

单词 全年

全年 noun ()

full year n

External sources (not reviewed)

如無任何不可逆料之情況,預全年 業 績將與當前之大市走勢同步並進。
Baring any unforeseen
[...] circumstances, the full year result is [...]
expected to remain in line with the current trend.
其他被海全年使 用 ,但使用次數較少的水域包括:南伶仃洋、大嶼山西北、澳門、中 伶仃洋、大嶼山東北、大嶼山西南、后海灣和大嶼山以東。
Other areas used year-round by dolphins but to a lower extent [...]
included South Lingding Bay, Northwest Lantau (ie West of
the Chek Lap Kok Platform), Macau, Central Lingding Bay, Northeast Lantau, Southwest Lantau, Deep Bay and East Lantau.
在 柬埔寨农村地 区全 年有充 足 的大米 和其他食品 的家庭 [...]
, 就 不 算 贫穷家 庭 , 或者 说就有了粮食保障。
In rural areas of Cambodia, families who have enough rice and other food
[...] supply for the whole year are not considered [...]
poor or having food insecurity.
主席和副主席应共同主持技术执行委员会会议,并 全年 合 作开展技术执 行委员会的工作,以确保会议之间的连贯性。
The Chair and the Vice-Chair shall collaborate in chairing meetings of the TEC and in executing the work of the TEC throughout the year so as to ensure coherence between meetings.
不过, 该机库的空间至少能容纳 9 架飞机,因此,不清楚为什么高性能飞机 全年 留在 停机坪(包括雨季),除非是出于展示而非使用的目的。
However, with hangar space available for at least nine aircraft, it is unclear why even high performance aircraft should be left on the apron all year round (including the rainy season), unless it is for display purposes rather than operations.
陪读的学生家属也全年每周工作累计 20 个小时。
Family members can also work up to 40 hours a fortnight throughout the year.
本公司定期向各董事及員工發出通告,提醒彼等在宣布中期 全年 業 績 前有一段不可買賣本公司上市 證券的規定時間。
The Company periodically issues notices to its Directors and employees reminding them that there is a general prohibition on dealing in the Company’s listed securities during the blackout periods before the announcement of the interim and annual results.
她在谈到联合申诉委员会 2006 和 2007 年期间的
工作情况以及关于案件审结的统计数据和法律顾问 小组工作情况的报告(A/63/211)时说,自从报告印发
[...] 以来所收集的统计数据表明,行政法庭收到的申请数 量大幅度增加,从 2007 年全年总共 49 项增加到 2008 年至今的 [...]
80 项。
Turning to the report on the work of the Joint Appeals Board during 2006 and 2007 and statistics on the disposition of cases and work of the Panel of Counsel (A/63/211), she said that statistics compiled since the report’s issuance showed that the number of applications received by
the Administrative Tribunal had increased significantly, from a
[...] total of 49 for the whole of 2007 to 80 thus [...]
far in 2008.
随着维和行动的扩大,以及 日益需要及时作出响应,并鉴于战略部署物资储存 全年 轮 调 ,需要续设该职位。
With the expansion of peacekeeping operations and the increasing need to respond in a timely manner as well as the year-round rotation of strategic deployment stocks, it is requested to continue the position.
注册出口行 AR Gold 正规出口了 16 公斤黄金,而 2011 年全年 出口数量为 6 公斤。
The registered export house AR Gold, officially exported 16 kg of gold compared to 6 kg in all of 2011.
此外,为了确保全民教育机制之 全年 都 持续协调一致,教 科文组织设立了一个全民教育国际咨询小组(IAP),它聚集了全民教育机构的代表,向教科文组织 提出有关全民教育的建议。
Furthermore, and in order to ensure continuity and consistency throughout the year among EFA mechanisms, UNESCO has established an International Advisory Panel (IAP) on EFA, which brings together representatives of all EFA constituencies to advise UNESCO on EFA.
根据艾默生环境优化技术内部实验数据显示,在零下 25 摄氏度,通过转速提高和喷气增焓技术可以使系统低温制热能力接近系统的额定制冷能力,让消费者在享 全年 舒 适 室内环境的同时,显著降低耗电量。
According to tests in Emerson Climate Technologies, variable capacity control coupled with EVI technology can enable efficient and reliable system heating performance in ambient temperatures as low as -25°C, with effective heating at low ambient temperatures approaching the system’s rated refrigeration capability.
