

单词 全新

全新 ()

completely new
all new



Holocene (geological period covering approx 12000 years since the last ice age)

全新的 adj

brand new adj


holocene system (geological strata laid down during the last 12000 years)

External sources (not reviewed)

我們會以社區為本,實施一全新的社 區精神健康支援和外展服務計劃,以跨專業的模式, [...]
With a focus on community-based programmes, we plan
[...] to implement a new Community Mental [...]
Health Intervention Project, which will adopt
a multi-disciplinary approach to provide early, appropriate and outreaching intervention to persons with suspected mental health problems.
这种办法在许多情况下显示出令人鼓 舞的结果,捕鱼业往往喜好转到 全新 的 网 具类型和捕鱼方式,这种替代有许多 不确定性和更高经济风险。
This approach has shown promising results in many cases and is often
preferred by the fishing industry over
[...] transitioning to a completely new gear type and fishing [...]
practice, which is an alternative
that has many more uncertainties and higher economic risks.
如對全新資 金 」的定義有任何爭議,本行保留最終決定權。
In case of any disputes in relation to
[...] the definition of “New Funds”, the decision [...]
of the Bank shall be final.
擴建項目包括興建用以安全新天線之額外基礎設施,使我們得以為廣播和電訊行業 客戶提供更廣泛的服務。
The expansion includes the construction of
additional infrastructure that will enable
[...] the installation of new antennas, allowing [...]
us to offer a greater range of services
to customers in the broadcast and telecommunications industries.
全新推出的 Jabra PLAY 是一款高性能而且时尚的蓝牙立体声耳麦,它可以充当您手机的遥控。
The new Jabra PLAY is a high [...]
performance and stylish Bluetooth® stereo headset that acts as a remote control to your mobile phone.
若需安全新的空气阀,请继续步骤 5。
To install a replacement air valve, continue with step 5.
全新GL系列 可選擇配備的ON&OFFROAD套裝設有六個可優化駕駛動力和安全操控的駕駛程式,優秀的駕駛系統可滿足不同路況的要求。
The optional
[...] ON&OFFROAD package for the new GL-Class has six driving [...]
programs for optimizing driving dynamics and handling
safety, as the optimum drive system control is provided for an extremely wide range of on-road and off-road operating conditions.
讨价还价现象在澳大利亚并不普遍,除非在二手市场或在一家店铺购买一衣柜 全新 衣 服,在这种情况下,问店家要一个小小的折扣可能不会被认为不妥。
Bargaining is not the norm in Australia, unless you're at a second-hand
[...] market or buy a whole new wardrobe from one [...]
store, in which case it probably wouldn't
hurt to ask for a small discount.
福伊特的工程专家可将您的水电设备恢复到“ 全新 般 ”
Voith has the engineering experts you need to restore your hydro
[...] power equipment to "as new condition".
本次展会的亮点包括非常适用于护发、护肤和防晒产品的硅胶混合物BELSIL® GB
[...] 1020;数款基于几种不同硅油乳液调和而成 全新 整 合护发解决方案以及赋予个人护理品更多功效的双相个人护理品。
Highlights include the silicone gum blend BELSIL® GB 1020, ideally
suited for hair care, skin care and sun
[...] care applications, new integrated hair care [...]
solutions based on different types of
silicone fluid emulsion, and a dual-phase system which can impart more functions to personal care products.
现在,TTC提供了更多可以依 靠圣万提的原因:例如,一全新的 、 可 选择的“热启动”功能,它可在输入电源 [...]
And now, the TTC provides even more reasons to depend on
[...] Synventive; for example, a new, selectable “hot [...]
start” feature that maintains the set point
in the event of a temporary loss of input power.
两位特别报告员的意见在委员会内部得到颇多支持,如同最终通过的第 19
条草案评注所述,委员会面临在两种解决办法中选择其一:“(a) 不将任何带有 新保留的继承通知视为真正的继承文书,而是在法律上将其视为加入处理;或 (b)
[...] 承认该通知具有继承性质,但同时对其适用有关保留的法律规则,就好比是 对同意接受条约约束全新表述
The view of the two Special Rapporteurs prevailed in the Commission, which, as indicated in the commentary to draft article 19 as finally adopted, had a choice between two alternatives: “(a) to decline to regard any notification of succession made subject to new reservations as a true instrument of succession and to treat it in law as a case of accession, or (b) to accept it as having the character of a succession but at the same time
apply to it the law governing
[...] reservations as if it were a wholly new expression of consent [...]
to be bound by the treaty”.
不過,現有副廣播處長的工作已十分繁重,加上日後還要 全力參全新數碼聲音廣播及數碼地面電視平台新節目的編輯管理與 [...]
However, the existing DD of B
[...] has already been fully stretched in his [...]
schedule of work, and the incumbent will be heavily
