generate renewed global awareness of both this new super-agency and the conference, raise consciousness and increase media coverage [...]
and funds for both.
大使已指出,2005 年,当时的秘书长科菲·安南 在题为大自由 :实现人人共享的发展、 全 和 人 权” 的报告(A/59/2005)中告诉我们,没有安全我们就无 法实现发展,没有发展我们就没有安全,人权得不到 尊重,我们就既不会有安全,也不会有发展。
In his 2005 report entitled “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005), then Secretary-General Kofi Annan [...]
told us, as the South
African Ambassador has already pointed out, that we would not enjoy development without security, we would not enjoy security without development and we would not enjoy either without respect for human rights.
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录权利, 确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存 使 其 可 供全 民使用, 对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.




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