8.2 政府在釐定向職訓局發放全年整筆 撥款的水平時,會考 慮及職訓局的學費收入及其他收入來源、㆒般價格升幅 [...]
8.2 In determining the
[...] level of the annual block grant to [...]
the VTC, the Government will take into account the level of income
from tuition fees and other sources and general price increases, but will not take into account the amount of reserves being kept by the VTC.
3.11 能量转换效率(ECC):指被评建筑的冷热源输 全年 累 计 的空调用冷量、热量与消耗 的电、天然气、煤、蒸汽和热水的能量的比值。
3.11 Energy Conversion Coefficient (ECC):
[...] the ratio of accumulated cool and heat provided by airconditioning sources of the building under review in the whole year to the energy [...]
of consumed electricity,
natural gas, coal, steam, and hot water.
假設報告期末的浮息負債金額全年 內 都未予償清,利率高於/低於50個基準點且所有其他變量保持不變,則截至二零一二年十二月三十 [...]
一 日 止 年 度,G l e n c o r e 的 收 入 及 權 益 將 減 少/ 增 加 1 0 9 百 萬
美 元(二 零 一 一 年:減 少/ 增 加 9 8 百 萬 美 元)。
Assuming the amount of floating rate
liabilities at the reporting period end were
[...] outstanding for the whole year, interest [...]
rates were 50 basis points higher/lower and
all other variables held constant, Glencore’s income and equity for the year ended 31 December 2012 would decrease/increase by $ 109 million (2011: $ 98 million).
由於該 等公 司全年 基準計 算之 適用 百分 比率少 於5%及 該等 [...]
交 易將按 一般 商業 條款進行,此項交易須遵照上市規則第14A.34條之年度審核、年報及公告規定, 並不需要該等公司之獨立股東批准。
As the applicable
[...] percentage ratios on an annual basis represent [...]
less than 5% for the Companies and the transactions will
be conducted on normal commercial terms, these transactions are subject to annual review, reporting and announcement requirements under Rule 14A.34 of the Listing Rules and do not require the approval of the independent shareholders of the Companies.
[...] 已经扩大水产动物健康标准委员会的工作范围,包括水 产动物食品全,2010 年初将 召集特设工作组解决水产动物中的抗生素耐药问题。
The Observer informed the Commission that OIE had expanded the mandate of the Aquatic Animals Health
Standards Commission to cover aquatic animal
[...] production food safety and in early 2010 would [...]
convene an ad hoc Group to address
the issue of antimicrobial resistance in aquatic animals.
[...] 萬元(二零零四年:上半年為港幣二十二億三千九百萬元 全年 為 港 幣四十四億九千六百萬元)。
Total turnover from Mainland China
operations was HK$2,719 million in the first half of 2005 (2004: first half
[...] HK$2,239 million; full year HK$4,496 [...]
咨询委员会还着 重指出,20 年全球战略计划应能提高效率和成本效益,有助于更好地管理联合国 [...]
The Committee also stresses
[...] that the 20-year global strategic plan [...]
should facilitate better management of United Nations
facilities, including through greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
据HIMSS 2008年全球纵 览白皮书,在所有发达国家和发展中国家,电子健康档案将成为标准,这是因为国家需要更好的和更具成本效益的医疗保健系统。
HIMSS,2008 Global Perspective white [...]
paper, EHRs will become standard in all developed and developing countries driven by
the internal need for better and more cost-effective healthcare.
[...] 清点盘存行动;付出了重大努力来衡量国家的进步,利用了 2004 年全球艾 滋病毒和艾滋病 准备情况调查(第二轮调查计划在本双年度内实施),为确定核心指标提供了支助以监测教 [...]
Key achievements include an enhanced evidence base on education and HIV/AIDS, including through a research stock-taking exercise supported by the IATT; significant
efforts to measure country progress, also
[...] through the 2004 Global HIV/AIDS Readiness [...]
Survey (a second round of which is planned
for this biennium), and support for the identification of core indicators to monitor education sector responses to the AIDS epidemic; as well as policy and technical guidelines and tools developed by the IATT to guide HIV mainstreaming in education at country level.