involved in editorial management and planning for new programming on the new DAB and DTT platforms.
成 本 法 是 考 慮 按 類 似 資 產 現 時 之 市
[...] 價 計 算 重 新 製 造全 新 取 代 現 有 資 產 之 成 [...]
本 , 包 括 運 輸 費 、 安 裝 調試費 及 前 期 費 用 、 資 金 成 本 等 構 成 的 重
置 成 本 ; 然 後 對 有 關 狀 況 、 年 期 、 損 耗 、 技 術 功 能 性 及 經 濟 性 所 引 致 之 應 計 貶 值 作 出 調 整 。
The cost approach considers the costs
of re-producing or replacing the existing
[...] assets with brand new ones calculated [...]
based on the current market price of comparable
assets, including replacement costs comprising of transportation costs, installation and commissioning costs and preliminary expenses as well as capital cost, among others, adjusted based on accrued impairments due to relevant conditions, tenures, losses, functions and economics of technologies.
从这一观点来看,应注意到,《宣言》并不试图 向土著人民赋予一套特别的全新的 人 权,而是以土著人民的特定历史、文化和 [...]
社会状况,包括土著妇女和女童的状况为背景,对一般性人权原则和权利进行了 阐述。
From this perspective, it is important to note that the Declaration does not
seek to bestow indigenous peoples with a
[...] set of special or new human rights, but [...]
rather provides a contextualized elaboration
of general human rights principles and rights as they relate to the specific historical, cultural and social circumstances of indigenous peoples, including the situation of indigenous women and girls.
更新说明:增加了强大的后台管理功能,实用 全新 的 代 码执行方法,让你的程序跑的更快。
Update: added a powerful back-end management capabilities , and practical methods of
[...] implementation of the new code , make your [...]
program run faster.
[...] 的处理办法,但他认为,评注中应当明确说明其设想的范围和所用术语的准确意 义,成立的保留不应被视为一全新 的 保 留种类,从而超出《维也纳公约》背后 的考虑。
While he was in favour of referral to the Drafting Committee, because the new draft guidelines did constitute a novel and original approach, he thought that the commentary should clearly explain their intended scope and the precise meaning of the terms used and that
established reservations should not
[...] be regarded as an entirely new category of reservations [...]
transcending the intentions behind the Vienna Convention.
除了路线多样化和实施建设新的海上管道系统的联合项目外,欧洲 能源全新结构另一个极为关键的组成部分是建立跨欧洲能源网络,其 重点是建立区域结构和采取其他举措,包括实施大西洋能源安全倡议, 该倡议力求建立参与在大西洋盆地及以远地区开发和支助能源发展的政 府和私人行动者的合作网络。
Apart from diversification of routes and implementation
of joint projects to
[...] construct new offshore pipeline systems, another vital element of the new architecture of the European energy security is the creation [...]
of Trans-European
Energy Networks, which focus on regional formation and other initiatives, such as the Atlantic Energy Security Initiative, that seek to create a collaborative network of public and private actors involved in developing and supporting energy development in the Atlantic basin and beyond.
地中海邮轮以优质的服务和卓越的品质而著称,而我们的“地中海游艇俱乐部”更是将这份享受提升到一 全新 的 高 度。
MSC Cruises has always enjoyed an enviable reputation for superlative service and comfort but MSC Yacht
[...] Club raises to an entirely new level.
這本新標準不但取代了前述產品類別的原標準,亦為安全標準的發展立下了重要的里程碑 ─ 標準的制定自傳統的允收性規範陳述 (Prescriptive Approach),轉變為以防止潛在危險為基礎 全新 思 維 ,其強調產品在開發前期即應納入安全設計的概念。
Not only will this new standard replace the current standards for these product categories, it is also an
important milestone
[...] for safety standards to move from the traditional, prescriptive approach to a new, hazard-based approach that emphasizes safety design [...]
in the early product development phase.
只需全新推出的 Jabra PLAY 挂在您的脖子上便能在任何地方接听电话和听音乐了。
Just swing the new Jabra PLAY around [...]
your neck and you can take your calls and listen to your music anywhere.
为配合入门级对主板耐用性的高需求, GIGABYTE发全新「技嘉第四代超耐久」技术,透过采用高密度开纤布电路板、高质量 [...]
IC 芯片、防突波芯片及专利双实体 BIOS 以及全固态电容及超低电阻式晶体管等组件,令主板加强抵抗湿气、静电、雷击突波及高温等常见环境因素所造成损坏的能力。
To meet the demand for a high durability motherboard, GIGABYTE
[...] released a brand new "GIGABYTE fourth [...]
generation Ultra Durable" technology, using