但是到2009年, 全球市 值最大的三家银行均为中资银行,而到2010年初,中国工商银行已成为世界市值最高的银行,同时也是最赢利、总资产最高、员工人数和客户人数最多的银行。
However, in 2009, the
[...] world’s three largest global banks by market [...]
capitalisation were all Chinese and in early 2010, the
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was not only the largest bank in the world by market capitalisation, but also the most profitable and largest by total assets, total employees and total customers.
联合国儿童基金会与世界卫生组织(WHO), 联合国开发计划署(UNDP), 以及提出击退疟疾的世界银行是基本合作伙伴,为达到 2 0 1 0 年全 球 疟 疾负担减半的目标,而于1998年建立的全球伙伴关系。
UNICEF is a founding partner, with the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the World Bank of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) initiative, a global partnership established in 1998 to halve the world’s malaria burden by 2010.
2006 年全国共 有 894 名研究人员从出国访问研究中受益,2007 年共 有 1150 名研究人员从中受益,他们在国外参与了不同国际科研活动的实习研 究,因而为本国科学界找到了新的机会和视野。
In 2006 894 and in 2007 1150 researchers benefited from study visits abroad, where they participated in research internships, at various international scientific events, thus finding new opportunities and horizons for the country’s scientific community.
日本表示,我们赞赏 1540 委员会为促进全面执 行第 1540(2004)号决议所做大力努力,并欢迎提交关 于 2009 年全面审查安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议 执行情况的最后文件(见 S/2010/52),以期推动报告 中的重要结论和建议。
Japan expresses its appreciation for the strenuous efforts
of the 1540 Committee
[...] to promote full implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) and welcomes the submission of the final document on the 2009 comprehensive review [...]
of the status of
implementation of Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) (see S/2010/52), with a view to taking forward action on the key findings and recommendations in the report.
經終審法院首席法官事先批准下,由香港律師會理事會根 據《法律執業者條例》(第 159章 )第
73條訂立的《外地律師註冊規 則》(第 159章,附屬法例S)("主體規則")第
[...] 5條現時規定,如任何人 在具備資格後,具備少於2年全職從 事外地法律執業經驗,而他申 請作為外地律師的註冊證書,則香港律師會可指明關於該人在香 [...]
At present, under section 5 of the Foreign Lawyers Registration Rules (Cap. 159 sub. leg. S) (the principal Rules) made by the Council of The Law Society of Hong Kong under section 73 of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159) with the prior approval of the Chief Justice, if a person with
less than two years of post-qualification
[...] experience in the full-time practice of [...]
foreign law applies for a certificate of
registration as a foreign lawyer, The Law Society of Hong Kong may specify conditions as to supervision under which that person may practise foreign law as an employee of a Hong Kong firm.
即使 實施所有交通管理措施,假如不興建 P2 道路網,中區 填海第一期地段內的交通將會在 2011 年全面癱瘓,原 因是干諾道中沿途會出現連綿不絕的車龍(在沒有中環 灣仔繞道的情況下),即使綠色交通燈亮起,康樂廣場 的車輛仍然無法駛入干諾道中。
Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network is not built, because continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour.
[...] 认识活动,继续推动在 2010 年全部淘汰附件 A 和附件 B 的物质;并推动各项政策的有效 [...]
执行工作,以减少消耗臭氧层物质非法贸易的数量,并及早采取行动启动淘汰氟氯烃的活 动。
The Executive Committee encourages the Philippines to continue its
[...] path towards complete phase-out of [...]
Annex A and B substances in 2010 through completion
of its national CFC phase-out plan, ongoing monitoring and public awareness raising activities; and, effective enforcement of policies to reduce incidences of illegal ODS trade, and early action to initiate activities for HCFC phase out.




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