high-density fiber cloth circuit boards, high-quality IC chip, anti-surge chip, patent dual physical BIOS, all-solid capacitors, and ultra-low resistance transistors, so the motherboard has greater resistance to common damaging factors, such as moisture, static electricity, lightning surge, and high temperature damage caused by the environment.
这并不是一全新的理 念――事实上东盟相关 文件已对相关内容有所表述――但,该区域组织仍 [...]
This is not a new concept – in effect [...]
the words are already on ASEAN’s own books – but the regional organisation must still
demonstrate its determination to succeed in conflict prevention and resolution.
从对原料到货盘上DTY丝饼采用连续的产品跟踪,为POY生产和下游流程的 工厂提供全新的自 动化和质量控制概念。
This offers a completely new concept of automation and quality control for plants with POY production and downstream processes, using the advantage of non-stop product tracking starting from the raw material up to the DTY bobbin onto the pallet.
思邦占地260,000平米的上海国际港客运中心于2011年竣工,其位于黄埔江北外滩的弯曲处,将整齐的总部办公楼与大量的地下零售设施相结合,并容纳在一 全新 一 公 里长的公共公园内。
Sited on the curve of the Huangpu River’s north Bund, Spark's 260,000 sqm Shanghai International Cruise Terminal was completed in 2011 and combines a chorus line of headquarter
office buildings with substantial subterranean retail facilities within
[...] the context of a new one kilometre long [...]
public park.
这是一全新的协 作解决方案,包括多协议即时消息、同固线和手机的高清语音通话以及同包括Windows和Macintosh在内的PC的6路视频会议通信(当前的测试版提供4路视频会议,而Goober [...]
Goober Networks, the only complete Unified Communications [...]
(UC) solution, today announced goober 3.0 as a public beta, a
completely new collaboration solution that includes multi-protocol instant messaging, HD (high definition) Voice to landlines and cell phones and 6-way video conferencing calls to PCs including Windows and Macintosh (the current beta version offers 4-way video conferencing; however, the final public release of goober 3.0 will support a record-setting 6-way video conferencing capability).
隨著養和醫全 新產科 部啓用,院方在現時使用的胎心監察系統上,增加嶄新遙距監察功能,使醫生能夠緊 [...]
On top of the existing Fetal Heart [...]
(Cardiotocogram) Monitoring System, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital (HKSH) has recently
introduced the state-of-the-art Remote Access Fetal Heart (Cardiotocogram) Monitoring System in its new Maternity Unit, which enables doctors to closely monitor fetus and mother and helps ensure patient privacy.
(i) 全新客戶指於推廣期內親臨分行開 全新 優 越 理財之客戶全 新客戶 不包括(a)現有客戶持有任何港幣/外幣之儲蓄、往來、 定期存款戶口或任何何生綜合戶口(包括優越理財、優進理財 及綜合戶口(統稱「戶口」)或;(b)於2012年10月1日至2013年 [...]
6月29日曾經結束上述戶口之客戶或;(c)於任何期間被結束上 述戶口之客戶。
(i) New Customers refer to customers who newly opened a Prestige Banking at branches during the Promotion [...]
Period excluding (a) existing customers who are holding any Hong Kong Dollars / Foreign Currency savings, current, time
deposit accounts or any Hang Seng integrated accounts (including Prestige Banking, Preferred Banking and Integrated Account) (collectively, the "Accounts") or; (b) customers who have closed any Accounts with the Bank within the period of 1 October 2012 to 29 June 2013 or; (c) those whose Accounts have been terminated in any period.
致力於提供幫助功率管理、安全、可靠與高性能半導體技術產品的領先供應商美高森美公司 (Microsemi
[...] Corporation,紐約納斯達克交易所代號:MSCC)宣布提供符合美國國防部後勤機構(DLA)要求 全新 肖 特 基二極管產品系列,適用於需要高功率密度和優良散熱性能(通常為0.2-0.85 [...]
Microsemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC), a leading provider of semiconductor solutions differentiated by
power, security, reliability and performance,
[...] today unveiled a new family of U.S. [...]
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)-qualified
Schottky diodes for aerospace and defense applications requiring high density power and excellent heat dissipation (typically 0.2-0.85 degrees C per watt (C/W).
結果:蕭邦滿足四全新車型 ,包括特殊的“LUC 150”,綽號“多合一”,整合渦的日出和日落,萬年曆,月相盈虧及軌道方程的時間動力儲備,這是有史以​​來最複雜的手錶由眾議院。
Result: Chopard is
[...] meeting with four new models, including [...]
the exceptional "LUC 150", nicknamed "all in one" to integrate
vortex equation of time with sunrise and sunset, perpetual calendar, moon phases and orbital power reserve, which is the most complicated watch ever produced by the House.




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